Source side programming


  • Patent Application
  • 20020105036
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    February 02, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Published
    August 08, 2002
    22 years ago
A flash EEPROM array having a double-diffused source junction that can be used for source side programming. The flash EEPROM array, when programmed from the source side exhibits fast programming rates. Additionally, source side programming of arrays having different physical characteristics (e.g. transistor cell channel length) exhibit tighter program rate distributions than for the same arrays in which drain side programming is used.


[0001] The present invention relates to the field of flash memories. More specifically, the present invention provides for an improved method and apparatus for programming and erasing flash memory cells.

[0002] A programmable read-only memory (PROM) is a type of nonvolatile memory. In other words, once data has been written into a PROM, it will remain there indefinitely, even when power to the PROM is removed. Typically, a PROM is arranged in an array of rows and columns of individual memory cells.

[0003] Although PROMs are nonvolatile, there are certain types that can be erased and reprogrammed. One of these is the electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM or E2PROM). A “flash” EEPROM is a special type of EEPROM of which a large number of cells, e.g. a block, sector or page, can be electrically erased and reprogrammed as compared to being electrically erased and reprogrammed one byte at a time, which is done in non-flash EEPROMs.

[0004] Like other PROMs, a flash EEPROM retains data written into individual cells, even in the absence of power. The ability to retain data in memory in the absence of power and the ability to rewrite data in memory is provided by a floating gate within each cell. A conventional flash memory cell is constructed as a single field-effect transistor (FET) with a floating gate interposed between a control gate and a channel region of the transistor. By altering the charge stored in the floating gate, the state of the cell can be changed back and forth between a logic “high” state and a logic “low” state, thereby s allowing one bit of information to be stored therein. The two states are referred to as a “programmed” state and an “erased” state.

[0005] To program a cell, charge is added to the floating gate. Because the floating gate is insulated from the control gate, source, and drain of the cell, any charge placed on the floating gate remains there until removed by an erase process. Although the floating gate is completely insulated, charge can be added and removed using techniques described below and other known prior art techniques.

FIG. 1 shows a cell 10 with a control gate 12, a floating gate 14, a source 16 and a drain 18. Control gate 12 and floating gate 14 are separated from source 16 and drain 18, and from a substrate 20 into which the source 16 and drain 18 are formed, by an oxide 22 which may be formed by one or more layers of a suitable oxide material. Suitable openings in the oxide 22 are provided to allow for external connection to source 16 and drain 18. As shown, connections are provided to set Vg (control gate voltage), Vd (drain voltage), Vs (source voltage) and Vb (substrate voltage).

FIG. 2 shows how a flash EEPROM cell is typically arranged in an array 20 of rows and columns of individual memory cells 200. By applying appropriate voltages to a given word line and given bit line, a specific cell is selected for programming or erasing. Note that under all conditions the sources of each cell are grounded as a common source 202.

[0008] To more particularly illustrate the programming of a specific cell, consider the upper left cell in FIG. 2, which is associated with the intersection of Word Line 1 and Bit Line 1. (It is assumed that all cells are in an initial erased condition and have a logic level of “1”, i.e., an erased state.) To program the upper left cell, a positive voltage of, for example, approximately 8.5 volts, is applied to Word Line 1 and a positive voltage of, for example, approximately 4.5 volts, is applied to Bit Line 1. The non-selected Word and Bit Lines are either left floating or are biased to ground potential. The 4.5 volt difference between the cell's drain and source causes electrons to accelerate through the channel of the cell. With sufficient energy and with the aid of the 8.5 volts applied to the cell's gate, electrons tunnel into the floating gate of the transistor, thereby programming the cell to a logic level of “0”. To leave the upper left cell in an erased state, the cell is not biased into a channel hot electron bias condition. This programming state can be satisfied, for example, by ensuring that Bit Line 1 is grounded and Word Line 1 is biased to a negative voltage.


