The present disclosure relates generally to detection over noisy communication channels with inter-symbol interference, and more specifically, to the estimation of noiseless channel outputs in the presence of noise.
In a time-dispersive communication channels, such as a magnetic storage channel, it is advantageous to filter the channel to provide an equalized channel response which, when synchronously sampled in the absence of noise, provides nonzero integer-valued samples over a limited span. When the span of the equalized response is more than one symbol period in response to a single input, the responses of sequential inputs interfere with one another, and the equalized channel is referred to in the literature as a partial response channel. Partial response channel models such as dicode partial response, class-IV partial response (PR4), or extended class-IV partial response (EPR4) are of particular interest in magnetic recording.
When the output of a partial response channel is synchronously sampled, the response to a given channel input is dependent on the current input and previous channel inputs whose nonzero response is within the interference span of the equalized channel. Each output sample is corrupted by additive noise, which is often assumed to be Gaussian.
For purposes of the following discussion, it is convenient to associate a sequence of symbols, such as {u0,u1,u2, . . . } with the corresponding D-transform of the sequence,
where u1 is the ith symbol in the sequence and D is the unit delay operator.
In an ideal system with perfect gain, equalization, timing, and without noise, the combined response of 104 is the desired system partial response polynomial, P(D). The output of the ideal noiseless partial response channel is given by X(D)=U(D)P(D). A partial response polynomial of the form P(D)=(1−D)(1+D)R is commonly utilized in a magnetic recording system, where R is a non-negative integer. When R=0, P(D)=1−D, and the system is known as a diode partial response channel. For a PR4 system, R=1 and the partial response polynomial is P(D)=1−D2; for EPR4, R=2 and P(D)=1+D−D2−D3.
In a real system, the output of the partial response channel is Y(D)=X(D)+E(D), where the various channel imperfections observed at the ith output of the system are lumped into an error term, e1. Under the assumption that channel imperfections are due to conditions which vary slowly as compared to the bit rate of the system, the average channel quality over the most recent observed span of K samples may be monitored. One such method of monitoring channel quality obtains an estimate of the average error variance over a span of K samples in a moving average estimator as shown in
In the typical receiver of
The present disclosure relates to methods of estimating the noiseless response of the partial response channel in a detector. Various prior art detection methods for partial response channels are known in the literature. A typical prior art detector of the noiseless channel output sequence for control loop purposes is a slicer, which relies on the expected integer-valued output of the channel. For example, a dicode channel produces noiseless channel outputs of −1, 0, and +1 in the absence of noise. By comparing the sampled channel output to set thresholds of −0.5 and 0.5, for example, a slicer is able to make sample-by-sample estimates of the nearest channel output in the set of all possible noiseless channel outputs. The slicer simply regards the partial response channel as a multi-level communication system, where detector decisions at time i are based solely on the observation of channel output at time i.
Another prior art detector is known as a Viterbi detector, which performs maximum likelihood sequence estimation using a multi-state detector, where each state represents a possible combination of interfering channel inputs. In order to fully realize the Viterbi detector's gain, the final decisions of the Viterbi detector typically incur a delay several times the interference span of the channel. A slicer-based detector ignores constraints on the sequence of noiseless outputs of the system imposed by properties of the partial response channel, and tends to have a higher estimation error rate than detectors utilizing this sequence information, such as the Viterbi detector.
Decision-directed control loops typically utilize the estimate of the noiseless response of the channel to estimate gain error, timing error, and equalization error. When the slicer-based detector makes erroneous estimates too often, it further corrupts the estimates used to adjust the channel in the decision-directed control loop. In a noisy environment with a high slicer-based detection error rate, timing recovery may be lost, leading to catastrophic error.
Although the Viterbi detector has improved immunity against noise, two salient features of the Viterbi detector make it less typical as a detector in a decision-directed control loop. First, the Viterbi detector typically has long decision delay. The long inherent delay of the Viterbi detector reduces the adaptive performance of a decision-directed control loop. Second, when erroneous tentative decisions are made in the Viterbi detector, internal feedback of state metrics results in final decisions that contain bursts of multiple estimation errors. When decisions of the Viterbi detector are burstily erroneous, these bursts threaten to further corrupt control of the receiver.
In view of the foregoing, a need exits in the art for a general estimation method for the noiseless output of a partial response channel in decision-directed control loops with reasonable delay, with improved immunity against noise, and with limited error propagation.
