The present invention relates to digital video processing. It is applicable, in particular, in the field of super-resolution video processing. Super-resolution video processing methods are used in various applications including super-resolution interpolation (such as frame-rate conversion, super-resolution video scaling and deinterlacing) and reduction of compression artifacts and/or noise.
In digital systems, a video sequence is typically represented as an array of pixel values It(x) where t is an integer time index, and x is a 2-dimensional integer index (x1, x2) representing the position of a pixel in the image. The pixel values can for example be single numbers (e.g. gray scale values), or triplets representing color coordinates in a color space (such as RGB, YUV, YCbCr, etc.).
Super-resolution video processing methods consist in computing new pixel values (for interpolation) or new values of existing pixels (for noise reduction) by combining pixel values of several adjacent video frames in time.
WO 2007/115583 A1 discloses a super-resolution video processing method which exhibits very few artifacts. The method consists in selecting for each new pixel to be calculated an interpolator best suited for computing that pixel. For certain particular sequences, however, it may be necessary to enhance the method by increasing the total number of interpolators considered. The quality is increased but at the cost of a higher complexity.
In video interpolation applications, known techniques are motion adaptive or motion compensated.
Motion-adaptive video deinterlacing only provides full resolution deinterlaced frames when the video is not moving. Otherwise, the deinterlaced frames exhibit jagged contours or lower resolution textures, and flicker. An example of an advanced motion adaptive technique is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,428,398.
Motion-compensated techniques are known to reach better quality levels, at the expense of being less robust and displaying in some cases substantially worse artifacts than motion-adaptive techniques. This happens in particular at locations of the video where motion estimation does not work well, like occlusions, transparent objects, or shadows. An example of a motion-compensated deinterlacing technique is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,940,557.
A standard way to perform frame-rate conversion includes estimating motion estimation between two frames to compute a dense motion field, and computing new frames with motion-compensated interpolation. For the same reasons as above, frame-rate conversion based on such steps has a number of drawbacks. Dense motion estimation fails on periodic patterns, on contours or on flat areas.
A popular technique for motion estimation is referred to as “block matching”. In the block matching technique, estimating the motion at x and t consists in minimizing a matching energy Ex(v) over a window W which is a set of offsets d=(d1, d2). A possible form of the matching energy (L1-energy) is
Another form frequently used is the L2-energy or Euclidean distance:
Block matching is well suited for motion compensation in video compression schemes such as MPEG, which make use of block-based transforms. If the matching algorithm matches two windows of images that are similar, but do not represent the same object (e.g. matching the first ‘e’ with the second ‘e’ in an image of the word “sweet”), compression efficiency is not impaired. However, when doing video interpolation, matching groups of pixels which do not actually correspond to the same object leads to interpolation artifacts, because the interpolated pixels will reflect an “incorrect motion” due to spatial correlation in the objects appearing in the images.
Block matching methods are computationally intensive, in proportion to the number of possible displacements that are actually considered for each pixel. In video compression again, “fast” block matching strategies consist in limiting the range of possible displacements using predetermined motion subsets. This is not acceptable in video interpolation where using a displacement vector that is too inaccurate leads to blurry interpolated images or to artifacts.
To circumvent these problems in motion estimation, several methods have been developed. A first set of methods impose a smoothness constraint on the motion field, i.e. by imposing that for pixels that close one to another, the corresponding motion vectors are close. This can be achieved with multiscale motion estimation, or recursive block matching. Another type of method designed to solve this issue is phase correlation.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,742,710 discloses an approach based on multiscale block-matching. In the 2-scale case, block matching is performed between copies of It and It+1 that have been reduced in size by a factor of 2 in each dimension (i.e. four times less pixels) and the resulting displacement map is then refined to obtain a resolution twice finer. The refinement process is a search of limited range around the coarse scale results. As a result, the cost of the displacement search is reduced because full range searches are done only on smaller images. The resulting displacement field is also smoother because it is a refinement of a low resolution map. However, the motion in a scene cannot be accurately accounted for by a smooth displacement map: the motion field is inherently discontinuous, in particular around object occlusions. Enforcing a displacement map smoothness constraint is not an appropriate way to address the robustness issue.
Another method to handle in a similar way this problem is recursive block matching as disclosed in “True-Motion with 3D Recursive Search Block Matching”, G. De Haan et al., IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 3, No. 5, October 1993, pp. 368-379. This method significantly reduces the cost of computing a motion map, but it can still be misled by periodic patterns or even occlusions.
GB-A-2 188 510 discloses a so-called phase correlation method in which a displacement energy map is computed over a large image window for a set of candidate displacements. This map can be computed efficiently using fast Fourier transform. A subset of displacements corresponding to peak values in the energy map is determined as including the most representative displacements over this window. Then block matching is performed as a second step pixelwise considering only this subset of displacements.
