This device provides a hole in the upper portion of a sock. This type of modified sock will be used by the outdoorsman or outdoorswoman during hiking or camping. After a person has hiked or camped in a sock the sock will become soiled and sweaty. This will lead to a wetness and/or an odor problem in many cases. When a person is camping or hiking it is important to have a pair of clean, dry socks. The camper or hiker can hang this sock from a backpack or other piece of outdoor gear to air out and dry the sock in order to maintain a pair of clean, dry socks.
There are many prior art references to socks or footwear. A representative example of this type of device can be found at Christy U.S. Pat. No. 5,579,541. The Christy reference teaches a pair of socks with tabs but not openings in the socks themselves. This reference is different than the application in this case.
There are other references to socks regarding the ability to join two socks together but this application does not teach the ability to join socks and are therefore irrelevant to this application.
This is a sock with a hole in the top portion of the sock on both sides of the sock. This is a hole that will be reinforced with a grommet and the grommet may consist of metal, plastic or some other suitable rigid material. Regardless of the choice of material the material should be able to withstand all environmental conditions.
Although one sock can be worn, it is anticipated that the socks will be worn as a pair.
When the socks are not in use, the socks can be put on a hook by inserting the hook through the grommet. This will enable the person to easily transport the pair of socks on the back of a backpack or some other carrier and allow the sock to air out and dry. It is anticipated that this pair of socks will be used by the outdoorsman or outdoorswoman.
1 Sock
5 Hole
10 Grommet
The sock 1 has been worn for eons to protect a person's foot and provide some comfort to the person when the person is wearing shoes; typically they are worn as a pair. All socks bear the same general appearance and are meant to be work and then washed and then worn again. The person inserts his or her foot into an opening in the top of the sock and the foot of the person will extend to the are of the toes. This device is a modification of the traditional sock.
The sock 1 in this application will have the same basic shape of the traditional sock but will have an opening or pair of openings or holes 5 near the top portion of the sock such as depicted in
Because there is an opening in the top portion of the sock this opening will be reinforced to prevent the grommet from being ripped from the sock. This reinforcement may be additional threading around the opening as an example. Other means to reinforce the opening are also contemplated.
While the embodiments of the invention have been disclosed, certain modifications may be made by those skilled in the art to modify the invention without departing from the spirit of the invention.