Shared spanning tree protocol


  • Patent Grant
  • 6188694
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, December 23, 1997
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 13, 2001
    23 years ago
A shared spanning tree protocol (SSTP) creates a plurality of spanning trees (i.e., loop-free paths) which are shared among one or more virtual local area network (VLAN) designations for data transmission within a computer network. Each shared spanning tree includes and is defined by a primary VLAN and may be associated with one or more secondary VLANs. In order to associate VLAN designation(s) with a single shared spanning tree, network devices exchange novel shared spanning tree protocol data units (SST-PDUs). Each SST-PDU corresponds to a given primary VLAN and preferably includes one or more fields which list the secondary VLAN designations associated with the given primary VLAN. The association of VLAN designations to shared spanning trees, moreover, preferably depends on which path traffic is to follow as well as the anticipated load characteristics of the various VLANs. The association of VLAN designations to shared spanning trees thus provides a degree of load balancing within the network. Data messages tagged with a particular VLAN designation are then distributed by the devices only along the shared spanning tree to which that VLAN has been associated by SSTP.


The present invention relates generally to computer networks and, more specifically, to a shared spanning tree protocol for defining a plurality of loop-free paths within a computer network.


Many organizations, including businesses, governments and educational institutions, utilize computer networks so that employees and others may share and exchange information and/or resources. A computer network typically comprises a plurality of entities interconnected by means of one or more communications media. An entity may consist of any device, such as a computer, that “sources” (i.e., transmits) or “sinks” (i.e., receives) data frames over the communications media. A common type of computer network is a local area network (“LAN”) which typically refers to a privately owned network within a single building or campus. LANs typically employ a data communication protocol (LAN standard), such as Ethernet, FDDI or token ring, that defines the functions performed by data link and physical layers of a communications architecture (i.e., a protocol stack). In many instances, several LANs may be interconnected by point-to-point links, microwave transceivers, satellite hook-ups, etc. to form a wide area network (“WAN”) or internet that may span an entire country or continent.

One or more intermediate devices is often used to couple LANs together and allow the corresponding entities to exchange information. For example, a switch may be utilized to provide a “switching” function for transferring information, such as data frames, among entities of a computer network. Typically, the switch is a computer and includes a plurality of ports that couple the switch to the other entities. The switching function includes receiving data at a source port from an entity and for transferring that data to at least one destination port for receipt by another entity.

In addition, most computer networks include redundant communications paths so that a failure of any given link does not isolate any portion of the network. Such networks are typically referred to as meshed or partially meshed networks. The existence of redundant links, however, may cause the formation of circuitous paths or “loops” within the network. Loops are highly undesirable because data frames may traverse the loops indefinitely.

Furthermore, some devices, such as bridges or switches, replicate frames whose destination is not known resulting in a proliferation of data frames along loops. The resulting traffic effectively overwhelms the network. Other intermediate devices, such as routers, that operate at higher hierarchical layers, such as the Internetwork Layer of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (“TCP/IP”) reference model within the protocol stack, deliver data frames and learn the addresses of entities on the network differently than most bridges or switches, such that routers are generally not susceptible to sustained looping problems.

Spanning Tree Algorithm

To avoid the formation of loops, intermediate devices, such as bridges or switches, execute what is known as a spanning tree algorithm. This algorithm effectively “severs” the redundant links within network segments. More specifically, switches exchange special messages called bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) frames that allow them to calculate a spanning tree, which is a subset of the network segment that is loop-free (i.e., a tree) and yet connects every pair of LANs within the segment (i.e., the tree is spanning). The BPDU frames contain sufficient information, such as the relative cost of transmitting data frames over the links and interconnecting LANs, for the switches to discover a loop-free tree. Using this information, the switches calculate the tree in accordance with the algorithm and typically elect to sever or block all but one of the redundant links or communications paths. The spanning tree algorithm and the BPDU messages are well-known and documented (see IEEE Standard 802.1D).

In particular, execution of the spanning tree algorithm typically causes the switches to elect a single switch, among all the switches within each network segment, to be the “root” switch. The root is the switch having the lowest identifier (switch ID) of all switches in the particular network segment. Switch IDs, moreover, typically include a fixed portion and a settable portion. Accordingly, by modifying the settable portion of the ID of a given switch, a network administrator may “force” the network to elect that switch as the root. In addition, for each LAN coupled to more than one switch, a “designated switch” is elected which will forward frames from the LAN toward the root. The designated switch is typically the closest switch to the root.

Each switch also chooses a port (e.g., the “root port”) which gives the best path from the switch to the root and selects those ports that are to be included in the spanning tree (i.e., the root port and any port for which the switch has been elected as a designated switch). These ports are placed in a forwarding mode so that data frames may be forwarded to and from the ports and thus onto the corresponding paths or links. Ports not included within the spanning are placed in a blocking mode. When a port is in the blocking mode, the associated switch will not forward any data frames to or from that port.

As links fail or are repaired or as new links are added to a network, the spanning tree is re-calculated. In response, ports may transition from the blocking mode to the forwarding mode and vice versa. Rather than transition directly from the blocking mode to the forwarding mode, ports transition through two intermediate states: a listening state and a learning state. In the listening state, a port waits for information suggesting that it should return to the blocked mode. If, at the expiration of a timer, no such information has been received, the port transitions to the learning state. In the learning state, a port still blocks the forwarding of frames but received frames are examined and the location information contained therein, including the source of the frame, is stored. At the expiration of a second timer, the port finally transitions to the forwarding mode where frames may be forwarded from and received at the port.

Virtual Local Area Networks

A computer network may also be segregated into a series of network groups. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,394,402, issued on Feb. 28, 1995 to Floyd E. Ross (the “'402 patent”) discloses an arrangement that is capable of associating any port of a switch with any particular segregated network group. Specifically, according to the '402 patent, any number of physical ports of a particular switch may be associated with any number of groups within the switch by using a virtual local area network (VLAN) arrangement that virtually associates the port with a particular VLAN designation. More specifically, Ross discloses a switch or hub for a segmented virtual local area network with shared media access that associates VLAN designations with at least one internal port and further associates those VLAN designations with messages transmitted from any of the ports to which the VLAN designation has been assigned.

The VLAN designation for each internal port is stored in a memory portion of the switch such that every time a message is received by the switch on an internal port the VLAN designation of that port is associated with the message. Association is accomplished by a flow processing element which looks up the VLAN designation in a memory based on the internal port where the message originated. In addition to the '402 patent, an IEEE standards committee is preparing a standard for Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks. See IEEE Standard 802.1Q (draft).

In many cases, it may be desirable to interconnect a plurality of these switches in order to extend the VLAN associations of ports in the a-network. Ross, in fact, states that an objective of his VLAN arrangement is to allow all ports and entities of the network having the same VLAN designation to interchange messages by associating a VLAN designation with each message. Thus, those entities having the same VLAN designation function as if they are all part of the same LAN. Message exchanges between parts of the network having different VLAN designations are specifically prevented in order to preserve the boundaries of each VLAN segment.

Having defined a segregated computer network, several “solutions” have been proposed for overlaying spanning trees on these virtually segregated network groups. The IEEE 802.1Q standards committee, for example, has proposed defining a single spanning tree for all VLAN designations in the computer network. That is, the switches exchange conventional BPDUs in the accustomed manner so as to define a single forwarding topology irrespective of the various VLAN designations that have been defined for the network. Thus, either all frames may be forwarded and received through a given port or no frames may be forwarded or received through the port. Since bridges and switches are typically pre-configured to exchange and process conventional BPDUs, this is a simple solution to implement.

Nonetheless, the IEEE solution has several drawbacks. For example, by defining a single spanning tree for a network having numerous VLAN designations, the IEEE solution does not allow for load balancing. That is, all data communication within the network follows the single forwarding topology defined by the one spanning tree. This may significantly degrade performance over certain, heavily utilized, portions of the network, severely limiting message throughput.

An alternative to the 802.1Q approach defines a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation within the network and is currently being offered by Cisco Systems, Inc. See Cisco IOS VLAN Services document. With this approach, switches exchange BPDUs, each of which is tagged with a VLAN designation. That is, tagged BPDUs are formulated and exchanged for each VLAN designation within the network. These tagged BPDUs are then processed by the switches so as to define a separate forwarding topology or spanning tree for each VLAN designation. Thus, for a given port, messages associated with one VLAN designation may be forwarded and received whereas messages associated with a second VLAN designation may not.

By defining a separate forwarding topology for each VLAN designation which spans all entities associated with that designation, this solution supports load balancing throughout the network. It also avoids possible lost connectivity problems with portions of the network that may occur with the IEEE solution. There are, nonetheless, other drawbacks. First, this approach may not scale well to large networks. That is, as the number of VLAN designations increases, the number of tagged BPDUs being exchanged correspondingly increases. Accordingly, more communications bandwidth is consumed with BPDU traffic. Each BPDU, moreover, must be processed by the switches so as to calculate the corresponding spanning trees. Depending on the number of VLAN designations within the network, this may severely tax the processing and memory resources of the switches, degrading network efficiency.


It is an object of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for defining a series of spanning trees that is scaleable to large networks having numerous virtual local area network designations.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for defining sufficient spanning trees to permit load balancing within the network.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a protocol for defining a series of spanning trees without imposing a high processing load on the intermediate devices, thereby improving scalability.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a protocol that is compatible with non-enabled devices (i.e., devices that do not execute the protocol) such as standard IEEE 802.1Q devices and the current devices from Cisco Systems, Inc.

Briefly, the invention comprises a shared spanning tree protocol (SSTP) for creating a plurality of spanning trees (i.e., loop-free paths) which are shared among one or more virtual local area network (VLAN) designations within a computer network. In one aspect of the invention, the SSTP manifests as an exchange of novel shared spanning tree protocol data units (SST-PDUs) among network devices so as to associate each VLAN designation with a single shared spanning tree. Each shared spanning tree, moreover, includes and is defined by a primary VLAN and may include any number of secondary VLANs.

