Skirting wall system

A wall system suitable for use with an elevated structure. The wall system includes a plurality of blocks arranged in multiple courses to include a top course and a bottom course. At least one angled bracket has one portion positioned to restrainably engage a vertical face of at least one block in the top course with another portion affixed to an elevated structure. An elongated base member of generally right angle configuration supports and restrains the lower course of blocks; and a plurality of foot pads may be spaced along the ground with the base member spanning and resting upon at least two of the foot pads.

The present invention is relates to a wall structure. More specifically, the present invention relates to a wall structure that may be used in a variety of interior and exterior applications, for example, as a skirting wall, as wainscoting, as a retaining wall, as a swimming pool wall, as a veneer or fascia, as cladding or siding, as a fence, and as a load-bearing or non load-bearing wall.


Transportable structures such as mobile homes, trailer homes, modular homes and recreational vehicles, by their very nature, are usually not intended to be built upon a conventional foundation. Rather, they are brought or driven to a location where they may remain for indeterminate periods of time. Often, over an extended period at a particular site, such structures may start to settle differentially onto or in the ground due to factors such as deflating tires or local variations in soil bearing capacities. Additionally, factors such as erosion and freeze-thaw cycles may also cause such structures to shift and/or tilt. In order to prevent such unwanted movement and ensure that a structure is level regardless of the ground's topography, the structures are often placed on stilts that extend from the structure or upon piles that extend from the ground, or even on isolated footings that distribute the weight of a structure over a relatively large surface area. While this solves the aforementioned problem of shifting and/or sinking, it often results in an unsightly visible gap in the area between the ground and the bottom of the structure.

Various attempts to cover the unsightly visible gap have included the use of plants, natural material such as rocks and wood and man-made products such as cement, masonry and plastics. These attempts have proven to be either prohibitively expensive, difficult to install and/or disassemble, or unattractive and unable to withstand sustained exposure to nature's elements. Attempts that tend to be prohibitively expensive or difficult to install include, for example, wall structures constructed of large, custom-made, cement slabs having decorative faces, and standard masonry blocks held together with mortar. Attempts that fall into the latter category include such relatively fragile and easily breakable products as wooden or plastic lattices, and synthetic panels designed to simulate stones or bricks.

Consequently, there is a need for an easy to assemble and/or disassemble, lightweight and sturdy, inexpensive wall structure for covering the gap between the ground and an elevated structure such as a mobile home.

In other applications, where brick, stone, or concrete is used as veneer or fascia, for fencing, and as load-bearing and non load-bearing walls, etc., these structures are constructed with an eye towards permanence. That is, the structures are not meant to be easily dismantled. This means that the component parts are often able to interconnect with each other and/or with a support framework in some fashion. This usually entails the use of robust connections such as mechanical fasteners, adhesives, cement, or the like. For example, many types of veneers are typically coated with adhesive or cementitious material to enable them to be securely and directly bonded to a structure. Or, as another example, walls may be constructed in a conventional manner with blocks and mortar.

Alternatively, wall structures may comprise heavy, interlocking blocks that rely on size and weight to achieve some measure of permanence. As one may well imagine, each of the aforementioned structures would be difficult and time consuming to reconfigure, remove, or repair should the need arise. And while the construction of some of these structures typically requires specialized knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve, it will be appreciated that disassembly may require other, additional specialized knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve. In light of these shortcomings, there is an additional need for a wall structure that may be easily assembled, disassembled and rebuilt or reconfigured by an unskilled user without damage to the constituent parts of the wall structure and which may be used as a veneer, fascia, cladding, fence, or as a load-bearing or non load-bearing wall.


One embodiment of the present invention provides a masonry block wall system for use in skirting elevated structures. The blocks are shaped to be stacked in vertically independent, self-supporting columns, strengthened and linked together by specially shaped, lightweight, lateral support beams positioned between adjacent columns, and stabilized by inverted u-shaped brackets which are attached at or near the bottom of an elevated structure. In another embodiment, a u-shaped bracket is provided with an arm that is rotatably attached thereto and which is movable into a position that facilitates attachment to a generally vertical surface. In another embodiment, the blocks are configured so that lateral support beams may be positioned not only between adjacent columns but also at intermediate positions along the block as well. In another embodiment, the lateral support beam is configured so that it can be movably coupled to a bracket, which may be attached to an existing structure.

One embodiment of the block comprises a front face, a rear face, top and bottom surfaces, and side surfaces, and each side surface includes an outwardly opening, vertically oriented groove for receiving a portion of a support beam. The top and bottom surfaces are configured to facilitate a stacking relationship between adjacent courses of blocks such that they are generally coplanar. This relationship is most easily achieved by making the top and bottom surfaces substantially collateral, planar and relatively perpendicular to rear and/or front faces. Another embodiment of the block includes the provision of externally formed channels that are configured and arranged to prevent moisture from forming and collecting at the rear face of the block. Another embodiment of the block includes at least one through hole or aperture that is substantially aligned with outwardly opening, vertically oriented grooves in the side surfaces of a block. As will be explained later, the through holes or apertures facilitate use with support beams in a variety of applications. Another embodiment of the block has viewable surfaces or facings that are angled with respect to each other and which facilitate the formation of closed structures.

One purpose of the beams is to keep vertically stacked, self-supporting columns of blocks from buckling when subjected to a force normal to the plane of the column. This strengthening is accomplished providing the beams with lateral extensions or ribs that are configured to be received in aligned grooves at the sides of the vertically stacked blocks. Another purpose of the beams is to link adjacent columns of blocks together in a colonnade-like arrangement to form a wall structure. This is also achieved with the aforementioned lateral extensions and grooves. As may be expected, the beams provide very little, if any, support in a vertical direction. The columns so constructed are considered independent because, unlike conventionally constructed masonry or stone walls, the joints between adjacent blocks are in alignment with each other rather than being offset as in a running bond. This enables the columns of blocks to move up and down relative to each other, without appreciably altering the inherent continuity of a wall structure. As will be appreciated, the rigidity of the blocks provides enough support to prevent a column from failing in the vertical direction. The support beams are preferably comprised of weather resistant metal or synthetic material, such as poly-vinyl chloride (PVC), nylon, or the like.

The use of the lateral support beams also obviates the need for mortar between the blocks. This mortarless wall structure system is advantageous over traditional brick and mortar walls for obvious reasons. First, fewer materials are required to build a wall. Second, the materials are easier to handle and manipulate, and no special tools or skills are required. Third, a wall can be constructed under conditions that would not be possible using traditional brick and mortar construction and a person need not be concerned about time constraints imposed by drying mortar. Fourth, the intimate block-to-block contact between adjacent blocks results in very tight joints that allow the wall to appear monolithic or seamless. It is also possible to create walls that have the appearance of conventional block and mortar construction. Fifth, the loose block system can be constructed on a variety of surfaces, including sand, gravel, dirt, or building elements such as H-beams, flooring, base blocks, etc. It is not necessary to pour a foundation.

The lateral support beams also allow the blocks to be substantially thinner than conventional masonry blocks. These thin, lightweight blocks are not only easier to handle and ship, but require less material and time to fabricate. The blocks are generally about 1 to 4 inches (2.5-10 cm.) thick, about 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm.) in height and about 6 to 24 inches (15-60 cm.) in width, and preferably have a thickness on the order of around 2½ inches (6.0 cm.). As one may appreciate, the combination of the thin blocks and the support beams facilitates construction of masonry wall structures in locations and configurations that were heretofore not possible using thin blocks alone. The resulting wall structure of this system is surprisingly strong and it may even be used to provide support to an elevated structure. When a wall structure is installed about an elevated structure, such as a portable home, the elevated structure may be lowered onto the blocks of the wall. Alternatively, the blocks may serve as a skirt, which improves the aesthetics of the structure and keeps animals, litter, snow, etc. from intruding or being otherwise introduced beneath the structure. In this embodiment, it is not necessary that the blocks make actual contact with the structure.