This method reduces the complexity of motion estimation, and is also able to detect discontinuous motion maps. With the phase correlation technique, the motion map is also regularized and constrained, but in a way very different from spatial regularization. Instead of imposing a local smoothness of the motion map, phase correlation limits to a fixed number the set of different possible vectors in a motion map.
However, phase correlation still requires relatively complex computations based on 2-dimensional fast Fourier transforms that are expensive to implement in hardware. Also, the method selects motion vectors on the basis of individual merit that is assessed with their phase correlation. So it has a limited ability to provide a minimal set of motion vectors. Indeed, when a moving pattern has a periodic structure or is translation-invariant, several vectors have comparable merit values, and phase correlation is not able to arbitrate between them. The resulting motion-compensated video interpolation process is thus of suboptimal robustness. This has also a cost in terms of complexity because for all pixels, more candidate motion vectors are considered than necessary.
Other classes of approaches include selecting a first subset of displacements by computing low-complexity matching energies on candidate vectors. This can reduce the computational complexity to some extent, but it is not an appropriate way to make the motion-compensated interpolation more reliable.
Classical and still popular methods for noise reduction in video sequences include motion-compensated recursive or non-recursive temporal filtering. See, e.g., “Noise reduction in Image Sequences Using Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering”, E. Dubois and S. Sabri, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-32, No. 7, July 1984, pp. 826-832. This consists in estimating motion between a frame and a preceding frame, and filtering the video sequence along the estimated motion with a temporal filter.
Other known methods use motion-compensated 3D wavelet transforms. See “Three-Dimensional Embedded Subband Coding with Optimized Truncation (3D-ESCOT)”, Xu, et al., Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 10, 2001, pp. 290-315. The motion-compensated 3D wavelet transform described in this paper can be used for noise reduction, by performing a wavelet thresholding on this 3D transform. The limitation of such an approach using lifting-based wavelet transform along motion threads is its very high sensitivity to the corruption of the motion map by noise.
WO 2007/059795 A1 describes a super-resolution processing method that can be used for long-range noise reduction or super-resolution scaling. The method is based on a bandlet transform using multiscale grouping of wavelet coefficients. This representation is much more appropriate for noise reduction or super-resolution scaling than the 3D transform described in the 3D-ESCOT paper. The multiscale grouping performs a variable range image registration that can be computed for example with block matching or any state of the art image registration process. For both super-resolution scaling and noise reduction, it is important that the image registration map used is not corrupted by noise or by aliasing artifacts.
Whatever the application (interpolation or noise reduction), using a motion-compensated approach with a dense flow field has limitations: aperture, irrelevance of a single motion model for contents with transparent objects or shadows. Analyzing the local invariance structure of video by detecting at each pixel one or more directions of regularity of the video signal in space and time, as described in WO 2007/115583 A1 provides a more general and robust way to do video interpolation. There is thus a need for a technique which makes it possible to detect such directions in an efficient way and with enhanced robustness.
An object of the present invention is to propose a method useful for detecting directions of regularity in an input video stream with high accuracy and high robustness. In particular, in super-resolution video interpolation, it is desired to avoid artifacts usually caused by incoherent interpolation directions. In video noise reduction, it is desired to select averaging directions that are not corrupted by noise.
Another object is to reduce substantially the implementation complexity of the super-resolution interpolation or noise reduction processing.
A method of analyzing an input video sequence is disclosed in which pixels of synthesized images of an output video sequence are associated with respective directions of regularity belonging to a predefined set of directions. The method comprises: determining, from the predefined set of directions, a first subset of candidate directions for a region of a first image of the output sequence; determining, from the predefined set of directions, a second subset of candidate directions for a corresponding region of a second synthesized image of the sequence following the first image, based on images of the input sequence and the first subset of candidate directions; and detecting the directions of regularity for pixels of said region of the second synthesized image from the second subset of candidate directions.
The subset of candidate directions is determined in a time recursion by taking into account the subset determined at a preceding time. Typically, directions will be added to or removed from the subset depending on incremental changes of a cost function caused by such addition or removal. The image “regions” can encompass the whole image area, or only part of it, as discussed further below.
The determination of the second subset of candidate directions may comprise: detecting at least one pair of directions vr and va such that vr belongs to the first subset of candidate directions, va belongs to the predefined set of directions but not to the first subset, and a cost function associated with the first subset with respect to the first and second images is higher than the cost function associated with a modified subset including va and the directions of the first subset except vr; and in response to the detection, excluding vr from the second subset and including va into the second subset.