The present invention provides methods, apparatuses and systems directed to estimating the noiseless channel output of a noisy partial response channel with inter-symbol interference. In each recursion, a sliding window of the N most recent consecutive sampled channel outputs and an estimate of the noise power are processed to estimate one of the noiseless samples within the window, where N spans at least two symbols of the channel's inter-symbol interference.
Example embodiments are illustrated in referenced figures of the drawings. It is intended that the embodiments and figures disclosed herein are to be considered illustrative rather than limiting.
The following embodiments and aspects thereof are described and illustrated in conjunction with systems, apparatuses and methods which are meant to be exemplary and illustrative, not limiting in scope. In various embodiments, one or more of the above-described problems have been reduced or eliminated. In addition to the aspects and embodiments described above, further aspects and embodiments will become apparently by reference to the drawings and by study of the following descriptions.
The “sliding MAP detector” of the present disclosure approximately implements a maximal a posterioiri (MAP) decision rule to estimate a local subsequence. The decision rule is based on a hypothesis-testing algorithm known in the literature as Bays' Rule. For a general discussion of Bayes' Rule, see Carl W. Helstrom, Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineers, ISBN 0-02-353560-1, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1984, pp. 50-51.
The detector uses a sliding window of length N to examine the output of the channel. More specifically, during the ith recursion of the detector algorithm, the metric is computed using the most recent N noisy samples at the partial response channel output, {yi−N+1,yi−N+2, . . . ,yi}.
The detector's decision rule utilizes pre-determined knowledge of the possible noiseless output subsequences of the partial response channel and the prior probability that each such noiseless output subsequence will occur at the output of the channel.
In one recursion of the detector, the detector associates each hypothetical noiseless output subsequence of length N with a metric, said metric related to the posterior probability of the hypothetical subsequence. The detector considers one hypothetical subsequence with highest posterior probability as a most likely noiseless output subsequence,
{{circumflex over (x)}i−N+1,x{circumflex over (x)}i−N+2, . . . ,{circumflex over (x)}i}.
The detector issues an estimate of one of the noiseless samples xj within the most likely output subsequence of samples, denoted {circumflex over (x)}j, where i−N<j<i+1.
The detector proceeds in similar fashion in the next recursion, comparing metrics based on the window of samples {yi−N+2,yi−N+3, . . . ,yi+1}, choosing a most likely noiseless output subsequence, and issuing an estimate {circumflex over (x)}j+1 of xj+1.
Note that the output estimate of the present embodiment in recursion (i+1) does not depend on feedback from the estimate of the detector in recursion i. An advantage of the sliding MAP detector is that the effect of a very noisy sample is limited to at most N decisions of the detector. The output subsequence considered most likely in recursion (i+1) may be inconsistent with the overlapping subsequence considered most likely in recursion i. The sliding MAP detector of the present invention may be optionally augmented with a consistency-check circuit as described below.
A subsequence's posterior probability may be defined and approximated in the detector as follows. Let Pr[v] denote the prior probability of a hypothetical N-sample noiseless output subsequence v={v1,v2, . . . ,vN}.
Under the hypothesis Hv that
i−N+1,xi−N+2, . . . ,xi}={v1,v2, . . . ,vN},
the N-variate joint probability density function of random channel outputs is denoted
i fz
A conditional probability of observing a particular set of noisy samples {yi−N+1,yi−N+2, . . . ,yi} under hypothesis Hvis denoted.
i−N+1,yi−N+2, . . . ,yi|Hv],
and it is obtained analytically by performing the N-dimensional integration of the probability density function over the appropriate quantization level span of each the observed noisy samples,
, . . . ,y
]=∫∫ . . . ∫ f
. . . z
(z1,z2, . . . ,zN|v1,v2, . . . ,vN)dz1dz2 . . . dzN.
The posterior probability of hypothesis Hv is defined as
, . . . ,y
It can be shown that the hypothesis Hv is more like than hypothesis Hw if the posterior probability of hypothesis Hv,
, . . . ,y
is greater than
, . . . ,y
the posterior probability of hypothesis Hw. The detector considers all hypotheses corresponding to the N most recent possible noiseless outputs of the partial response channel, and selects a hypothesis with maximal posterior probability using estimates of Pr[yi−N+1,yi−N+2, . . . ,yi|Hv].
