The present invention relates to a method of sizing a microfluidic device for confining a sample.
In the present invention, two types of samples are to be considered. In this way, the sample to be confined can consist of:
In terms of the present invention, biological sample means a sample which comprises genetic information and which is capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system.
One of the major difficulties in neuro-engineering is control of the positioning of cellular bodies (soma) of neurons in population (n>100 cells/ml) in terms of concentration, spatial positioning and uniformity of positioning of each soma. This difficulty seriously limits in vitro studies of neuron networks, and more generally the study of rapports structure/functions of the brain.
The skilled person is aware of several positioning techniques of soma for culture of cells. In particular, the most widely used technique consists especially of using microfluidic chips for the positioning then the culture of neurons, but without precise control on the positioning and density of cells, accordingly limiting his interest[1]-[3].
Also, the skilled person is also aware of certain types of microfluidic chips connecting two populations of neurons[4], [5], while others do not connect populations of neurons together, instead separating the bodies of the cells and axons[1]-[3].
A second technique for culture of neurons uses microfluidic chips implementing micro-pillars for isolating the neurons at an interface[6]. Even though the positioning of micro-pillars allows positioning of cells, the neurons are positioned individually, therefore preventing culture of entire populations at average or high density, limiting the interest of this technique.
A third technique for culture of neurons makes use of silicone beads, on which the neurons are deposited. Assembling these balls builds networks of neurons. But, with such a technique the number and density of neurons are limited, the architecture of the network is not controlled and the cellular bodies are not separated by axons[6], [8].
A fourth technique consists of carrying out culture of neurons in adapted scaffolding which can be separated in microfluidic configuration via laminar flows of theses scaffolds followed by freezing[9]. These techniques are however limited, as it is difficult to achieve cellular co-culture due to homogeneity of the fluid in the culture, limiting the accessible size of the final network.
Finally, a fifth technique consists of undertaking culture of neurons in microchambers, producing neurospheroids, then assembling these neurospheroids into a block of tissue to remake the culture, prior to assembling it into other blocks. But this technique has the disadvantage of being long and needing several levels of cultures. Also, it fails to control the density of neurons and separate the cellular bodies of the axons[10].
The aim of the present invention is to eliminate the above disadvantages by allowing controlled positioning of cellular bodies of neurons, primary or line, on the scale of entire populations, in microfluidic chambers, at controlled surface or volume densities.
For this purpose, the applicant has developed a method of sizing a microfluidic device (or microfluidic chip) for optimizing the flow of cells such as neurons in suspension in a carrier fluid medium.
In the case where the sample to be confined consists of a population of cells or of microparticles in suspension in a carrier fluid medium, a microfluidic device (or microfluidic chip) will be used, including:
By way of advantage, the confinement zone can have a cylindrical geometry with a circular base of diameter Dch, such that Lch=Dch. But other geometries are possible.
In this case, the aim of the present invention therefore is a method for sizing such a microfluidic device comprising the following steps:
In terms of the present invention, geometric parameters of the microfluidic device mean the parameters Din, Hin, Win, Lin, Dout, Hout, Lout and Wout mentioned previously and which characterize the form and dimensions of the microfluidic device.
In terms of the present invention, adequate flow means a flow allowing the depositing of cells or particles in the confinement zone, without dragging them towards said output zone or minimizing the loss of cells now passed out to the output zone. Adequate flow is here imposed by a difference in volume between the input tank and the output tank. To allow flow, it is also possible to use external pumping systems.
The first step of the method according to the invention is the step of sizing the confinement zone (or depositing chamber) as a function of the preferred number of cells or microparticles to be confined and of the preferred coverage rate ϕ of the base of the confinement zone by the cells or microparticles, so as to define the surface Dch and the height Hch characterizing the confinement zone.
In terms of the present invention, coverage rate ϕ of the base of the confinement zone means the ratio ϕ between the surface covered by the particles once deposited on the base) over the total surface of the base of the confinement zone.
In other terms, the size of the confinement zone is decided as a function of the selected application. This can vary from a few tens of micrometers to a few millimeters, in radius and in height.
By way of advantage, this sizing step A can comprise the following sub-steps:
A1) determination of the surface Sch of the base of the confinement zone as per the Stokes formula (5):
N=φ×V (6)
V=Q×t (7)
A2) fastening by the user of said microfluidic device of the height Hch of the wall of height Hch, as a function of the amount of preferred volume in the confinement zone and associated manufacturing restrictions.
