Shrub rose plant named 'Morden Sunrise'


  • Patent Application
  • 20020199222
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    April 05, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Published
    December 26, 2002
    22 years ago
  • US Classifications
  • International Classifications
    • A01H005/00
A new and distinct variety of shrub rose plant of relatively small stature is provided which forms in clusters attractive semi-double slightly concave yellow-orange blossoms that display a strong fragrance. The blossoming occurs substantially continuously over a long duration. An open and erect growth habit is exhibited. The foliage is glossy dark green and contrasts nicely with the yellow-orange blossoms. The plant propagates well by the use of softwood cuttings and possesses good winter hardiness. Good disease resistance particularly to blackspot is exhibited. It is particularly well suited for growing as an individual plant or as a mass planting to create ornamentation in the landscape.


[0001] The new variety of Rosa hybrida of the present invention was created through a complex controlled breeding program using repeated crossings of shrub and garden roses at Morden, Manitoba, Canada. Hardiness was obtained from Rosa arkansana Porter, a species native to the Great Plains region of North America. The pollen parent in the final cross was the ‘Sunsprite’ variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 3,509) that displays deep yellow blossoms having approximately 28 petals. Other key parents include the ‘White Bouquet’ variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 1,415) that is a white-flowered Floribunda, the ‘Hazeldean’ variety (non-patented in the United States) a hybrid Rosa spinosissia that contributed both hardiness and yellow flower coloration, and the ‘Assiniborne’ variety (non-patented in the United States) which is the first of the PARKLAND series of roses and has been influential in developing roses that are well adapted to harsh prairie growing conditions.

[0002] It was found that a single plant of the new variety of Shrub rose plant was created through the breeding program. The new variety of the present invention displays the following combination of characteristics.

[0003] (a) commonly exhibits a relatively small stature combined with an erect and relatively open growth habit,

[0004] (b) forms in clusters on a substantially continuous basis attractive semi-double yellow-orange blossoms,

[0005] (c) forms attractive dark green glossy foliage,

[0006] (d) propagates well by the use of softwood cuttings,

[0007] (e) exhibits good winter hardiness,

[0008] (f) exhibits good disease resistance, and

[0009] (g) is particularly well suited for growing as ornamentation in the landscape.

[0010] Rose plants of the new variety can be grown well on their own roots outdoors without protection at Morden, Manitoba, Canada. Blossom production commonly begins in early June at Morden, Manitoba, Canada and commonly is completed by mid-September. The attractive yellow-orange blossoms contrast nicely with the dark green glossy foliage.

[0011] Accordingly, the new variety well meets the needs of the horticultural industry. It can be grown to advantage as attractive ornamentation as an individual plant or as a mass planting in parks, gardens, public areas, and residential landscapes.

[0012] The characteristics of the new variety have been found to be homogenous and stable and have been shown to be strictly transmissible by asexual propagation by the rooting of softwood stem cuttings and by tissue culture conducted at Morden, Manitoba, Canada.

[0013] The new variety has been named ‘Morden Sunrise’. The name was selected to reflect the attractive yellow-orange flower coloration and that reminds one of an early morning sunrise. It constitutes an attractive new member of the PARKLAND Series of roses.


[0014] The accompanying photographs show typical specimens of the new variety. The plants were photographed during the summer while growing outdoors on their own roots at Morden, Manitoba, Canada.

FIG. 1 illustrates a typical mature plant of the new variety. The relatively small plant stature with erect upright canes and a relatively open growth habit are shown.

FIG. 2 illustrates the typical semi-double yellow-orange blossoms in a cluster of two and the attractive dark green serrated glossy foliage of the new variety.

FIG. 3 provides the complex pedigree of the new variety wherein repeated crossings of shrub and garden roses where conducted.