The loose block system also allows the wall to be easily disassembled and reassembled. This not only gives flexibility during initial construction, but also allows later renovations to be made quickly and inexpensively. For instance, it may be desirable or required to vent elevated structures having skirting walls, to prevent the buildup of moisture or condensation between the ground and the elevated structure. Such vents can be easily installed into an existing wall, especially if they are of similar dimensions and configurations as the blocks. The blocks of a given column are simply removed and reinstalled, replacing one of the blocks with the vent. Other auxiliary items, such as an access door or lights, could be installed in a similar manner.

The wall design of the present invention also allows a wall corner to be constructed without supporting beams or mortar. In one embodiment, two walls are simply aligned to form a butt joint and fasteners such as pegs, or screws, and plastic inserts are used to fasten one wall to the other. Alternatively, construction mastic, or a similar type of adhesive, may be applied instead of or in combination with the abovementioned fasteners. In another embodiment, blocks are preformed as angled units that have been provided with outwardly opening, vertically oriented grooves for receiving portions of support beams. As will be appreciated, such blocks may be combined together to form hollow columnar structures. Again, ease of installation is greatly improved by the loose block, mortarless system of the present invention.

Another embodiment of the wall structure uses a differently configured bracket than the aforementioned u-shaped bracket. It too, is used to operatively connect the wall structure to a support. The bracket of this embodiment, however, attaches in a slightly different manner than the u-shaped bracket. Instead of straddling the upper portion of a top-most block as with the u-shaped bracket of the aforementioned embodiment, this bracket has one end that is configured to be positioned within space defined by opposing vertical grooves of adjacent blocks. That is, the bracket is designed to be installed at or near the sides of a column. The other end of the bracket is configured to be attached at or near the bottom of a structure. An advantage with this bracket it that it is able to provide support for the wall structure in two directions, while allowing movement of wall components relative thereto in a third direction. As will be appreciated, this bracket may be easily installed and removed without the need for special training or tools. Preferably, the bracket of this embodiment is L-shaped, although it is envisioned that other shapes are possible. For example, the bracket may be linear, or it may be linear and have an axial twist in it. Or, the structure-engaging portion may be provided with a u-shape or even its own integral fastener.

An assembly of blocks may be operatively connected to a support using yet another embodiment of the wall skirting system. With this embodiment, the support beam is configured to be movably coupled to a bracket that, in turn, is attached to the support. This allows the beam to move relative to the bracket without sacrificing the strength of the assembled blocks, and also allows the beams to be connected to the structure at different locations along its length. For example, at the top, at the bottom, or anywhere in between.

These and other objectives and advantages of the invention will appear more fully from the following description, made in conjunction with the accompanying drawings wherein like reference characters refer to the same or similar parts throughout the several views. And, although the disclosure hereof is detailed and exact to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention, the physical embodiments herein disclosed merely exemplify the invention, which may be embodied in other specific structure. While the preferred embodiment has been described, the details may be changed without departing from the invention, which is defined by the claims.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an elevated structure skirted with an embodiment of the wall structure of the present invention;

FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a block of the present invention;

FIG. 3 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a support beam of the present invention;

FIG. 4 is a side elevational view of a column of the present invention taken generally along lines 4-4 of FIG. 1;

FIG. 5 is a plan view, taken generally along lines 5-5 of FIG. 1, of two adjacent blocks of the present invention abutted and held by a support beam;

FIG. 6 is a plan view of two blocks abutted with a support beam installed using an alternative configuration;

FIG. 7 is a plan view of two blocks being pressed together and resiliently deforming a support beam;

FIG. 8 is a plan view of two blocks abutted with an alternative embodiment of a support beam;

FIG. 9 is a plan view of two blocks abutted with another alternative embodiment of a support beam;

FIG. 10 is a plan view of an embodiment of a corner of the wall structure of the present invention;

FIG. 11 is a partial, perspective view of an embodiment of a wall structure of the present invention and a preferred attachment bracket therefor;

FIG. 12 is a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of the attachment bracket of FIG. 11;

FIG. 13 is a side plan view of the bracket of FIG. 12 attached to a surface of a structure;

FIG. 14 is a perspective view If the attachment bracket of FIG. 12 in juxtaposition with a preferred embodiment of the support beam of the present invention;

FIG. 15 is a top plan view of a portion of a block and a support beam prior to connection therewith;

FIG. 16 is a top plan view of a portion of a block with a support beam connected thereto, and the wall contacting portion of a the bracket of FIG. 11 prior to connection therewith;

FIG. 17 is a top plan view of a portion of a block with a support beam and bracket connected thereto, and a second portion of a block prior to connection therewith;

FIG. 18 is a top plan view of an assembled wall structure illustrating the positions of the blocks, support beam and attachment bracket relative to each other;

FIG. 19A is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of an attachment bracket having an arm that is rotatably connected thereto, and which is in a first position;

FIG. 19B is a perspective view of the attachment bracket of FIG. 19a in which the arm has been rotated to a second position;

FIG. 20 is a perspective view of another embodiment of a block of the present invention;

FIG. 21 is a bottom plan view of the block of FIG. 20;

FIG. 22 is a perspective view of another embodiment of a block of the present invention;

FIG. 23 is a bottom plan view of the block of FIG. 22;

FIG. 24 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a vertical support beam of the present invention;

FIG. 25A is an alternative embodiment of a portion of the vertical support beam of FIG. 24, with the remainder of the support beam shown in phantom;

FIG. 25B is an alternative embodiment of a portion of the vertical support beam of FIG. 24, with the remainder of the support beam shown in phantom;

FIG. 26 is a partial top plan view of two blocks of FIG. 20 that are operatively connected to a support beam as shown in FIG. 24;

FIG. 27 is an exploded perspective view of an embodiment of an attachment bracket and the support beam of FIG. 24 prior to coupling;

FIG. 28 is a rear perspective view of the attachment bracket and support beam of FIG. 27 after they have been coupled together;

FIG. 29A is an embodiment of an attachment bracket suitable for use with a support beam as depicted in FIG. 24;

FIG. 29B is a plan view of the attachment bracket of FIG. 29A as it may be coupled to a support beam;

FIG. 30 is a side elevation view of a mortarless wall that has been constructed and operatively connected to a structure;

FIG. 31 is an edge view of a sealing element that is used in the construction of FIG. 30;

FIG. 32 is a perspective view of the sealing element of FIG. 31;

FIG. 33 is an enlarged view of a portion of FIG. 30 which depicts the sealing element of FIGS. 31 and 32 as it is installed between structural elements;

FIG. 34 is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of a support beam;

FIG. 35 is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of a support beam; and,

FIG. 36 is a partial top plan view of the support beams as shown in FIGS. 34 and 35 as they may be used in conjunction with two blocks.


Referring generally now to the drawings and first to FIGS. 1-5, a preferred embodiment of a wall structure 10 of the present invention as it may be used in conjunction with an elevated structure is shown (See, FIG. 1). The wall structure 10 is comprised of a plurality of blocks 12 arranged in columns 14, with the blocks in each column 14 held in place by vertically oriented, lateral support beams 16, and with each beam 16 operatively connecting adjacent columns 14 together in a colonnade-like fashion. Downwardly opening u-shaped brackets 18 attached at or near the bottom of a structure (shown in dashed lines in FIG. 4) being skirted, are configured and arranged to receive an upper portion of the top block 12 of pre-selected columns 14 to help stabilize and prevent the wall structure 10 from tipping rearwardly or forwardly. As used herein, the term “forward” means away from the center of the elevated structure (and along the “z” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block) and the term “rearward” means toward the center of the elevated structure (also along the “z” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block).

Attention is now directed to the individual components of wall structure 10. FIG. 2 depicts a preferred embodiment of block 12. It can be seen that block 12 is generally panel-shaped and includes a front face 20, a rear face 22, a top surface 24, a bottom surface 26 and pairs of side surfaces 28A, 29A and 28B, 29B, respectively. Block 12 is preferably made of a dry composite masonry material in a molding operation. It is envisioned, however, that other materials could be used, such as concrete, fiberglass, ceramics, hard plastics, dense foam, or even wood. Though the general shape of the blocks is more important to achieve the present invention than the material used, it has been found that the aforementioned preferred dry composite masonry material provides the most desirable combination of strength, appearance, economy, and ease of manufacturing.