The technique can use simple operations and structures to accelerate the detection of the directions of regularity, or reduce its implementation cost. It reduces the number of artifacts occurring in motion-compensated video interpolation.
A feature of some embodiments consists in evaluating the relative marginal gain that a new direction provides to an existing subset of directions. In contrast, most existing methods in the specific field of motion estimation only use an absolute efficiency measure of a displacement vector, without taking into account which displacements are already used. The present approach selects sparser direction sets, and also manages to put aside various artifacts.
For example, the known phase correlation method consists in finding inside a region of the image the best displacements according to a global phase correlation measure. Within a certain image region, all candidate displacements Vi have an associated phase correlation value which can be noted P(Vi), for i=1, . . . , n. An optimal subset will then consist of displacements with the highest phase correlation values. This can be compared to selecting the subset of m directions (Vi)i∈S such that
is maximal. The functional
on the directions subset is separable, i.e. it can be written as a sum of functionals applied to each direction individually. This choice is commonly made because this is the only case where directly minimizing the functional does not lead to a combinatorial explosion. To find the optimal subset S from the point of view of phase correlation, the m directions for which the functional P takes the highest value are simply picked in that order.
If, however, the functional is not separable and can only be written as P({Vi}i∈S), the minimization cannot be done using such a simple algorithm. Finding the best subset of candidates directly is of high combinatorial complexity. In some cases, however, what can still be done is computing variations of the functional when a vector or direction is added to or removed from the selected subset, i.e. P({Vi}i∈S)−P({Vi}1∈S′) where S and S′ only differ by one element. This then opens the way to incremental optimization of the functional in a time-recursive way.
Hence, in certain embodiments, the determination of the second subset of candidate directions includes: evaluating first margins relating to respective contributions of the individual directions of the first subset to a cost function associated with the first subset; evaluating second margins relating to respective decrements of the cost function resulting from the addition of individual directions of the predefined set to the first subset; and substituting a direction of the predefined set for a direction of the first subset when the second margin evaluated for said direction of the predefined set exceeds the first margin evaluated for said direction of the first subset. It is noted that a global cost function is minimized, whereas techniques such as phase correlation maximize a global correlation measure.
The super-resolution processing of the video sequence may be interpolation or noise reduction. Simple noise reduction is also possible.
The input video sequence It(x) is defined on a grid of points (x, t) called “original pixels”. The output video sequence Îτ(ξ) is defined on a grid of points (ξ, τ) called “target pixels”. A pixel is defined by a position (x, t) or (ξ, τ) and the value It(x) or Îτ(ξ) of the video image at that location, called a “pixel value”.
In the particular case of video interpolation, some target pixels Îτ(ξ) spread over space and/or time may also be original pixels It(x) (τ=t, ξ=x) and do not need to be recomputed since we can take Îτ(ξ)=It(x). The pixels for which a value has to be computed are the target pixels Îτ(ξ) that are not original pixels It(x), which are coined “new pixels” (τ≠t or ξ≠x).
In the case of video deinterlacing, the frame rate is usually the same in the input and output video sequences, so that the time indexes τ in the output sequence can be the same as those t in the input sequence; they will generally be denoted by integer indexes t, t+1, etc. The video deinterlacing process consists in adding interpolated missing lines into the successive frames of the input sequence. Typically, the odd frames of the input sequence only have odd lines while the even frames only have even lines, i.e. for x=(x1, x2), the input video sequence provides It(x) only if t and x2 are both odd or both even. The synthesized frames Ît of the output deinterlaced video sequence are made of pixels Ît(ξ) with ξ=(x1, x2) and without any parity constraint on the integer lines indexes x2, such that Ît(ξ)=It(ξ) if t and x2 are both odd or both even. The object of video deinterlacing is to interpolate the “best” values for Ît(ξ)=Ît(x1, x2) where one of t and x2 is odd and the other one is even. In order to perform such interpolation, it is useful to detect inter-frame and/or intra-frame directions of regularity.
In the case of frame rate conversion, the time indexes t, τ are not the same in the input and output video sequences. Integers t, t+1, etc., can be used to index the frames of the input sequence, and then some frames Îτ are synthesized for non-integer values of τ. The spatial indexes ξ=x=(x1, x2) are often the same in the input and output frames It, Îτ. The frame rate-converted output sequence includes synthesized frames Îτ for non-integer values of τ. Again, in order to synthesize those intervening frames Îτ, an interpolation is performed for which it is useful to detect directions of regularity by analyzing the input video sequence. In order to detect the directions of regularity for the pixels of a synthesized output frame Îτ, the analysis will involve at least the frames It and It+1 of the input sequence located immediately before and immediately after the non-integer time index τ, i.e. t is the integer such that t<τ<t+1.
