The present invention relates to a sensor guide wire (1) for intravascular measurements of at least one variable in a living body, which sensor guide wire (1) has a proximal region (2), a distal sensor region (3) and a tip region (4). The sensor guide wire (1) comprises, a sensor element arranged in said sensor region (3), a tip region core wire (5) having a longitudinal axis (6) and extending essentially along said tip region (4), and a coil (7) arranged in said tip region (4). The coil (7) at least partly encloses said tip region core wire (5), and a distal tip joint (8) is arranged at a distal end (9) of said sensor guide wire (1) for attaching said coil (7) to said tip region core wire (5). A major part of said tip region core wire (5) has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6).

The present invention relates to a sensor guide wire, and in particular a special design of a sensor guide wire tip according to the preamble of the independent claim.


In many medical procedures, various physiological conditions present within a body cavity need to be monitored. These physiological conditions are typically physical in nature—such as pressure, temperature, rate-of-fluid flow, and provide the physician or medical technician with critical information as to the status of a patient's condition.

One device that is widely used to monitor conditions is the blood pressure sensor. A blood pressure sensor senses the magnitude of a patient's blood pressure, and converts it into a representative electrical signal that is transmitted to the exterior of the patient.

For most applications it is required that the sensor is electrically energized. Some means of signal and energy transmission is thus required, and most commonly extremely thin electrical cables, sometimes called microcables, are provided inside a guide wire, which itself is provided in the form of a tube, which often has an outer diameter in the order of 0.35 mm, and oftentimes is made of steel.

In order to increase the bending strength of the tubular guide wire, a core wire is positioned inside the tube. The core wire also helps to improve “pushability” and “torquability” of the guide wire. The mentioned electrical cables are e.g. positioned in the space between the inner lumen wall and the core wire.

Sensor and guide wire assemblies in which a sensor is mounted at the distal end of a guide wire are known. In U.S. Pat. Re. 35,648, which is assigned to the present assignee, an example of such a sensor and guide wire assembly is disclosed, where a sensor guide comprises a sensor element, an electronic unit, a signal transmitting cable connecting the sensor element to the electronic unit, a flexible tube having the cable and the sensor element disposed therein, a solid metal wire, and a coil attached to the distal end of the solid wire. The sensor element comprises a pressure sensitive device, typically a membrane, with piezoresistive elements connected in a Wheatstone bridge-type of arrangement mounted thereon.

As is disclosed in, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 6,167,763, which also is assigned to the present assignee, the sensor element can be arranged inside a short tube (usually referred to as a sleeve or jacket), which protects the sensor element and comprises an aperture through which the pressure sensitive device is in contact with the ambient medium. The U.S. Pat. No. 6,167,763 further illustrates that a first coil may be attached to the distal end of the jacket and that a similar second coil may be attached to the proximal end of the jacket. The solid metal wire—which, as also mentioned above, in the art usually is referred to as the core wire—extends through the interior of the jacket and may be provided with an enlarged diameter portion adapted for mounting of the sensor element.

In WO 2009/054800 A1, assigned to the present assignee, another example of a sensor guide wire for intravascular measurements of physiological variables in a living body, is disclosed. The sensor guide wire has a proximal shaft region, a flexible region and a distal sensor region. In one embodiment sensor guide wire is provided with a tip wire comprising a tip core wire.

It is advantageous if the sensor guide wire tip is flexible in order to make the various bends and turns that are necessary to navigate through the tortuous vessels, e.g. when navigating the sensor guide wire through coronary arteries. In sensor guide wires according to the Prior Art, as disclosed in for example the above mentioned U.S. Pat. Re. 35,648, the distal tip portion of the sensor guide wire is often made more flexible by grinding the core wire to a smaller dimension. Oftentimes, as also disclosed in U.S. Pat. Re. 35,648, the core wire is flattened in order to make the tip more flexible. A flattened core wire tip is mainly flexible in two directions.

This is also illustrated by e.g. US 2007/0255145, which discloses a sensor guide wire, provided with a core wire which is flattened at the tip of the sensor guide wire.

Besides from being flexible enough, it is also important that the sensor guide wire tip responds when steering the sensor guide wire through the tortuous vessels, i.e. the sensor guide wire tip must also have sufficient “steering response”. “Steering response” is a measure of the irregular behavior of a sensor guide wire when the sensor guide wire tip is subjected to a non-linear pathway and rotated. The “steering response” of a sensor guide wire tip is a general property of the distal tip components.

