The present invention relates to retroviral vectors, especially to self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral and gamma (γ)-retroviral vectors, suitable for producing viral particles at high titers, which can be used for efficient gene transfer into mammalian cells, organs or organisms, e.g. for gene therapy.
More specifically, the present invention provides modified 5′-promoter elements and modified 3′-SIN elements suitable for being comprised in retroviral vectors. It is a specific advantage of both the modified 5′-promoter element and of the modified 3′-SIN element, which may be contained in retroviral vectors separately, but preferably in combination with one another, to increase the titer of viral particles obtainable in packaging cells. The 3′-element also increases the expression of a transgene in recipient cells, which transgene is arranged between the SIN-elements according to the invention.
Furthermore, the 3′-element prevents transcriptional read-through from an integrated lentiviral or gammaretroviral vector into a downstream located cellular gene.
Retroviruses have been widely used as gene delivery tools. Because the retroviral genome inserts into the host cell genome following infection, it can be utilized as a permanent gene delivery vehicle. This key characteristic has been maintained in all the different types of replication incompetent retroviral vectors that have been designed. It allows the retroviral genome to be maintained for the life of the cell (Baum et al., Blood 101, 2099-2114 (2003); Thomas et al., Nature Rev Genet 4, 346-358 (2003).
Upon infection, the retrovirus introduces its RNA into the cytoplasm of a cell along with the reverse transcriptase enzyme. The RNA template is then reverse transcribed into a linear, double stranded cDNA that contains the virus-derived genetic instructions. Integration of the viral DNA into the host cell genome makes the infection permanent. The retrovirus replication strategy is designed for long-term persisting infection since the virus is spread both vertically (from parent cell to daughter cells via the provirus) as well as horizontally (from cell to cell via virions). Simple gammaretroviruses such as murine leukemia viruses (MLVs) do not kill the infected cell. The lentiviruses (e.g., HIV-1) are complex retroviruses that have regulatory and structural elements in addition to the standard (gag-pol-env) elements, many of which have cytotoxic features. A retroviral (such as gammaretroviral or lentiviral) vector is designed to avoid the transfer and expression of toxic or immunogenic viral gene remnants in the target cell population (Baum et al., 2003; Hildinger et al., Journal of Virology 73, 4083-4089 (1999); Thomas et al., 2003).
To produce retroviral vectors in so-called packaging cells, at least 3 different plasmids are co-transfected, one encoding the retroviral gag-pol polyprotein, one encoding the env protein, and one encoding the vector mRNA that is to be packaged in newly formed particles. The uptake of the retroviral mRNA into the particles occurs in the cytoplasm of infected cells and is mediated by a specific packaging signal (Ψ) of the RNA that interacts with the nucleocapsid domain of the retroviral precursor protein called Gag, resulting in self-assembly of particles. In the case of simple gammaretroviral vectors derived from MLVs, Ψ does not overlap with viral coding regions (Hildinger et al., 1999). Upon budding through the cytoplasmic membrane, virus-encoded Env glycoproteins are incorporated into the membrane surrounding the viral particle.
To express the Ψ+mRNA in packaging cells, the plasmids encoding the vector RNA need to be equipped with a 5′-promoter that initiates transcription at the first base of the R region and generates high levels of mRNA. 5′-promoters that are typically used for the generation of gammaretroviral mRNA in packaging cells are either an U3 region derived from MLV or the immediate early promoter of the human cytomegalovirus (CMV). The 5′ promoter sequence itself will not be part of the retroviral mRNA and is therefore not present in the proviral DNA genome found in retrovirally transduced target cells.
State-of-the-art gammaretroviral vectors do not contain remnants of viral gag, pol or env genes (Hildinger et al., 1999). The posttranscriptional regulatory element (PRE) of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) is useful in these vectors for enhancement of titers and expression (Schambach et al., Molecular Therapy 2, 435-445 (2000)).
Gammaretroviral vectors containing wild-type enhancer-promoter sequences in the U3 region of the LTRs may upregulate neighboring cellular alleles by insertional mutagenesis. This may lead to cancer or leukemia and represents a dose-limiting side effect for the clinical use of retroviral gene transfer technology (Baum et al., 2003; Hacein-Bey-Abina et al., Science 302, 415-419 (2003); Li et al., Science 296, 497 (2002); Modlich et al., Blood 105, 4235-4246 (2005)).
If the enhancer-promoter sequences from the U3 region of the LTRs are deleted, so-called self-inactivating (SIN) retroviral vectors can be generated in which the transcriptional control of the transgene product depends on an internal promoter that is located between the LTRs (Yu et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 83, 3194-3198 (1986)). These vectors have a reduced risk of insertional mutagenesis. However, their infectious titers are significantly lower (more than 10-fold) than those achieved with conventional vectors (Kraunus et al., Gene Therapy 11, 1568-1578 (2004); Werner et al., Gene Therapy 9, 992-1000 (2004); Yu et al., 1986). This represents a major limitation for their clinical use. Many primary cells that are of great interest for human gene therapy can only be sufficiently transduced if the vector preparation has a high titer (more than 106 transducing units per ml of producer cell supernatant). Increasing the titer of a vector preparation also reduces the costs of vector production. The increase in titer should be achieved without increasing the amount of plasmid transfected into packaging cells, because plasmid contaminations of vector preparations represent a potential safety-limitation.