The association of VLAN designations to shared spanning trees preferably depends on which forwarding topology is desired and on the anticipated load characteristics of the various VLANs and may be pre-configured along with the identities of the primary VLANs at one or more network devices. For example, one shared spanning tree may include a single high traffic VLAN (e.g., the primary VLAN) and several low traffic VLANs (e.g., the secondary VLANs) while a second shared spanning tree may include several moderate traffic VLANs. The total number of shared spanning trees implemented by SSTP is thus greater than one but less than the total number of VLANs. Data frames tagged with a particular VLAN designation are then distributed by the devices only along the shared spanning tree to which that VLAN has been associated by SSTP.

The contours (i.e., paths) of each shared spanning tree are defined through the exchange and processing of tagged bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). In another aspect of the invention, a device, pursuant to SSTP, formulates and exchanges BPDUs tagged only with primary VLAN designations. Devices generally do not exchange untagged BPDUs or BPDUs tagged with secondary VLAN designations, except to possibly satisfy backwards compatibility with non-SST enabled devices, including devices compatible with the IEEE 802.1Q standard. This substantially reduces the amount of communications traffic and processor load as compared to the per-VLAN spanning tree solution. By processing these primary VLAN tagged BPDUs, devices define the contours of each shared spanning tree. Through the exchange of SST-PDUs, devices then associate each VLAN designation with a single predefined shared spanning tree for subsequent data exchange.

Each SST-PDU frame preferably contains, among other information, a field corresponding to the VLAN tag appended to the frame and, if the tag corresponds to a primary VLAN, a list of the associated secondary VLANs. Another field may be used to set the time interval by which the receiving device is to keep the information contained in the SST-PDU. As VLANs are moved among shared spanning trees and new primary VLANs are designated, new SST-PDUs are generated and exchanged among network devices so as to replace the previously stored information.

In the illustrated embodiment, the SST protocol is implemented by means of a novel state machine engine executing at each device for each VLAN designation. Preferably, the state machine engine includes three states (i.e., disassociated, wait and associated) that transition in response to the information contained in SST-PDUs received by the device. In particular, the state machine engine copies information from each received SST-PDU into an association table organized by VLAN designation. If the information in the association table indicates that a given VLAN designation is associated with either none or more than one shared spanning tree, then the state machine engine enters the disassociated state and no data frames tagged with this VLAN designation are forwarded by the device.

As additional SST-PDUs are received, the device replaces stale information in its association table with newly received information. Once the association table indicates that the VLAN is associated with only one shared spanning tree, the state machine engine preferably enters a wait state while that condition is allowed to propagate throughout the network. After sufficient time has elapsed so as to ensure that the information has been received at each device and assuming no contrary information has been received, the state machine engine transitions to an associated state. Here, the VLAN is associated with exactly one shared spanning tree and data frames tagged with this VLAN designation may be received and forwarded by the device along this spanning tree.


The above and further advantages of the invention may be better understood by referring to the following description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

is a highly schematic diagram of a computer network in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 2

is a partial block diagram of an intermediate device in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention;


is a block diagram of a preferred Shared Spanning Tree Protocol Data Unit;


is a block diagram of a tagged bridge protocol data unit;


is a block diagram of a bitstring for listing secondary VLANs;


is a state diagram in accordance with the present invention;


is an event table in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 5

is a highly schematic block diagram of a segment of a computer network; and

FIG. 6

is a highly schematic diagram of a computer network in accordance with another aspect of the invention.


FIG. 1

illustrates a partially meshed computer network


in accordance with the present invention. The network


preferably comprises a plurality of local area networks (LANs)




and servers


, such as file servers, print servers, etc., interconnected by a plurality of intermediate devices, such as switches




. One or more entities or hosts (not shown) are preferably coupled to each LAN




so that the entities may source or sink data frames to one another or to the servers


over the network


. Each switch




, moreover, preferably includes a plurality of ports such that each LAN




and server


is coupled to at least one port of switches





The network


may further include one or more routers




. Switches




and routers




are preferably interconnected by a series of links


, such as point-to-point links. Links


carry messages, such as data frames, between switches




and routers




. Each switch




and router




of network


identifies its own ports, e.g., by port numbers one, two, three, etc. Switches




and routers




are thus able to associate specific ports with the LANs, switches, routers, servers, etc. coupled thereto.

It should be understood that the network



FIG. 1

is meant for ID illustrative purposes only and that the present invention will operate with other networks having possibly far more complex topologies.

As set forth in the '402 patent and/or the IEEE 802.1Q standard, various LANs, servers and other devices may be grouped together to form virtual local area networks (VLANs). As shown in

FIG. 1

, each VLAN may be identified by a color code, e.g., “R” for red, “B” for blue, “G” for green, “O” for orange, “Y” for yellow and “V” for violet. More specifically, switches




associate each port coupled to a LAN or server with at least one VLAN designation (e.g., a color tag). For example, switches




may each associate their ports coupled to LANs




, respectively, with the “red” VLAN designation, thereby grouping these LANs together. Since all entities located on a given LAN (e.g., LAN


) utilize the same shared port of the corresponding switch (e.g., switch


), each of these entities is also associated with the VLAN designation(s) assigned to that port (e.g., red). Switches




may similarly associate their ports coupled to servers


with the red and blue VLAN designations, thereby allowing entities associated with either the red or blue VLAN designations to communicate with these servers.

Those ports of switches




and routers




coupled to links


are similarly associated with one or more VLAN designation(s). The VLAN designations associated with these ports preferably correspond to the VLANs that are reachable through that port. For example, switch


may associate each port coupled to links


with the red, violet and green VLAN designations, among others, to provide connectivity to red, violet and/or green designated LANs (e.g., LAN


) or servers


reachable via that link



To identify the various VLAN designations defined throughout the network


, switches




and routers




typically participate in a VLAN configuration protocol, such as the VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) from Cisco Systems, Inc. or the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP), that informs each switch and router of the current state of VLAN designations in use throughout the network


. In accordance with these protocols, each switch




and router




transmits predefined advertisements containing information regarding the current VLAN configuration at the sourcing device. By listening for the advertisements, devices may learn of any re-configuration of the network


, including deleting an existing VLAN or changing the parameters of existing VLAN. Thus, the current association of VLAN designations may be quickly propagated to all intermediate devices.

In addition, each switch




preferably maintains a list of predefined numeric identifiers (e.g., numbers) that are available for assignment as VLAN IDs. As each VLAN designation (e.g., color code) is established by the network administrator, a particular number is assigned thereto from the list. The list thus represents the maximum number of VLAN designations that may be supported within the network


. For example, the IEEE 802.1Q draft standard specifies a list from “0” to “4095” and thus allows for 4096 different VLAN IDs. The first VLAN designation that is established (e.g., red) may be assigned to number “3” and the second VLAN (e.g., blue) may be assigned number “25”. The green, orange, violet and yellow VLAN designations may be assigned to numbers “50”, “51”, “79” and “81”, respectively. That is, the assignment of numeric VLAN identifiers need not be sequential.

Once the VLAN designations have been established, any entity associated with a given VLAN designation (e.g., red) may exchange messages with any other similarly designated entity, even though the two entities may be physically remote from each other and interconnected by switches that are coupled to other VLANs. Inter-VLAN traffic (e.g., communication from a “red” designated entity to a “blue” designated entity), if permitted, is preferably performed by the routers





As shown, network


includes redundant links interconnecting switches




. For example, switch


is connected to switch


along at least two different paths; first, via switch


alone and second, via switches








. Similarly, servers


are each preferably coupled to the network


by more than one link. The existence of such redundant links prevents portions of the network


from becoming isolated should any constituent link fail. Such redundancy, however, also results in the creation of loops, which, as described above, are highly undesirable.

Execution of the spanning tree algorithm will prevent loops by defining a loop-free network topology (i.e., an active topology). As set forth above, however, current implementations of the spanning tree algorithm are limited to either a single loop-free topology which precludes load balancing of network traffic or a separate loop-free topology for every VLAN designation which may result in the consumption of substantial communications bandwidth and processor resources. To avoid these disadvantages and to improve the efficient distribution of messages throughout the network


, among other reasons, a plurality of intermediate devices (e.g., switches, bridges, etc.) preferably execute a Shared Spanning Tree Protocol (SSTP). In the illustrated embodiment, the SSTP protocol is implemented in a state machine environment.

State Machine Environment

FIG. 2

is a partial block diagram of a switch


similar to switches




of FIG.


. Switch


includes a plurality of ports


each of which is preferably coupled to a LAN, server, switch, router, etc. A switch suitable for use with the present invention is described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/623,142 filed Mar. 28, 1996 and entitled INTERSWITCH LINK MECHANISM FOR CONNECTING HIGH-PERFORMANCE NETWORK SWITCHES which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

Associated with each port


is a frame transmission object


and a frame reception object


. Frames received at a given port


may be captured by the corresponding frame reception object


and frames to be transmitted from the port are received from the frame transmission object


. The frame reception and transmission objects IDA




preferably communicate with a protocol entity


. More specifically, the frame reception object


passes received frames to the protocol entity


and the transmission object


may receive frames to be transmitted from entity


. Objects




are preferably message storage structures, such as queues.

The protocol entity


preferably includes at least one shared spanning tree (SST) state machine engine


and at least one spanning tree (ST) state machine engine


. Each SST engine


is preferably coupled to an association table


which includes a plurality of rows and columns. Each row or entry of table


is preferably associated with a VLAN designation (e.g., red, blue, etc.) configured within network




). In addition, each entry is associated with a plurality of cells, corresponding to the columns of table


. The cells preferably include a Shared Spanning Tree (SST) ID1 cell and a corresponding Timer 1 cell and a Shared Spanning Tree (SST) ID2 cell and its corresponding Timer 2 cell. An associated cell is also established for each entry. As discussed below, these cells contain information relating to the shared spanning tree protocol. Each ST engine


is preferably coupled to a filtering database



It will be understood to those skilled in the art that the tables




may be implemented as content addressable memory (CAM) devices and that the state machine engines




may comprise registers and combinational logic configured to produce sequential logic circuits. In the illustrated embodiment, the state machine engines




preferably comprise programmable processing elements containing software programs pertaining to the methods described herein and executable by the processing elements. Other computer readable media may also be used to store and execute the program instructions. The state machine engines




preferably cooperate to define a plurality of shared spanning trees each of which defines an active topology for one or more VLAN designations.