The present inventors have identified some situations when applying the sensor guide wire in tortuous vessels where improved properties regarding flexibility, pull strength and steering response of the sensor guide wire tip would be advantageous.

An object of the present invention is therefore to provide an improved sensor guide wire comprising an improved tip, with sufficient pull strength and which tip is flexible in all directions, and which also is improved regarding the capability of being steered through the various bends and turns in the vessels.


The above-mentioned objects are achieved by the present invention according to the independent claim.

Preferred embodiments are set forth in the dependent claims.

Thus, according to the present invention a sensor guide wire is provided, which is less expensive to manufacture, and for which flexibility is improved, and which at the same time has sufficient pull strength and steering response.

These objects are achieved by a sensor guide wire provided with a core wire having a circular cross-section in a major part of the tip region.

The sensor guide wire for intravascular measurements of at least one variable in a living body, in accordance with the present invention, has a proximal region, a distal sensor region and a tip region. The sensor guide wire comprises, a sensor element arranged in the sensor region, a tip region core wire having a longitudinal axis and extending essentially along the tip region, and a coil arranged in the tip region. The coil at least partly encloses the tip region core wire, wherein a distal tip joint is arranged at a distal end of the sensor guide wire for attaching the coil to the tip region core wire. According to the present invention a major part of the tip region core wire has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.

The tip region core wire of the present invention provides a desired combination of flexibility and pull strength of the tip region core wire. The present invention further provides a sensor guide wire having a tip region with a desired steering response.


FIG. 1 shows the sensor guide wire according to the present invention.

FIG. 2
a shows the tip region of the sensor guide wire according to one embodiment of the present invention, wherein the tip region core wire is tapering distally in the tip portion.

FIG. 2
b shows the tip region of the sensor guide wire according to one embodiment of the present invention, wherein the tip region core wire has a uniform diameter distally in the tip portion.

FIG. 3 shows the tip region core wire according to the present invention, where the coil and the distal tip joint is omitted for sake of simplicity.

FIG. 4 shows a front view of the tip region core wire shown in FIG. 3 according to the present invention.


Throughout the application the word distal refers to the part located furthest away in respect of the operator, and the word proximal refers to the part located closest in respect of the operator.

FIG. 1 illustrates a sensor guide wire 1 for intravascular measurements of at least one variable in a living body, which sensor guide wire 1 has a proximal region 2, a distal sensor region 3 and a tip region 4. The sensor guide wire 1 comprises a sensor element (not shown) arranged in the sensor region 3, a tip region core wire 5 having a longitudinal axis 6 and extending essentially along the tip region 4, and a coil 7 arranged in the tip region 4. The coil 7 at least partly encloses the tip region core wire 5, wherein a distal tip joint 8 is arranged at a distal end 9 of the sensor guide wire 1 for attaching the coil 7 to the tip region core wire 5.

a and 2b illustrates the tip region 4 of the sensor guide wire 1, according to the present invention. A major part of the tip region core wire 5 has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6. The circular cross-section of the tip region core wire 5 makes the sensor guide wire 1 flexible in all directions in the tip region 4 and hence, an improved flexibility of the sensor guide wire 1 is achieved. The circular cross-section also provides for sufficient pull strength of the tip region core wire 5.

According to the present invention, the measured variable may be a physiological variable, such as e.g. pressure, flow, or temperature, or another variable, such as e.g. externally generated radio waves, or magnetic waves.

According to one embodiment of the present invention, the tip region core wire 5 has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6 in the entire tip region 4.

According to another embodiment of the present invention, the major part of the tip region core wire 5, having a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6, is at least 75% of the entire length of the tip region core wire 5.

As further illustrated in FIGS. 2a and 2b, the tip region 4 only consists of the tip region core wire 5, the coil 7 and the distal tip joint 8. The tip region core wire 5 provides a sensor guide wire tip having an advantageous combination of pull strength and flexibility in the tip region 4 such that there is no need for any further reinforcements of the sensor guide wire 1 in the tip region 4. The length of the tip region 4 is preferably between 25 mm and 35 mm, more preferably between 28 mm and 32 mm.

a and 2b further shows that the tip region core wire 5 comprises a distal portion 10, an intermediate portion 11, and a proximal portion 12. The distal portion 10 of the tip region core wire 5 is the portion closest to the distal end 9 of the sensor guide wire 1, and the proximal portion 12 is the portion closest to the sensor region 3. Further, the distal portion 10 has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6. The length of the distal portion 10 is preferably between 0 and 5 mm, more preferably between 0.6 and 1.6 mm.

