Macintosh Hypercard User's Guide, arrow icons, p. 176, 1989. |
Symbol Sourcebook, Henry Dreyfuss, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., increase contrast and reduce contrast symbols, p. 73, 1972. |
Claris MacDraw II User's Manual, pen pattern icon, p. 2, 1988. |
“Designing the 'Star User Interface,” Byte Magazine, copy mode icons, p. 27, Apr. 1982. |
Symbols/Icons from Xerox 8010 Professional Workstation Manual, convertor icon, p. 6, May 1981. |
Symbol Sourcebook, Henry Dreyfuss, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., comparator and autosomal inheritance symbols, p. 190, all symbols, pp. 195-197, 1972. |
Symbol Sourcebook, Henry Dreyfuss, small focal spot symbol, p. 191, 1972. |