SST-PDU Frame Format


is a block diagram of a preferred Shared Spanning Tree Protocol Data Unit (SST-PDU) frame


. Attached to SST-PDU frame


may be a header


that is compatible with the Media Access Control (MAC) layer of a protocol stack implemented by the port sourcing the SST-PDU frame


. The format of header


may correspond to a conventional Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP). Header


preferably comprises a plurality of fields, including a VLAN tag field


, a destination MAC address field


and a source MAC address field


. Although shown preceding the destination and source address fields




, the VLAN tag field


may be placed anywhere within header


. Other fields, in addition to those comprising header


, may also be attached to the SST-PDU frame


. These additional fields may include a Logical Link Control field


, an organization unique identifier (OUI) field


and a type field


. The OUI and type fields




are preferably used to identify the frame as an SST-PDU frame



The SST-PDU frame


similarly includes a plurality of fields. In particular, the SST-PDU


may include a version field


, which may be used to indicate which version of the Shared Spanning Tree Protocol frame


is associated. A VLAN ID field


preferably carries the VLAN designation of the primary or secondary VLAN for which the SST-PDU


was generated, as described below. An SST-PDU lifetime field


may be used by the receiving device to determine how long to keep information in a received SST-PDU


. A secondary VLAN list


, which may itself comprise a plurality of fields, may be used to identify secondary VLAN designations.

Preferably, fields






are each tag-length-value (TLV) fields. That is, the first two bytes of these fields may represent type information, the next two bytes length information and the remaining bytes the actual data or value carried by the field. By arranging fields






as TLVs, the information carried by these fields may be easily modified as implementations of the protocol are changed or up-dated. It should be understood that other fields of SST-PDU


may also be implemented as TLVs.

In addition, the secondary VLAN list


may include a revision field


, a list size field


, a First VLAN ID field


and a VLAN string field


. As described in more detail below, the First VLAN ID field


preferably contains the identity of the first VLAN designation in the secondary VLAN list


. The VLAN string field


contains the complete list of secondary VLANs corresponding to list



It will be understood to those skilled in the art that additional fields or TLVs may also be used in SST-PDU


. For example, rather than utilize a VLAN list, the SST-PDU may simply include an SST ID field (not shown) that may be loaded with the primary VLAN corresponding to the secondary VLAN loaded into the VLAN ID field. By parsing the contents of these two fields, a receiving device would thus learn that the secondary VLAN from the VLAN ID field is associated with the primary VLAN of the SST ID field. Those skilled in the art will understand that other such fields or approaches may be used to convey the association of secondary VLANs with primary VLANs.



allows SST-PDU frames


to be transmitted over links configured to carry VLAN tagged frames. These links may be compatible with the draft IEEE 802.1Q standard. Other fields in place of or in addition to header


may be utilized to support or improve the transmission of SST-PDU frames


across these or other types of links. For example, Cisco Systems, Inc. has developed an Inter-Switch Link (ISL) mechanism (see U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/623,142 filed Mar. 28, 1996 and entitled INTERSWITCH LINK MECHANISM FOR CONNECTING HIGH-PERFORMANCE NETWORK SWITCHES) which keeps the VLAN associations of tagged messages intact during transmission across shared network media. To permit the transmission of SST-PDU frames


over ISL configured links, an ISL destination address field


and an ISL source address field


may be appended to header


. These fields




specify respective destination and source port interface circuitry (not shown) used to interconnect switches via an ISL link.

Each port



FIG. 2

) is preferably pre-configured in accordance with a particular protocol or standard, such as the 802.1Q draft standard, the ISL mechanism, or some other transport protocol or standard. Accordingly, each SST engine


“knows” what format to utilize when formulating SST-PDU frames


for transmission through any switch port



BPDU Frame Format


is a block diagram of a bridge protocol data unit (BPDU)


for use with the present invention. The BPDU


preferably includes a VLAN tag field


so as to form a tagged BPDU. The BPDU


further includes destination and source MAC address fields




and DSAP and SSAP fields




. A root ID field


preferably contains the identifier of the switch assumed to be the root and a switch ID field


contains the identifier of the switch transmitting the BPDU


. A cost field


contains the cost of the least cost path to the root from the transmitting switch. Finally, a port ID field


contains an identifier corresponding to the port through which the BPDU


is transmitted.

Creation of Shared Spanning Trees

Each VLAN designation utilized in network


is first classified as either a primary VLAN or a secondary VLAN. Each primary VLAN corresponds to a single shared spanning tree or forwarding topology defined within the network




). That is, a given shared spanning tree is identified and defined by its corresponding primary VLAN. Each secondary VLAN is preferably associated with one primary VLAN and thus one shared spanning tree for message forwarding purposes, through the exchange and processing of SST-PDUs



A VLAN is classified as primary in order to define a distinct forwarding topology within the network. Thereafter, other VLANs may be classified as secondary and associated with that primary VLAN so that traffic along those secondary VLANs will follow the topology defined by the primary VLAN. For example, a primary VLAN may be defined so as to utilize a secure link within the network and other VLANs needing to use the secure link may be classified as secondary VLANs and associated with that primary VLAN. The classification and association of VLANs also preferably depends on the anticipated traffic along the VLANs. Ideally, those VLAN designations which are anticipated to generate a large amount of network traffic are preferably separated from each other either by designating each such “high-traffic” VLAN as a primary VLAN or at least associating it with a different primary VLAN, as described below. Other VLANs which are not anticipated to generate substantial network traffic are preferably divided between the primary VLAN designations so as balance the anticipated load between the various groups.

Once the VLAN designations have been classified, each switch




is preferably pre-configured with the identity of all primary VLAN designations and all secondary VLAN designations, but not with the association of secondary VLANs to primary VLANs. The pre-configuration of primary and secondary VLAN information may be accomplished in a number of ways. For example, a network administrator may issue appropriate commands to the switches




instructing them to designate one or more VLAN designations as primary VLANs and the remaining VLAN designations as secondary VLANs. The designation or classification information may be stored at each switch in a portion of memory (not shown) allocated to the Shared Spanning Tree Protocol.

Alternatively, a protocol, such as the VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) from Cisco Systems, Inc., which propagates VLAN designation information, may be utilized to propagate primary/secondary VLAN designation information as well. Specifically, using VTP, a network administrator issues commands at one switch which then forwards the commands to its neighbor switches which similarly forward the commands so that they are received throughout the network. In this way the commands, entered at a single switch, are automatically propagated to all switches in the network. Here, the commands may be used to identify VLANs as primary or secondary VLANs. Once the information has been entered at one switch by a network administrator, the switches, through VTP, ensure that the information is propagated throughout the network.

In addition to configuring each switch with information regarding which VLANs are primary VLANs and which are secondary VLANs, the root associated with each primary VLAN (i.e., shared spanning tree) is also configured with the association of secondary VLAN designations to that primary VLAN. That is, the network administrator preferably chooses which switch will be the root for each primary VLAN. The settable portion of the corresponding switch ID is then modified so as to ensure that the switch is indeed selected as the root during execution of the spanning tree algorithm. The root switches, each of which is assigned one or more primary VLANs, are then pre-configured with the identity of the associated secondary VLANs corresponding to the assigned primary VLAN(s). Thus, the roots “know” which VLANs are primary VLANs and, in addition, which VLANs are associated as secondary VLANs to those primary VLANs for which it is the root. Non-root switches, however, are not necessarily configured with information regarding the association of secondary VLANs to primary VLANs, but learn of these associations from received SST-PDUs.

The association of secondary VLANs with primary VLANs is preferably stored in the roots' association tables




). That is, in the entry for each secondary VLAN at table


, the identifier of the corresponding primary VLAN is stored at either the SST-ID1 or SST-ID2 cell.

Upon start-up, each switch begins transmitting tagged BPDUs


from its ports




). More specifically, each switch preferably includes a separate spanning tree state machine engine


for each primary VLAN. Each engine


within each switch


, moreover, formulates and sends BPDUs


tagged with the primary VLAN designation for which it is associated. That is, each engine


loads its primary VLAN designation into the VLAN tag field


and its switch ID into the root ID field


since, at least initially, each switch assumes that it is the root for that primary VLAN. The tagged BPDU


is then sent through each port


of the switch which has been associated with this VLAN designation (i.e., the VLAN designation loaded into tag field


). BPDUs


tagged with the various primary VLAN designations are thus emitted from each switch





FIG. 1

) in network



Tagged BPDUs


formulated and sent by neighboring switches are consequently received at each switch




, captured by the corresponding frame receptor objects


and forwarded to the spanning tree engine


associated with the primary VLAN designation listed in the VLAN tag field


of the received BPDU


. The contents of the received BPDUs


are examined and processed by engines


preferably in accordance with the IEEE 802.1D standard. That is, received BPDUs


may contain “better” root identifiers than the switch's own ID which was loaded into field


. The best known root identifier (typically the identifier with the lowest value) for each primary VLAN designation is loaded into the root ID field


of subsequent BPDUs formulated by each engine


. Similarly, the contents of the cost field


of received BPDUs


are up-dated and the new BPDUs


transmitted through the corresponding ports


of the switch



By processing the information in received BPDUs


tagged with primary VLAN designations and transmitting new BPDUs


to each other, switches




eventually converge with the selection of a single root for each primary VLAN designation. Each switch




, moreover, identifies a root port for each primary VLAN designation and for each LAN coupled to multiple switches a designated switch and port are selected for each VLAN designation. During this process, these root and designated ports transition from the blocked mode to the forwarding mode via the listening and learning states in accordance with the spanning tree algorithm. Upon convergence of the spanning tree algorithm, a single active topology (i.e., a “shared spanning tree”) is defined throughout network


for each primary VLAN designation.

