Abstract: ATM 00-77413<br/><br/>Proposal Title: Characteristics and Dynamics of CME Induced Radio Emission<br/><br/>Principal Investigator: Michael J. Reiner, Raytheon Technical Services Company <br/><br/>The investigators will produce a comprehensive picture of the coronal mass ejection (CME) phenomenon as viewed at radio wavelengths from lift-off at the sun through the response of the terrestrial magnetosphere to its passage. The main effort is to continue to synthesize radio data from the Wind and Ulysses spacecraft, SOHO coronagraph data, ground-based data, and corollary measurements from instruments monitoring the solar wind and energetic particle environment. The work builds on several significant advances made in a previous award from NSF. The investigators developed triangulation methods that permit investigators to track the sources of radio waves (CMEs and finite regions along their boundaries) as they move out from the sun long after they cease to be visible to SOHO instruments. With this technique, regions where the radio waves originate are identified to allow detailed study, using the multiple supporting datasets, of the physical processes that produce the waves.