[0009] In a first aspect of the invention, a flash memory comprises a plurality of floating gate transistors. Each transistor has a control gate a floating gate, a drain and a source. The plurality of transistors are arranged in an N-row by M-column array, where N and M are integers greater than or equal to one. The array has N word lines such that each word line connects together the control gates of transistors in a common and corresponding row and also has M bit lines such that each bit line connects together the drains of transistors in a common and corresponding column. A specific floating gate transistor of the plurality is selected and programmed by applying a first voltage to the control gates of the transistors in the row in which the specific transistor is disposed, applying a second voltage to the source of the specific transistor and grounding the drain of the specific transistor.

[0010] In a second aspect of the invention, a flash EEPROM memory array comprises a plurality of memory cells arranged in a matrix of rows and columns, each memory cell including: a portion of a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type; a drain region of a second conductivity type formed into said substrate; a source region of said second conductivity type formed in said substrate in spaced alignment with said drain region with a channel region therebetween, said source region having a more abrupt profile grade relative to the surface of said substrate than said drain region; a first gate insulation formed on said major surface of said substrate and having a first thickness; a floating gate electrode formed on said first gate insulation and asymmetrically located over said channel region and having a portion over both drain and source regions wherein a greater portion is over the source region than the drain region; a second gate insulation formed on said floating gate and having a second thickness greater than said first thickness; a control gate electrode formed on said second gate insulation and overlapping said floating gate electrode, said control gate electrode extending from said cell to adjacent cells in a column; means connecting said drain regions of said plurality of memory cells in an array of columns; means connecting said control gate electrodes of said plurality of memory cell in an array of rows, said rows substantially perpendicular to said columns; and means connecting said source regions to a common source, wherein programming of a cell to a high state is by applying a positive bias to said common source and to said means connecting said control gate electrodes associated with said cell, to inject a charge from the source region into the floating gate through the first gate insulation, and wherein erasing of a cell is by applying a high voltage to the common source when the control gate electrode is grounded and the drain region is floating.

[0011] In a third aspect of the invention, a method of programming a cell in a flash EEPROM array comprises selecting a cell for programming to a high state or a “low” state, wherein said cell is associated with one of a plurality of means connecting said control gate electrodes and one of a plurality of means connecting said drain regions; applying to said means connecting said source regions a first voltage; applying to the selected means connecting said control gate a second voltage; applying to the selected means connecting said drain regions a third voltage substantially equal to said second voltage if said floating gate transistor is to be programmed to a “high” state, and grounding said drain if said floating gate transistor is to be programmed to a “low” state; and floating all other means not associated with said selected cell.

[0012] In a fourth aspect of the invention, a method of programming a floating gate transistor disclosed. The floating gate transistor comprises a source of a first conductivity type and a drain of a second conductivity type. The source and drain are formed in a semiconductor region of a third conductivity type and spaced apart by a channel. A floating gate extends over at least a portion of the channel, and a control gate extends over at least a portion of the floating gate. The method of programming the floating gate transistor comprises the steps of: biasing the control gate of a transistor to be programmed with a first voltage; biasing the source of the transistor with a second voltage that is less than the first voltage; and applying a programming voltage to the drain of the transistor, the programming voltage being substantially equal to the second voltage to program the floating gate to a logic “1” and being substantially zero to program the floating gate to a logic “0.”

[0013] A further understanding of the nature and advantages of the inventions herein may be realized by reference to the remaining portions of the specification and the attached drawings.


FIG. 1 shows a conventional EEPROM memory cell.

FIG. 2 shows how a plurality of conventional memory cells, each cell like the memory cell in FIG. 1, can be arranged in an array rows and columns.