Front face 20 is spaced from rear face 22 by a predetermined distance herein defining the depth 30 of block 12. As shown in FIG. 2, it is envisioned that front face 20 is formed with a roughened or rustic surface. Such surfaces are commonly formed during block fabrication, where a mold is cast and the casting is later split or fractured into two blocks along a predetermined plane, with the plane of separation between the two blocks defining a pair of opposing front faces. This is not necessary to carry out the spirit of the invention, however, and a block 12 may be formed by other known methods and a front face 20 could, alternatively, be dressed, modified, or otherwise worked in any desired manner.

A vertically oriented splitting recess 21 may be provided on the front face 20 of block 12 to enable the block 12 to be fashioned into predetermined shapes. Here, the splitting recess 21 is depicted as bisecting the block 12. However, it is understood that the splitting recess 21 may be located and oriented elsewhere on the block 12. That is, the splitting recess 21 could be off-center, or horizontal, diagonal, etc. Moreover, it is also understood that a block may be provided with more than one splitting recess, if desired.

Front face 20 also includes marginal areas 23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D that will now be briefly discussed. As may be expected, the number of marginal areas corresponds to the number of edges of the front face 20. These marginal areas may be worked or modified, if desired, to produce different visual effects. Here, the desired effect is for the marginal areas to simulate splitting recesses 21. Thus, the marginal areas 23A, 23B, 23C and 23D are formed so that when blocks 12 are positioned in intimate contact with each other in a wall structure, the cross-sectional profiles of their marginal areas, when combined, simulate splitting recesses 21 (See also, FIGS. 5-9). As depicted the splitting recesses 21 have a cross-sectional profile that is somewhat circular, and the marginal areas 23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D have cross-sectional areas that are fluted or arced. As can be appreciated, the splitting recesses and marginal areas may be configured with other cross-sectional profiles, if desired. For example, a v-shaped cross-sectional profile.

As mentioned above, the tight joints 31 between adjacent blocks 12 allow the wall structure 10 to appear monolithic or seamless. This feature may be used in combination with splitting recesses 21 and marginal areas 23A-D of the blocks 12 to create different visual effects. For example, it is envisioned that the wall structure simulate running bonds by having the blocks of each column alternate between a block with no splitting recess and worked marginal areas, and a block having a splitting recess and worked horizontal marginal areas (See, FIG. 11). Or, it is envisioned that the splitting recesses and marginal areas be selected to enable the wall structure to simulate an ashlar block wall (not shown).

Referring again to FIG. 2, top surface 24 is spaced from bottom surface 26 by a distance (taken along a “y” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block) to define the height 32 of block 12. When blocks 12 are arranged vertically to form a column 14, bottom surface 26 of any block 12 other than the bottom block of a column rests on the top surface 24 of the block therebelow. It is therefore preferred that top surface 24 and bottom surface 26 are configured to facilitate a stacking relationship between two blocks 12. This relationship is most easily achieved by making the top and bottom surfaces 24, 26 substantially collateral, planar and relatively perpendicular to rear face 22 and/or front face 20, as shown in the Figures. Alternatively, it is envisioned that top and bottom surfaces 24 and 26 may be complementarily shaped, and not perpendicular to rear face 22 and/or front face 20, but which permit upper and lower blocks 12 to be stacked in a vertical relationship (not shown). For example, the surfaces could be non-planar and/or irregular. Or, the surfaces could have compound curves or even interlocking segments (also not shown).

Side surface pairs 28A, 29A and 28B, 29B, respectively, are preferably somewhat perpendicular to rear face 22 and/or front face 20. As can be seen, side surface 28A is spaced from side surface 28B by a distance (taken along a “x” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block) to define the width 33 of block 12. Additionally, each pair of side surfaces 28A and 29A, 28B and 29B, include a substantially vertical groove 34 or channel therebetween that is configured to receive a portion of a lateral support beam 16 (See, FIG. 3). While a pair of side grooves 34 for each block 12 is preferred, it is envisioned that one side surface 28A and 29A or 28B and 29B be provided with a groove 34 and the other side surface have a tongue configured to mate with the groove, thereby obviating the need for beams 16. However, in order to maintain the vertically independent characteristics of columns 14, the use of beams 16 is preferred.

Referring now to FIG. 3, the beams 16 of the present invention generally comprise an elongated spine or web 36 and at least one rib 38 that is substantially coextensive therewith. More specifically, a preferred embodiment of a beam 16, as shown includes a plurality of ribs that are arranged in a substantially coplanar and collateral relation. That is, there is a first pair of ribs 38A that are substantially coplanar and which extend away from each other. And, there is a second pair of ribs 38B that are also substantially coplanar and which extend away from each other. Note that the pairs of ribs 38A and 38B are in substantial collateral relation with each other and spaced apart from each other by a distance defined by the web 36. This configuration of two pairs of ribs 38A and 38B attached to each other by web 36 forms somewhat of an I-beam configuration. It is preferred that at least one set of ribs 38A are resiliently deformable and even more preferred that they converge slightly towards and then diverge slightly away from the other ribs 38B in a somewhat v-shaped configuration as one moves towards the ends of the ribs. This v-shaped configuration is preferred because it allows a segment 35 of a block 12 to be gripped between the ribs 38A, 38B. As will be appreciated, in order for the desired amount of gripping force to occur, the distance or span 42 between a rib 38B and the apex of the “v” of an unflexed rib 38A should be slightly less than the thickness of segment 35. And, it will also be appreciated that the distance or span 43 between the leading edge of flange 40 of the unflexed rib 38A and the rib 38B should be slightly greater than the thickness of segment 35 (See, FIGS. 5, 6 and 7). Thus, when a beam 16 is attached to a block 12 the rib 38A is deflected from its unstressed state to a stressed state and a segment 35 of a block may be gripped between ribs 38A and 38B. The ribs 38A and 38B as depicted in FIG. 3 are also preferred because they prevent unwanted movement and misalignment between blocks 12 of a given column 14 and they are able to compensate for variations in dimensions that sometimes occur during manufacture of the blocks.

Beams 16 may be attached at their upper ends to a structure being skirted if desired, preferably at or near the lowermost edge or bottom, and using conventional fastening techniques and technologies (not shown). Such attachments may be used in conjunction with or apart from brackets 18 and provide support and stability to the independent columns 14, preventing them from leaning or falling forwardly or rearwardly. Beams 16 also act to align the blocks 12 of a given column 14, by preventing lateral movement therebetween (that is, movement along the “x” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to the blocks).

Referring now to FIG. 4, the arrangement of a plurality of blocks 12 that form a column 14 can be seen. Note, that the top and bottom surfaces 24, 26 of adjacent blocks 12 are in intimate contact with each other. That is, there is no mortar or binding material therebetween. This minimizes the spacing between blocks and allows the marginal areas 23C, 23D of adjacent blocks 12 to combine and simulate horizontally oriented splitting recesses 21 (See also, FIGS. 5-9). It is envisioned that brackets 18 be used in conjunction with beams 16 to provide stability to wall 10. As can be seen, each bracket 18 comprise a front wall 44, a rear wall 46 spaced apart from front wall 44 and a top wall 48 joining the front wall 44 to the rear wall 46 in a generally inverted u-shape. Front wall 44 and rear wall 46 define an opening 50 which is configured and arranged to receive an uppermost portion of the top block 12 of a column 14. In practice, a bracket 18 is attached at or near the underside of a structure to be skirted so that the opening 50 may receive the upper portion of the top block 12 of a column 14. Preferably, the bracket 18 is positioned so that it may straddle the central region of an uppermost block 12. It may be desired to make rear wall 46 of a greater vertical dimension that front wall 44 to provide additional support. It may also be desired to provide a bracket 18 with a rear wall 46, which extends in a lateral direction further than front wall 44. Furthermore, it is envisioned that brackets 18 could be a variety of lengths. For instance, brackets 18 could be as short as one inch or as long as the entire wall. While top wall 48 of the bracket 18 is depicted in the figure as being in contact with the top surface 24 of the uppermost block 12 of a column 14, it should be understood that this need not always be the case. In situations where the wall structure 10 is not a load bearing wall, or where the terrain shifts or changes due to climate, settling, animals, roots, etc., it may be desirable to provide a gap between the top wall 48 and the top surface 24 of a block. Thus, individual columns will be able to move vertically in small increments without destroying the integrity of the wall structure 10. In that regard, it should be appreciated that beams 16 slidingly grip portions 35 of blocks 12. That is to say, the beams 16 do not grip the blocks 12 with so much force as to preclude relative movement therealong in a longitudinal direction.