The deletion of U3-sequences as present in state-of-the-art SIN vectors impedes retroviral transcriptional termination and polyadenylation (Furger et al., Journal of Virology 75, 11735-11746 (2001)). This may contribute to low titers and also reduce transgene expression in target cells. Insufficient termination of transcription also increases the risk of insertional readthrough and splicing of mRNA into downstream located cellular genes (Kustikova et al., Science 308, 1171-1174 (2005); Li et al., 2002).
Dull et al. (Journal of Virology 72 (11), 8463-8471 (1998)) analyze the minimal components required for a lentiviral vector used for nucleic acid transfer. For production of viral particles, genes essential for replication and packaging are separate on at least two separate vectors. Dull et al. show that the tat gene, which is crucial for HIV replication could be deleted from the lentiviral vector, resulting in vector particles made in the absence of tat, having a 10-20-fold reduced transducing activity. Activity levels could be improved by replacing the HIV sequence in the 5′-LTR of the transfer construct by strong constitutive promoters, when producing vectors without tat gene product.
Inducible promoters have also been shown to mediate high titers of lentiviral vectors (Xu et al., Mol. Ther. 97-104 (2001)), but their utility for gammaretroviral vectors remained unknown.
Zaiss et al. (Journal of Virology, 7209-7219 (2002)) analyze the importance of the 3′ poly-A signal in lentiviral vectors used for delivery of nucleic acid sequences into mammalian cells in respect of the activation of sequences downstream the integration site. Further it was found that SIN vectors of MLV and HIV-1 frequently cause 3′ RNA readthrough, emphasizing the importance of poly-A signals of viral origin for gene activation. Further, it was found that modification of the poly-A signal influenced the titer of the vector, suggesting that the addition of a strong poly-A signal increases vector efficiency when using MLV. Further, for transient transfections, reporter gene transcription was found to be increased by a stronger poly-A signal. However, Zaiss et al. did not report a functional retroviral vector with improved polyadenylation because they inserted the poly-A signal in 3′ of the 3′-LTR.
Further, the effect of the HIV-upstream enhancer (HIV-USE)-element (wild-type except for some missing nucleotides in the 5′ region of the USE-element) is cited by Zaiss et al. as leading to an increase in vector titer for HIV-SIN vectors.
Valsamakis et al. (Molecular and Cellular Biology, 3699-3705 (1992) show that the distance between the 5′-cap element and the HIV-poly-adenylation signal could be reduced to at least 140 nucleotides in place of the previously disclosed requirement for a spacing by at least 250 nucleotides. However, the sequences arranged between nucleotides 56 and 93 upstream the poly-adenylation signal were required for efficient in vivo poly-adenylation as well as for efficient cleavage and poly-adenylation in vitro. The region lying between 56 and 93 bases upstream the poly-adenylation signal is characterized as a USE-element which may be participating in the control of poly-adenylation efficiency, e.g. tissue specific poly-adenylation.
Deficiencies of known retroviral vectors include the higher risk of formation of replication competent retrovirus (RCR) when using wild-type LTR sequences, the proneness of wild-type LTR to induce insertional mutagenesis, possibly up-regulating neighbouring sequences, which may even cause leukemia in recipients as shown by Baum et al. (Blood, 101, No. 6, pages 2099-2114 (2003)) and low infectious titers when using SIN sequences instead of wild-type LTRs. Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to provide sequence elements suitable for retroviral vectors that allow for the production of viral particles containing such vectors at high infectious titers and, concurrently, allowing a high activity of the transgene contained in the vector. Further, it is an object of the present invention to provide improved vectors containing such sequence elements, which allow the production of viral particles at high titers as well as the efficient transfection of target cells and good activity of the transgene while strongly reducing the risk of insufficient transcriptional termination. Further, it is an object of the present invention to provide a method for transducing mammalian cells, organs and organisms using a vector comprising said sequence elements, as well as providing the resultant mammalian cells, organs and organisms.
In general, the invention relates to retroviral vectors, especially to lentiviral and gammaretroviral vectors, suitable for producing viral particles at high titers, which can be used for efficient gene transfer into mammalian cells, organs or organisms, e.g. for gene therapy. More specifically, the present invention provides modified 5′-promoter elements in the U3-region of the 5′-LTR of the gammaretroviral vector plasmid and 3′-SIN elements modified in the U3-region of the 3′-LTR of the gammaretroviral vector plasmid or lentiviral vector plasmid suitable for being comprised in retroviral vectors. It is a specific advantage of both the modified 5′-promoter element and of the modified 3′-SIN element, which can be contained independently in gammaretroviral vectors or lentiviral vectors and which are preferably contained in combination with one another, to increase both the titer of viral particles in packaging cells as well as to increase the expression of a transgene in recipient cells, which transgene is arranged between the modified LTRs according to the invention.
