The invention relates to windshield and windows installed to a vehicle for protecting operators and passengers of vehicle and items in the vehicle. The windshield and windows are made of photochromic materials made of Silver Halide or Silver Chloride. The photochromic windows are not transparent; specifically they filter out UV light. This does not represent a problem because the human eye does not see in the UV spectrum. The windows will begin to clear as soon as they are away from UV light and will be noticeably lighter within two minutes and mostly clear within five minutes. However, it normally takes more than fifteen minutes for the windshield/windows to completely fade to their non-exposed state.
The switching speed of photochromic dyes is highly sensitive to the rigidity of the environment around the dye. As a result, they switch most rapidly in solution and slowest in the rigid environment like a polymer lens.
A study by the Institute of Ophthalmology at the University College London has suggested that even in dark conditions; photochromic windows can absorb up to 20% of ambient light. Ambient lighting can refer to the available light in an environment.
With the many external and internal environmental factors when driving a vehicle, this invention will revolutionize the driving experience. Below depict the many safety and benefits of the invention:
Shield your skin from the sun's harmful rays as well as provide a tint for your eyes to see comfortably
Reduce you risks of getting skin cancer and other illnesses cause by excess sun exposure
Reduce the amount of daily sun exposure to your skin
Provide a better driving experience without having to worry about the sun damaging your skin or getting in the way of your eyes
It is initially a lightly tinted window when there is no direct sunlight shining
Auto change to darker shades of tint when detects direct sunlight
Window will darken with the more light shining
Steady and smooth, yet immediate, transition from a light to dark tint
Depending on the brightness of the sun (light) is dependent on the darkness of the transition to tint (will not surpass illegal darkness of tint allowed by law)
The less light shining, the less the tint transition will be; until there is little or no light will the glass window turn back to its initial light tint
Less distractions, more attention on the road
Hands can always be on the steering wheel
No need for unnecessary movement to block your face from the sun
It will play as a better alternative to regular tinted cars
Gives the stylish appearance of (any) tinted car, where transition windows will provide a tint when needed and/or is necessary
Good alternative for those who wear sunglasses while driving, or those who do not wear sunglasses
Provide as a new revolutionary feature to cars that is worry free and safe
Reduces the heat within the car that heats the interior (if you do not use a reflector)
Skin protection
Sun shielding screens that stick on the inside car windows will no longer be necessary
Applying sunscreen religiously is time consuming
Global warming
Climate is hotter
Need for skin protection is higher
Higher risks of skin cancer
It can be easier at night time for police to look into cars when looking for suspicious activity
Criminals or people that have windows that are too dark to see through (at night)
The following drawing is illustrative of the invention.