The spa scrub is the new way of cleaning your body.
With the Spa Scrub it will make showering more complete.
It will make it easier to completely reaching every area of your body that a regular towel cant reach.
How it used:
- Apply soap or body wash on the front side of the towel area. Close the spa scrub and start washing face first, then open the spa scrub an wash chest, thighs, knees, legs
- flip to your backside an scrub ankles, back legs, back thighs, buttocks, back, shoulders to shoulders, neck and head.
- The way it used is in a left to right sawing motion use to scrub the front an back of your body til you are clean.
FIG. 1—Is the front side picture
FIG. 2—Is the front side picture with description
FIG. 3—Is the back side picture
FIG. 4—Is the back side picture with description