Simplifying estimation methods of the present invention are elucidated with example sliding map detectors for dicode channels, and a particular embodiment for EPR4 channels. The example sliding map detectors for dicode channels of the present disclosure utilize a sliding window of the two most recently observed samples in the ith recursion, {yi−1,yi}. In general, the sliding window may span a greater number of samples, such as the five most recently observed samples, and decisions may be based on all or a subset of the observed samples in the sliding window.
The noiseless output of a dicode channel has the property that, if xi and xi−1 are both a nonzero, then xi=−xi−1. Because of this property, the detector need only consider the following seven hypothetical combinations for the values of xi and xi−1:
The sliding MAP detector uses pre-determined knowledge of noiseless output sequence probabilities. In a coded system, it is assumed that the receiver has knowledge of the transmitter's sequence probabilities. In this example, random input is assumed. A further property of a dicode system with random inputs is that the average probability of the noiseless all-zero output subsequence, {0,0}, is 0.25, while the six other noiseless output subsequences each have average probability 0.125.
The noisy outputs of the system are assumed to be random variables with a predictable probability distribution. A probability distribution most commonly assumed is that the noise, n(t) in
Filtering operations typically introduce correlation between successive samples, coloring the noise at the output of the filter. Under the assumption of Gaussian noise with the hypothesis Hv: {xi−1,xi}−{v1,v2}, the joint condition probability density function of the two observed random outputs is a bivariate Gaussian probability density function,
where r is the correlation coefficient of the random outputs and σ2 is the variance of the random outputs. See Carl W. Helstrom, Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineers, ISBN 0-02-353560-1, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1984, p. 136.
Computation of posterior probabilities is simplified by the additional assumption that the random outputs are uncorrelated and that
Using this approximation, it follows that Pv>Pw if and only if
The common terms yi2 and yi−12 on both sides of the above equation can be eliminated to form an equivalent comparison of metrics. Let Mv denote a metric associated with the posterior probability of hypothesis Hv. The metric Mv is given by
In a partial response receiver, a moving average estimator, such as that shown in
When two hypothesis have equal prior sequence probabilities, Pr[v]=Pr[w], it suffices to compare sub-metrics,
where B(x, y) denotes the branch metric
In a dicode system, the three noiseless output levels are 1, 0, and −1. A noiseless output of 0 has the trivial branch metric B(0, y)=0, while nonzero noiseless outputs +1 and −1 have branch metrics B(1, y)=2y−1 and B(−1, y)=−2y−1, respectively.
The branch metric generator contains four branch metric computation units. The branch metric computation units 203, 204, 205 and 206 of
The six sub-metrics are compared in six-way compare-select unit 401, which compares the six sub-metrics to find a maximum sub-metric and its associated index, SMindex. Said index indicates a most likely hypothesis for a nonzero subsequence with prior probability 0.125.
To compare subsequences with differing prior probabilities, the subsequence sub-metric for hypothesis Hv is offset by 2σ2 ln[Pr[v]] to create a subsequence metric. A scaling unit, unit 404 of
Optionally, lookup table 407 can also provide consistency checking, which is not shown in
While the detector of
is assumed. If Pv>Pw, that is, if
it follows that
The latter expression allows two sequences with differing probabilities to be compared using only one offset factor.
The offset is added to the sub-metric output of unit 501 in adder 505. If the result is positive, a SIGN unit 506 outputs a logical one. The 506 output serves as a selector input to multiplexer 507, which outputs the index of the maximum metric.
Several simplifications are available if two hypotheses have equal prior probabilities. As stated above, when two subsequences have equal prior probabilities, it suffices to compare sub-metrics consisting of a sum of branch metrics.
Suppose that a hypothetical subsequence is almost the same as another hypothetical subsequence of the same probability, in the sense that they differ in only one noiseless sample value. Here, w is almost the same as
, . . . ,v
where wh≠vh for one index h and wi=vi otherwise. It follows that Hv is less likely than Hw if and only if B(vj,yi−N−j)<B(wj,yi−N+j). It can be shown that the comparison of said branch metrics can be accomplished by a single threshold comparison.
Similarly, various symmetrics can be exploited to reduce the complexity of the branch and sequence metric generators.
In summary, the example sliding map detector for partial response channels
An alternative means of implementing the MAP algorithm for partial response detection is also disclosed. In the alternative means, the metric comparison equations are manipulated to isolate comparisons for a particular sample to be estimated. A detector decision is made by comparing the particular sample to thresholds computed as a function of surrounding noisy samples in the window. Said detector apparatus is denoted a sliding moving threshold detector (MTD).