In the case of video noise reduction, all target pixel values have to be recomputed. According to these conventions, combined super-resolution video scaling and noise reduction are a case of super-resolution noise reduction. For simple noise reduction, the target pixel grid (ξ, τ) is the same as that (x, t) of the original pixels: Ît(x)=It(x)−νt(x), where νt(x) is a noise component estimate cancelled by the process. For combined super-resolution noise reduction and scaling, the target pixels are defined on a grid (ξ, τ) different from the original pixel grid (x, t). This grid (ξ, τ) is usually a finer grid that can be defined as a superset of the original pixel grid (x, t).
Another aspect of the invention relates to a computer program product, comprising instructions to carry out a video analysis method as outlined above when said program product is run in a computer processing unit.
Still another aspect of the invention relates to a video processing method, comprising: receiving successive images of an input video sequence; analyzing the input video sequence by applying a method as outlined above; and generating the output video sequence using the detected directions of regularity.
The step of generating the video sequence may comprise performing interpolation between successive images of the input video sequence using the detected directions of regularity. Such interpolation may consist of video deinterlacing or of converting the frame rate of the input video sequence. In another embodiment, the processing of the video sequence may comprise applying a noise reduction operation to the input video sequence using the detected directions of regularity.
Still another aspect of the invention relates to a video processing apparatus, comprising computing circuitry arranged to analyze or process a video sequence as indicated hereabove.
Referring to
A direction selection unit 101 implements a time recursive estimation to determine a subset Dτ′ of candidate directions for an output frame Îτ′ based on a previous subset Dτ and on the consecutive input frames. The aforesaid “previous subset Dτ” was determined for an output frame Îτ which immediately precedes Îτ′ in the output video sequence. For example τ′=τ+1 for deinterlacing or simple noise reduction; t′=τ+δτ for frame rate conversion or super-resolution noise reduction. The input frames involved in the determination of the subset Dτ′ at time τ′ include at least It and It+1 such that t≦τ′<t+1. In certain embodiments, they may further include a few past frames It−1, . . . , It−n (n≧1).
As referred to herein, a “direction” v=(dx, dt) is meant as a direction in the 3D space in which two dimensions relate to pixel offsets dx=(dx1, dx2) in the 2D image space and the third direction relates to a time offset dt. There are a number of video applications in which it is desired to look for directions of regularity in an incoming video sequence. When doing video interpolation for example, one must determine the values of certain missing pixels based on “similar” pixels in a neighborhood of the missing pixels. Such a neighborhood can extend in the 2D image space and/or in time, so that it is relevant to look for it in the above-mentioned 3D space. Likewise, in noise reduction applications, the value of an input pixel is corrupted by noise which can be averaged out if it is possible to identify some neighborhood of “similar” pixels. Again, such a neighborhood can extend in the 2D image space and/or in time. The method described below yields directions of regularity for pixels of the images which help determining the “similar” pixel values useful to the processing.
The subset Dτ or Dτ′ is said to define a sparse geometry. Each subset Dτ or Dτ′ is a subset of a set Ω containing all the possible directions of regularity. The geometry defined by Dτ, Dτ′ is said to be sparse because for each instant τ, τ′, the number of different directions that can be used is limited to a relatively small number. As described further below, the subset of candidate directions Dτ, Dτ′, . . . evolves in time with marginal changes. Directions that would be redundant in Dτ, Dτ′ are removed and not used for the pixel-by-pixel processing.
Typically, Ω can contain 200 to 1000 different directions (200≦|Ω|≦1000, bars being used to denote the size of a set). The subsets Dτ, Dτ′, . . . can have their sizes limited in the range 10≦|Dτ|≦50.
A direction detection unit 102 then determines a distribution of directions of regularity {v} based on the consecutive frames It, It+1 (and possibly a few past frames It−1, . . . , It−n) by testing only candidate directions belonging to the subset Dτ′ determined by the selection unit 101. The reduction in size from Ω to Dτ′ makes it possible to carry out the detection without requiring an exceedingly high complexity.
Finally, the video processing unit 103 uses the detected directions of regularity {v} to perform a video processing, such as deinterlacing, frame rate conversion or noise reduction to deliver output video frames from the input frames It, It+1.
Units unit 102 and unit 103 can implement any conventional or state-of-the-art methods, and simple examples will be given for completeness. In particular, the detection unit 102 can use the loss function described in WO 2007/115583 A1. The core of the invention lies in unit 101 that will be described in greater detail.
As the direction selection unit 101 considers a much larger set of directions than the direction detection unit 102, an interesting possibility is to use a simpler or cost function in unit 101 than in unit 102. In other words, the local cost functions are estimated more coarsely in the step of determining the direction subset Dτ′ (selection unit 101) than in the step of picking the directions from that subset (direction detection unit 102). This provides substantial savings in terms of computational complexity or, equivalently, in terms of ASIC/FPGA logic size.