FIG. 3 shows a memory cell, which can be used in a flash EEPROM array, according to an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 4 shows an exemplary doping profile through the cross-section A-A′ according to an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 5 shows an exemplary doping profile through the cross-section B-B′ according to an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 6 shows a drain side program rate distribution for various flash memory arrays having different physical characteristics (e.g. channel length), incorporating cells similar to the memory cell shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 7 shows a source side program rate distribution for various flash memory arrays having different physical characteristics (e.g. channel length), incorporating cells similar to the memory cell shown in FIG. 3, according to an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 8 shows gate and substrate currents for various drain biased flash memory arrays having different physical characteristics (e.g. channel length), incorporating cells similar to the memory cell shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 9 shows gate and substrate currents for various source biased flash memory arrays having different physical characteristics (e.g. channel length), incorporating cells similar to the memory cell shown in FIG. 3, according to an embodiment of the present invention.


FIG. 3 shows a memory cell 30, which can be used in a flash EEPROM array, according to an embodiment of the present invention. The drain 304 of cell 30 is formed by, for example, an Arsenic implant and drive having a dose and at an energy of, for example, 4.0×1015 cm and 40 keV, respectively. The junction formed between drain 304 and substrate 300 preferably has a substantially abrupt profile. Source 302 and drain 304 regions may be formed after formation of the memory cell's control gate 306 and floating gate 308. This can be done by applying a mask to open a source region opening through oxide layer 310. The source 302 is then preferably formed by a double-diffused junction made of, for example, an implant and drive of Phosphorous (e.g. 3.2×1014 cm−2 and 50 keV) and Arsenic (e.g. 4.0×1015 cm−2 and 60 keV). A diffusion step may then be performed (either after each implant or after the Arsenic implant only) to drive the Phosphorous and Arsenic dopants to predetermined depths. The depth of the junction formed between the Phosphorous region and substrate region 300 is, or example, about 0.3 μm. The drain region 304 is formed (either prior to or after formation of source 302) by another masking/implant/drive step to a depth of about 0.1 μm. Preferably, the source junction is formed deeper than the drain junction so that device performance is less immune to processing variations. The gate/drain overlap is also preferably made smaller than the gate/source overlap to reduce the lateral field on the source junction during erasure. The resulting maximum doping concentration of the source region is on the order of 1020 cm−3 (Arsenic region) and 1019 cm−3 (Phosphorous region). Exemplary doping profiles as a function of depth from the surface of substrate 300 for cross-sections A-A′ and B-B′ in FIG. 3 of the exemplary memory cell 30 of FIG. 3, are shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, respectively. A graded source profile may also be used to reduce the lateral field effect.

[0024] A plurality of flash EEPROM cells, similar to the one shown in FIG. 3, can be distributed in a column and row array as in FIG. 2. Whereas drain side programming, as described above in relation to FIGS. 1 and 2, can be performed with this configuration, source side programming of the array can also be performed simply by biasing the common source positive with respect to the drain so that channel hot electrons are generated, flowing in the direction from the selected cell's drain to its source, and tunnel into the floating gate. As described in more detail below, experimental data of an array having cells similar to the one shown in FIG. 3, reveals that the programming rate is faster for source side programming than it is for drain side programming. An example of bias conditions for a selected cell for source side programming would be, for example, Vg=8.5 volts, Vd=0 volts, VS=4.5 volts and Vb=0 volts. Non-selected bit lines are left floating.

[0025] Referring now to FIGS. 6 and 7, there is shown a drain side program rate distribution and a source side program rate distribution for flash memory arrays incorporating cells similar to that shown in FIG. 3, respectively. Comparing FIGS. 6 and 7, it is seen that the programming rate distributions of various conditions (e.g. different channel lengths) for source side programming are within 10 programming time pulses, while programming rate distributions for drain side programming under the same conditions are as long as 30 pulses. The even faster source side programming for the NAP003.08 0.35 μm device is attributable to a higher Phosphorous implant dose.

[0026] Again comparing FIGS. 6 and 7, it is seen that the program rates for source side programming (FIG. 7) of devices having varying channel lengths is more tightly distributed than the program rates for drain side programming.

