Integrated circuits such as used in consumer devices (computers, phones, televisions, storage devices, etc.) typically employ multiple voltage regulators for generating various regulated supply voltages. The different regulated supply voltages power different components which may require different power supply levels. For example, input/output circuitry of a device may be powered at first supply voltage, whereas core processing circuitry may be powered at a lower supply voltage.
In one embodiment, a first one of the voltage regulators 30 generates a first output voltage level 180 in response to a first reference signal 80 generated by a first one of the soft start circuits 60, and a second one of the voltage regulators 31 generates a second output voltage level 181 in response to a second reference signal 81 generated by a second one of the soft start circuits 61, wherein the first output voltage level 180 is different from the second output voltage level 181. For example, in one embodiment the first voltage regulator 30 may generate a first output voltage level 180 for powering input/output circuitry, whereas the second voltage generator 31 may generate a second output voltage level 181 for powering core processing circuitry. In other embodiments, two or more of the output voltages 180-18N may be generated with the same voltage level. In addition, any suitable reference signal 8 may be generated by the soft start circuits, such as a reference voltage or a reference current.
In the embodiment of
Any suitable configuration of counters and logic circuitry may be employed to implement the aspects of the present invention. For example, the first counter 14 may comprise an up counter that activates signal 22 after reaching a programmable target count value. Similarly, the second counter 16 may comprise a down counter, wherein the DAC 26 may generate the reference signal 8i in an inverse relationship to the counter value (e.g., by subtracting the counter value from a constant value).
The programmable divider 10 may also be implemented using any suitable circuitry, such as with a counter loaded with a programmable count value and clocked by the first clock 4. Each time the counter reaches a terminal count, the counter toggles a flip-flop that generates the second clock 12 and the counter is reset (loaded with the programmable count value). In one embodiment, multiple counters may be employed such that the first clock 4 is divided by N1 and then divided again by N2. In yet another embodiment, the divider may comprise a plurality of flip-flops connected in series to divide the first clock 4 by N1=2N, and a counter for dividing the resulting clock by N2.
In one embodiment, the divider values N and the delay values are stored in the non-volatile memory 28 during a manufacturing process of the device employing the soft start sequencer. In another embodiment, the non-volatile memory 28 may be programmed initially with nominal values that enable an internal processor to start reliably. Once started, the internal processor programs the non-volatile memory 28 with specific values that enable all of the voltage regulators to start reliably.
The soft start sequencer of the present invention may be employed in any suitable device, such as in a data storage device comprising a data storage medium.
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