This can be done, for example, by using less precise representations of pixel values, e.g. 5- or 6-bit pixel values in unit 101 instead of 8- to 10-bit pixel values in unit 102. Another possibility is to use in the direction selection unit 101 convolution windows g (to be described further below) that are simpler to compute than those used in the direction detection unit 102, e.g. window profiles corresponding to simple infinite impulse response (IIR) filters which do not require so much logic and memory as large explicit finite impulse response (FIR) filters. Also, cost functions (described below) of different computational complexities can be used for the subset selection in unit 101, and for the pixelwise direction detection in unit 102.
The aim of the selection unit 101 is to compute a subset of directions Dτ′ providing a useful description of the local regularity of the video sequence at an instant τ′ in the output sequence. The best subset D is the one that minimizes a global cost (or loss) function L(D):
where the sum over the pixels (x) spans the whole image area (or part of it). The quantity Lx(v) to be minimized over the candidate directions v of D is a local cost (or loss) function, which can be of various kinds for v=(dx, dt), such as:
Absolute difference: Lx(v)=|It(x)−It+dt(x+dx)|
Quadratic difference: Lx(v)=|It(x)−It+dt(x+dx)|2
Weighted sum of absolute differences:
Weighted sum of quadratic differences:
where g is a convolution window function, i.e. with non-zero values in a vicinity of (0,0).
Other variants are possible, including computing local cost functions over more than two frames of the video sequence, e.g. Lx(v)=|It(x)−It+dt(x+dx)|+|It(x)−It−dt(x−dx)|, and similar variations.
For convenience, we also define the local cost Lx(D) of a set of directions as the minimum of the loss function over all directions in that set:
Note that finding the subset D minimizing (1) is of extreme combinatorial complexity, because the value of adding a direction to the subset D depends on the directions already present in that subset. To overcome this difficulty, an incremental approach is proposed. The minimization is done using time recursion, by applying only marginal changes to Dτ, Dτ′, . . . in time.
The direction selection unit 101 as depicted in
Deciding which elements are in Dτ′ cannot be done by evaluating L(D) for the various combinations D which may form Dτ′. However, how L(D) varies when a new direction v of Ω−D is added to D can be estimated using the margin, noted m(v|D), of a direction v with respect to an existing direction subset D:
m(v|D)=L(D)−L(D+{v}) (3)
where D+{v} denotes the union of the set D and of the singleton {v}. In other words, m(v|D) is the measure of how much a new direction marginally contributes to lowering the cost function (1) already obtained with a subset of directions D. The margins m(v|D) can be computed using:
where the local margin mx(v|D) at location x of v with respect to D is:
Computing a margin mx(v|D) for a fixed D and for each x and each candidate v in Ω−D can be done by determining the quantities Lx(D) and Lx(v). Then m(v|D) is computed by updating running sums of mx(v|D).
Let us consider the case of including a new direction va, and removing an already selected direction vr from Dτ to compute Dτ′ as
The decrease of the global cost (1) caused by such an exchange can be written as an exchange margin Mexch(va, vr):
If Mexch(va, vr)>0, namely m(va|Dτ)>m(vr|Dτ−{vr}+{va}), substituting direction va for direction vr in Dτ reduces the global cost so that it is worth swapping vr and va. Computing these various margins is tractable, but it is still possible to significantly reduce the amount of computation. This can be understood as follows: “if va provides a larger marginal decrease of the global cost than vr was providing, it is reasonable to do the exchange”. In such an approach, instead of computing the exact margins m(vr|Dτ−{vr}+{va}) in (5), some approximations can be made.
In a first approximation, m(vr|Dτ−{vr}+{va}) is replaced by m(vr|Dτ−{vr}). The following inequality is always verified:
m(vr|Dτ−{vr})≧m(vr|Dτ−{vr}+{va}) (6)
The complexity gain provided by this approximation is significant. The number of margins to be computed is now of order |D| instead of |Ω−D|×|D|. Using this approximation, we can derive a exchange margin M′exch(va, vr) as follows:
M′exch(va, vr)=m(va|Dτ)−m(vr|Dτ−{vr}) (7)
Note that the exchange margin M′exch(va, vr) in (7) is not more than the actual exchange margin Mexch(va, vr) in (5). If the approximated exchange margin M′exch(va, vr) is non-negative, the actual exchange margin Mexch(va, vr) is also non-negative. So a swap decided based on (7) cannot be a wrong one from the point of view of (5).