Accordingly, the present invention achieves the above-mentioned objects by providing a retroviral vector comprising a 5′-promoter element which dominates a potential internal promoter of a retroviral vector in transfected packaging cells. This promoter is to replace the U3-element of the 5′-LTR and drives transcription of full-length mRNA suitable for packaging into viral particles, e.g. containing the retroviral packaging signal ψ.
Generally, the present invention relates to improved retroviral vectors, preferably gamma-retroviral vectors derived from MLV and lentiviral vectors derived from HIV. Generic vectors according to the state of art use SIN-elements instead of wild-type LTRs and, preferably, do not contain sequences derived from the viral gag, pol, or env genes. However, the post-transcriptional regulatory element of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WPRE) is a potential component of the vectors according to the invention, as WPRE enhances the titer of infectious viral particles and expression levels of the transgene in transduced target cells. However, presence of the WPRE is not essential in vectors according to the invention to obtain high viral titers in packaging cells or for expression in target cells.
To-date, SIN-elements have an improved biosafety by the deletion of the strong enhancer-promoter element in the U3-region of the LTR. During reverse transcription within the target cell, the deletion of the U3-region of the 3′-LTR is transferred to the corresponding section of the 5′-LTR, which deletion is sufficient to abolish the transcriptional activity of the LTR promoter. As a result, transcription of full-length vector RNA is eliminated in transduced cells, concurrently reducing the possibility of unintentional activation of adjacent cellular gene sequences by enhancer-promoter activity of the LTR or readthrough. The deletion of an approx. 400 base pair segment of the 3′ U3-region, resulting in its transcriptional inactivation of the proviral LTR in infected cells, increases biosafety, but reduces infectious titers at least ten-fold.
Preferably, the inventive vector comprising a 5′-LTR, containing the novel promoter element in its U3-region, is combined with an upstream enhancer element (USE-element) to be inserted into the U3-region of the 3′-LTR, preferably also of SIN-architecture.
The novel promoter element serves to efficiently express full-length mRNA containing the transgene, while the preferred embodiment, comprising the USE-element in the U3-region of the 3′-LTR, leads to further enhancement of viral titers, combined with higher transgene expression in transduced cells and, in accordance with the SIN-nature of the LTRs, to a further reduction of the risk of insertional mutagenesis by prevention of transcriptional read-through.
In general, a novel 5′-promoter element for use in the proviral SIN vector plasmid is derivable from Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) promoter, preferably containing additional enhancer sequences of Simian Virus 40 (SV40), inserted upstream of the RSV promoter. When transfecting retroviral packaging cells, synthesis of genomic full-length RNA of the SIN-vector is then driven by the novel promoter element, namely the RSV promoter (PRSV), additionally comprising enhancer sequences derived from SV40. Because of the location of the novel promoter element in upstream from the first nucleotide of the retroviral RNA expressed in packaging cells, the novel promoter element will not be part of the sequence comprising the transgene to be integrated into the target cells.
Alternatively, the Rous Sarcoma Virus promoter can be replaced by a tetracycline-inducible promoter, inserted upstream of the promoter (Ptet). The embodiments represented by PRSV and Ptet are referred to as the promoter according to the invention.
The USE-element to be contained in the 3′-LTR of the inventive vector, preferably in combination with the novel promoter element to be contained in the 5′-LTR, preferably consists of an artificial direct repeating element of the upstream termination signal enhancer of SV40 (2SV-USE) and is introduced into the U3-region of the 3′-LTR of the proviral plasmid. Because this USE-element becomes part of the U3-region of the retroviral RNA, this USE-element will be duplicated into the 5′-LTR by reverse transcription and, accordingly, will also be present in both LTRs when integrated along with the transgene into target cells.
Although presence of the USE-element according to the invention to be located within the U3-region of the 3′-LTR is preferred in vectors according to the invention, its function is independent from the novel promoter element, e.g. the RSV promoter and vice versa.
Vectors according to the invention, i.e. comprising the novel promoter element within the U3-region of the 5′-LTR, and/or the USE-element within the U3-region of the 3′-LTR, can independently further comprise a transgene intended for integration into the target cell's genome, including internal promoters and/or IRES elements functionally linked with the transgene.
