This invention relates generally separating audio speech signals, and more particularly to separating signals from multiple sources recorded via a single channel.
In a natural setting, speech signals are usually perceived against a background of many other sounds. The human ear has the uncanny ability to efficiently separate speech signals from a plethora of other auditory signals, even if the signals have similar overall frequency characteristics, and are coincident in time. However, it is very difficult to achieve similar results with automated means.
Most prior art methods use multiple microphones. This allows one to obtain sufficient information about the incoming speech signals to perform effective separation. Typically, no prior information about the speech signals is assumed, other than that the multiple signals that have been combined are statistically independent, or are uncorrelated with each other.
The problem is treated as one of blind source separation (BSS). BSS can be performed by techniques such as deconvolution, decorrelation, and independent component analysis (ICA). BSS works best when the number of microphones is at least as many as the number of signals.
A more challenging, and potentially far more interesting problem is that of separating signals from a single channel recording, i.e., when the multiple concurrent speakers and other sources of sound have been recorded by only a single microphone. Single channel signal separation attempts to extract a speech signal from a signal containing a mixture of audio signals. Most prior art methods are based on masking, where reliable components from the mixed signal spectrogram are inversed to obtain the speech signal. The mask is usually estimated in a binary fashion. This results in a hard mask.
Because the problem is inherently underspecified, prior knowledge, either of the physical nature, or the signal or statistical properties of the signals, is assumed. Computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) based solutions are based on the premise that human-like performance is achievable through processing that models the mechanisms of human perception, e.g., via signal representations that are based on models of the human auditory system, the grouping of related phenomena in the signal, and the ability of humans to comprehend speech even when several components of the signal have been removed.
In one signal-based method, basis functions are extracted from training instances of the signals. The basis functions are used to identify and separate the component signals of signal mixtures.
Another method uses a combination of detailed statistical models and Weiner filtering to separate the component speech signals in a mixture. The method is largely founded on the following assumptions. Any time-frequency component of a mixed recording is dominated by only one of the components of the independent signals. This assumption is sometimes called the log-max assumption. Perceptually acceptable signals for any speaker can be reconstructed from only a subset of the time-frequency components, suppressing others to a floor value.
The distributions of short-time Fourier transform (STFT) representations of signals from the individual speakers can be modeled by hidden Markov models (HMMs). Mixed signals can be modeled by factorial HMMs that combine the HMMs for the individual speakers. Speaker separation proceeds by first identifying the most likely combination of states to have generated each short-time spectral vector from the mixed signal. The means of the states are used to construct spectral masks that identify the time-frequency components that are estimated as belonging to each of the speakers. The time-frequency components identified by the masks are used to reconstruct the separated signals.
The above technique has been extended by modeling narrow and wide-band spectral representations separately for the speakers. The overall statistical model for each speaker is thus a factorial HMM that combines the two spectral representations. The mixed speech signal is further augmented by visual features representing the speakers' lip and facial movements. Reconstruction is performed by estimating a target spectrum for the individual speakers from the factorial HMM apparatus, estimating a Weiner filter that suppresses undesired time-frequency components in the mixed signal, and reconstructing the signal from the remaining spectral components.
The signals can also be decomposed into multiple frequency bands. In this case, the overall distribution for any speaker is a coupled HMM in which each spectral band is separately modeled, but the permitted trajectories for each spectral band are governed by all spectral bands. The statistical model for the mixed signal is a larger factorial HMM derived from the coupled HMMs for the individual speakers. Speaker separation is performed using the re-filtering technique.
All of the above methods make simplifying approximations, e.g., utilizing the log-max assumption to describe the relationship of the log power spectrum of the mixed signal to that of the component signals. In conjunction with the log-max assumption, it is assumed that the distribution of the log of the maximum of two log-normal random variables is well defined by a normal distribution whose mean is simply the largest of the means of the component random variables. In addition, only the most likely combination of states from the HMMs for the individual speakers is used to identify the spectral masks for the speakers.
If the power spectrum of the mixed signal is modeled as the sum of the power spectra of the component signals, the distribution of the sum of log-normal random variables is approximated as a log-normal distribution whose moments are derived as combinations of the statistical moments of the component random variables.
In all of these techniques, speaker separation is achieved by suppressing time-frequency components that are estimated as not representing the speaker, and reconstructing signals from only the remaining time-frequency components.
A method according to the invention separates multiple audio signals recorded as a mixed signal via a single channel. The mixed signal is A/D converted and sampled.