The procedure scans the pixels x of the frame arrays It and It+1 one by one, a first pixel x being selected in step 302. A first loop 310 over the directions v of D is executed in order to update the running sums for the directions of D (=Dτ) regarding pixel x. This first loop is initialized in step 311 by taking a first direction v in D and setting a variable A to an arbitrarily large value (for example its maximum possible value). At the end of loop 310, variable A will contain the value of Lx(D) defined in (2).
In each iteration of loop 310 (step 312), the local cost Lx(v) for pixel x and direction v is obtained and loaded into variable L. In step 312, block 201 can either compute Lx(v), for example according to one of the above-mentioned possibilities, or retrieve it from a memory if the costs Lx(v) were computed beforehand. A test 313 is performed to evaluate whether L is smaller than A. If L<A, the direction index v is stored in a variable u and a variable B receives the value A in step 314. Then the value L is allocated to the variable A in step 315. At the end of loop 310, variable u will contain the index of the direction v of D which minimizes Lx(v), i.e.
and variable B will contain the second smallest value of Lx(v) for the directions v of D, i.e.
If L≧A in test 313, the local cost is compared to B in test 316. If A≦L<B (yes in test 316), the variable B is updated with the value L in step 317. If L≧B in test 316, or after step 315 or 317, the end-of-loop test 318 is performed to check if all the directions v of D have been scanned. If not, another direction v of D is selected in step 319 and the procedure returns to step 312 for another iteration of loop 310.
When loop 310 is over, the margin m(u) of the direction u of Dτ which minimizes the local cost at pixel x is updated by adding thereto the quantity B−A (step 321). As far as pixel x is concerned, removing u from D would degrade the cost by that quantity while the margins for the other directions of D would remain unaffected.
The processing for pixel x is then continued by a second loop 330 over the possible directions v that are not in D, in order to update the running sums for the directions of Ω−D regarding pixel x.
This second loop is initialized in step 331 by taking a first direction v in Ω−D. In each iteration (step 332), the local cost Lx(v) for pixel x and direction v is computed or retrieved to be loaded into variable L. A test 333 is then performed to evaluate whether L is smaller than A=Lx(D). If L<A, the margin m(v) for direction v is updated by adding thereto the quantity A−L (step 334) in order to take into account the improvement of the cost function that would result from the addition of v into D regarding pixel x. If L≧A in test 333, or after step 334, the end-of-loop test 335 is performed to check if all the directions v of Ω−D have been scanned. If not, another direction v of Ω−D is selected in step 336 and the procedure returns to step 332 for another iteration of loop 330.
When loop 330 is over, it is determined in test 341 if all pixels x of the relevant frame array have been scanned. If not, another pixel x of the array is selected in step 342 and the procedure returns to step 311. The operation of block 201 regarding the current frame is over when test 341 shows that all the pixels have been processed.
For each new input frame It+1, block 201 thus outputs the margins m(v) for all directions v of Ω, i.e. removal margins for the directions of D and addition margins for the directions of Ω−D.
To initialize the procedure at the beginning of an input video sequence, the subset D can have an arbitrary content, or it can be determined with a coarse method over the first few frames. A correct subset will quickly be built due to the time recursion of the selection procedure.
A second approximation can be made to further reduce the complexity of block 201. In this approximation, m(va|Dτ) is replaced by a modified margin m*(va|Dτ). As in (4), a modified margin m*(v|D) is a pixelwise sum:
of local modified margins m*x(v|D) defined as:
With the first and second approximations, a modified exchange margin M*exch(va, vr) can be derived as follows:
M*exch(va, vr)=m*(va|Dτ)−m(vr|Dτ−{vr}) (9)
Again, the modified exchange margin M*exch(va, vr) is not more than the actual exchange margin Mexch(va, vr), because of (6) and because m*x(va|D)≦mx(va|D). So a swap decided based on (9) cannot be a wrong one from the point of view of (5).
The modified margins m*x(va|D) can be computed with less expensive computations or circuitry because, for each location x, at most one running sum corresponding to a single absolute best direction in Ω−D has to be updated, whereas with non-modified margins mx(va|D), the number of such winners is in the worst case (test 333 always positive in
With the second approximation, the procedure of
In each iteration, the local cost Lx(v) for pixel x and direction v∈Ω−D is computed or retrieved to be loaded into variable L in step 432. A test 433 is then performed to evaluate whether L is smaller than A*. If L<A*, the above-mentioned variable u is updated to contain the direction index v, and the value L is allocated to the variable A* in step 434. If L≧A* in test 433, or after step 434, the end-of-loop test 435 is performed to check if all the directions v of Ω−D have been scanned. If not, a further direction v of Ω−D is selected in step 436 and the procedure returns to step 432 for another iteration of loop 430.