Upon retroviral transduction of a target cell, both the 5′ SIN-LTR and the 3′-SIN-LTR receive the poly-adenylation signal, preferably also the artificially generated 2SV element. As a result, it is to be expected that presence of the poly-adenylation signal reduces the probability for generation of fusion transcripts with adjacent cellular nucleic acid sequences, while concurrently, expression of the transgene is enhanced. In respect of fusion transcripts, read-through from the internal promoter, i.e. from the transgene expression cassette into sequences downstream within the target cell, is minimized and, due to the duplication of the polyA signal into the 5′-region, read through from upstream target cell sequences into the integrated viral sequences is concurrently minimized. Therefore, in addition to enhancing transgene expression, the polyA signal according to the invention increases biosafety of integrated artificial sequences.
For targeting of viral particles comprising the inventive vectors, viral particles may be provided with specific surface proteins, e.g. glycoprotein g of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV-G), suitable for transfection of a large variety of cells.
In a further embodiment, the novel promoter element and/or the USE-element are contained in LTR-driven retroviral vectors that contain active enhancer-promoter sequences within the U3-region. Again, such vectors may contain different transgenes, functionally linked with internal promoters and/or IRES elements to be integrated into the target cell.
In a further embodiment, the novel promoter element and/or the USE-element are contained within a retroviral vector for improved efficiency of the transfer of episomal DNA. Sequences contained within such episomes can code for various proteins, optionally functionally linked with internal promoters and/or IRES elements.
In addition to a 5′-promoter element and a 3′-SIN element, vectors according to the present invention comprise all additional sequence elements required to fulfil the retroviral life-cycle, such as the primer binding site (PBS), a dimerisation and packaging signal (ψ element) as well as a transgene intended for delivery into mammalian cells, arranged between the SIN-LTRs.
In a further embodiment, the novel promoter element and/or the USE-element are contained in a viral vector suitable for effective pseudo-transduction. The mRNA contained in the pseudo-transduction particles may encode different proteins, their genes functionally linked with IRES elements or proteolytic cleavage motifs.
According to the invention, retroviral vectors, especially, gammaretroviral vectors, e.g. MLVs, can be constructed, as well as on the basis of foamyvirus (FV) or lentiviral vectors, e.g. based on HIV. Integration of a 5′-promoter element and/or 3′-SIN element, each according to the invention, results in vectors able to generate high titers of viral particles in permissive cells like up to 5×107 per mL while still using self-inactivating (SIN) LTRs.
Further, it is a specific advantage of the present invention that the modification of the 3′-SIN-LTR by integration of the artificially duplicated poly-adenylation enhancer signal derived from SV40 that retroviral vectors can be obtained which can achieve high titers of retroviral particles and high efficiency of transgene expression in transduced target cells independent of the post-transcriptional regulatory element (PRE) from Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WPRE), which in the state of art vectors is usually positioned upstream the 3′-LTR.
Preferred usage of the vectors according to the invention is for retroviral gene transfer into somatic stem cells, especially hematopoietic stem cells, preferably of mammalian, e.g. human origin. When using the vectors according to the invention for gene therapy, they offer the advantage of minimizing unwanted activation of genes at the site of insertion into the genome.
As a first component for increasing the titer of infectious viral particles containing the gammaretroviral vector, its 5′-promoter is modified by exchanging the inherent promoter activity, which in the state of art originates from a promoter of the Myeloproliferative Sarcoma Virus (MPSV), for a promoter element that has a high transcriptional elongation rate.
At present, it is concluded from the observation that the increase in titer is only dependent on the promoter element that replaces the original PMPSV in the 5′-LTR that it is possibly not the transcription initiation activity of the promoter element, but rather the transcriptional elongation rate of the promoter element which is responsible for the increase in titer. This effect of the promoter element integrated into the 5′-LTR, leading to an increase in titer can be observed for all respective internal promoters tested controlling the reporter gene or a transgene, respectively. It is assumed that in addition to the high transcriptional elongation rate of the 5′-promoter, it is its strong capability to recruit the RNA-polymerase initiation complex that results in increased transcription starting at the nucleotide +1 of the R-element, i.e. downstream of the 5′-promoter, hence producing increased titers of viral particles in permissive cells. The increased efficacy of the 5′-promoter to achieve a high transcriptional elongation rate can on the one hand be determined in relation to different promoters arranged in its place in the 5′-LTR, or on the other hand determined in relation to the efficacy of the internal promoter linked to the expression cassette of the transgene or reporter gene integrated into the viral surroundings. Accordingly, one possibility to identify suitable promoters for arrangement in the 5′-LTR of gammaretroviral constructs according to the invention is to determine the relative transcriptional and, optionally, the relative translational activities of the 5′-promoter and the internal promoter linked to a reporter gene. For the purpose of identifying a promoter having a high transcriptional elongation rate according to the invention, a dual reporter gene assay is provided, using expression of separately identifyable fluorescent reporter proteins linked to either of the 5′-promoter and the internal promoter, respectively.