[0018] The chart used in the identification of colors is that of the Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart). Common color terms are to be accorded their ordinary dictionary significance. The description is based on the observation of mature plants while growing on their own roots outdoors in the landscape during the summer at Morden, Manitoba, Canada.
1CLASS:Shrub.PLANT:heightcommonly approximately 62 to 83 cm with a meanheight of approximately 70 cm. The height andwidth (reported hereafter) vary with environmentalconditions. Greater measurements are encounteredwith warmer temperatures, greater precipitation andwith fertilization (primarily nitrogen). Plants grownand overwintered in containers have reached over1.5 m in height in the second year.widthcommonly approximately 65 to 70 cm with a meanwidth of approximately 70 cm.habiterect upright canes create a relatively open growthhabit.barkcurrent season bark is Yellow-Green Group 144Band gradually darkens to Yellow-Green Group 146Bon mature stems. In late fall to early winter the barkcommonly continues to darken to Greyed-PurpleGroup 183B.thornsmature stems typically bear a sparse to moderatequantity of prickles commonly having a length ofapproximately 5.4 to 9.2 mm and an average lengthof approximately 7.6 mm. On the current season'sstems, smaller prickles commonly also are present inan infrequent quantity.LEAVES:Compound andodd pinnate.leafletsnumber: commonly 3 to 7 with 5 leaflets being themost common.configuration: oval tapering with a broad point.margins: serrate (see FIG. 2).size: terminal leaflets commonly range fromapproximately 4.6 to 5.6 cm in length (meanapproximately 5.0 cm) and approximately 2.7 to 3.8cm in width (mean approximately 3.2 cm).general appearance: dark green, and glossy.petiolules: small and green and commonlyapproximately 2 to 2.2 mm in length.color of adult foliage: shiny dark green,Yellow-Green Group 147A on the upper surface andlighter duller green, Yellow-Green Group 148B onthe under surface.petioles: Green Group 138B, glandular, and with thesparse presence of prickles and a distinct groove.INFLORESCENCEnumbercommonly in clusters of 2 to 15, and in clusters of 8of flowerson average.sepalscommonly 2 to 3 cm. in length, Yellow-GreenGroup 147C on the outer surface and Yellow-GreenGroup 144B on the inner surface with a tomentoseinner surface.budsshape: pointed.color upon opening: near Orange-Red Group 30B.flowershape: slightly concave when fully open. The depthis approximately 2.5 cm when fully open.diameter: commonly approximately 6 to 8 cm, and 7cm on average.color: generally yellow-orange as illustrated in FIG.2 with the coloration changing (lightening) as theblossoms mature. When one-half open, the blossomsare dark orange with a yellow base. When three-fourths open, the blossoms are light orange withbright yellow. When fully open, the blossoms areyellow with near white. During the course ofopening the inner petal coloration is Yellow Group12A at the base, Yellow Group 11B at the middleand Red Group 37C at the tip, and the outer petalcoloration is Yellow Group 12A at the base,Yellow-Group 12C at the middle and Red Group38C at the tip.fragrance: strong.petal number: semi-double, commonlyapproximately 12 on average.petal configuration: orbicular with a distinct point.The margins are smooth and slightly wavy.filaments: commonly vary from bright yellow toorange in coloration.anthers: commonly vary from deep yellow to orangein coloration and produce viable medium in length and commonly extendsslightly below the anthers.receptacle: pear-shaped and round, Yellow-GreenGroup 144B in coloration, and generally less than 2cm in diameter.hips: are formed each season but commonly do notripen fully under the specified growing conditions.DEVELOPMENT:vegetationgood vigor.blossomingThe new variety is one of the earliest blooming ofthe PARKLAND Series of roses. Flower productioncommonly begins in early June on the previousseason's buds and continues on current season'sgrowth until approximately the middle ofSeptember. The mean flower duration is 15 weeks.The percent coverage of the blossoms comparesfavorably to that of other roses of PARKLANDSeries of roses and with other yellow-flowered shrubroses under the specified growing conditions.hardinesshas survived in Agriculture Canada Hardiness ZoneNo. 3 with no protection. See Quellet and Sherk,Can. J. Plant Sci., 47:3513-3518 (1967). Some stemdieback may occur in severe winters, but regrowthgenerally is very good if plants are propagated ontheir own roots.resistanceresistance has been good to local populations ofto diseasesblackspot (Diplocarpon rosae Wolf.), powderymildew Sphaerotheca pannosa (Wallr. ex Fr.) Lev.,and rust (Phragmidium sp.).preferred modeThe use of softwood cuttings to produce self-rootedof propagationplants is recommended. For instance, softwoodcuttings of 1 to 3 nodes in length can be takenduring late spring through mid-summer, treated withrooting hormone (e.g., 3000 to 5000 mg/l indole-butyric acid) and placed under intermittent mist orfog to achieve high rates of propagation whichcommonly exceed 85 percent. Tissue culture alsocan be used for propagation. Budded or graftedroses may suffer winter injury at the specifiedgrowing location.

  • 1. A new and distinct variety of Shrub rose plant characterized by the following combination of characteristics: (a) commonly exhibits a relatively small stature combined with an erect and relatively open growth habit, (b) forms in clusters on a substantially continuous basis attractive semi-double yellow-orange blossoms, (c) forms attractive dark green glossy foliage, (d) propagates well by the use of softwood cuttings, (e) exhibits good winter hardiness, (f) exhibits good disease resistance, and (g) is particularly well suited for growing as ornamentation in the landscape; substantially as herein shown and described.