The second step b2) of the method according to the invention is the sizing step of the first and second channels. This step B comprises several sub-steps.
The first sub-step is the calculation step b1) of the sedimentation speed vsedi of a particle or a cell.
By way of advantage, the sedimentation speed vsedi of a particle or a cell can be calculated as per the Stokes equation (8):
The second sub-step is the calculation step b2) of the speed vch of the carrier fluid medium in said confinement zone. This determination is performed, from the sedimentation speed vsedi calculated at sub-step b1), according to the equation (1):
In fact, it has been noted that to confine the whole sample in the confinement zone, the flow speed Vch of the carrier fluid medium in the confinement zone must be equal to or less than the sedimentation speed vsedi multiplied by the quotient of the height Hch and of the length Dch of the confinement zone (or chamber), as per the equation 1.
The equation (1) determines three operating regimes of the microfluidic device according to the invention. Given the geometric properties of the microfluidic device according to the invention for determining charge losses (as described hereinbelow), as well as the operating conditions (input volume of the sample and concentration of cells or microparticles), it is possible to design the device such that a part only of the biological sample is confined to the chamber 5
or that the whole biological sample is confined to the confinement zone, as is the aim in the present invention, uniformly
or non-uniformly
The third sub-step is the determination step b3) of the loss of charge in the microfluidic device according to the invention, as a function of the volume of fluid medium injected ΔZ between the input and output zones which is necessary for setting up an adequate flow in the confinement zone. This loss of charge is set by the amount of carrier fluid medium injected during use of the microfluidic device according to the invention.
The fourth sub-step is the determination step b4) of the geometric parameters Din, Hin, Win, Lin, Dout, Hout, Lout and Wout of said microfluidic device from ΔZ and of the speed vch of the carrier fluid medium.
The losses of charges which are considered for this determination are regular losses of charges. In terms of the present invention singular losses of charges are neglected.
Regular losses of charge are closely linked to frictions of liquid on the walls of the first and second channels. For regimes having a low Reynolds number (Re<<1) for which the flow of the liquid is laminar throughout the microfluidic device, losses of regular charges for these regimes are generally estimated by the general equation (2):
with W, H and L representing the width, the height and the length of the channels, Q designating the volume flow rate of the carrier fluid medium, g designating the gravitational acceleration, η and ρ designating respectively the dynamic viscosity and the density of the liquid respectively and finally λ representing a friction coefficient, approximating a low Reynolds number by the following equation:
this friction coefficient λ being calculated for each of the channels of the microfluidic device according to the invention.
Also, the losses of singular charges are essentially due to piping accidents and they are linked to changes in geometry between the different elements of a microfluidic device. These losses of charges are typically estimated by the following equation:
In this equation, v represents the speed of the liquid in the relevant section, g designates the gravitational acceleration and K is a parameter dependent on the type of loss of singular charge. It should be noted that the parameter K is estimated as a function of the type of piping accident (abrupt shrinkage, abrupt widening, abrupt elbow, rounded elbow etc.) and estimating of this parameter K is undertaken by formulas well known to the skilled person, which are different as a function of the type of piping accident.
As is clear from the equations (2) and (2bis) mentioned hereinabove, the losses of charges do not depend only on the dimensions of the channels of the microfluidic device, but also on the volume flow rate, the dynamic viscosity and the density of the liquid for the losses of regular charges, as well as on the speed of the liquid in the section pertinent to the losses of singular charges and the type of these losses of singular charges.
Determining the geometric parameters of the microfluidic device according to the invention of sub-step b4) can be achieved advantageously as follows:
Within the scope of the present invention, the losses of singular charges will be disregarded, and the starting point is the assumption that the flow of the carrier fluid medium in the microfluidic device is laminar.
In this way, in this respect (loss of regular charge ΔZ and laminar flow of the carrier fluid medium), the unknown parameter could be calculated in sub-step b42) from the equation (2′) derived from the general equation (2):
ch (9)
If the choice is made for the unknown parameter to be Lout (the other parameters Din, Hin, Win, Lin, Dout, Hout and Wout being fixed), the latter can be calculated according to the equation (4):
As indicated previously, the sample to be confined consists of a population of cells or of microparticles in suspension in a carrier fluid medium. This sample can be either a non-biological sample, or a biological sample.