Using the dual reporter gene assay, for example using reporter genes that produce distinguishable translation products, evaluation of the activities of the 5′-promoter arranged in the 5′-LTR and of the internal promoter in absolute values and in relation to each other can be obtained in a simple manner. In this assay, the relative activities of transcription products and/or translation products from the 5′-promoter and the internal promoter, respectively, indicate relative activities of these promoters, serving as a measure for transcriptional activity to drive synthesis of full-length viral RNA suitable for packaging in relation to transcripts of the transgene expression cassette. Accordingly, for the combination of promoters tested, it is possible to approximately predict the suitability of the 5′-promoter to generate high titers of viral particles.
The dual reporter gene assay is a preferred way for estimating the amount of complete viral RNA synthesized from a given viral construct and, hence the titer of viral particles to be expected in packaging cells. However, it is also possible to evaluate the amount of complete viral RNA synthesized from a viral construct comprising a certain 5′-promoter, e.g. in combination with an internal promoter by Northern blotting, wherein full-length RNA transcripts of viral sequences can easily be distinguished from the shorter RNA transcripts controlled by the internal promoter.
5′-promoters in viral constructs according to the invention having a high transcriptional elongation rate can be identified in Northern blots and, preferably, in the aforementioned dual reporter gene assay by a high level of activity, i.e. transcriptional activity in the case of Northern blotting and by expression in the case of the dual reporter gene assay. According to the invention, it is preferred that the ratio of activity of the 5′-promoter to the activity of the internal promoter is at least 1.5, preferably at least two, more preferably 5 to 10 or above.
The dual reporter gene assay uses separate structural genes, the translation products of which can be distinguished in subsequent measurements, preferably spectrophotometrically, or by fluorescence measurement, e.g. by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). The dual reporter gene assay is based on the measurement of gene activities of the reporter genes, the first reporter gene under the control of the 5′-(LTR)-promoter, the second reporter gene under the control of the internal promoter, with both integrated into the viral sequence. Preferably, the first reporter gene is arranged downstream of the functional elements of viral sequences necessary for producing viral particles that contain full-length viral RNA, e.g. downstream of the 5′-promoter, the R-element, the U5-element, an optional splice donor site, and a ψ-site, but upstream of the internal promoter. Accordingly, activity of the first reporter gene indicates its effective transcription under the control of the 5′-promoter, which transcription is considered a proof for the prior transcription of the upstream sequences, i.e. of the 5′ viral sequence elements. As an option for the dual reporter gene assay to test whether the 5′-promoter suppresses the internal promoter, e.g by polymerase readthrough, this first reporter gene can immediately be followed by a poly-adenylation site in 3′.
The second reporter gene forms an expression cassette with the internal promoter, which is arranged downstream of the first reporter gene, and upstream further optional viral functional elements like PRE and upstream of the 3′-LTR.
Transfection of permissive cells, e.g. packaging cells with the dual reporter gene construct comprised in a plasmid, e.g. an E. coli shuttle plasmid, leads to synthesis of RNA, firstly under the control of the 5′-promoter, which synthesizes full-length RNA transcripts eventually suitable for packaging into viral particles, and secondly RNA transcripts under the control of the internal promoter. It is at present presumed that transcripts initiated from the internal promoter impair the production of full-length RNA transcripts suitable for packaging into viral particles. However, transcription of the transgene under the control of the internal promoter is desired after the ultimate transduction of target cells for the expression of the transgene.
The fact that the high transcriptional activity, e.g. the high transcriptional elongation rate has been found to be an important factor for the production of high titers of viral particles from gammaretroviral vectors, which are in contrast to early generations of lentiviral vectors tat independent, implies that it is not only the basal promoter strength which is an important property of the 5′-promoter, but also its efficiency to recruit an elongation competent RNA polymerase II complex. Accordingly, the influence of the 5′-promoter on synthesis of full-length retroviral RNA, suitable for packaging, can also be derived from
Accordingly, within the context of this disclosure, the term transcriptional elongation rate is also intended to describe the property of a 5′-promoter element to increase the titer of viral particles, which is a property that has been found not to be necessarily linked with the strength of the promoter to induce transcription.
In general, both the RSV- and the tetracycline-inducible promoters have been found to lead to high SIN-vector titers, at least in gamma-retroviral vectors, and further when used in vectors on a lentiviral basis, e.g. on HIV. With specific reference to lentiviral vectors, including third generation constructs, both promoters were previously found to generate vectors suitable for tat independent production of viral particles (Dull et al., J. Virology 8463-8471 (1998), Xu et al., Mol. Ther. 97-104 (2001)). It is assumed that for both gamma-retroviral vectors and lentiviral vectors, the promoters according to the invention lead to the generation of high viral particle titers in permissive cells by recruiting an elongation competent RNA polymerase II complex. It is assumed that this elongation competent RNA polymerase II complex corresponds to the tat dependent HIV LTR, also showing that it is not simply the basal promoter strength that is the important factor for overruling an internal promoter. Accordingly, even the use of the CMV promoter, generally regarded as a stronger promoter to drive genomic retroviral RNA expression, did not give rise to higher viral titers.