Brackets 18 prevent rearward or forward movement of column 14 and also work in conjunction with beams 16 to prevent those columns 14 without brackets 18 from tipping over rearwardly or forwardly. As it is envisioned that beams 16 may or may not be attached to the structure, brackets 18 may be solely responsible for preventing wall 10 from tipping over. Brackets 18 can be of any suitable material, preferably synthetic, more preferably poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) or other durable plastic.

Referring now to FIG. 5, a partial horizontal section of the wall structure 10 of FIG. 1 is depicted. As shown, a beam 16 operatively connects two adjacent blocks 12 of adjacent columns 14 to each other. Here, the v-shaped ribs 38A are positioned within grooves 34 of adjacent blocks 12 and ribs 38B are positioned against the rear faces 22 of adjacent blocks 12. With this configuration, the beams 16 are able to remain hidden from view and provide support along several axes (taken along the “z” and “x” directions in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block). With the beam of this embodiment, the grooves 34 may be considerably larger than the thickness of the ribs 38A, without affecting the gripping ability of the beam 16. Thus, there may be quite a large space in front of the ribs 38A. Note that the distance between side surfaces 29A and 29B is less than the distance between side surfaces 28A and 28B. This is to allow the side surfaces 28A, 28B of adjacent blocks 12 to be brought into intimate contact with each other while providing enough space to accommodate the web 36 of the beam 16. Note that a bracket 18 is shown in dashed lines as it would be positioned relative to an uppermost block 12 of a column 14.

FIGS. 6 and 7 show a preferred beam arrangement in which the beam 16 shown in FIGS. 3 and 5 is reversed with respect to blocks 12 to which it is connected. That is, the ribs 38B are positioned within opposing grooves 34 and the v-shaped ribs are positioned against the rear faces 22 of blocks 12. This arrangement does not appreciably change the function of the beam 16 and the gripping ability of the beam 16, as discussed above, remains essentially the same.

As with the embodiment depicted in FIG. 5, the distance between side surfaces 29A and 29B is less than the distance between side surfaces 28A and 28B to allow the side surfaces 28A, 28B of adjacent blocks 12 to be brought into intimate contact with each other while providing enough space to accommodate the web 36 of the beam 16. Note also that when two adjacent blocks 12 are brought into contact with each other their corresponding margins 23A and 23B combine to form a profile that is substantially the same as the profile of splitting recess 21 (as shown in FIGS. 5, 6, 8, and 9). It will be appreciated that the splitting recess 21 and may have other profiles, such as a v-shape and that the corresponding margins 23 would be more beveled or chamfered.

FIG. 8 shows an alternative embodiment of beam 16 having two ribs 38B but only one resiliently deformable rib 38A. FIG. 9 shows yet another embodiment of a beam 16 comprising one pair of opposed ribs 38B such that the support beam 16 is essentially an elongate spline. It should be understood that for purposes of clarity, ribs 38B as depicted in FIGS. 8 and 9 are substantially thinner than the grooves 34 in which they are positioned, and that in actuality and ribs and grooves would be configured to effectively maintain blocks 12 in a coplanar relation with little or no play.

FIG. 10 shows a preferred corner configuration using the blocks 12 of the present invention. The design of block 12 lends itself to the formation of corners without the need for mortar, corner braces, or other supports. Two blocks 12A and 12B are simply aligned to form a corner butt joint 51. Preferably block 12B is broken along its splitting recess 21 to form a new split face 52 which roughly matches split front face 20 of block 12A. Holes 54 are drilled through blocks 12A and 12B so that fastener 56 may be inserted therein. Generally, fastener 56 may be any suitable fastener, and preferably an appropriately sized pin, peg or screw. Alternatively, glue, preferably construction mastic 58, may be applied instead of or, more preferably, in combination with fasteners 56.

FIGS. 11-15 illustrate an additional embodiment of the present invention. Starting with FIG. 11, the wall structure 10 of this embodiment is depicted as it may be used in conjunction with an elevated structure “S.” As with the wall structure depicted in FIG. 1, this wall structure 10 is comprised of a plurality of blocks 12 arranged in columns 14, with the columns 14 held in place by vertically oriented, lateral support beams 16, and with each beam 16 operably connecting adjacent columns 14 together. The brackets 19 used in this embodiment, however, differ from the u-shaped brackets 18 of the previously described embodiment in several respects. First, the brackets 19 are shaped differently than the brackets 18 of the previous embodiment. Instead of having an inverted u-shaped configuration as with bracket 18, the bracket 19 of this embodiment has a single, downwardly extending portion. Another difference is that rather than positioning a portion of a block 12 within an opening 50 defined by a pair of walls 44, 46, the bracket 19 of this embodiment has a wall engaging portion 62 that extends downwardly into vertical grooves 34 at the sides of blocks 12. Another difference between brackets 18 and 19 is that bracket 18 connects to a column 14 in a generally central location, whereas the brackets 19 of this embodiment connect at the sides of a column 14. As with the previously described brackets 18, these brackets 19 help to stabilize and prevent the wall structure 10 from tipping rearwardly or forwardly. The brackets 19 also prevent the wall structure from shifting from side to side.

For purposes of illustration, the size of the wall structure 10 of this embodiment has been limited three columns 14 and four courses, with the two uppermost blocks of the left column 14 removed to reveal the juxtaposition between the brackets 19, beams 16 and blocks 12. Note that the wall structure 10 depicted in this embodiment also includes a plurality of footings or support pads 80 that are positioned beneath the columns 14 at the junction where they connect to the beams 16. Preferably, each footing or support pad 80 may be provided with a setting channel 82 that is configured and arranged to receive the bottom edges of one or more columns of blocks in a constrained relation. Note that the footing or support pad 80 for the middle and right columns 14 has been removed and replaced with an L-shaped support base or angle iron (see, for example, support base 84 in FIG. 30) that spans the bottom of the middle and right columns 14. This construction may be used when the use of individual, regularly spaced footings is not possible or desirable. Also note that the wall structure 10 is depicted as having a running bond on its three lowermost courses. As can be seen, the bottom and third courses of blocks do not have splitting recesses. They do, however, have their perimeter marginal areas 23A-D worked. The second course of blocks, on the other hand, have splitting recesses 21 and have only their horizontal marginal areas 23C, 23D worked. Thus, each column 14 will have blocks with alternating front faces. When the columns of blocks are positioned adjacent each other in the normal assembly procedure some of the blocks will form tight joints 31 and some of the blocks will form joints that appear substantially thicker. Thus, from a distance, the wall structure 10 will give the impression that it was constructed of blocks and mortar in a conventional manner. It will be appreciated that the externally viewable surface of the wall structure depicted in FIG. 11 is merely one example of an externally viewable surface, and that many other externally viewable surfaces are possible. As used herein, the term “forward” means away from the center of the elevated structure (and along the “z” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block) and the term “rearward” means toward the center of the elevated structure (also along the “z” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block).

Since the blocks 12 and beams 16 used in this embodiment of the wall structure 10 are substantially identical to the blocks 12 and beams 16 depicted in FIGS. 2 and 3, and described above, they will not be described further.