When loop 430 is over, the margin m(u) of the direction u of Ω which minimizes the local cost at pixel x is updated by adding thereto the quantity A−A* (step 441). If u∈D, step 441 changes nothing. If u∉D, adding u to D would reduce the cost function by A−A* as far as pixel x is concerned, while the margins for the other directions of Ω−D would remain unaffected.
The reduction of complexity results from the fact that the updating step 441 is performed out of the loop 430. The downside of this simplification is some loss of accuracy for the less-than-optimal directions of Ω−D, but this is not such a significant problem in view of the time recursion of the procedure that will eventually reveal the directions actually relevant to the video sequence.
Various procedures can be applied by block 202 to arbitrate between the candidate directions v for which the margins m(v) were computed by block 201.
In the simple example depicted in
In an embodiment, when the directions of regularity are detected by unit 102, only directions v that have a margin m(v) above a given threshold T are used. This is easily done once Dτ′ has been determined by block 202, by ignoring in the direction detection unit 102 the directions v of Dτ′ such that m(v)<T.
Alternatively, the inclusion of new directions w of Ω−Dτ into Dτ′ can be prevented when m(w) is below the threshold T. There are various ways of doing this. For example, if the procedure of
The use of the threshold T helps to prune the set of candidate directions and to select a number of candidate directions that is adapted to the geometric complexity of the video, i.e. to select the sparsest set of directions suitable for the video.
The video sequence in this example is a horizontally scrolling caption with the text “Sweeet”. 701 and 801 denote the image at time t, 703 and 803 the image at time t+1 and 702 and 802 the synthesized image at time τ′=t+½, with a mismatch in
In the example of
Once a direction v=(dx, ½) is detected by unit 102 for a pixel x at time τ′=t+½, the interpolation for frame rate conversion done in unit 103 may consist in computing Îτ′(x)=Ît+1/2(x)=[It(x−dx)+It+1(x+dx)]/2.
Using a sparse geometry Dτ′ in unit 101 helps to overcome this problem. Indeed, if the subset Dτ does not contain the direction
the margin of v(1) with respect to Dτ′ will be high because only v(1) can account for the scrolling of the letters “S”, “w” and “t”. So v(1) will at some time τ′ enter Dτ′. This done, since v(1) is a possible direction of the video over all letters including all “e”s, the margin of
will become very low or even zero, because there is no region of the video where it is a possible direction of regularity and v(1) is not. As a result, the direction v(2) will be kept out of the set Dτ′ so that it will not be taken into account in the detection unit 102, or will be ignored because its margin is below a threshold T. The correct interpolation will be computed as depicted in 802.
Note that the temporal interpolation can be done at times other than halfway between two original frames. For example, in applications to conversion between the 50 Hz and 60 Hz frame rate standards, interpolation is done at times τ′=t+h/6, where h is one of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The loss function used in units unit 101 and unit 102 can then be adapted accordingly.
In the example of
Once a direction v=(dx, 1) is detected by unit 102 for a pixel x at time τ′=t, the interpolation for deinterlacing done in the processing unit 103 may consist in computing Îτ′(ξ)=Ît(x)=[It−1(x−dx)+It+1(x+dx)]/2.
Alternatively, in a deinterlacing application, when computing pixels at time τ′=t, a direction can be computed between t−2 and t+2 using the value dt=2 in the directions of 0, in order to account for directions with higher definition. This means that directions v=(dx, 1) and 2v=(2dx, 2) are used in the same way in the interpolation. Because of parity constraints of the interlaced source, corresponding loss functions |It−2(x−2dx)−It+2(x+2dx)| can be computed. If a direction 2v=(2dx, 2dt)=(2dx1, 2dx2, 2dt) is detected by unit 102, the vertical coordinate dx2 of to the half-direction v can be odd. This allows deinterlacing properly video sequences including half-pixel vertical speeds. If such a direction description is referred to in the direction selection and detection units 101-102, the processing unit 103 may interpolate Îτ′(ξ) as:
The direction measure that is used can involve time steps of either dt=1 or dt=2. This corresponds to comparing various directions as well as different temporal offsets (1 or 2, or even more).