According to a first variant of this embodiment of the method according to the invention, the sample can be a biological sample consisting of a population of cells selected from neurons and eukaryotic cells in suspension in a cellular culture medium, or in suspension in water, salt or non-salt, a solvent, a hydrogel or an organic scaffold or a polymer. By way of advantage, the biological sample could comprise a population of cells ranging from 100 cells per milliliter to 1010 cells per milliliter. Irrespective of the type of cells in the biological sample, the sedimentation speed of the cells must be greater than the speed induced by its Brownian movements.
According to a second variant of this embodiment of the method according to the invention, the sample can be a non-biological sample consisting of a population of microparticles in suspension in water, salt or non-salt, or in a solvent, a hydrogel or an organic scaffold (for example of collagen type) or a polymer, said microparticles being selected from metallic microparticles, or made of semi-conductive material, or polyethylene glycol (PEG).
By way of advantage, the confinement zone can be connected to at least one isolation chamber, via at least one additional channel having a hydraulic resistance for passage, with no return, of the sample in said isolation chamber.
By way of advantage, this isolation chamber can be a confinement zone of an additional microfluidic device.
By way of advantage, this isolation chamber can comprise an additional sample. In this case, a microfluidic device sized in this way for studying the interaction between the initial sample placed in the confinement zone and the additional sample in the isolation chamber could be used.
The sizing method according to the invention can be used in different fields. For example, in the case where the sample is a biological sample, the method according to the invention could be used in the field of neuroscience if the biological sample comprises a population of neurons, or in the field of cancerology if the biological sample comprises a population of cancerous cells. In the case where the sample is a non-biological sample, the method according to the invention could be used in the field of photonics if for example the non-biological sample comprises a population of metallic particles.
In the case where the sample is a biological sample consisting of at least one explant contained in a cellular culture fluid medium, a microfluidic device (or microfluidic chip) different to that used in the first embodiment, specifically adapted to the nature of the sample, will be used. Such a device comprises:
In this case, the aim of the present invention is a method for sizing such a microfluidic device comprising the following steps:
By way of advantage, the width wout and/or the height Hout of the second channel can be less than the dimensions of the explant.
By way of advantage, the width win and/or the height Hin of the first channel can be greater by at least 1% than the dimensions of the explant.
By way of advantage, the output zone of the microfluidic device can be adapted to allow aspiration of said cellular culture fluid medium, such that the flow of the medium fluid will be adequate for the planned application.
In terms of the present invention for this embodiment adequate flow means a flow by output aspiration. For easier flow, it is possible to make use of an external pumping system.
Particular examples of explants useable as biological samples in this second sizing method according to the invention are tissue, a retina, a ganglion or a hippocampus.
Other advantages and particular features of the present invention will emerge from the following description given by way of non-limiting example and done in reference to the appended figures and corresponding examples:
Identical elements shown in
A microfluidic device 10, sized in accordance with the method according to the invention (first embodiment) is used for the depositing of neurons.
This microfluidic device 10 comprises an input zone 1 adapted to receive a liquid including the biological sample and an output zone 4 adapted to discharge this liquid. The input zone 1 and the output zone 4 correspond to the cylindrical tanks which have the same diameters and different heights (the height of the input zone 1 is less than the height of the output zone 4). In particular, the diameter Din of the tank, which corresponds to the input zone 1, is the same as the diameter Dout of the tank which corresponds to the output zone 4. However, the input zone 1 and the output zone 4 can have different diameters. Also, the input zone 1 and/or the output zone 4 can also have forms other than the cylindrical form (for example square forms).
It should be noted that the dimensions (height and section) of the input zone 1 are selected relative to the biological sample introduced to the input zone 1: it is preferable for the dimensions of the input zone 1 to be such that it can store all the nutrients included in the cellular culture liquid and which are necessary for survival of neurons in the confinement zone (or depositing chamber) for a period ranging from 12 hours to 48 hours (but not limited to these periods), to conduct in vitro studies on these neurons.
The microfluidic device 10 of
Also, it should be noted that the dimensions (height and length) of the chamber 5 are determined as a function of the volume of liquid received by the input zone 1 to be confined in this chamber 5, and they can vary from a few micrometers to a few centimeters.