As a preferred embodiment, the 5′-promoter according to the invention comprises the Rous Sarcoma Virus promoter (PRSV) and, preferably, in functional arrangement with PRSV the enhancer element derived from SV40, as well as the 3′-SIN-LTR comprising a USE-element derived from SV40 in the place of the deletion of the U3-region. This combination of sequences is comprised in Seq ID No. 1. In Seq ID No. 1, containing a total of 5124 base pairs, the PRSV is located at bases 447 to 675, the repeat element (R) and the U5-region of the 5′-SIN is contained at bases 676 to 820, the primer binding site (PBS) is located at bases 821 to 837, the splice donor site (SD) is located at bases 882 to 883, and bases 1314 to 1714 comprise the Spleen Focus Forming virus promoter (PSF), functionally linked as the internal promoter to the reporter gene, exemplified here by the gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP), located at bases 1776 to 2495. The 3′-SIN-LTR is located at bases 2578 to 2872, wherein a first USE-element (obtained from SV40) is located at bases 2612 to 2655, a second USE-element (duplicate of the SV40 USE-element) is located at bases 2662 to 2705, together realizing the preferred USE-element comprising an artificially duplicated USE element of SV40 (2SV), located at bases 2612 to 2705 of Seq.-ID No 1.
An alternative embodiment, a retroviral vector comprising the tetracyclin promoter as the 5′-promoter of the construct is given in Seq.-ID No 2, and as a schematic drawing in
The invention will now be described in greater detail with reference to the figures, wherein
In the figures, vector constructs are depicted schematically, wherein sequences necessary for replication, maintenance and selection markers in a host bacterium, e.g. E. coli, are indicated by the line drawing a connection to include the viral sequences and inserts, which are represented by boxes and straight lines. The designations of exemplary vectors are assembled from their respective arrangements of functional elements, i.e. the promoter, enhancer, poly-adenylation and further elements in 5′ to 3′. In these vector designations, identical elements like identical promoters or identical structural genes like reporter genes or the transgene indicated in the graphical representation may be omitted. For promoter sequences, vector designations only contain the origin of promoters, whereas the graphical schemes indicate promoters by a “P”. For example, the promoter from the state-of-art 5′-SIN-LTR, namely from MPSV is indicated as PMPSV and is designated in the vector simply as SIN. Similarly, the USE elements are also indicated by their origin only.
When investigating ways to enhance the titer of gammaretroviral vectors suitable to be produced at high titers in permissive packaging cells, the original promoter element derived from Myeloproliferative Sarcoma Virus (PMPSV) present in the state-of-art 5′-SIN-LTR (termed SIN in vector designations) was replaced by a variety of promoter elements.
A schematic representation of said vectors is given in
The expression cassette for a reporter gene encodes eGFP under the control of an internal promoter (IP), which was derived from cytomegalovirus (PCMV), alternatively the promoter from phosphoglycerate kinase (PPGK) or from Spleen Focus—Forming Virus (PSF), respectively. In each construct, the reporter gene expression cassette was followed by the Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE) and a 3′-LTR in its SIN-configuration, indicated by the delta (A), comprising residual U3-sequences, the R-element and a U5-region. In
When producing viral particles from vector constructs according to
It is interesting to note that it is not the promoter from CMV (PCMV), which rather reduces the titers obtained, but the promoter from RSV (PRSV) and enhanced PRSV (enhPRSV) that lead to improved titers, when considering that the latter promoters are traditionally regarded as less strong in comparison to PCMV.
The results derivable from
In order to further improve the titer of retroviral vectors, the 3′-SIN-LTR is modified in its U3-region to contain an upstream signal enhancer (USE) element that promotes transcriptional termination and poly-adenylation. As a starting point for this aspect of the invention, a viral construct comprising a state-of-art 5′-LTR (PMPSV) was used in combination with a state-of-art 3′-SIN-LTR, containing a major deletion within its U3-region. This deletion is known to impede retroviral transcriptional termination and poly-adenylation, resulting in a reduction of titer and a reduction of transgene expression in target cells. Further, insufficient termination increases the risk of activation of sequences downstream the insertional site, i.e. activation by readthrough and/or by splicing into cellular genes located downstream.
For vectors according to the invention, the USE-elements expected to promote poly-adenylation, which are derived from HIV-1 (HIV), SV40 (SV), the thrombine gene (thr), or realized by a novel, artificially duplicated SV40 element (2SV) were integrated into the deletion of the 3′-LTR. Additionally, combinations of the aforementioned USE-elements with an artificial stem-loop sequence (ASL) placed directly upstream the USE-element were created. A schematic representation of constructs is given in
Further, the internal promoter functionally linked to the reporter gene encoding eGFP was alternated between the CMV promoter (PCMV), the phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PPGK) and PSF.