In one embodiment, as illustrated in FIG. 2a, the distal portion 10 of the tip region core wire 5 has a circular cross-section and is distally tapering along the longitudinal axis 6 towards the distal end 9. According to another embodiment, as shown in FIG. 2b, the diameter D1 of the distal tip portion 10 of the tip region core wire 5 is uniform along the longitudinal axis 6 closest to the distal end 9.

In one embodiment, and order to fasten the coil 7 to the distal portion 10, the inner diameter of the coil 7 is adapted to an outer diameter D1 of the distal portion 10. The outer diameter D1 of the circular cross-section of the distal portion 10 is preferably between 0.10 and 0.25 mm, more preferably between 0.17 and 0.20 mm.

According to one embodiment, the intermediate portion 11 has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6. The distal portion 10 may have a larger cross-sectional diameter D1 than the cross-sectional diameter D2 of the intermediate portion 11. The diameter D2 of the circular cross-section of the intermediate portion 10 may be between 0.035 mm and 0.187 mm, more preferably between 0.048 mm and 0.157 mm.

In one embodiment the tip region core wire 5 is made from steel and the cross-sectional diameter D2 of the intermediate portion 11 is between 0.065 mm and 0.035 mm.

According to yet another embodiment, the tip region core wire 5 is made from nitinol and the cross-sectional diameter D2 of the intermediate portion 11 is between 0.085 mm and 0.055 mm.

Furthermore, the diameter D2 may vary along the longitudinal axis 6 in the intermediate portion 11. In one preferred embodiment, as illustrated in FIG. 3, the intermediate portion 11 is tapering towards the distal portion 10. In a further preferred embodiment, the proximal half of the intermediate portion 11 is tapered, and the distal half is cylindrical. However, as obvious constructional variations, the intermediate portion 11 may instead have equal or larger cross-sectional diameter D2 than the outer diameter D1 of the distal portion 10, or the intermediate portion 11 may be tapering towards the proximal portion 12.

In FIG. 3 it is further shown that, the distal portion 10 distally is tapering along the longitudinal axis 6 towards the distal end 9. Furthermore, the distal portion 10 proximally is tapering along the longitudinal axis towards the intermediate portion 11, and the intermediate portion 11 in its turn is tapering distally along the longitudinal axis 6 towards the distal portion 10.

FIGS. 2-3 also shows that the proximal portion 12 has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6. The outer diameter D3 of the circular cross-section of the proximal portion 12 is preferably between 0.10 and 0.25 mm, more preferably between 0.17 and 0.20 mm. According to the embodiment shown in FIGS. 2-3, the outer diameter D3 of the proximal portion 12 is larger proximally than distally. Furthermore, the proximal portion 12 is tapering along the longitudinal axis 6 in a distal direction. The length of proximal portion 12 is preferably between 0.1 mm and 0.6 mm, more preferably between 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm.

FIG. 4 illustrates a front view of the tip region core wire 5 shown in FIG. 3. The distal portion 10 has a circular cross-section and is distally tapering along the longitudinal axis 6 towards the distal end 9. FIG. 4 also shows that the proximal portion 12 has an equivalent cross-sectional diameter compared to the distal portion 10 according to this preferred embodiment.

According to one embodiment the sensor element is arranged in a hollow jacket (not shown), which jacket has a circular cross section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 6. An inner diameter of the tubular jacket may then be adapted to the outer diameter D3 of the proximal portion 12.

According to the present invention, the distal tip joint 8 attaches the coil 7 to the tip region core wire 5. The distal tip joint 8 is preferably soldered or welded. However, other suitable techniques may alternatively be used in order to fasten the coil 7 to the tip region core wire 5. The combination of that the inner diameter of the coil 7 is adapted to an outer diameter D1 of the distal portion 10, and the distal tip joint 8, improves the structural integrity of the sensor guide wire 1.

