D. W. Allen and D. L. Henning, Vortex-Induced Test of a Flexible Smooth Cylinder at Supercritical Reynolds Numbers, dated May 1997.* |
Graham, Flow Past a Cylinder, 4 pages, download from http://astron.berkeley.edu/˜irg/av202/lectures/node18.html. |
Vortex Shedding Behind a Circular Cylinder, 4 pages, downloaded from http://sintef/.no/nhl/vass/cylinder.html. |
Mikolaitis, University of Florida, Friction Factor Calculator, 1 page, downloaded from http://grumpy.aero.ufl.edu/gasdynamics/colebrook10.html. |
Selens. MECH 441. Losses in Piping, 4 pages, Revised Sep. 9, 1996, downloaded from http://sellensr.me.queensu.ca/sellens/441/losses.htm. |
CEM/ME 101abc.Handout#5, Incompressible Flow over a Circular Cylinder, 5 pages, dated 1982, Downloaded from http://green.caltech.edu/-colonius/me101/ho5/ho5.html. |
Masad, Transition Prediction in Flow of Roughness Elements, 2 pages, downloaded from http://sti.larc.nasa.gov/randt/1994/3-SectionB1.www38.html. |
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E-mail dated Aug. 20, 2001, from Professor and Chairman of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Alexander J. Smith, Princeton University, to Patent Examiner Katherine Mitchell. |
Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Figures 10.8 and 10.9, pp. 428 and 429. |
Harris Shock and Vibration Handbook, Vibration of Structure Induced by Fluid Flow, R. D. Blevins, pp. 29.1-29.67. |
Oil and Gas International, Mitigating vortex-induced vibrations, pp. 1-3, downloaded from http://www.oilandgasinternational.com/departments/technical-reports/vortex-induced.html. |