Turning now to FIGS. 12-14, a preferred embodiment of bracket 19 depicted in FIG. 11 will now be discussed. As can be seen in FIGS. 12 and 13, the bracket 19 comprises a structure engaging portion 60 and a wall engaging portion 62. The wall engaging portion 62 of the bracket 19 includes opposing surfaces 64, 66 which are arranged and configured to contact a portion of a beam 16 and a portion of a block 12, respectively. If desired, the wall engaging portion 62 may be provided with strengthening creases 67. As will be appreciated, the wall engaging portion 62 of the bracket 19 has a width 76 and a length 78 whose dimensions correspond to the particular blocks that are being used to construct a wall, and will be discussed only in general terms. Thus, the width 76 may range from a distance roughly equivalent to the depth of a single groove 34 in one block, to a distance roughly equivalent to the depth of two grooves 34 of opposing blocks. The width may also be roughly equivalent to the width of the web 36 of the beam 16 so that the wall engaging portion of the bracket may be oriented transversely to the wall structure (not shown). The length 78 may also vary depending upon the requirements of the wall structure. A typical width and length for a wall engaging portion 62 may be on the order of two inches by four inches, and a typical width and length for a structure engaging portion 60 may be on the order of two inches by one-and-a-half inches. It will be appreciated that the bracket 19 be formed from material that may be modified or otherwise altered to fit a particular application. Thus, for example, the width and/or length of the wall engaging portion may be cut-to-length or otherwise tailored at a jobsite without appreciably delaying or hindering construction.

The structure engaging portion 60 of the bracket 19 also includes opposing surfaces 68, 70. However, in this embodiment, only opposing surface 68 is configured to contact a portion of a structure (See, FIGS. 11 and 13). As depicted, the structure engaging portion 60 is attached to a lower surface of a structure “S” by an upwardly extending fastening element 74. It is understood, however, that the attachment surface of the structure “S” may be an upper surface, in which case the opposing surface 70 would contact the surface of the structure and the fastening element would extend downwardly from surface 68 (shown in dashed lines). As shown in FIG. 13, the structure engaging portion 60 and the wall engaging portion 62 are planar and substantially orthogonal with respect to each other. It is understood, however, that the wall engaging portion 62 and the structure engaging portion 60 need not be orthogonal to each other. They may be linearly aligned, for example. It is also envisioned that the wall engaging and structure engaging portions may be formed in other configurations. For instance, either portion 60, 62 may be formed with unshaped profiles that enable the portions 60, 62 to straddle sections of the wall and/or structure (not shown). The structure engaging portion 60 is provided with an aperture 72 that may be used with a conventional fastening element 74. For purposes of this application, the term fastening element may include mechanical fasteners such as screws, nails, bolts, rivets, or their equivalents, and/or adhesives, weldments, or the like. Alternatively, the structure engaging portion 60 may be provided with an integral fastening element so that the portion 60 may be driven into or otherwise attached to a support.

Referring now to FIGS. 11 and 14, the juxtaposition between a bracket 19 and a beam 16 can be seen. Preferably, in use, the wall engaging portion 62 of the bracket 19 is positioned within the space created by the confronting grooves 34 of adjacent blocks 12 such that one opposing surface 64 confronts the ribs 38 of the beam, and the other opposing surface confronts a wall of the groove 34. As depicted, ribs 38A are confronted by the surface 64, however, it could just as easily by ribs 38B (as shown in FIGS. 6, 7 and 8) depending on how the beam 16 is connected to the blocks. It should also be noted that the bracket 19 could also be rotated so that the positions of the opposing surfaces 64, 66 are reversed and one opposing surface 66 would confront the ribs 38 of the beam 16 and the other opposing surface would confront a wall of the groove 34.

In use, the bracket 19 will be operatively connected to a support where it will be in a fixed position relative to a beam 16 and blocks 12. That is, the beam 16 may move relative to the bracket 19 and the blocks 12 may move relative to the bracket 19. Equally as important, the beam 16 and the blocks 12 may move relative to each other. This feature allows columns 14 of blocks 12 to have independent vertical movement without harming or damaging the integrity of the wall structure 10.

Referring now to FIGS. 15-18, operatively connecting a wall 10 to a structure (not shown) using the bracket 19 begins with a block 12 that is connected to a beam 16. As can be seen in FIG. 15, the leading edge of flange 40 will allow the rib 38A to be displaced as it encounters the block segment 35. As the beam 16 is connected to the block 12 as shown in FIG. 16, the block segment 35 is gripped by ribs 38A and 38B. At this point, a bracket 19 may be connected to the block 12 and the beam 16 by positioning the surfaces 64, 66 of the wall engaging portion 62 in confronting relation to the ribs 38 and side of the groove 34. The bracket 19 may then be slid along the longitudinal axis of the beam 16 until it is in position to be attached to a support. After the bracket 19 has been attached to a support, another block 12 may be connected to the beam 16. Note that FIGS. 15-18 represent the uppermost blocks of columns and that the brackets 19 would not normally be coextensive with the beams.

In a preferred method to operatively connect a wall to a structure using the aforementioned bracket, a person would prepare or otherwise select an appropriate location in which to construct a wall. The construction would begin by placing a first block having opposing side grooves in a desired position and orientation. Then, a second, similar block would be placed directly on top of the first block so that the opposing side grooves of the first and second blocks are in vertical alignment with each other and-the first and second blocks form a column. Next, the first and second blocks would be operatively connected to each other along one of their respective sides by inserting a rib of first support beam into the aligned grooves and seating it securely.

Next, a bracket is positioned so that its wall engaging portion is collaterally aligned and in contact with the support beam such that it extends therewith along the groove in the block. The structure engaging portion of the bracket is then brought into position for attachment to a structure by sliding or otherwise manipulating the bracket in a direction towards the point of attachment on the structure (this is generally above and co-planar with the wall). The bracket is than attached to the structure using conventional techniques and technologies. The rib of a second support beam is then inserted into the aligned grooves of the opposite sides of the blocks, and a second bracket is used to operatively connect this portion of the wall to a structure using the aforementioned steps.

A second column comprising similarly configured third and a fourth blocks may now be constructed. The operation is much the same, except now the third block is positioned so that one of its sides is adjacent to one of the sides of the first block and its groove engages at least one other rib of one of the already positioned support beams. The fourth block is then positioned on top of the third block in a similar manner. That is, the fourth block is positioned so that one of its sides is adjacent to one of the sides of the second block and its groove engages at least one other rib of one of the already positioned support beam and the wall engaging portion of the already installed bracket.

After the second column is erected, the third and fourth blocks would be operatively connected to each other along their respective free side by inserting at least one rib of a third support beam into their aligned vertical groove of the respective sides of the first and second blocks and seating them securely, and that support beam would be operatively connected to a support by yet another bracket. And so on. It will be appreciated that other methods of constructing a wall structure using the aforementioned components are possible.

Referring now to FIGS. 19A and 19B, an alternative embodiment of an attachment bracket 90 is depicted. Here, the bracket 90 is similar to earlier discussed bracket 18 (see, FIG. 4) in that it has opposing walls 92, 94 that are connected to each other by a top wall or span 96, and which retain a portion of a block in a constrained relation. However, in this embodiment the shorter of the two walls 94 is provided with an arm 98 that is movably attached thereto by a connector 100, such as a rivet. As depicted in FIG. 19A, the arm 98 is in a first position where it extends towards a block (not shown). In this position, the bracket 90 resembles bracket 18 (see, FIG. 4) and may be attached at or near the underside of a structure in the usual manner, via the span 96.

In situations where it is not possible to easily attach the bracket 90 to the underside of a structure, a user of the bracket 90 need only rotate the arm 98 to a second position so that it extends away from a block (not shown) as depicted in FIG. 19B. In this position, the bracket may be attached to a vertical surface via the arm by a conventional fastener, such as a nail or screw, which extends through an aperture 102. Alternatively, the bracket may be secured to a vertical surface by a suitable adhesive. As will be appreciated, the bracket 90 may be oriented so that either one of the walls 92, 94 may be in confronting relation with the front face of a block.

Referring now to FIGS. 20 and 21, another embodiment of the block of the present invention is depicted. It can be seen that block 112 is generally panel-shaped and includes a front face 120, a rear face 122, a top surface 124, a bottom surface 126 and pairs of side surfaces 128A, 129A, and 128B, 129B, respectively.