A sliding window is applied to the samples to obtain frames. The logarithms of the power spectra of the frames are determined. From the spectra, the a posteriori probabilities of pairs of spectra are determined.
The probabilities are used to obtain Fourier spectra for each individual signal in each frame. The invention provides a minimum-mean-squared error metho or a soft mask method for making this determination. The Fourier spectra are inverted to obtain corresponding signals, which are concatenated to recover the individual signals.
The mixed signal 103 is A/D converted and sampled 120 to obtain samples 121. A sliding window is applied 130 to the samples 121 to obtain frames 131. The logarithms of the power spectra 141 of the frames 131 are determined 140. From the spectra, the a posteriori probabilities 151 of pairs of spectra are determined 150.
The probabilities 151 are used to obtain 160 Fourier spectra 161 for each individual signal in each frame. The invention provides two methods 300 and 400 to make this determination. These methods are described in detail below.
The Fourier spectra 161 are inverted 170 to obtain corresponding signals 171, which are concatenated 180 to recover the individual signals 101 and 102.
These steps are now described in greater detail.
Mixing Model
The two audio signals X(t) 101 and Y(t) 102 are generated by two independent signal sources SX and SY, e.g., two speakers. The mixed signal Z(t) 103 acquired by the microphone 110 is the sum of the two speech signals:
Z(t)=X(t)+Y(t). (1)
The power spectrum of X(t) is X(w), i.e.,
X(t)=|F(X(t))|2, (2)
where F represents the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and the |.| operation computes a component-wise squared magnitude. The other signals can be expressed similarly. If the two signals are uncorrelated, then we obtain:
Z(w)=X(w)+Y(w). (3)
The relationship in Equation 3 is strictly valid in the long term, and is not guaranteed to hold for power spectra measured from analysis frames of finite length. In general, Equation 3, becomes more valid as the length of the analysis frame increases. The logarithms of the power spectra X(w), Y(w), and Z(w), are x(w), y(w), and z(w), respectively. From Equation 3, we obtain:
z(w)=log(ex(w)+ey(w)), (4)
which can be written as:
z(w)=max(x(w), y(w))+log(1+emin(x(w), y(w))−max(x(w),y(w))). (5)
In practice, the instantaneous spectral power in any frequency band of the mixed signal 103 is typically dominated by one speaker. The log-max approximation codifies this observation by modifying Equation 3 to
z(w)≈max(x(w), y(w)). (6)
Hereinafter, we drop the frequency argument w, and simply represent the logarithm of the power spectra, which we refer to as the ‘log spectra’ of (x, y, and z), respectively.
The requirements for the log-max assumption to hold contradict those for Equation 3, whose validity increases with the length of the analysis frame. Hence, the analysis frame used to determine 140 the power spectra 141 of the signals effects a compromise between the requirements for Equations 3 and 6.
In our embodiment, the analysis frames 131 are 25 ms. This frame length is quite common, and strikes a good balance between the frame length requirements for both the uncorrelatedness and the log-max assumptions to hold.
We partition the samples 121 into 25 ms frames 131, with an overlap of 15 ms between adjacent frames, and sample 120 the signal 103 at 16 KHz. We apply a 400 point Hanning window to each frame, and determine a 512 point discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to determine 140 the log power spectra 141 from the Fourier spectra, in the form of 257 point vectors.
Statistical Model
We model a distribution of the log spectra 141 for any signal by a mixture of Gaussian density functions, hereinafter ‘Gaussians’. Within each Gaussian in the mixture, the various dimensions, i.e., the frequency bands in the log spectral vector are assumed to be independent of each other. Note that this does not imply that the frequency bands are independent of each other over the entire distribution of the speaker signal.
If x and y denote log power spectral vectors for the signals from sources SX and SY, respectively, then, according to the above model, the distribution of x for source SX can be represented as
where Kx, is the number of Gaussians in the mixture Gaussian, Px(k) represents the a priori probability of the kth Gaussian, D represents the dimensionality of the power spectral vector x, xd represents the dth dimension of the vector x, and μk
The distribution of y for source SY can similarly be expressed as
The parameters of P(x) and P(y) are learned from training audio signals recorded independently for each source.
Let z represent any log power spectral vector 141 for the mixed signal 103. Let zd denote the dth dimension of z. The relationship between xd, yd, and zd follows the log-max approximation given in Equation 6. We introduce the following notation for simplicity:
where kx and ky represent indices in the mixture Gaussian distributions for x and y, and w is a scalar random variable.