Referring to

FIG. 1

, assume that switches




have been pre-configured such that the red and green VLANs are primary VLANs and the blue, orange, violet and yellow VLANs are secondary VLANs. Accordingly, each switch will have two spanning tree engines


; one associated with the red VLAN and other with the green VLAN. Assume further that the switch ID of switch


has been modified so that it will be the root for the red VLAN and that the ID of switch


has similarly been modified so that it will be the root for the green VLAN. Execution of the spanning tree algorithm, through the exchange of tagged BPDUs


as described above, will result in a first active topology corresponding to the red VLAN and a second active topology corresponding to the green VLAN. Thus, each switch




, except for the root switches themselves, has a root port for the red primary VLAN and a root port for the green primary VLAN which may be the same or a different port.

At this point, data frames tagged with primary VLAN designations (e.g., red and green) may be forwarded through the network


, since a corresponding active topology has been defined for these VLANs. That is, a shared spanning tree exists for each primary VLAN, thereby connecting, for example, each “red” LAN within network


by establishing which ports are capable of transmitting messages (i.e., forwarding ports) and which are not (i.e., blocked ports). Data messages tagged with secondary VLAN designations (e.g., blue, orange, violet and yellow), however, can be forwarded only if the secondary VLAN is associated with exactly one primary VLAN. If so, the messages are forwarded along the spanning tree corresponding to the associated primary VLAN.

Switches associate secondary VLANs with primary VLANs through the exchange of SST-PDUs


. In particular, as selected ports



FIG. 2

) at each root




transition to the learning state, during execution of the spanning tree algorithm, the roots preferably start formulating SST-PDUs


for transmission out those port


. Each switch, including the roots




, preferably includes one shared spanning tree state machine engine


for each VLAN designation (primary and secondary).

Since only the roots initially “know” the association of secondary VLANs with primary VLANs, propagation of SST-PDUs within network


, at least initially, originates from the roots. That is, the roots are pre-configured with the association of secondary VLANs to primary VLAN(s) for which the root has been selected. At root


, for example, the shared spanning tree engine


associated with the green VLAN designation formulates an SST-PDU


and loads the corresponding primary VLAN designation (e.g., green) into the VLAN ID field


. Since this SST-PDU


has the primary VLAN designation loaded into field


, engine


preferably utilizes secondary VLAN list


to identify the corresponding secondary VLANs (e.g., orange, violet and yellow).

The representation of secondary VLAN information within list


is preferably via a bitstring. More specifically, as shown in


, a bitstring


having a bit


for each possible numeric VLAN identifier is preferably created by the shared spanning tree engine


. Accordingly, under the 802.1Q draft standard, bitstring


will have a total of 4096 bits. Engine


then moves through the bitstring


asserting only those bits


corresponding to secondary VLANs that are associated with the primary VLAN. For example, for the green primary VLAN, engine


at root


asserts the fifty-first, seventy-ninth and eighty-first bits in the bitstring


, corresponding to the orange, violet and yellow numeric VLAN identifiers, respectively. The remaining bits


of bitstring


are preferably left unasserted.

Next, engine


loads bitstring


into the VLAN string field


of the SST-PDU


being formulated. More specifically, engine


preferably loads only a portion


of the bitstring


into field


so as to reduce the overall length of field


. The selected portion


loaded into field


preferably includes all of the bits


that have been asserted. Thus, in this case, portion


spans numeric VLAN identifiers “51” through “81”. In order for a receiving switch to correlate the selected portion


of bitstring


to its own list of numeric VLAN identifiers, engine


preferably loads the First VLAN ID field


of the SST-PDU


with the first numeric VLAN identifier (e.g., “51”) from portion


. By examining the contents of field


, a receiving switch can thus determine where the portion


starts. Furthermore, by simply examining which bits are asserted, the receiving switch learns which secondary VLANs are associated with the primary VLAN (as identified in VLAN ID field



It should be understood that the root may load the entire bitstring


into field


, although this approach would often result in the transmission of a substantial amount of unnecessary information (since many, if not most, of the bits may be left unasserted) and require the receiving switches to examine a large number of bits, thereby wasting valuable communications, processor and memory resources.

It should be further understood that the SST-PDU need not contain a VLAN ID field. In this case, switches receiving the SST-PDU associate the list of secondary VLANs with the primary VLAN with which the SST-PDU has been tagged.

Additionally, one or more fields of the SST-PDU


may be appended to BPDUs


. For example, VLAN ID field


may be appended to BPDU


after the port ID field


. SST-PDU lifetime field


and secondary VLAN list field


may similarly be appended to BPDU


. Upon receipt of such modified BPDUs, an SST-enabled switch may be able to associate the primary VLAN loaded into the VLAN ID field with the secondary VLANs listed in the secondary VLAN list field, if any.



may also load list size field


with a value corresponding to the number of bits in the portion


of bitstring


loaded into field


. If there are no secondary VLANs associated with this primary VLAN, field


is set to zero. In addition, root


loads SST-PDU lifetime field


with a value corresponding to the length of time that receiving switches should keep the information contained in the SST-PDU


. The root


also selects a value for use in identifying the particular contents of the VLAN string field


which is then loaded into revision field


. Next, header


is appended to the SST-PDU


. In particular, the root loads the VLAN tag field


with the same VLAN designation previously loaded into field


. If the intended port of transmission is an ISL port, then ISL fields




may also be appended to the SST-PDU





then transmits the SST-PDU


out all trunk ports associated with the green VLAN designation which are in the learning or forwarding states for receipt by the neighboring switches. Since SST-PDUs


are intended to be received by neighboring switches, they are preferably only transmitted from ports coupled to links






may nonetheless be transmitted through ports coupled to LANs




or servers



Upon receipt at the corresponding port



FIG. 2

) of the neighboring switch


, the SST-PDU


is captured by the associated frame reception object


and passed to the shared spanning tree engine


corresponding to the VLAN designation loaded in the VLAN tag field


. This engine


processes the SST-PDU


. In particular, receiving engine


examines the VLAN ID field


and determines, based upon its own pre-configuration data, whether the VLAN designation loaded therein (e.g., “green”) corresponds to a primary or secondary VLAN. Since it corresponds to a primary VLAN, engine


next examines field


to see whether there is a list of secondary VLANs in field


and, if so, how long that list is. If field


were set to zero, engine


would understand that there are no secondary VLANs associated with this primary VLAN. In this case, field


indicates that the information in VLAN string field


is thirty-one bits long.



next determines where the portion


of the bitstring


loaded in field


starts, by examining the contents of field


. From the information in field


, engine


learns that the portion


of bitstring


contained in field


starts with numeric VLAN identifier “51” (i.e., the orange VLAN). By parsing the contents of portion


, engine


learns that the orange, violet and yellow secondary VLANs are all associated with the green primary VLAN.



then proceeds to enter this information into its association table


. More specifically, engine


performs a look-up on table


for each secondary VLAN designation identified in portion


. If an entry does not exist, it is created by engine


. Next, engine


proceeds to each entry of association table


corresponding to a secondary VLAN designation in order to store the identification of the associated primary VLAN therein. For example, engine


locates the entry of table


corresponding to the orange VLAN designation and enters the green VLAN designation from field


of the received SST




into either the SST ID1 or SST ID2 cells, assuming both are unasserted. Engine


also enters the time from the SST-PDU lifetime field


into the timer cell corresponding to the selected SST ID cell. The other SST ID and corresponding timer cells are left unasserted. Since there is only one SST ID stored in table


corresponding to the entry for the orange secondary VLAN, engine


preferably copies this primary VLAN ID (e.g., green) into the associated cell, thereby associating the orange secondary VLAN with the green primary VLAN. Engine


similarly proceeds to modify those entries of table


corresponding to the violet and yellow secondary VLAN entries so as to associate these secondary VLANs with the green primary VLAN.

To the extent any ports at the neighboring switch that received the SST-PDU


are associated with the VLAN designation from field


and are in the learning or forwarding states, the SST-PDU is transmitted out those ports. The SST-PDU is, however, not re-transmitted out the port on which it was received. Consequently, SST-PDUs formulated by root switch


are flooded throughout network


. As each switch receives the SST-PDUs, the information contained therein is examined and the switch's corresponding association table is updated accordingly. Thus, the remaining switches in network


learn that the orange, violet and yellow secondary VLAN designations are all associated with the green primary VLAN designation.

Once this information is propagated to and recorded by the switches in network


, data messages tagged with these secondary VLAN designations may be forwarded through the network


. For example, once switches




have associated the orange secondary VLAN designation with the green primary VLAN designation, data messages tagged with the orange VLAN designation are forwarded along the active topology (i.e., the shared spanning tree) defined by the green primary VLAN. Since SST-PDUs are preferably transmitted as ports enter the learning state, the creation of a forwarding topology occurs simultaneously for all VLANs, primary and secondary. That is, as the forwarding topology corresponding to the green primary VLAN is established, devices simultaneously learn that the orange, yellow and violet secondary VLANs are associated with this primary VLAN through the receipt of SST-PDUs. Accordingly, the forwarding of data messages tagged with either primary or secondary VLAN designations typically occurs simultaneously.