Front face 120 is spaced from rear face 122 by a predetermined distance defining the depth 130 of block 112. As shown in FIG. 20, it is envisioned that front face 120 is formed with a roughened or weathered viewable surface or facing. This is not necessary to carry out the spirit of the invention, however, and a block 112 may be formed by other known methods and a front face 120 could, alternatively, be dressed, modified, or otherwise worked in any desired manner.

Vertically oriented splitting recesses 121 may be provided on the front face 120 of block 112 to enable the block 112 to be fashioned into predetermined shapes. Here, the splitting recesses 121 are depicted as quartering the block 112 and forming front face segments 125A, 125B, 125C, and 125D. However, it is understood that the splitting recesses 121 may be located and oriented elsewhere on the block 112. That is, the splitting recesses 121 could be off center, horizontal, diagonal, etc. Moreover, it is also understood that a block splitting recesses may be omitted, if desired.

Front face 120 also includes marginal areas 123A, 123B, 123C, and 123D that will now be briefly discussed. As may be expected, the number of marginal areas corresponds to the number of edges of the front face 120. These marginal areas may be worked or modified, if desired, to produce different visual effects. Here, the desired effect is for the marginal areas to simulate splitting recesses 121. Thus, the marginal areas 123A, 123B, 123C, and 123D are formed so that when blocks 112 are positioned in intimate contact with each other in a wall structure, the cross-sectional profiles of their marginal areas, when combined, simulate splitting recesses 121 (see, for example, FIGS. 5-9). As depicted, the splitting recesses 121 have a cross-sectional profile that is somewhat circular, and the marginal areas 123A, 123B, 123C, and 123D have cross-sectional areas that are fluted or arced. As can be appreciated, the splitting recesses and marginal areas may be configured with other cross-sectional profiles, if desired. For example, a v-shaped cross-sectional profile.

Referring again to FIG. 20, top surface 124 is spaced from bottom surface 126 by a distance (taken along a “y” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block) to define the height 132 of block 112. When blocks 112 are arranged vertically to form a column, bottom surface 126 of any block 112 other than the bottom block of a column rests on the top surface 124 of the block therebelow. It is therefore preferred that top surface 124 and bottom surface 126 are configured to facilitate a stacking relationship between two blocks 112. This relationship is most easily achieved by making the top and bottom surfaces 124, 126 substantially collateral, planar and relatively perpendicular to rear face 122 and/or front face 120, as shown in the Figures. Alternatively, it is envisioned that top and bottom surfaces 124 and 126 may be complementarily shaped, and not perpendicular to rear face 122 and/or front face 120, but which permit upper and lower blocks 112 to be stacked in a vertical relationship (not shown). For example, the surfaces could be non-planar and/or irregular. Or, the surfaces could have compound curves or even interlocking segments (also not shown).

Side surface pairs 128A, 129A and 128B, 129B, respectively, are preferably somewhat perpendicular to rear face 122 and/or front face 120. As can be seen, side surface 128A is spaced from side surface 128B by a distance (taken along a “x” direction in a three-dimensional coordinate system relative to a block) to define the width 133 of block 112. Additionally, each pair of side surfaces 128A and 129A, 128B and 129B, include a substantially vertical groove 134 or channel therebetween that is configured to receive a portion of a lateral support beam (see, for example, the lateral support beams depicted in FIGS. 3, 24, and 34).

A feature of block 112 is that it includes one or more channels 140, 142A, 142B, and 144 that serve to collect and direct moisture or condensation that may find its way past the front face 120 in a predetermined direction that does not intersect the rear face of the block. As can be seen, the channels extend along the top, side, and bottom surfaces, respectively. While it is possible for the top channel to be substantially parallel to the top surface, it is preferred that the top channel is angled relative to the top surface to facilitate drainage. This may take the form of a continuous slope in which moisture is directed more or less to one side of the block, or a segmented slope that directs moisture to both sides of the block. Alternatively, the channel may even be slightly arched, for example. And, since the block is symmetrically constructed, the bottom channel will likewise be angled relative to the bottom surface. The block may also be provided with channels 146A and 146B located at the grooves at either side thereof. These channels also serve to direct moisture or condensation that may find its way past the front face in a predetermined direction that does not intersect the rear face of the block.

Another feature of the block 112 is that it is provided with one or more substantially vertical apertures or through holes 150A, 150B, and 150C. As can be seen, apertures 150A, 150B, and 150C are in substantial alignment with the grooves 134 located on either side of the block 112. This enables support beams such as those shown in FIG. 9 to be used, if desired. The vertical apertures also allow a plurality of blocks to be positioned in a running bond (again using support beams such as those shown in FIG. 9, for example). Aperture 150A may be provided with a slot 152 that provides an opening to the rear face 122. It will be understood that such a connecting slot enables support beams such as shown in FIGS. 3, 9, 24, 34, and 35 to be used at a location in the interior of the block. In addition, the block 112 may now be split into smaller predetermined sizes, with each smaller block having a set of side grooves. Although not depicted, it will be understood that apertures 150B and 150C may also be provided with slots, if desired.

Another feature of block 112 is the provision of recesses 127A and 127B on the rear surface adjacent the sides 129A and 129B. The recesses 127A, 127B come into play during the manufacture of the block. After the molded block is formed and split into two halves, it is removed from the conveyor on which it rests, a pusher bar (not shown) that impacts the rear surfaces of the blocks and moves them in the desired direction. If the blocks are not substantially parallel to the pusher bar, however, the bar has a tendency to chip and break the side segments 135A, 135B. The recesses provide clearance so that if the block is somewhat askew relative to the pusher bar, the bar will not contact the side segments 135A, 135B, and chipping and breakage is significantly reduced.

Referring now to FIGS. 22 and 23, another embodiment of the block of the present invention is depicted. It can be seen that block 156 is generally angularly-shaped and includes a front face 158, a rear face 160, a top surface 164, a bottom surface 166 and pairs of side surfaces 168A, 169A, and 168B, 169B, respectively. As with the previously described blocks the side surfaces are provided with grooves 170A and 170B that are configured to receive portions of lateral support beams, and will not be discussed here in detail. As shown in the figures, it is envisioned that front face is formed with a roughened or weathered surface or facing and is also provided with marginal areas 163A, 163B, 163C and 163D. These features are not necessary to carry out the spirit of the invention, however, and a block may be formed by other known methods and a front face 158 could, alternatively, be dressed, modified, or otherwise worked in any desired manner. The block may also be provided with recesses 167A and 167B, located on the rear face segments 161A and 161B, adjacent the sides 169A and 169B. As discussed previously, these recesses prevent and/or reduce chipping during the manufacturing process.

As depicted, the block 156 is configured so that the front face segments 159A and 159B, and the rear face segments 161A and 161B are oriented so that they intersect each other at a predetermined angle 172. The angle of intersection 172 can vary from about 15 degrees to about 165 degrees. Preferably, though, the angle of intersection is about 90 degrees. This enables the block to used to construct rectilinear structures. In that regard, it will be appreciated that the blocks may be used with or without linearly shaped wall blocks to form columnar structures of varying shapes and sizes. Moreover, it is envisioned that the blocks could be formed with more than two front and rear face segments, or that the block could be formed in a generally arcuate shape.

Another embodiment of a lateral support beam is depicted in FIG. 24. Here, the beam 116 generally comprises a body having block-engaging portion and a bracket-engaging portion. More specifically, the beam 116 comprises a first web 180 and a second web 181 that are generally aligned with each other. Projecting from the webs 180 and 181 are pairs of ribs 182A, 182B, and 184C. The first pair of ribs 182A, which form block-engaging portions, extend away from each other in a generally coplanar relation. The second pair of ribs 182B is generally collaterally aligned with the first pair of ribs and is separated therefrom by a predetermined span 188. The third pair of ribs 182C is generally collaterally aligned with the second pair of ribs and is separated therefrom by a predetermined span 190. The outer ends of ribs 182A are provided with resilient flanges 184 that are configured and arranged such that the ribs 182A are able to be received by the vertical grooves on the blocks of the present invention. With this beam embodiment, segments of the sides of a block are not gripped between adjacent pairs of ribs. Rather, engagement with blocks is achieved through the first set of ribs that substantially span the depth of the vertical grooves, where depth is taken along the z axis in the three dimensional coordinate system as shown in FIG. 20 (see, FIG. 26, for example). It will be appreciated that the block engaging portion of the beam, ie., the first pair of ribs 182A, need not be restricted to a flange. A frictional engagement may be desired and this could be achieved with other configurations. For example, in FIG. 25A the block-engaging portion may take the form of generally planar opposing planar sections 192 each having resilient spurs 194 projecting therefrom. Or, as in FIG. 25B, the block-engaging portion may take the form of a preformed resilient body 196 having an aperture 198. Note that in FIGS. 25A and 25B, the bracket-engaging portions of the beams are shown in phantom.