The titers obtained in permissive cells for the constructs according to
The results shown in
This example shows that both titer in permissive cells and transgene expression in target cells can be enhanced by inserting a USE-element into the site of deletion of the 3′ U3-region of a 3′-SIN-LTR. Best activity in each respect was found by the artificially duplicated USE-element derivable from SV40, termed 2SV. Note that expression in target cells was studied under experimental conditions that use an identical multiplicity of infection for all vectors.
The modification of the 3′-SIN-LTR has the advantage of resulting in the production of high viral titers in a large variety of permissive cells, i.e. production of a high titer is essentially independent from the cell type.
For examination whether the effect the preferred USE-element, namely 2SV, is influenced by the internal promoter controlling the expression of the transgene contained in the vector or whether it is influenced by a PRE-element, variations of a gammaretroviral vector having a conventional 5′-LTR comprising a U3-region having an MPSV promoter, but a 3′-SIN-LTR comprising the USE-element 2SV in the place of the deletion of the 3′ U3-region, was used for variation of the internal promoter controlling the reporter gene eGFP. Further variations were the presence of the PRE-element upstream of the 3′-SIN-LTR. The vectors are schematically represented in
In order to examine whether a 3′-SIN-LTR containing the preferred USE-element (2SV) in the place of the deletion of the U3-region can also elevate titer and expression of state-of-the-art lentiviral vectors derived from HIV-1, its 3′-SIN-LTR was replaced by this element according to the invention. The reporter gene (eGFP) was put under the control of internal promoters CMV, PGK or SF. These comparative lentiviral vectors are schematically depicted in
The resulting titers in permissive cells and the MFI of retrovirally transduced SCI target cells, i.e. the transgene expression, are shown in
The results also show that the USE-element is effective independent of the WPRE.
In order to examine a possible synergistic effect of the 5′-promoter having a promoter of high transcriptional elongation rate according to the invention by combination with a 3′-SIN-LTR according to the invention, comprising the 2SV USE-element in the place of the deletion of the U3-region, gammaretroviral vectors were constructed for comparison and according to the invention.
Schematically, the vectors are shown in
For more detailed functional analysis, a PRE-element could be introduced between the reporter gene expression cassette (SF controlling the eGFP gene) and the 3′-SIN-LTR. Further, the 3′-SIN-LTR having the deletion of the U3-region could be replaced by a 3′-SIN-LTR carrying a USE-element according to the invention, represented by the preferred USE-element 2SV in the place of the deletion of the U3-region which is found in state of art vectors.
Results obtained for vectors according to
Gammaretroviral constructs for the determination of the ratio of transcription activities under the control of the 5′-promoter and under the control of the internal promoter, respectively, reporter gene sequences were integrated into different gammaretroviral vectors as depicted in
In these vectors, a first reporter gene is the cDNA for the dsRed Express fluorescent protein (Bevis et al., Nature Biotechnology 20, 83-87 (2002)), arranged directly upstream the internal promoter, the latter controlling the gene for eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) that serves as the second reporter gene.
For the dual reporter gene assay using distinguishable fluorescent reporter genes, e.g. eGFP and dsRed Express, 2 μg transfer vector, 10 μg M57-DAW (encoding MLV gag-pol), 2 μg ecotropic MLV env were transfected into Phoenix-gp cells using the calcium phosphate technique. Three days after infection, packaging cells were analysed by FACS. Compensation of FL-1 (eGFP) and FL-2 (dsRed express) was performed using monofluorescent constructs. A marker gate was set at the mean fluorescence intensities for eGFP, and dsRed-Express positive cells were calculated accordingly.
The translational activity driven from each of the 5′-promoter and the internal promoter, respectively, was analysed in transfected Phoenix-gp cells. The results from FACS analysis measuring both green fluorescence, caused by expression of dsRed Express and green fluorescence, caused by expression of eGFP, are depicted in
The FACS results show that SIN vectors having the conventional MSPV promoter in their 5′-LTR show an unfavourable ratio of green (second reporter gene expression) versus red fluorescence (first reporter gene expression), which is shown as the quotient of the Y versus X mean fluorescence intensity (
Vector constructs comprising the poly-adenylation signal (in this case derived from bovine growth hormone) downstream the first reporter gene further increased the ratio of mean fluorescence intensities (
These results confirm the applicability of the dual reporter gene assay for a determination of suitable promoter elements for the 5′-LTR, and for a determination of suitable combinations of 5′-promoters with internal promoters for gammaretroviral vector constructs, because it confirms the assumption that synthesis of full-length retroviral RNA from the 5′-promoter is essential for obtaining high titers of viral particles (
For Northern blots, total RNA was prepared and Northern blot analysis was performed as known in the art. In general, 10 μg RNA isolated from transfected cells was separated at 0.6 V/cm2 for 5 hours in denaturing formaldehyde gels. Subsequently, RNA was transferred to membrane (0.45 μm Biodyne-B, Pall Corporation, Pensacola, USA) by capillary transfer and fixed for 2 hours by heating to 80° C. Hybridization was done according to standard procedures. As probe, 100 ng corresponding to the PRE fragment, present in the vector constructs, was radiolabelled to an activity of the least 106 cpm/mL hybridization solution and separated from non-incorporated labelled nucleotides on spin columns. After hybridization, filters were washed and exposed to X-ray film and quantified by phospoimaging.