To ensure their receipt by all switches in the network


, additional SST-PDUs


are periodically (e.g., every sixteen seconds) sent by root


associating the orange, violet and yellow secondary VLAN designations with the green VLAN designation. More specifically, upon transmission of an SST-PDU from the root


a timer is set. Upon expiration of the timer, the root


formulates and sends another SST-PDU


. In each supplemental SST-PDUs


, root


enters the same value into the revision field


, since there has been no change in the association of secondary VLANs. Upon receipt, the non-root switches examine the VLAN ID field


and the revision field


. If the value contained in the revision field


is unchanged, the receiving switches know that the secondary VLANs associated with this primary VLAN have not changed. As a result, the receiving switches need not examine or process the VLAN string field


. Instead, the receiving switches simply reset the timers in their association tables


corresponding to the secondary VLAN entries with the value in field



The use of timers in table


ensures that stale information is discarded. More specifically, if a switch were to stop receiving SST-PDUs


containing information associating a given secondary VLAN with a given primary VLAN, the timer in table


corresponding to this secondary VLAN entry will expire. In response, engine


preferably discards the information in that entry. These timers are preferably set in cooperation with the frequency in which the roots transmit additional SST-PDUs so as to prevent valid information from being discarded.



similarly formulates SST-PDUs


, but with the red VLAN designation loaded into VLAN tag and VLAN ID fields




and the blue VLAN designation entered into the secondary VLAN list


, thereby indicating that the blue secondary VLAN is associated with the red primary VLAN. These SST-PDUs are received by neighboring switches, examined and forwarded out any trunk ports associated with the red VLAN designation that are in the learning or forwarding states. Accordingly, the association of the blue secondary VLAN with the red primary VLAN is propagated throughout the network





Once an active topology or shared spanning tree has been established for each primary VLAN designation and the association of secondary VLANs to primary VLANs has been propagated throughout the network


, switches




are ready to forward tagged messages. In particular, upon receipt of a tagged message, it is passed to the shared spanning tree engine


corresponding to the VLAN designation tag. Engine


looks up table


for the entry corresponding to this VLAN designation and examines the associated cell for the identity of the shared spanning tree on which this message is to be forwarded. If the VLAN designation of the message corresponds to a primary VLAN, then this primary VLAN designation will be in the corresponding associated cell. If the VLAN designation of the message is a secondary VLAN, the associated cell will contain the identity of the primary VLAN associated with this secondary VLAN designation. If the associated cell is unasserted (meaning that this VLAN designation is currently associated with either none or more than one primary VLAN), the message is preferably discarded.

Once engine


has determined which primary VLAN designation is associated with this tagged message, it is ready to forward the message. In particular, as described above, an active topology or shared spanning tree exists for each primary VLAN designation. Accordingly, the tagged message may be forwarded through any port of the switch that is (1) associated with the primary VLAN designation as determined from the association table and (2) in the forwarding state pursuant to execution of the spanning tree algorithm. For example, messages tagged with the orange, violet and yellow secondary VLAN designations all follow the shared spanning tree corresponding to the green primary VLAN designation.

Although network


includes six VLAN designations, only two shared spanning trees are defined and utilized to forward all tagged messages. The shared spanning tree protocol thus allows more than one VLAN designation to utilize the same shared spanning tree. Nonetheless, by allowing the establishment of a plurality of shared spanning trees, the shared spanning tree protocol is able to provide load balancing while reducing the amount of configuration traffic and processing resources needed to define the shared spanning trees. The shared spanning tree protocol thereby significantly improves the operating efficiency of computer networks, especially those having many VLAN designations.

Moving a VLAN from One Shared Spanning Tree to Another

The SSTP also prevents the formation of temporary loops when secondary VLANs are moved from one primary VLAN to another or primary VLANs are deleted. For example, the violet secondary VLAN which was originally associated with the green primary VLAN may be “moved” to the red primary VLAN. To move a secondary VLAN, the network administrator preferably enters the change at the new root switch. That is, the network administrator records the new association of the violet secondary VLAN with the red primary VLAN at the root of the red shared spanning tree (i.e., switch


). Similarly, the administrator removes the association of the violet secondary VLAN from the green primary VLAN at root



In response to this re-configuration, root


immediately begins transmitting SST-PDUs


to propagate the new association to the other switches. More specifically, root


formulates SST-PDUs


by loading VLAN tag and VLAN ID fields with the red VLAN designation and entering the blue and violet secondary VLANs in the secondary VLAN list


. Since the list of secondary VLANs has changed (e.g., the violet secondary VLAN has been added), root


utilizes a new value in the revision field


so that receiving switches will know that a change has taken place.

The revised SST-PDUs


are first received at the neighboring switches which examine the VLAN ID and revision fields




. Since the value contained in revision field


has changed the receiving switches examine the contents of the secondary VLAN list


. The information from the secondary VLAN list


is then stored in the neighboring switches' association tables


. More specifically, the receiving switches locate the entry corresponding to the blue VLAN. Since the SST ID associated with this entry is the same as that carried by the SST-PDU


, engine


simply updates the value in the corresponding Timer 1 cell with the value from the SST-PDU lifetime field


. The receiving switch next looks up table


for the entry corresponding to the violet VLAN.

Here, the only SST ID which is set indicates that green VLAN is the shared spanning tree corresponding to this secondary VLAN, assuming the timer associated with this SST ID has not yet expired. Accordingly, the receiving switch adds the new information without discarding the current information. That is, assuming the green VLAN ID is stored in the SST ID1 cell, the red VLAN designation is entered into the SST ID2 cell and the value from the SST-PDU lifetime field


is entered into the Timer 2 cell. Since the violet secondary VLAN is now associated with two shared spanning trees (those identified by the green and red VLAN designations), the corresponding associated cell is set to null. If the new information in a received SST-PDU


is different than the current information in both the ID1 and ID2 cells, then the older of the two entries is preferably overwritten with the new information.

The receiving switch then forwards the SST-PDU out all trunk ports associated with the red VLAN designation that are in the learning or forwarding states. As a result, for some period of time, the association tables


of all the switches will reflect that the violet VLAN is associated with both the red and green shared spanning trees. Nonetheless, since root


no longer associates the violet VLAN with the green primary VLAN, subsequent SST-PDUs formulated by root


do not include the violet VLAN designation in the secondary VLAN list


. As a result, the timer associated with the green VLAN ID stored in the SST ID2 cell is not updated and eventually will expire causing engine


to discard the green VLAN ID stored in the SST ID2 cell. Once this entry is discarded, the only shared spanning tree associated with the violet VLAN will be the red VLAN. At this point, the violet VLAN will once again be associated with a single shared spanning tree.

Prior to expiration of the timer and the discarding of the old association, however, switches have conflicting information with regard to the forwarding of data messages tagged with the violet VLAN designation. To prevent the formation of temporary loops during this period, switches preferably suspend the transmission of messages tagged with the violet VLAN designation.

More specifically, in response to receiving SST-PDUs


and examining the contents thereof, the VLAN designations associated with the ports



FIG. 2

) of each switch preferably transition among a plurality of states.


is a diagram of the various states that may be entered by the VLAN designations and


is an event table illustrating a plurality of events E




corresponding to those states. The states preferably include a disassociated state


, a wait state


and an associated state


. Upon initialization of the corresponding switch


, each VLAN designation associated with the ports of the switch “hibernates” in the disassociated state


and the switch is prevented from forwarding any tagged data messages.



are received and their contents examined and stored, the individual VLAN designations associated with the ports of the switch transition among the other states. More specifically, upon receipt of an SST-PDU


, the corresponding shared spanning tree engine


modifies the information in the association table


, as described above. If, for a given VLAN designation, the corresponding entry in the association table


indicates that the VLAN is associated with a single shared spanning tree, the VLAN designation transitions to the wait state


for that switch. In the wait state


, all ports associated with the given VLAN designation are still blocked from forwarding messages tagged with the given VLAN designation, regardless of the port state as defined by the spanning tree algorithm. The purpose of the wait state


is to ensure that the new association of the given VLAN to a single shared spanning tree is learned by all neighbor switches in the network before messages are forwarded.

A VLAN designation preferably remains in the wait state


until a pre-selected number of SST-PDUs have been sent since entering the wait state


. This number may be set during the pre-configuration process and preferably equals the number of SST-PDUs which must be sent to ensure receipt by all neighbor switches. If, during this time, an SST-PDU is received indicating that the VLAN designation at issue is also associated with some other shared spanning tree (i.e., the VLAN designation is associated with more than one shared spanning tree), event E


is triggered and the VLAN designation preferably transitions back to the disassociated state


. If the requisite number of SST-PDUs


are sent (event E


) and no conflicting information is received, the VLAN designation preferably transitions to the associated state


. In the associated state


, the VLAN designation is associated with a single shared spanning tree and the switch is permitted to forward messages tagged with this VLAN designation.

From the associated state


, a VLAN designation transitions back to the disassociated state


upon receipt of an SST-PDU


indicating that the VLAN is associated with either no shared spanning tree or more than one shared spanning tree (event E


). Again, in the disassociated state


, the switch is precluded from forwarding messages tagged with this VLAN designation out any port.

In sum, for messages tagged with a given VLAN designation to be forwarded out a given port, two requirements must be met. First, the VLAN designation must be in the associated state


at that switch, thereby assuring that the VLAN designation is associated with a single shared spanning tree. Second, the port itself must be in the forwarding state as defined by the spanning tree algorithm, running for the primary VLAN corresponding to the VLAN designation of the message.

Consistency Checking of Native VLANs

In addition to associating secondary VLANs with primary VLANs, SST-PDUs


may also be used to confirm that “native” VLANs have been properly configured in each link


. A native VLAN refers to the VLAN designation associated with all untagged messages traversing a given link connecting two or more devices (e.g., switches).

FIG. 5

illustrates a portion of a network


including two switches




coupled by link


. Disposed on link


is a hub


which may be connected to other devices or entities (not shown).