[0027] A benefit of having a shorter and better-controlled program distribution for source side programming is that the post-programming threshold voltage distribution for cells in the array is also tighter. This tighter threshold voltage distribution minimizes the amount of charge movement required to and from the floating gate. Consequently, wear and tear on the floating gate oxide is reduced so that the reliability of the device is enhanced. The relative independence of programming speed on channel length for source side programming is also important as it relates to the ability to reduce device dimensions.

[0028] Referring now to FIGS. 8 and 9, there is shown experimental gate and substrate currents versus gate voltage for a device similar to that shown in FIG. 3, with the drain biased at about 4.5 volts (drain side programming) and the source biased at about 4.5 volts (source side programming), respectively. Comparing FIG. 8 to FIG. 9, it is seen that the substrate current under similar bias conditions for source side biasing is much smaller than that for drain side biasing. This is attributable to the more graded source junction relative to the abrupt junction formed by the drain and substrate. Another important distinction is that the gate current, IG, which is a measure of the number of electrons injected into the floating gate per unit time, is higher in the range of 3.5≦VG≦5 volts for source side biasing than it is for drain side biasing. It is this higher gate current that is believed to be at least partially responsible for the faster programming speed for the source side biasing situation.

[0029] Although the invention has been described in terms of a specific structure, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that many modifications and alterations may be made to the disclosed embodiment without departing from the invention. For example, one of skill in the art would understand that one could begin with an n-type substrate to manufacture a memory cell having doping characteristics opposite to that shown in FIG. 3. Also, the dimensions, doping concentrations, doping profiles etc. are for illustrative purposes only, are not absolute, and may be varied to change and/or enhance particular performance characteristics depending on the application involved. Hence, these modifications and alterations are intended to be within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A method of programming a floating gate transistor, the floating gate transistor comprising a source of a first conductivity type, a drain of a second conductivity type, the source and drain formed in a semiconductor region of a third conductivity type and spaced apart by a channel, a floating gate extending over at least a portion of the channel, and a control gate extending over at least a portion of the floating gate, the method comprising the steps of: biasing the control gate of said transistor with a first voltage; biasing the source of said transistor with a second voltage that is less than the first voltage; and applying a programming voltage to the drain of said transistor, the programming voltage being substantially equal to the second voltage to program the floating gate to a logic “1” and being substantially zero to program the floating gate to a logic “0.”
  • 2. A flash EEPROM memory array comprising: a plurality of memory cells arranged in a matrix of rows and columns, each memory cell including: a portion of a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type; a drain region of a second conductivity type formed into said substrate; a source region of said second conductivity type formed in said substrate in spaced alignment with said drain region with a channel region therebetween, said source region having a more abrupt profile grade relative to the surface of said substrate than said drain region; a first gate insulation formed on said major surface of said substrate and having a first thickness; a floating gate electrode formed on said first gate insulation and asymmetrically located over said channel region and having a portion over both drain and source regions wherein a greater portion is over the source region than the drain region; a second gate insulation formed on said floating gate and having a second thickness greater than said first thickness; a control gate electrode formed on said second gate insulation and overlapping said floating gate electrode, said control gate electrode extending from said cell to adjacent cells in a column; means connecting said drain regions of said plurality of memory cells in an array of columns; means connecting said control gate electrodes of said plurality of memory cell in an array of rows, said rows substantially perpendicular to said columns; and means connecting said source regions to a common source, wherein programming of a cell to a high state is by applying a positive bias to said common source and to said means connecting said control gate electrodes associated with said cell, to inject a charge from the source region into the floating gate through the first gate insulation, and wherein erasing of a cell is by applying a high voltage to the common source when the control gate electrode is grounded and the drain region is floating.