It should be noted that the flow of the liquid in the microfluidic device of
Also, in the example of
It has been noted that the presence of the first channel 2 upstream and of the second channel 3 downstream of the confinement zone (chamber 5) in the microfluidic device 10 of
The sample implemented in this example is a culture medium of neurons, which comprises:
An example of confinement of a population of neurons in the depositing chamber 5 of the microfluidic device 10 of
In particular, the photograph of
As illustrated in
It should be noted that this adaptation of the dimensions of the first channel and of the second channel has been made given the losses of charge of equations (2′) and (4) mentioned hereinabove, the concentration and the dimensions of the neurons and the dimensions of the input zone 1, of the output zone 4 and of the chamber 5.
In particular, the microfluidic chip 10 illustrated in
Lout is calculated in accordance with the sizing method according to the invention, starting out from the equation (2′).
In the present example, the parameters fixed at the outset were the parameters Din, Hin, Win, Lin, Dout, Hout, and Wout.
But it is also possible to calculate another unknown parameter, different to Lout, and fix the seven other remaining parameters.
The speed of the flow of the cellular culture liquid in the depositing chamber 5 is 41·10−5 m/s and this speed has been obtained by introduction of a volume of liquid of 20 μL in the input zone 1.
It should be noted that in the microfluidic device of the publication by Taylor et al.[1], there are no first channel and second channel connected to the Taylor confinement zone (culture chamber), as is the case in the microfluidic device 10 sized as per the present invention, and so on. In the Taylor device, it is not possible to confine the sample in the confinement zone by controlling the spatial distribution of the sample in this confinement zone.
The control of the speed of the flow of the liquid in the chamber 5 enables control of the spatial distribution of the biological sample in this chamber 5 during flow of the liquid.
Growing cells requires a sterile medium to avoid any form of contamination. Because microfluidic chips are not sterile once they are assembled, they therefore need to be sterilized prior to use.
For this purpose, the microfluidic chip 10 used in this example for the depositing of neurons (and whereof the depositing chamber 5 is illustrated by
The surface of the depositing chamber can then be functionalized to promote the culture of cells.
Once the chip 10 is ready, a predefined volume of the sample (from 0.5 to 10 mL) is deposited in the charging zone (Input zone 1) to generate flow and begin the depositing of cells.
The flow can be stopped any time, either by removing the volume of liquid remaining in the input zone 1, or by adding an equivalent volume to the output zone (equalizing the hydrostatic pressure between the input and the output).
A microfluidic device 10, sized in accordance with the method according to the invention (second embodiment), is used for depositing explants.
As illustrated in
However, the input zone 1 and the output zone 4 can have different diameters and/or heights. Also, the input zone 1 and/or the output zone 4 can have forms other than cylindrical (for example square forms).
It should be noted that the dimensions (height and diameter) of the input zone 1 are selected relative to the dimensions of the explant (ganglion or hippocampus especially) received by this input zone 1, such that the biological sample can enter the microfluidic device 10 of
Also, as is the case for the input zone 1 of the microfluidic device 10 of
The microfluidic device 10 of
Also, this microfluidic device 10 comprises a first channel 2 and a second channel 3, which have heights less than those respectively of the input zone 1 and of the output zone 4. Also, as illustrated in
Also, the first channel 2 and the second channel 3 of the microfluidic device 10 of
It should be noted that the flow of the liquid in the microfluidic device of
Also, it should be noted that the output zone 4 can be adapted for allow aspiration of the liquid to boost the speed of the liquid in the microfluidic device 10. In particular, this aspiration of the liquid can be done by using a pipette, a nozzle or a suction capillary and the dimensions of the output zone 4 are adapted so that they correspond to the dimensions of the pipette, of the nozzle or of the suction capillary.
It should be noted that as is the case for the microfluidic device 10 of
Also, adaptation of the width and/or the height of the first channel 2 depends on the dimensions of the explant and in all cases they are preferably at least 1% larger than the dimensions of the biological sample in suspension so that the biological sample can pass through the first channel 2 without damage.
Also, with respect to the length of the first channel 2, it is preferable for this to be as sort as possible, so as to let the explant be introduced to the first channel 2, and prevent accidents along the way (unwanted adhesion of the explant to the walls of the first channel 2 before arriving at the confinement zone).
In the example of
One of the samples implemented in this example (case of
The other sample implemented in this example (case of
As is evident in
In the example of
“millimeter-sized neural building blocks for 3D heterogeneous neural network assembly” Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2, 1564-70 (2013).
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
1560021 | Oct 2015 | FR | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/FR2016/052728 | 10/21/2016 | WO | 00 |