VLAN tagged messages may be exchanged by switches




. Although the other entities and devices on link


may not support the reception or transmission of such tagged messages, it may nonetheless be desirable to associate these other devices with one VLAN designation. Accordingly, switches




are preferably configured to associate all untagged messages received from link


with a given VLAN designation (i.e., a “native” VLAN). That is, upon receipt of a message generated by a device or entity on link


at either switch




, the message is tagged with the native VLAN designation and forwarded to the network


. Similarly, native VLAN-tagged messages intended for a device or entity on link


are received by switch




. The switches




strip off the native VLAN tag and forward the now un-tagged messages onto link



If, however, the native VLAN designation associated with link


at switch


does not match the native VLAN designation associated with link


at switch


, a loop may result causing serious traffic problems on the network


. For example, assume switch


associates the blue VLAN designation as the native VLAN for link, whereas switch


associates the yellow VLAN designation as the native VLAN for link


. if. The resulting inconsistency could cause messages to loop indefinitely. Such an inconsistency, however, would be detected by the SSTP and the affected ports disabled.

As described above, roots formulate and transmit SST-PDUs



FIG. 3

) in which the primary VLAN designation corresponding to the shared spanning tree assigned to the root is loaded into the VLAN tag and VLAN ID fields




. In order to detect inconsistent native VLAN configurations, roots also formulate and transmit SST-PDUs tagged with secondary VLAN designations. More specifically, roots formulate SST-PDUs


having a given secondary VLAN designation loaded into both the VLAN tag and VLAN ID fields




. Since a secondary VLAN does not, by definition, have its own secondary VLANs, the secondary VLAN list


of such SST-PDUs


is empty. That is, the value entered into the list size field


is zero. These SST-PDUs


propagate throughout the network



FIG. 1

) as described above and are utilized by receiving switches to check the consistency of any native VLANs.

More specifically, such SST-PDUs are received by switches




and transmitted across link


. Assume switch


receives an SST-PDU which is tagged with the blue VLAN designation and, as a result, carries the blue VLAN designation in field


. Since switch


understands the blue VLAN to be the native VLAN for link


, switch


strips off the VLAN tag field


. The untagged SST-PDU


is then received at switch


, which examines its contents. Switch


determines that the blue VLAN designation was loaded into the VLAN ID field


of the SST-PDU. According to switch


, however, the native VLAN for link


is the yellow VLAN designation. That is, switch


would only expect to receive untagged SST-PDUs having the yellow VLAN loaded into field


. Switch


thus detects an inconsistency in the configuration of the native VLAN associated with link


. In response, switch


preferably transmits a consistency error message to the network administrator. Furthermore, if the two VLAN designations are associated with different shared spanning trees, the switch


preferably disables the affected port to avoid the formation of any loops.

Similarly, switch


may receive an untagged SST-PDU


from switch


across link


. The VLAN ID field


of this untagged SST-PDU


will carry the yellow VLAN designation, since switch


associates link


with the yellow VLAN designation. Nonetheless, switch


associates link


with the blue VLAN designation. Accordingly, switch


also detects the inconsistency and, in response, alerts the network administrator and, if the VLANs are associated with different shared spanning trees, disables the port.

Compatibility of SST-Enabled Switches with Prior Art Switches

Some network implementations may include devices, such as switches, bridges, hubs, etc. which do not execute the shared spanning tree protocol. That is, a network may include a plurality of switches configured to calculate a single spanning tree, regardless of the number of VLAN designations. This network may further include a plurality of switches configured to calculate a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation.

FIG. 6

is a highly schematic representation of a network


including a plurality of regions each comprising a homogeneous set of switches or devices. More specifically, network


includes two shared spanning tree (SST) regions




each including a plurality of switches (not shown) configured to run the SST protocol, as described above. The network


further includes two regions




each having a plurality of switches (not shown) configured to calculate a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation defined within the respective regions




(i.e., per-VLAN spanning tree (PVST) regions). Two other regions




include a plurality of switches (not shown) configured to calculate a single spanning tree, regardless of the number of VLAN designations defined within the respective regions




(i.e., mono-spanning tree (MST) regions).

Each PVST region




is preferably coupled to one or both of the SST regions




by a plurality of links




. Similarly, each MST region




is coupled to one or both of the SST regions




by a plurality of links




. To prevent the isolation of any given region should any given link fail, each PVST and MST region




preferably has multiple connections to the SST regions




. The use of multiple (i.e., redundant) links, however, may result in the existence of circuitous paths or loops at the boundaries between the various regions.

In addition, one or more VLAN designations (e.g., red) may be defined in each of the regions of network


. Since data messages tagged with such a VLAN designation may need to travel across several regions (e.g., from PVST region


to SST region


via regions




), the active topology or spanning tree along which the tagged messages travel both within each region and across the boundaries between regions must therefore be established.

The shared spanning tree protocol ensures that a contiguous active topology or spanning tree is defined across the boundaries of dissimilar regions so as to permit the forwarding of data messages throughout the network


while preventing the formation of loops. This is preferably achieved through the formulation, transmission, receipt and processing of novel BPDUs by SST-enabled switches at the boundaries with other regions.

PVST/SST Boundary

Consider the boundaries between the SST regions




and the PVST regions




. In the PVST regions




, devices, such as switches, formulate, transmit and process BPDUs tagged with each of the VLAN designations defined in those regions




. These tagged BPDUs will traverse links




and enter the SST regions




. In the SST regions




, the manner in which these BPDUs are processed, pursuant to SSTP, depends on whether the particular VLAN tag of the BPDU corresponds to a primary or secondary VLAN designation.

More specifically, the tagged BPDU is captured by the corresponding frame reception object



FIG. 2

) at the SST-enabled switch at the boundary with the PVST region




and the VLAN tag field



FIG. 3

) examined. If the VLAN designation contained therein corresponds to a primary VLAN, the BPDU is preferably “mapped” to the corresponding primary VLAN in the SST regions




. That is, the BPDU is passed to the spanning tree state machine engine



FIG. 2

) associated with this VLAN designation at the boundary switch. If the root ID contained in field


of the received BPDU is “better” than the root ID currently known by the boundary switch, subsequent BPDUs formulated and transmitted by engine


utilize the new root ID and cost field


is up-dated.

SST-enabled switches at the boundaries with the PVST regions




similarly formulate and transmit BPDUs tagged with primary VLAN designations for receipt within the PVST regions




. These SST-switch generated BPDUs are processed by the switches in the PVST regions so that loops between the two regions may be identified and blocked. Accordingly, for each primary VLAN designation (e.g., red) that exists in the SST and PVST regions








, a single root (preferably in the SST region) is identified and a single active topology or spanning tree is defined. Messages tagged with this primary VLAN designation are forwarded between the SST and PVST regions along this spanning tree which, in the SST region(s), represents a shared spanning tree.

If the VLAN tag of the received BPDU in the SST regions




corresponds to a secondary VLAN designation, the BPDU is preferably “tunneled” through the SST regions




. That is, the BPDU is passed along un-touched by the SST-enabled switches. Since the SST regions




do not define separate spanning trees for secondary VLAN designations, SST-enabled switches are not interested in the contents of BPDUs tagged with secondary VLAN designations. Nonetheless, since a loop may exist in the interconnections between the SST and PVST regions along secondary VLANs, these BPDUs need to be returned to the PVST region so that any such loops may be identified and blocked through the execution of the spanning tree algorithm. Accordingly, such BPDUs should not be discarded upon receipt in the SST region(s).

Instead, BPDUs tagged with a secondary VLAN designation and received at an SST region




are flooded throughout the SST region. In particular, the BPDU is forwarded within the SST region





along the shared spanning tree to which the secondary VLAN is associated. That is, if the BPDU is tagged with the blue secondary VLAN designation and blue is associated with the red primary VLAN designation, then the blue tagged BPDU is forwarded along the red shared spanning tree in the SST region




. If a second connection links the SST region




with the PVST region




, the BPDU will eventually be returned to the PVST region




across this second link where it is examined to identify the existence of a loop.

The SST-enabled switches, moreover, neither examine or modify any of the information in the BPDU tagged with a secondary VLAN, such as the root ID, bridge ID or cost. Thus, from the point of view of the PVST regions




, the SST regions




each appear as a single broadcast bus and the “root” for such secondary VLAN designations will be in the PVST region. Messages tagged with a secondary VLAN designation and received at the SST regions




are similarly forwarded, as necessary, along the shared spanning tree associated with the secondary VLAN designation appended to the messages.

It should be understood that if a BPDU is received at the SST regions




and it is tagged with a VLAN designation that is not defined those regions, the BPDU is discarded.

MST/SST Boundary

As described above, certain prior art switches and switches strictly conforming to the IEEE 802.1Q standard are limited to defining a single spanning tree, regardless of the number of VLAN designations established within the network. These switches typically exchange and process untagged BPDUs. Accordingly, at the boundary between MST and SST regions, untagged BPDUs may be received by SST-enabled switches of regions




. Here, the SST-enabled switches are preferably pre-configured to “map” the untagged BPDUs to a common spanning tree, i.e., a single shared spanning tree existing within the SST regions




. Although the common spanning tree may be any shared spanning tree in the SST regions




, for purposes of consistency, it is preferably the shared spanning tree having the lowest numeric VLAN identifier. That is, SST-enabled switches utilize the primary VLAN with the lowest numeric ID as the common spanning tree.

Upon receipt of the untagged BPDUs, the SST-enabled switches examine the information loaded into the root and bridge ID fields




and the cost field


. This information is then utilized by the spanning tree engine


at the SST-enabled switch in formulating subsequent BPDUs which, if sent in the SST regions




, are tagged with the primary VLAN designation corresponding to the common spanning tree. If the BPDUs are being sent from the SST regions




to the MST regions




, the BPDUs are not tagged with the primary VLAN designation of the common spanning tree, since tagged BPDUs are discarded in the MST regions




as unrecognized.

To the extent two SST regions




are separated by an MST region


, BPDUs tagged with primary VLAN designations other than the primary VLAN designation corresponding to the common spanning tree may need to be passed through the intervening MST region


. This would be necessary since the root of a primary VLAN existing in the two separated SST regions




will only exist in one of them.