  • 3. In a flash EEPROM array, wherein said array comprises a plurality of memory cells arranged in a matrix of rows and columns, each memory cell including a portion of a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type; a drain region of a second conductivity type formed into said substrate; a source region of said second conductivity type formed into said substrate in spaced alignment with said drain region with a channel region therebetween, said source region having a more abrupt profile grade relative to the surface of said substrate than said drain region, a first gate insulation formed on said major surface of said substrate and having a first thickness; a floating gate electrode formed on said first gate insulation and asymmetrically located over said channel region and having a portion over both drain and source regions wherein a greater portion is over the source region; a second gate insulation formed on said floating gate and having a second thickness greater than said first thickness; a control gate electrode formed on said second gate insulation and overlapping said floating gate electrode, said control gate electrode extending from said cell in one direction to adjacent cells in a column; means connecting said drain regions of said plurality of memory cells in an array of columns; means connecting said control gate electrodes of said plurality of memory cell in an array of rows, said rows substantially perpendicular to said columns; and means connecting said source regions to a common source, a method of programming a cell in said EEPROM array comprising: selecting a cell for programming to a high state or a “low” state, wherein said cell is associated with one of a plurality of means connecting said control gate electrodes and one of a plurality of means connecting said drain regions; applying to said means connecting said source regions a first voltage; applying to the selected means connecting said control gate a second voltage; applying to the selected means connecting said drain regions a third voltage substantially equal to said second voltage if said floating gate transistor is to be programmed to a “high” state, and grounding said drain if said floating gate transistor is to be programmed to a “low” state; and floating all other means not associated with said selected cell.
  • 4. A method of programming a floating gate transistor, said floating gate transistor comprising a source, a drain spaced apart from said source, said source and drain being of a first conductivity type and formed in a semiconductor region of a second conductivity type, a channel extending between said source and drain, a floating gate extending over at least a portion of said channel, and a control gate extending over at least a portion of said floating gate, said method comprising the steps of: applying a first voltage to said gate; applying a second voltage to said source; and applying to said drain a third voltage substantially equal to said second voltage if said floating gate transistor is to be programmed to a “high” state and grounding said drain if said floating gate transistor is to be programmed to a “low” state.
  • 5. The method of programming a floating gate transistor according to claim 4, further comprising the steps of: grading said source greater than said drain; diffusing said source with impurities to increase its conductivity relative to said semiconductor region.
  • 6. A flash memory, comprising: a plurality of floating gate transistors, each transistor having a control gate a floating gate, a drain and a source, said plurality arranged in an N-row by M-column array, where N and M are integers greater than or equal to one; N word lines, each word line connecting together the control gates of transistors in a common and corresponding row; and M bit lines, each bit line connecting together the drains of transistors in a common and corresponding column, wherein a specific floating gate transistor of the plurality is selected and programmed by applying a first voltage to the control gates of the transistors in the row in which the specific transistor is disposed, applying a second voltage to the source of the specific transistor and grounding the drain of the specific transistor.
  • 7. The flash memory of claim 6, wherein the sources of all transistors are connected together as a common source.
  • 8. The flash memory of claim 6, wherein the second voltage is greater than ground potential.
  • 9. The flash memory of claim 6, wherein the source of each transistor comprises a first doped region having a first conductivity type extending into a semiconductor substrate having a second conductivity type of a charge opposite to the first conductivity type, thereby forming a first p-n junction.
  • 10. The flash memory of claim 9, wherein the drain of each transistor comprises a second doped region of the first conductivity type, which is laterally spaced from the first doped region and extends into the substrate, thereby forming a second p-n junction.
  • 11. The flash memory of claim 10, wherein the first doped region is a double-diffused region comprising a first sub-region of a first dopant and a second sub-region of a second dopant species, the first and second dopant species being of the first conductivity type.
  • 12. The flash memory of claim 11, wherein the first doped region extends deeper into the substrate than the first doped region.
  • 13. The flash memory of claim 12, wherein the floating gate of each transistor is disposed vertically above and interposed between an oxide layer and the substrate such that the first doped region horizontally overlaps the floating gate to a greater extent than a horizontal overlap of the second doped region.