Another embodiment of a bracket of the present invention is depicted in FIG. 27. As can be seen, the bracket 200 generally comprises a structure engaging portion 202 and a support beam engaging portion 203. More specifically, the structure engaging portion 202 comprises a first member 204 and a second member 206, which are angled with respect to each other to form a generally L-shaped form. The first and second members may be provided with apertures 208 that permit attachment to a structure with fastening elements such as nail and threaded fasteners. It will be appreciated, though, that attachment may also be achieved with suitable adhesives used in lieu of or in addition to fastening elements. The support beam engaging portion 203 comprises web 210 and a pair of legs 212, 214, which are angled with respect to the web to form a generally L-shaped form. The web 210 includes an aperture 220 that is accessible through a slot 222 defined by edges 216 and 218 of legs 212 and 214, respectively. The aperture 220 and slot 222 are configured to slidingly receive a pair of ribs and a portion of a web of a support beam. As depicted in FIGS. 27, and 28, when a support beam is attached to the bracket, the support beam is able to move in a constrained manner relative thereto. This feature allows the bracket to be attached at different points along a structure as wall as along different points along a beam. Moreover, it allows a construction to be self-adjusting.

Another embodiment of a bracket of the present invention is depicted in FIGS. 29A and 29B. The bracket 230 of this embodiment comprises a structure engaging portion 232, a connecting web 234, and a support beam engaging portion 235 that comprises a rib 236 and a coupling element 238. The bracket 230 is configured and arranged to operatively connect a support beam (such as the support beams depicted in FIGS. 24, 25A, 25B, 34, and 35), to a support. As with the previously described bracket embodiment (200), the structure engaging portion 232 may be provided with apertures 240 that permit the bracket to be attached to a structure with conventional fastening elements. Alternatively, the bracket may be attached to a support using other known technologies and techniques. When the bracket 230 is used to operatively connect a beam to a support, the coupling element 238 of the beam engaging portion 235 is slidingly retained between one of the coupling elements 186 and one of the pairs of ribs 182A (see, FIG. 29B). Thus configured, a support beam is able to move in a constrained or sliding manner relative thereto. This feature allows the bracket to be attached at different points along a structure as wall as along different points along a beam. The bracket also permits a construction to be self-adjusting.

In use, a bracket 200 may be used, as part of a wall system depicted in FIG. 30, to operatively connect a support beam 116 to a structure S. Note that the lowermost course of blocks is supported by a horizontally oriented, elongated base, preferably in the form of an angle iron 84, which can be used with on one or more support pads or footings 80, if desired. The angle iron 84 includes an upper surface 86 that is configured to receive one or more blocks thereon and a sidewall 88 that prevents the block(s) from-being shifted backwards. Optionally, the upper surface and/or the sidewall of the angle iron may be provided with adhesive material to enable the block(s) to be secured to thereto, which increases the strength and stability of the wall structure. Often, a completed wall structure will terminate in an upper course of blocks that is offset from the structure S. In these situations one or more capstones or sills 114 may be used to provide a finished look, with the sills being positioned upon the upper course of blocks. As will be understood, the sills may be attached to the upper course of blocks using known technologies and techniques, such as adhesives. Sometimes, there is a gap between a capstone or sill 114 and the structure S through which moisture, debris, insects, etc. may pass. This gap can be effectively closed using a sealing element 250 as depicted in FIGS. 31 and 32.

The sealing element 250 of the present invention generally comprises a body having a plurality of flexible, resilient strips that provide an effective seal between the sills or finish moldings and the structure. More specifically the sealing element 250 comprises a sealing panel 251 that is formed by first and second strips 252 and 254, and an attachment portion 255 that is formed by third and fourth strips 256 and 258. The attachment portion 255 is operatively connected to the panel 251 such that the third and fourth strips extend therefrom in a generally radial relation. As can be seen in FIGS. 31 and 32, the sealing element is in an unflexed state and the third and fourth strips 256 and 258 define an angle 262, which can range from about 15 degrees to about 165 degrees. The preferred range of the angle, however, is in the range of about 45 degrees to about 75 degrees. The third and fourth strips 256 and 258 may include beads or wales 260 that enable the sealing element to anchor itself into position.

In use, the third and fourth strips 256 and 258 of the attachment portion 255 are pinched together and inserted into the gap between the wall and a structure, as shown in FIGS. 33 and 30. As the attachment portion 255 is seated, the first and second panels 252, 254 of the panel 251 contact the surfaces of the sill 114 and the structure S and exert normal forces thereagainst. This effectively seals the gap. As will be appreciated, the sealing element is maintained in position by the beads 260 that, due to the resilient nature of the strips, tend to catch against irregularities in the surfaces of the sill and the structure S and resist movement. As will be appreciated, the sealing element 250 may be oriented so that the first and third strips 252, 256 contact the sill 114 and the second and fourth strips 254, 258 contact the structure S, if desired.

Alternative embodiments of support beams and blocks are shown in FIGS. 34, 35 and 36. With regard to the support beam depicted in FIG. 34, support beam 270 comprises a pair of webs 272 and 274 that are generally parallel to each and which terminate in opposing ribs 278A and 278B. A third web 276 extends from the surface formed by opposing ribs 278B in general alignment with webs 272 and 274 and terminates in opposing ribs 278C. The ends of opposing ribs 278A and 278C may be provided with flanges and coupling elements 280 and 282, respectively. As will be appreciated, the provision of two webs increases the overall strength of the beam and resists bending and warping more than beams that have only single webs that connect their opposing ribs. As depicted in FIG. 36, the support beam 270 may be operatively connected to one or more blocks 312, at grooves 334A and 334B. Note that the blocks 312 are similar to the blocks depicted in FIG. 20 and include a front face 320, a rear face 322, a top surface 324, a bottom surface (not shown), and side surfaces 328A and 329A, and 328B and 329B. The blocks also include marginal areas 323 and notches 327 which are similar to the margins and notches depicted in FIG. 20. They will not be discussed here in detail. As can be seen, the side surface 329A and 329B are foreshortened to accommodate the increased width of the support beam 270. As with the earlier described support beam 16, it will be appreciated that the support beam may be operatively connected to a block by gripping a side segment 335 between ribs 278A and 278B. Alternatively, an operative connection between the beam and a block may be achieved by configuring the rib 278A so that it substantially spans the depth of a side groove 334, in the manner depicted in FIG. 26 (where depth is taken along the z axis in the three dimensional coordinate system as shown in FIG. 20). The beam 270 may be attached to the brackets depicted in FIGS. 27, 28, and 29.

The support beam 287 of FIG. 35 is similar to the support beam 270 of FIG. 34. Instead of having opposed ribs that engage a block, however, the block engagement section 288 of the beam is configured so that it is able to substantially span the depths of the grooves of two opposing blocks, or the depth of the aperture 350 in the interior section of a block 312 (where depth is taken along the z axis in the three dimensional coordinate system as shown in FIG. 20). As depicted, the engagement section 288 of the support beam 287 is generally T-shaped and substantially spans the depth of the aperture 350 where depth is taken along the z axis in the three dimensional coordinate system as shown in FIG. 20 (see FIG. 26, for example), and generally spans the width of the slot 352 of a block (see, FIG. 36). As shown, the engagement section 288 is hollow, however it is understood that the engagement section may be solid, if desired. The base of the T-shaped engagement section 288 is provided with a web 276 and a pair of opposing ribs 278C to enable the support beam to be connected to a brackets such as depicted in FIGS. 27, 28, and 29. With regard to FIG. 36, it will be appreciated that the depiction of the support beams 270 and 287 relative to the blocks 312 are for illustrative purposes only, and that they may be interchanged if desired.

