Bernthal, John, et al. “Articulation and Phonlogical Disorders,” 1998, Allyan & Bacon, 4th Edition, pp. 233-236, 292.* |
Jackson, Peter, “Introduction to Expert Systems,” 1999, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 3rd Edition, pp. 207-210.* |
Parrot Software User's Manual “Automatic Articulation Analysis 2000,” Parrot Software, Inc.* |
Shneiderman, John, “Designing the User Interface,” 1998, Addison Wesley Lognman Limited, 3rd Edition, pp. 82-83.* |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Technology 2000: Clinical Applications for Speech-Language Pathology,, pp. 1-7, 1996. |
PictureGallery,, pp. 1-2. |
The Childes System, Child Language Data Exchange System, |
Additional Childes Tools, Childes Windows Tools, |
Sails, the Speech Assessment & Interactive Learning System (SAILS™) Using SAILS in Clinical Assessment and Treatment,, pp. 1-3. |
GFTA-2: Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-2,, pp. 1-3. |
KLPA: Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis,, pp. 1-2. |
Bernthal, John E., and Bankson, Nicholas W. (Eds.), Articulation and Phonological Disorders, Fourth Edition, Chapter 9, Instrumentation in Clinical Phonology, by Julie J. Masterson, Steven H. Long, and Eugene H. Buder, 1998, pp. 378-406. |
Masterson, Julie and Pagan, Frank, “Interactive System for Phonological Analysis User's Guide,” pps 41, Harcourt Brace & Compnay, San Antonio, 1993. |
Long, Steven H. and FEY, Marc E., “Computerized Profiling User's Manual,” pps 119, Harcourt Brace & Company, San Antonio, 1993. |