As discussed in the background section a sensor guide wire is advantageously provided with a core wire running along essentially the entire length of the sensor guide wire. This is also applied in the sensor guide wire according to the present invention, with the difference that the distal part of the core wire, i.e. in the tip region 4, being the tip region core wire 5 as described herein.

In one embodiment the tip region core wire is unitary with the remaining main core wire.

In another embodiment the tip region core wire is separate from the main core wire. In this embodiment the proximal part of the tip region core wire 5 is preferably attached to e.g. a jacket.

As also mentioned above, the tip region core wire 5 is preferably made from nitinol or steel, although other similar materials having suitable material properties may be used.

The sensor guide wire 1 may further comprise at least one microcable extending at least partly along the sensor guide wire 1 and being connected to the sensor element.

The present invention is not limited to the above-described preferred embodiments. Various alternatives, modifications and equivalents may be used. Therefore, the above embodiments should not be taken as limiting the scope of the invention, which is defined by the appending claims.

  • 1. Sensor guide wire (1) for intravascular measurements of at least one variable in a living body, which sensor guide wire (1) has a proximal region (2), a distal sensor region (3) and a tip region (4), the sensor guide wire (1) comprises: a sensor element arranged in said sensor region (3),a tip region core wire (5) having a longitudinal axis (6) and extending essentially along said tip region (4),a coil (7) arranged in said tip region (4),which coil (7) at least partly encloses said tip region core wire (4), wherein a distal tip joint (8) is arranged at a distal end (9) of said sensor guide wire (1) for attaching said coil (7) to said tip region core wire (5), characterized in that a major part of said tip region core wire (5) has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6).
  • 2. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said tip region core wire (5) has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6) in the entire tip region (4).
  • 3. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said major part of the tip region core wire (5) being at least 75% of the entire length.
  • 4. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said tip region (4) only consists of said tip region core wire (5), said coil (7) and said distal tip joint (8).
  • 5. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein the length of the tip region 4 is preferably between 25 mm and 35 mm, more preferably between 28 mm and 32 mm.
  • 6. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said tip region core wire (5) comprises a distal portion (10), an intermediate portion (11) and a proximal portion (12).
  • 7. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein said distal portion (10) has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6).
  • 8. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein the length of said distal portion (10) is between 0 and 5 mm, more preferably between 0.6 and 1.6 mm.
  • 9. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 7, wherein an inner diameter of said coil (7) is adapted to an outer diameter D1 of said distal portion (10).
  • 10. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 9, wherein said diameter D1 of said circular cross-section of said distal portion (10) is between 0.10 and 0.25 mm, more preferably between 0.17 and 0.20 mm.
  • 11. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 7, wherein said distal portion (10) has a larger cross-sectional diameter than the intermediate portion (11).
  • 12. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein said distal portion (10) distally is tapering along said longitudinal axis (6) towards said distal end (9).
  • 13. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein said distal portion (10) proximally is tapering along said longitudinal axis (6) towards said intermediate portion (11).
  • 14. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein said proximal portion (12) has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6).
  • 15. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein an outer diameter D3 of said circular cross-section of said proximal portion (12) is between 0.10 and 0.25 mm, more preferably between 0.17 and 0.20 mm.
  • 16. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 15, wherein said outer diameter D3 of said proximal portion (12) is larger proximally than distally.
  • 17. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein said proximal portion (12) is tapering along said longitudinal axis (6) in a distal direction.
  • 18. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said sensor element is arranged in a hollow jacket.
  • 19. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 18, wherein said jacket has a circular cross section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6).
  • 20. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 18, wherein an inner diameter of said tubular jacket is adapted to said outer diameter D3 of said proximal portion (12).
  • 21. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein said intermediate portion (11) has a circular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to said longitudinal axis (6).
  • 22. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 6, wherein an outer diameter D2 of said circular cross-section of said intermediate portion (11) is between 0.035 mm and 0.187 mm, more preferably between 0.048 mm and 0.157 mm.
  • 23. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said distal tip joint (8) is soldered or welded.
  • 24. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said tip region core wire (5) is made from nitinol or steel.
  • 25. Sensor guide wire (1) according to claim 1, wherein said sensor guide wire (1) further comprises at least one microcable extending at least partly along said sensor guide wire (1) and being connected to said sensor element.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
1051005-5 Sep 2010 SE national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/EP2011/066864 9/28/2011 WO 00 3/13/2013
Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61387695 Sep 2010 US