The shared spanning tree protocol preferably achieves this goal by formulating and transmitting tagged BPDUs with a novel destination address loaded into field


. As mentioned above, conventional BPDUs are loaded with a multicast destination address defined by the IEEE 802.1D standard. Accordingly, switches operating in accordance with the 802.1D standard recognize such messages as BPDUs. A BPDU tagged with a VLAN designation but loaded with the 802.1D address would be recognized by an MST switch as a BPDU having an incorrect format and thus be discarded. To avoid this problem, SSTP utilizes a new multicast address in the destination address field


which is distinguishable from the destination address defined by the 802.1D standard.

Upon receiving tagged BPDUs containing with this new destination address, MST switches do not recognize the messages as BPDUs at all. Instead, MST switches simply consider the tagged BPDUs to be data messages carrying some new multicast address. That is, the novel address is preferably in the form of a multicast address. In response, the switches in the MST region


simply flood the tagged “BPDUs”. Furthermore, since they are not recognized as BPDUs, the MST switches do not examine or modify the contents of the BPDUs such as the root ID fields


. These BPDUs are eventually forwarded to the second SST region


or back to the first SST region


on a second connection where they are captured by the SST-enabled switches


and examined by the corresponding spanning tree engines


which are pre-configured to recognize this new multicast destination address as a BPDU. Therefore, by running SSTP, SST regions




can define the same shared spanning trees despite being separated by an MST region



As described above, the shared spanning tree protocol is thus compatible with devices not running the protocol and can define contiguous active topologies in networks having dissimilar devices.

In addition, rather than implementing all aspects of the shared spanning tree protocol, one or more devices may be configured to utilize only a portion of the protocol's functionality. For example, a PVST switch may be enhanced to utilize the interoperability aspects of SSTP, while still defining a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation. Such an enhanced-PVST switch would be similar to switch



FIG. 2

) absent the shared spanning tree state machine engine


and table


, since secondary VLANs would not be supported. Nonetheless, as described below, the enhanced-PVST switch would be configured to interoperate with other switches.

Referring again to

FIG. 6

, network


may include an enhanced-PVST region


that preferably contains enhanced-PVST switches (not shown). The enhanced-PVST region


, moreover, may be coupled to an MST region, such as MST region


, by links





The enhanced-PVST switches are preferably configured to map untagged BPDUs originating from MST region


and received at the enhanced-PVST region


to a common spanning tree within the enhanced-PVST region


as described above. That is, the enhanced-PVST switches are similarly configured to utilize the VLAN designation with the lowest numeric identifier as the common spanning tree for purposes of mapping the single spanning tree defined within the MST region


to a single spanning tree in the enhanced-PVST region


. Additionally, BPDUs generated in the enhanced-PVST region


that correspond to the common spanning tree but are transmitted to MST region


are preferably untagged so that they may be recognized and processed by the MST switches of region



To transmit BPDUs to MST region


that correspond to VLAN designations other than the common spanning tree, enhanced-PVST switches are preferably configured to recognize and use the new multicast destination address described above. That is, enhanced-PVST switches formulate tagged BPDUs loaded with the new multicast address for transmission to MST region


. As described above, such tagged BPDUs are tunneled through the MST region


untouched by the MST switches.

As shown, enhanced-PVST region


is compatible with MST regions




. It should be understood that the enhanced-PVST region


may also be directly connected to a PVST region, such as region


, and/or an SST region, such as region


. That is, enhanced-PVST switches are also interoperable with both PVST switches and SST-enabled switches, even though the enhanced-PVST region


still defines a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation.