Northern blot analyses, shown in
Designations arranged in between
Further, these results show that the insertion of the first reporter gene further increased the titer obtained for the construct according to the invention having the RSV promoter in the 5′-LTR, in relation to the same gammaretroviral construct which only differs in not containing the first reporter gene expression cassette. This increase in titer is presently interpreted as a spacer effect, i.e. the increase in titer of retroviral particles by increasing the number of nucleotides between the 5′-LTR and the internal promoter driving the expression cassette's transcription.
As an example for target cells to be genetically manipulated by transduction with gammaretroviral vectors according to the invention, murine primary hematopoietic cells were transduced with gammaretroviral vectors containing the MPSV promoter (PMPSV) as the 5′-promoter for comparative purposes (designated SIN in the vector) and the RSV promoter (PRSV) as the 5′-promoter according to the invention (designated SRS in the vector). The viral sequence elements are schematically shown in
Further, transgene expression cassettes containing the spleen focus forming promoter functionally linked to the MGMT gene and to the eGFP gene, respectively, followed by the PRE-element from Woodchuck Hepatitis virus, were compared for viral particle titers obtained in packaging cells, and for transgene expression in transduced target cells.
Viral titers were determined in SCI packaging cells expressing the retroviral vector constructs. The titers obtained are shown in
The results for the transgene expression in transduced murine primary hematopoietic cells four days after transduction with the vectors according to
As an alternative promoter to the one obtainable from Rous Sarcoma Virus (PRSV) used in Example 1, the tetracycline-inducible promoter was introduced into the U3-region of the 5′-LTR. Both vector constructs are schematically shown in
For cloning a tetracycline-inducible promoter into the 5′-LTR for driving full-length vector RNA synthesis, the promoter fragment was cloned from plasmid ptES1-1(g)p (obtainable from Dr. Rainer Löw, EUFETS AG, Idar-Oberstein, Germany) by PCR using primers 5′Tet11af1 (Seq. ID No 4: 5′-GCTACTTAAGCTTCTTT CACTTTTCTCTGTCA-3′) and 3′Rkpn (Seq. ID No 5: 5′-GAGAACACGGGTACCCGG GC-3′). The tetracycline-inducible promoter consists of a tet operator hexamer with 4 C specificity, fused to the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) minimal promoter. The resulting PCR fragment of 315 bp was cloned into the AflII and KpnI sites of the 5′-LTR of the pSRS11.SF construct, shown in
For vector production of the tetracycline-inducible vector, 5 μg of the expression plasmid, harbouring the authentic trans-activator with 4 C DNA binding specificity was co-transfected into 5×106 Phoenix-gp or 293 T-cells as permissive cells.
The titers are shown in
In summary the present results show that the tetracycline-inducible promoter is useful for high titer production of gammaretroviral SIN vectors.
In order to monitor the potential transcriptional readthrough from the retroviral promoter over the poly-adenylation and termination motives located in the 3′-SIN-LTR into a downstream gene of the target cell genome, a reporter plasmid was generated, which in addition to the retroviral vector components contains the following cassette: Downstream of the 3′-LTR an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES), derived from encephalomyocarditis virus, followed by a fluorescence marker gene (dsRed) and a poly-adenylation (pA) motif derived from SV40. The IRES ensures that the dsRed mRNA can be translated even if another open reading frame is located upstream the potential fusion transcript that may be generated by read-through over the 3′ SIN-LTR. The USE-elements derived from SV40 (SV) or its dublicated form (2SV, in
293 T-cells were transfected with equal amounts of the reporter plasmid and cells were analysed by flow cytometry two days after transfection.
The transfection efficiency was determined using a monoclonal antibody (anti-CD132-APC), directed against the interleukin-2 receptor gamma-chain (IL-2), which was expressed under the control of the internal CMV promoter of the retroviral vector.
These results demonstrate that without addition of the USE, about 10% of transfected cells express dsRed (4% in the upper right quadrant compared to 39% in the lower right quadrant), indicating transcriptional readthrough. Addition of the SV or the 2SV-USE is sufficient to effectively block expression of dsRed.
However, WPRE (+pre) alone does not suppress transcriptional readthrough (8.6%, i.e. 2% of a total of 23% transfected cells), but WPRE can be combined with the 2SV without compromising its termination enhancer function. These results were confirmed by Northern blot analysis of total cellular RNA (not shown).
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
05 107 785.7 | Aug 2005 | EP | regional |
06 113 780.8 | May 2006 | EP | regional |