It can now be shown that
P(zd|kx, ky)=Px(zd|kx)Cy(zd|ky)+Py(zd|ky)Cx(zd|kx). (13)
Because the dimensions of x and y are independent of each other, given the indices of their respective Gaussians functions, it follows that the components of z are also independent of each other. Hence,
Note that the conditional probability of the Gaussian indices is given by
Minimum Mean Squared Error Estimation
A minimum-mean-squared error (MMSE) estimate {circumflex over (x)} for a random variable x is defined as the value that has the lowest expected squared norm error, given all the conditioning factors φ. That is,
{circumflex over (x)}=argminwE[∥w−x∥2|φ]. (17)
This estimate is given by the mean of the distribution of x.
For the problem of source separation, the random variables to be estimated are the log spectra of the signals form the independent sources. Let z be the log spectrum 141 of the mixed signal in any frame of speech. Let x and y be the log spectra of the desired unmixed signals for the frame. The MMSE estimate for x is given by
Alternately, the MMSE estimate can be stated as a vector, whose individual components are obtained as:
where P(xd|z) can be expanded as
In this equation, P(kd|kx, ky, zd) is dependent only on zd, because individual Gaussians in the mixture Gaussians are assumed to have diagonal covariance matrices.
It can be shown that
where δ is a Dirac delta function of xd centered at zd. Equation 21 has two components, one accounting for the case where xd is less than zd, while yd is exactly equal to zd, and the other for the case where yd is less than zd while xd is equal to zd. xd can never be less than zd.
Combining Equations 19, 20 and 21, we obtain Equation (22), which expresses the MMSE estimate 311 of the log power spectra xd:
The MMSE estimate for the entire vector {circumflex over (x)}d is obtained by estimating each component separately using Equation 22. Note that Equation 22 is exact for the mixing model and the statistical distributions we assume.
Reconstructing Separated Signals
The DFT 161 of each frame of signal from source SX is determined 320 as
{circumflex over (X)}(w)=exp({circumflex over (x)}+i∠Z(w)), (23)
where ∠z(w) 312 represents the phase of Z(w), the Fourier spectrum from which the log spectrum z was obtained. The estimated signal 171 for Sx in the frame is obtained as the inverse Fourier transform 170 of {circumflex over (X)}(w). The estimated signals 101-102 for all the frames are a concatenation 180 using a conventional ‘overlap and add’ method.
Soft Mask Estimation
As for the log-max assumption of Equation 6, zd, the dth component of any log spectral vector z determined 140 from the mixed signal 103 is equal to the larger of xd and yd, the corresponding components of the log spectral vectors for the underlying signals from the two sources. Thus, any observed spectral component belongs completely to one of the signals. The probability that the observed log spectral component zd belongs to source SX, and not to source SY, conditioned on the fact that the entire observed vector is z, is given by
P(xd=zd|z)=P(xd>yd|z). (24)
In other words, the probability that zd belongs to SX is the conditional probability that xd is greater than xd, which can be expanded as
Note that xd is dependent only on zd and not all of z, after the Gaussians kx and ky are given. Using Bayes rule, and the definition in Equation 9, we obtain:
Combining Equations 24, 25 and 26, we obtain 410 the soft mask 411
Reconstructing Separated Signals
The P(xd=zd|z) values are treated as a soft mask that identify the contribution of the signal from source SX to the log spectrum of the mixed signal z. Let mx be the soft mask for source SX, for the log spectral vector z. Note that the corresponding mask for SY is 1−mx. The estimated masked Fourier spectrum {circumflex over (X)}(w) for SX can be computed in two ways. In the first method, {circumflex over (X)}(w) is obtained by component-wise multiplication of m, and Z(w), the Fourier spectrum for the mixed signal from which z was obtained.
In the second method, we apply 420 the soft mask 411 to the log spectrum 141 of the mixed signal. The dth component of the estimated log spectrum for SX is
{circumflex over (xd)}=mx,d.zd−C(zd, mx,d), (28)
where, mx.d is the dth component of mx and C(zd, mx,d) is a normalization term that ensures that the estimated power spectra for the two signals sum to the power spectrum for the mixed signal, and is given by
C(zd, mx,d)=log(ez
The entire estimated log spectrum {circumflex over (x)} is obtained by reconstructing each component using Equation 28. The separated signals 101-102 are obtained from the estimated log spectra in the manner described above.
Note that other formulae may also be used to compute the complete log spectral vectors from the soft masks. Equation 29 is only one possibility.
Although the invention has been described by way of examples of preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that various other adaptations and modifications may be made within the spirit and scope of the invention. Therefore, it is the object of the appended claims to cover all such variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.