The foregoing description has been directed to specific embodiments of this invention. It will be apparent, however, that other variations and modifications may be made to the described embodiments, with the attainment of some or all of their advantages. Therefore, it is the object of the appended claims to cover all such variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. A method of creating a plurality of shared spanning trees each defining a loop-free path among a plurality of devices in a computer network having a plurality of predefined virtual local area network (VLAN) designations, the method comprising the steps of:classifying each VLAN designation as either a primary VLAN or a secondary VLAN; exchanging among the devices bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) each tagged with a given primary VLAN designation so as to form a shared spanning tree corresponding to each primary VLAN designation; and associating each secondary VLAN with a single primary VLAN at a plurality of devices.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the steps of:generating shared spanning tree protocol data units (SST-PDUs) at one or more devices, each SST-PDU tagged with a VLAN designation and, if the VLAN designation with which the SST-PDU is tagged is a primary VLAN to which one or more secondary VLANs are associated, including within the SST-PDU information identifying at least one of the secondary VLANs associated with the primary VLAN with which the SST-PDU is tagged; and exchanging the SST-PDUs among the plurality of devices so that each device may learn of the association of secondary VLANs to primary VLANs.
  • 3. The method of claim 2 wherein each device has an association table having an entry for each VLAN designation and wherein the method further comprises the steps of:designating one device, for each primary VLAN designation, to be a root device for that primary VLAN designation; and entering, at the association table of each root device, the secondary VLAN designations that are associated with the primary VLAN for which the root device has been designated.
  • 4. The method of claim 3 wherein the step of generating SST-PDUs is initiated at each root device and comprises the following steps:loading each SST-PDU with at least one secondary VLAN designation associated with the primary VLAN for which the respective root device has been designated; and tagging each SST-PDU with the primary VLAN designation for which the respective root device has been designated, provided that the primary VLAN is not a native VLAN.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of exchanging SST-PDUs among the devices comprises the steps of:transmitting the SST-PDUs generated at each root device to other devices within the network; examining, at the other devices, information loaded in the SST-PDUs; and for each secondary VLAN designation loaded into the SST-PDUs received at the other devices, entering, at the respective entry in the association tables of the others devices, the primary VLAN designation with which the SST-PDUs have been tagged.
  • 6. The method of claim 5 further comprising the steps of:determining, upon receipt of a data message tagged with a given secondary VLAN designation, which primary VLAN designation or designations are associated with the given secondary VLAN designation of the data message; and if the given secondary VLAN designation of the data message is associated with only one primary VLAN designation, forwarding the tagged data message through the computer network only along the shared spanning tree corresponding to the associated primary VLAN designation.
  • 7. The method of claim 6 further comprising the steps of, in response to the step of entering the primary VLAN designation for a given secondary VLAN designation in the association table:setting a timer corresponding to that entry; resetting the respective timer upon receiving a subsequent SST-PDU that similarly associates the given secondary VLAN designation with the primary VLAN designation previously stored at that entry; and discarding the entry upon expiration of the respective timer.
  • 8. The method of claim 7 wherein each SST-PDU is loaded with all of the secondary VLAN designations that are associated with the primary VLAN with which the SST-PDU has been tagged.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein the data message is discarded if the given secondary VLAN designation with which the data message is tagged is associated with zero or more than one primary VLAN designation.
  • 10. The method of claim 9 wherein the step of exchanging the SST-PDUs is repeated periodically.
  • 11. The method of claim 10 wherein one or more devices each contains a portion of memory allocated to the method of creating a plurality of shared spanning trees, the memory portion having an entry corresponding to each VLAN, and the step of classifying each VLAN designation comprises the step of entering the classification at the corresponding entry within the memory portion.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of classifying further comprises the following steps:transmitting the classification information contained in the portion of allocated memory at a first device to a second device; and receiving the transmitted classification information at the second device and entering the received information in a portion of allocated memory at the second device.
  • 13. The method of claim 1, wherein at least two devices are interconnected by a native link, each of the at least two devices associating untagged messages received on the native link with a native VLAN designation stored by each of the at least two devices, further comprising the steps of:exchanging one or more untagged SST-PDUs between the at least two devices across the native link, the one or more untagged SST-PDUs internally containing information corresponding to the native VLAN designation stored by the device transmitting the one or more SST-PDUs; examining the contents of untagged received SST-PDUs, including the internal VLAN information; comparing the internal VLAN information from the untagged received SST-PDUs with the stored native VLAN designation; and issuing a configuration error message, if a match does not exist in response to the step of comparing.
  • 14. The method of claim 13 further comprising the steps of, where a match does not exist in response to the step of comparing:determining whether the internal VLAN information from the untagged received SST-PDUs and the stored native VLAN designation share a common primary VLAN designation; and if there is no shared common primary VLAN designation, blocking the native link.
  • 15. A device for use in a computer network having a plurality of virtual local area network (VLAN) designations, each VLAN designation being classified as either a primary VLAN or a secondary VLAN wherein each secondary VLAN designation is associated with zero, one or more than one primary VLAN designations, the device comprising:a plurality of ports for use in connecting the device to one or more neighboring devices; one or more frame objects operatively coupled to the plurality of ports for receiving, transmitting and temporarily storing frames; spanning tree circuitry coupled to the one or more frame objects and configured and arranged to receive, process and generate bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) tagged with a primary VLAN designation so as to place one or more ports in a forwarding mode for each primary VLAN designation; and shared spanning tree circuitry configured and arranged to receive, process and forward shared spanning tree protocol data units (SST-PDUs) tagged with a VLAN designation and, where the VLAN tag of the SST-PDU corresponds to a primary VLAN to which one or more secondary VLANs are associated, the SST-PDU configured to contain at least one secondary VLAN designation, the shared spanning tree circuitry further configured and arranged to associate all secondary VLAN designations contained in a received SST-PDU with the primary VLAN designation with which the received SST-PDU is tagged, wherein data frames received at the device and tagged with a given secondary VLAN designation are forwarded through the one or more ports placed in a forwarding mode for the primary VLAN designation associated with the given secondary VLAN designation of the data frames, provided that the given secondary VLAN designation is associated with only one primary VLAN designation.
  • 16. The device of claim 15 wherein the shared spanning tree circuitry comprises:at least one shared spanning tree state machine engine configured to process SST-PDUs received at the device; and an association table operatively coupled to the at least one state machine engine and having an entry for each VLAN designation, wherein, upon receipt of an SST-PDU, the at least one state machine engine enters the primary VLAN designation with which the SST-PDU is tagged into the entry of the association table corresponding to the at least one secondary VLAN designation contained in the SST-PDU.
  • 17. The device of claim 16 wherein the shared spanning tree circuitry further comprises means for transmitting BPDUs tagged with a given secondary VLAN designation only along a spanning tree corresponding to the primary VLAN designation that is associated with the given secondary VLAN designation such that the contents of the BPDU remain unmodified by the device.
  • 18. The device of claim 17 wherein the shared spanning tree circuitry further comprises:means for receiving one or more untagged BPDUs that are not associated with a native VLAN; means for mapping the one or more untagged BPDUs to a single primary VLAN designation; means for modifying the contents of the one or more untagged BPDUs in accordance with a spanning tree algorithm; and means for transmitting modified BPDUs either untagged, if the modified BPDUs are intended to be received by a device lacking shared spanning tree circuitry, or tagged with the primary VLAN designation to which the untagged BPDUs are mapped, if the modified BPDUs are intended to be received by a device having shared spanning tree circuitry.
  • 19. The device of claim 18 wherein each BPDU contains a destination address and wherein the shared spanning tree circuitry further comprises means for entering a non-standard value into the destination address of tagged BPDUs to be received by a device lacking shared spanning tree circuitry.
  • 20. A shared spanning tree protocol data unit (SST-PDU) for use in associating one or more secondary virtual local area network (VLAN) designations with a single primary VLAN designation and for establishing a shared spanning tree corresponding to the primary VLAN designation, the primary and secondary VLAN designations being predefined in a computer network having a plurality of devices, the SST-PDU generated and transmitted by a first device and received by and stored in a memory of a second device, the SST-PDU comprising:a first field containing a given primary VLAN designation; and a second field containing at least one secondary VLAN designation associated with the given primary VLAN designation contained in the first field so as to direct the second device to forward messages tagged with the at least one secondary VLAN along the shared spanning tree established for the given primary VLAN.
  • 21. The SST-PDU of claim 20 wherein the second field contains one or more sub-fields which identify all of the secondary VLAN designations associated with the primary VLAN designation contained in the first field.
  • 22. The SST-PDU of claim 21 wherein the second field comprises:a first sub-field containing a list of all secondary VLAN designations associated with the primary VLAN designation contained in the first field; a second sub-field identifying the first secondary VLAN designation contained in the first sub-field; and a third sub-field containing a value corresponding to the size of the first sub-field.
  • 23. The SST-PDU of claim 22 further comprising a third field containing a time-out value utilized by the plurality of devices for aging out information contained in the SST-PDU.
  • 24. The SST-PDU of claim 23 wherein at least one of the first, second or thirds fields is a tag-length-value field.
  • 25. A network system having a plurality of predefined virtual local area network (VLAN) designations comprising:at least one shared spanning tree region in which each VLAN designation is classified as either a primary VLAN or a secondary VLAN, the at least one shared spanning tree region including a plurality of shared spanning tree devices configured and arranged to exchange and process bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) frames each tagged with a primary VLAN designation so as to create a shared spanning tree for each primary VLAN designation within the respective shared spanning tree region, and to associate each secondary VLAN with a single primary VLAN; and at least one single spanning tree region connected to the at least one shared spanning tree region, the at least one single spanning tree region including a plurality of single spanning tree devices configured and arranged to exchange and process untagged BPDUs to create a single spanning tree within the respective region, wherein untagged BPDUs entering the at least one shared spanning tree region from the at least one single spanning tree region are mapped to a preselected common spanning tree within the respective shared spanning tree region, and wherein tagged BPDUs entering the at least one single spanning tree region are tunneled through the respective single spanning tree region such that the tagged BPDUs are not processed by the single spanning tree devices.
  • 26. The system of claim 25 further comprising at least one per-VLAN spanning tree region connected to the at least one shared spanning tree region, the at least one per-VLAN spanning tree region including a plurality of per-VLAN spanning tree devices configured and arranged to exchange and process bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) frames each tagged with a VLAN designation so as to create a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation within the respective per-VLAN spanning tree region,wherein BPDUs entering the at least one shared spanning tree region from the at least one per-VLAN spanning region tagged with a VLAN designation corresponding to a primary VLAN in the at least one shared spanning tree region are mapped to the corresponding primary VLAN and processed by the shared spanning tree devices, and wherein BPDUs entering the at least one shared spanning region from the at least one per-VLAN spanning tree region tagged with a VLAN designation corresponding to a secondary VLAN in the at least one shared spanning tree region are tunneled through the at least one shared spanning tree region such that the secondary VLAN tagged BPDUs are not processed by the shared spanning tree devices.
  • 27. The system of claim 26 wherein tagged BPDUs entering the at least one single spanning tree region have a non-standard multicast destination address which is not associated by the single spanning tree devices with a BPDU.
  • 28. A network system having a plurality of predefined virtual local area network (VLAN) designations comprising:at least one enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree region, the at least one enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree region including a plurality of enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree devices configured and arranged to exchange and process bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) frames each tagged with a VLAN designation so as to create a separate spanning tree for each VLAN designation within the respective enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree region; and at least one single spanning tree region connected to the at least one enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree region, the at least one single spanning tree region including a plurality of single spanning tree devices configured and arranged to exchange and process untagged BPDUs to create a single spanning tree within the respective single spanning tree region, wherein untagged BPDUs entering the at least one enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree region from the at least one single spanning tree region are mapped to a preselected common spanning tree within the respective enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree region, and wherein tagged BPDUs entering the at least one single spanning tree region are tunneled through the respective single spanning tree region such that the tagged BPDUs are not processed by the single spanning tree devices.
  • 29. The system of claim 28 wherein tagged BPDUs intended for the at least one single spanning tree region are loaded with a non-standard multicast destination address by the enhanced per-VLAN spanning tree devices which is not associated by the single spanning tree devices with a BPDU.
  • 30. A device for use in a computer network having a plurality of virtual local area network (VLAN) designations, the device having a plurality of ports for use in connecting the device to one or more neighboring devices including a first neighboring device configured and arranged to exchange and process only untagged bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) frames, the device comprising:one or more frame objects operatively coupled to the plurality of ports for receiving, transmitting and temporarily storing frames; and spanning tree circuitry coupled to the one or more frame objects, the spanning tree circuitry configured and arranged to receive, process and generate BPDUs tagged with a VLAN designation, and to map untagged BPDUs received from the first neighboring device to a preselected common spanning tree, and wherein tagged BPDUs transmitted to the first neighboring device are flooded and not processed by the at least one neighboring device.
  • 31. The device of claim 30 wherein the spanning tree circuitry is further configured and arranged to load tagged BPDUs transmitted to the first neighboring device with a non-standard multicast destination address which is not associated by the first neighboring device with a BPDU.
  • 32. A computer readable medium containing executable program instructions for creating a plurality of shared spanning trees each defining a loop-free path among a plurality of devices in a computer network having a plurality of predefined virtual local area network (VLAN) designations, the executable program instructions comprising program instructions for:classifying each VLAN designation as either a primary VLAN or a secondary VLAN; exchanging among the devices bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) each tagged with a given primary VLAN designation so as to form a shared spanning tree corresponding to each primary VLAN designation; and associating each secondary VLAN with a single primary VLAN at one or more devices.
  • 33. The computer readable medium of claim 32 comprising further program instructions for:generating shared spanning tree protocol data units (SST-PDUs) at one or more devices, each SST-PDU tagged with a VLAN designation and, if the VLAN designation with which the SST-PDU is tagged is a primary VLAN to which one or more secondary VLANs are associated, including within the SST-PDU information identifying at least one of the secondary VLANs associated with the primary VLAN with which the SST-PDU is tagged; and exchanging the SST-PDUs among the devices so that each device may learn of the association of secondary VLANs to primary VLANs.
  • 34. A shared spanning tree protocol data unit (SST-PDU) for use in associating one or more secondary virtual local area network (VLAN) designations with a single primary VLAN designation, the primary and secondary VLAN designations being predefined in a computer network having a plurality of devices, the SST-PDU generated and transmitted by a first device and received by and stored in a memory of a second device, the SST-PDU comprising:a first field containing a given primary VLAN designation; and a second field containing at least one secondary VLAN designation associated with the given primary VLAN designation contained in the first field, wherein the second field comprises: a first sub-field containing a list of all secondary VLAN designations associated with the primary VLAN designation contained in the first field; a second sub-field identifying the first secondary VLAN designation contained in the first sub-field; and a third sub-field containing a value corresponding to the size of the first sub-field.
  • 35. The SST-PDU of claim 34 further comprising a third field containing a time-out value utilized by the plurality of devices for aging out information contained in the SST-PDU.
  • 36. The SST-PDU of claim 35 wherein at least one of the first, second or third fields is a tag-length-value field.
  • 37. A method of creating a plurality of shared spanning trees each defining a loop-free path among a plurality of intermediate network devices in a computer network having a plurality of predefined virtual local area network (VLAN) designations, the method comprising the steps of:exchanging protocol data units (PDUs) among the intermediate network devices; processing received PDUs so as to form a plurality of shared spanning trees such that there is more than one shared spanning tree but less than the total number of predefined VLAN designations; associating each VLAN designation with a single shared spanning tree at a plurality of intermediate network devices; and forwarding messages tagged with a given VLAN designation along the loop-free path defined by the single shared spanning tree to which the given VLAN designation is associated.
  • 38. A method of creating a plurality of shared spanning trees each defining a loop-free path among a plurality of devices in a computer network having a plurality of predefined virtual local area network (VLAN) designations, the method comprising the steps of:classifying each VLAN designation as either a primary VLAN or a secondary VLAN; exchanging among the devices bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) each tagged with a given primary VLAN designation so as to form a shared spanning tree corresponding to each primary VLAN designation; and associating each secondary VLAN with a single primary VLAN at a plurality of devices, whereby messages tagged with a given secondary VLAN designation are forwarded along the loop-free path corresponding to the primary VLAN designation to which the given secondary VLAN is associated.
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