Another possibility in deinterlacing applications is to compute costs for directions where the fields are shot at irregularly spaced times, in addition to directions associated with fields shot at evenly spaced times. This is for example the case when the original source of the video contents is film converted to video using “telecine”. For example, in 2:2 telecine used in Europe, when 25 fps (frames per second) film is transferred to 50 fps video, each film frame is used to generate two video fields, so fields I0, I1, I2, I3 are shot at respective times 0 s, 0 s, 2/50 s, 2/50 s, instead of times 0/50 s, 1/50 s, 2/50 s, 3/50 s for video-originating contents. Furthermore, a video signal can contain a mix of film-originating contents and video-originating contents, so this detection has to be made pixelwise. Specific local cost functions can be chosen for detecting whether for a given pixel, the video is film-originating and whether the field just before or just after originates from the same film frame. A configuration of the direction at each pixel is then one of the following:
In the case of super-resolution video noise reduction, the processing unit 103 of
where the sum runs over all pixels (x, t) of the input images in a vicinity of (ξ, τ), including the pixel (ξ, τ) itself if ξ=x, τ=t for some point (x, t) of the input grid, and Kv depends on the local direction v=(dx,dt). In an exemplary embodiment, the averaging functions Kv are directional averaging functions along a direction v=(dx, dt). An example is the function:
Kv(x, t)=K1(t)×K2(x−t.dx/dt)
where K1 and K2 are 1D and 2D averaging kernels, for example Gaussian.
In another embodiment, the video processing performed in the processing unit 103 receives a variable number of directions from the direction detection unit 102. Each of these directions can be accompanied with a relevance measure. In the case where the number of directions is 0, a fallback interpolation function or averaging function can be used. In the case where the number of directions is larger than 1, the target pixel value can be computed by combining the pixel values computed with each interpolating or averaging function corresponding to each direction. This combination can be an averaging, a weighted averaging using the relevance measure, or a median, or a weighted median, or any other kind of method to combine these pixel values.
In another exemplary embodiment, the noise reduction processing along direction v=(dx, dt) can be any kind of known directional filtering, including infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering.
In another exemplary embodiment, the sparse geometry is used to enhance the type of processing disclosed in WO 2007/059795 A1 when the processed signal is a video signal. The directions (dx, dt) may then be limited to values of dt=1 and to integer values of dx. They can be used to construct a mapping between pixels of a frame at time t and pixels of a frame t+1: (x,t)(x+dx,t+1), and provide an embodiment for the first grouping estimation used in WO 2007/059795 A1.
In an embodiment of the direction selection unit 101, the set Ω of candidate directions is partitioned into a plurality of subsets Ω1, . . . , ΩJ (J>1), and only one of the subsets Ω1, . . . , ΩJ is considered by the direction selection unit 101 at each time τ′ to provide candidates to enter the subset of selected directions Dτ′. This is interesting when the set Ω is too large to be entirely scanned for candidates in every cycle τ′. For example, at a time when subset Ωj is considered (1≦j≦J), loop 330 in
In certain cases, it may be interesting, in addition to the selection of a global subset Dτ′ for the whole image area, to split the image support into several windows Wp,q of pixels, for example defined as rectangular regions:
Wp,q={(x1,x2):w×(p−1)<x1≦w×p and h×(q−1)<x2≦h×q}
where h and w are respectively the height and the width (in pixels) of these windows, and the window indexes p, q are in the ranges 1≦p≦P, 1≦q≦Q. The total number of windows is P×Q. When P=Q=1, there is only one window consisting of the whole image area as described previously. For each direction v inside each window Wp,q, a margin mp,q(v|D) can be computed using a formula similar to (4), but with a sum spanning an image region limited to this window Wp,q:
Local subset of directions Dτ′,p,q⊂Dτ′ can be computed using these margins. A third subset Dτ′,p,q of candidate directions is thus determined as a subset of the second subset Dτ′ determined for the whole area of It+1, based on cost margins mp,q(v|D) computed for pixels of the window Wp,q in the input images It and It+1. When the direction detection unit 102 measures a direction at a pixel ξ=x which is inside one of the windows Wp,q, only candidate directions from Dτ′,p,q are taken into account. This is helpful to increase the robustness of the detection to avoid bad directions. Referring again to the example depicted in
When using too small windows Wp,q (e.g., in the case of
The directions of regularity for pixels of sub-window Wp,q,r,s of the output image Îτ′ are then detected from subset Dτ′,p,q,r,s, possibly after one or more iterations of the recursive splitting of the windows.
In some embodiments, the subset Dτ′ of selected directions can be constrained to satisfy various criteria. For example:
The above-described embodiments may be implemented by means of software run by general-purpose microprocessors or digital signal processors, in which case the modules described above with reference to
While a detailed description of exemplary embodiments of the invention has been given above, various alternative, modifications, and equivalents will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Therefore the above description should not be taken as limiting the scope of the invention which is defined by the appended claims.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/IB2008/051270 | 1/11/2008 | WO | 00 | 11/22/2010 |
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WO2009/087493 | 7/16/2009 | WO | A |
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20080002051 | Sato | Jan 2008 | A1 |
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2004064403 | Jul 2004 | WO |
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