The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the principles of the invention. Furthermore, since numerous modifications and changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation shown and described. While the preferred embodiments have been described, the details may be changed without departing from the invention, which is defined by the claims.

  • 1. A wall system suitable for use with an elevated structure, the wall system comprising: a plurality of blocks arranged in multiple courses including a top course and a bottom course, each of the blocks comprising a vertical front face, a vertical rear face, a bottom surface, a top surface and opposed side surfaces; and at least one bracket comprising two portions angularly oriented with respect to each other, one of said portions being constructed and arranged for attachment to an elevated structure and the other of said portions being constructed and arranged to restrainably engage one vertical face of a block in the top course.
  • 2. The wall system of claim 1 wherein: the other one of said bracket portions is constructed and arranged to engage the vertical rear face of a block in the top course.
  • 3. The wall system of claim 1 wherein: the two bracket portions are oriented at generally right angles to each other.
  • 4. The wall system of claim 1 wherein: the bracket is of generally U-shape and further comprises a third portion, with said one of said bracket portions extending horizontally to form the base of the “U” and said other of said bracket portions and said third portion comprising the legs of the “U”.
  • 5. The wall system of claim 1 and further including: an elongated base member having an upper surface constructed and arranged to receive one or more blocks of the bottom course of blocks thereon.
  • 6. The wall system of claim 5 wherein: the base member is of generally right angle configuration comprising a vertically oriented side wall extending generally at a right angle to the upper surface of the base member, the side wall configured and arranged to be located adjacent to the vertical face of blocks in the lower course of blocks, whereby the bracket and the base member cooperate in stabilizing the block courses and in resisting tipping and shifting of the blocks.
  • 7. The wall system of claim 6 wherein: the vertically extending side wall of the base member is constructed and arranged to restrainably engage the vertical rear face of a plurality of blocks in the lower course.
  • 8. The wall system of claim 5 and further including: a plurality of foot pads; and wherein the base member spans and is supported by at least two of the foot pads.
  • 9. A wall system suitable for use with an elevated structure, the wall system comprising: a plurality of blocks arranged in multiple courses including a top course and a bottom course, each of the blocks comprising a front vertical face, a rear vertical face, a bottom surface, a top surface and opposed side surfaces; and an elongated base member of generally right angle shape defining a horizontally extending portion having an upper surface constructed and arranged to receive and substantially support a plurality of blocks in the bottom course thereon, and a vertically extending portion constructed and arranged to restrainably engage the vertical face of a plurality of blocks in the bottom course.
  • 10. The wall system of claim 9 and further including: at least one bracket comprising two segments angularly disposed to each other, one of the segments being constructed and arranged for attachment to an elevated structure and the other segment being constructed and arranged to restrainably engage one vertical face of a block in the top course.
  • 11. The wall system of claim 10 wherein: the other segment of the bracket is arranged for engagement by the rear vertical face of a block in the top course.
  • 12. The wall system of claim 11 wherein: the two bracket portions are disposed at generally right angles to each other.
  • 13. The wall system of claim 9 wherein: the vertically extending portion of the base member is constructed and arranged to restrainably engage the rear vertical face of a plurality of blocks in the bottom course.
  • 14. A method of constructing a skirting wall for an elevated structure, the method comprising the steps of: a. providing: a plurality of blocks, with each block having a vertical front face, a vertical rear face, a bottom-surface, a top surface and opposed side surfaces; at least one bracket having a structure engaging portion and a block engaging portion; b. arranging the blocks in multiple, horizontally extending courses one on top of the other, with a bottom course and a top course; c. positioning the block engaging portion of the bracket so that it may bear against a vertical face of at lease one block in the top course; and d. attaching the structure engaging portion of the bracket to the elevated structure, whereby the bracket stabilizes the wall while permitting vertical movement of the wall relative to the bracket.
  • 15. The method of claim 14 wherein: the block engaging portion of the bracket is positioned to bear against the vertical rear face of at least one block in the top course.
  • 16. The method of claim 14 wherein the step of arranging the blocks in multiple, horizontally extending courses one on top of the other, with the bottom course and a top course, is preceded by the steps of: e. providing an elongated base member of generally right angle configuration defining a horizontally extending portion having an upper surface and a vertically extending portion; and f. positioning the elongated base member so that the upper surface may receive and substantially support one or more blocks in a bottom course and so that the vertically extending portion may restrainably engage a vertical face of one or more blocks in the bottom course.
  • 17. The method of claim 16 wherein: the vertically extending portion of the base member is arranged so that it may bear against the vertical, rear face of one or more blocks in the bottom course.
  • 18. The method of claim 16 wherein the steps: of providing an elongated base member of generally right angle configuration defining a horizontally extending portion having an upper surface and a vertically extending portion; and positioning the elongated base member so that the upper surface may receive and substantially support one or more blocks in a bottom course and so that the vertically extending portion may restrainably engage a vertical face of one or more blocks in the bottom course are preceded by the step of: g. placing a plurality of foot pads at predetermined locations below the elevated structure so that they are in a position to be able to support an elongated base member.
  • 19. A method of constructing a skirting wall for an elevated structure, the method comprising the steps of: a. providing: a plurality of blocks, with each block having a vertical front face, a vertical rear face, a bottom surface, a top surface and opposed side surfaces; at least one bracket having a structure engaging portion and a block engaging portion; an elongated base member of generally right angle configuration defining a horizontally extending portion having an upper surface and a vertically extending portion; b. positioning the elongated base member so that the upper surface may receive and substantially support one or more blocks in a bottom course and so that the vertically extending portion may restrainably engage a vertical face of one or more blocks in the bottom course; and c. arranging the blocks in multiple, horizontally extending courses one on top of the other to form a bottom course and a top course, with the bottom course being substantially supported by the base member.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, further comprising the step of: d. attaching the bracket to the structure so that the block engaging portion is able to bear against a vertical face of at least one block in the top course, whereby the bracket stabilizes the wall while permitting vertical movement of the wall relative to the bracket.
  • 21. A method of constructing a skirting wall for an elevated structure, the method comprising the steps of: a. providing: a plurality of blocks, with each block having a vertical front face, a vertical rear face, a bottom surface, a top surface and opposed side surfaces; at least one bracket having a structure engaging portion and a block engaging portion; an elongated base member of generally right angle configuration defining a horizontally extending portion having an upper surface and a vertically extending portion; a plurality of foot pads, with each foot pad having an elongated base member supporting surface; b. positioning the plurality of foot pads at predetermined locations below the elevated structure; c. positioning the elongated base member on the plurality of foot pads so that the upper surface may receive and substantially support one or more blocks in a bottom course and so that the vertically extending portion may restrainably engage a vertical face of one or more blocks in the bottom course; and d. arranging the blocks in multiple, horizontally extending courses one on top of the other to form a bottom course and a top course, with the bottom course being substantially supported by the base member.
  • 22. The method of claim 21, further comprising the step of: e. attaching the bracket to the structure so that the block engaging portion is able to bear against a vertical face of at least one block in the top course, whereby the bracket stabilizes the wall while permitting vertical movement of the wall relative to the bracket.
  • 23. The method of claim 21, wherein the step of arranging the blocks in multiple, horizontally extending courses one on top of the other to form a bottom course and a top course, further comprises the step of attaching a bracket to the structure prior to adding the top course of blocks.
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 10/395,608 filed Mar. 24, 2003, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 10/015,052, filed Dec. 11, 2001, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,691,471, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 09/547,206 filed Apr. 12, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,374,552.

Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 10395608 Mar 2003 US
Child 11286463 Nov 2005 US
Continuation in Parts (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 10015052 Dec 2001 US
Child 10395608 Mar 2003 US
Parent 09547206 Apr 2000 US
Child 10015052 Dec 2001 US