Specifically, consider a sliding MAP detector decision rule, which chooses between hypotheses Hv and Hw based on a comparison of the posterior probabilities, Pv and Pw. With a generalized N-sample window metric, a decision rule Pv>Pw is satisfied if and only if
In the ith recursion, the detector outputs {circumflex over (x)}j, where i . . . N<j<i+1. Let
By rearranging terms and simplifying to isolate a particular yj, it may be shown that the sliding MAP detector decision rule is equivalent to Pv>Pw if and only if
The sliding MAP detector decision rule is thus shown to be equivalent to setting a moving threshold, which depends on other noisy samples in the sliding window, and deciding between two hypotheses based on a comparison of the particular noisy sample with the moving threshold.
In particular, let u=vk be an integral noiseless output level of the partial response system, and u+1=wk be the next larger noiseless output level of the system. The decision rule for deciding between subsequences which take on successive levels in the kth sample in the window simplifies to Pv>Pw if and only if
Initially, the samples in the window excluding yi are used to determine a most likely subsequence for each possible value of xi. For example, the only two possibilities with xi=1 are H2 or H4. Comparing the posterior probability of the two equiprobable hypothetical subsequences, P2>P4 if and only if (−yi−1−0.5) is positive. In
Similarly, the only two possibilities with xi=−1 are H3 or H5. Comparing the posterior probability of the two equiprobable hypothetical subsequences, P5>P3 if and only if (yi−1−0.5) is positive. In
Two equiprobable sequences with xi=0 are in hypothesis H1 or H6. Comparing the posterior probability of the two equiprobable hypothetical subsequences, P6>P1 if and only if yi'1 is positive. SIGN unit 603 outputs a logical one and multiplexer 605 outputs (yi−1−0.5) if yi−1 is positive; otherwise multiplexer 605 outputs (−yi−1−0.5).
Scaling unit 604 computes a relative metric for the subsequence of hypothesis H0, which is compared with the output of multiplexer 605 in comparator 609. The output of comparator 609 is a selector input of multiplexer 608, which outputs a metric for the most likely subsequence with xi=0.
The three subsequence metrics at the outputs of multiplexers 606, 608 and 610 are metrics of most likely subsequences ending in all possible levels of xi. The three relative metrics are combined in computation units 612 and 613 to set two thresholds for yi. Computation unit 612 sets the midpoint for a comparison to decide between (xi=0) and (xi=1). Comparator 614 outputs a logical one if (xi=1) is more likely. Similarly, computation unit 613 sets the midpoint for a comparison to decide between (xi=0) and (xi=−1). Comparator 615 outputs a logical one if (xi=−1) is more likely. NOR gate 616 outputs a logical one if (xi=0) is the most likely.
An example embodiment of the present invention for EPR4 channels is shown in
Table 1 lists all 45 possible noiseless subsequences of length three at the output of an EPR4 channel with random binary inputs. Each sequence is listed with a hypothesis index, a series of three noiseless samples, and a prior subsequence probability. Table 1 is split into three equiprobable groups. Table 1A contains only the all-zero subsequence, with prior probability 1/16. Table 1B contains all 16 subsequences of length 3 with prior probability 1/32. Table 1C contains all 28 subsequences of length 3 with prior probability 1/64.
A noiseless EPR4 channel with binary inputs has the property that the output takes on five distinct values, −2, −1, 0, 1, and 2.
The sub-metrics are calculated by adding various branch metrics at the output of the branch metric generator. For example hypothesis 37, with noiseless sample values {xi−2,xi−1,xi}={2,1,−1} has associated sub-metric
The three component branch metrics are available at outputs numbered 3, 5, and 7 of
Computation unit 803 is a 17-way compare-select unit, which compares the sub-metrics for hypotheses indexed from 1 to 16 and the most likely hypothesis from Table 1C. Unit 803 chooses a maximal metric, and outputs said metric and its associated index. Adder 805 provides an offset to compare this most likely output sequence from Tables 1B and 1C with the output sequence of Table 1A. The final simplified two-way compare select is the same as that shown in
The following Table is grouped into three subgroups according to prior probability:
While a number of exemplary aspects and embodiments have been discussed above, those of skill in the art will recognize certain modifications, permutations, additions and sub-combinations thereof. It is therefore intended that the following appended claims and claims hereafter introduced are interpreted to include all such modifications, permutations, additions and sub-combinations as are within their true spirit and scope.