This invention relates to spherical tokamak fusion reactors, e.g. for use to produce net power with high gain, as an experimental device, or as a neutron source or for scientific purposes.
The challenge of producing fusion power is hugely complex. Many alternative devices apart from tokamaks have been proposed, though none have yet produced any results comparable with the best tokamaks currently operating such as JET.
World fusion research entered a new phase after the beginning of the construction of ITER, the largest and most expensive (c20bn Euros) tokamak ever built, and various other projects in both the private and public sectors. The successful route to a commercial fusion reactor demands long pulse, stable operation combined with the high efficiency required to make electricity production economic.
For a steady state tokamak plasma with current and energy balance under optimum conditions, the following relationships are true (symbols are defined under the heading “definitions and symbols”)
2(τE)stored energy
Greenwald density n∝IpA2/R02β∝nT/BT02∝βNIPA/R0BT0 qeng=5BT0R0κ/A2IP
For large aspect ratio tokamaks, experimental confinement times are typically of the form:
(τE)stored energy=τE=H(τE)scaling where H is a simple multiplier (the subscript “stored energy” refers to actual measured or calculated values of a tokamak plasma. The subscript “scaling” refers to an expression calculated through analysis of the measured performance of multiple tokamak plasmas, to allow the dependency of the confinement time on the engineering parameters such as toroidal magnetic field and plasma size to be determined and so
Hence τE1/2∝HIpR01/2κ1/4A1/2/T1/2
So nTτE∝H2Ip2R0nκ1/2A
Assuming operation at a fixed fraction of the density limit, we can eliminate n using n∝IpA2/R02, and we can eliminate Ip using IP∝BT0R0κ/A2qeng and this gives:
For a fusion reactor using deuterium-tritium fuel to produce self-sustaining levels of alpha particle heating (known as “burning plasma”), the “fusion triple product” (nTτE) must be greater than a critical value, 3×1021 m3keVs−1, and the plasma temperature must be in the range 10-20 keV. Thus this equation shows the three basic approaches to designing tokamak power plants—high size (R0) such as ITER, high “shape” (κ/A) such as spherical tokamaks, and high field (BT0).
However, it can also be seen that there is a significant inverse dependence on the “safety factor” qeng.
The safety factor, q, is a local quantity. It is related to the pitch-angle of the local magnetic field. Formally, it is the number of times a magnetic field lines circles the torus in a toroidal direction before returning to its position in the poloidal plane. For tokamak equilibrium, q rises monotonically towards the plasma edge. Usually, the value of q for both spherical and conventional tokamaks is ˜1 in the plasma centre. For conventional tokamaks, q at the edge is typically ˜2 or 3. For spherical tokamaks, for the same BT0 and plasma current, Ip, q at the edge is much higher, typically 5 or more and can be >10. A higher q gives a higher plasma stability—less liable to disrupt—and so this is an advantage of the spherical tokamak. A useful parameter to characterise this benefit is q95. q95 is the safety factor on the magnetic surface covering 95% of the toroidal magnetic flux of the plasma column, i.e. near the edge. It can be estimated from:
It is because spherical tokamaks have a relatively high κ and relatively low A, that q95 is higher for a given a, BT0 and IP. Alternatively, one can use this advantage by operating at the same value of q95, and hence comparable stability, but much higher plasma current for the same values of a, BT0. In this case the gain in plasma current is also ˜2 to 3 times, compared to an equivalent conventional tokamak.
Experiments have shown that to avoid disruption within a tokamak, qeng should be greater than 2.0, and preferably greater than 3—which represents a significant reduction of nTτE.
To obtain the fusion reactions required for economic power generation (i.e. much more power out than power in), the conventional tokamak has to be huge (as exemplified by ITER) to achieve the required value of nTτE.
According to a first aspect, there is provided a tokamak fusion reactor. The tokamak fusion reactor comprises a toroidal plasma chamber and a plasma confinement system arranged to generate a magnetic field for confining a plasma in the plasma chamber. The plasma confinement system comprises toroidal field magnets, which generate a magnetic field, BT0, in the centre of the plasma. The toroidal field magnets are configured such that, in use, the magnetic field, on conductor of the toroidal field magnets is at least 20 Tesla. The plasma confinement system is configured such that, in use, the plasma has:
eng=5BT0R0κ/A2IP where Ip is the plasma current;
According to a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of operating a tokamak fusion reactor according to the first aspect, the method comprising:
eng=5BT0R0κ/A2IP where Ip is the plasma current;
Further aspects and embodiments are defined in claim 2 et seq.
n plasma density
T plasma temperature
τE energy confinement time
nTτE “Fusion triple product”
H a simple multiplier (which relates the precise value of τE, and the scaling value derived from experiments on many plasmas created on many different tokamaks)
q safety factor
qeng “engineering” safety factor qeng=5BT0R0κ/A2IP
q95 safety factor on the magnetic surface covering 95% of magnetic flux of the plasma column
V plasma volume
a plasma minor radius
R plasma major radius
R0 radius at plasma centre
BT0 toroidal magnetic field at plasma centre
κ elongation at the separatrix, i.e. the ratio of the vertical extent of the plasma separatrix to the horizontal extent
δ plasma triangularity
A aspect ratio
Ip Plasma current
Pfus fusion power, i.e the rate of energy generation by the fusion of deuterium and tritium nuclei integrated over the plasma volume
Qfus fusion power gain Qfus=Pfus/Paux where Paux is the power supplied to the plasma by external sources
β “beta”—the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure, expressed as a percentage
βN “normalised beta”—
It has been found that for a tokamak with:
Using the experimental confinement time scaling derived for a spherical tokamak, the dependence of the fusion triple product on the safety factor is greatly reduced—to around 1/qeng rather than 1/qeng3. The approximate relation found is:
though the difference in the dependence of κ and A cannot be determined completely because the analysis is based on a single device (and goes in the direction to give higher values of nTτE for the spherical tokamak though this is unlikely to be as significant a factor as the change in dependence of qeng).
This approximately qeng2 difference carries through to other properties of the reactor—e.g. both Qfus and the fusion triple product will be approximately qeng2 times higher for a given Pfus on the spherical tokamak described above as for a conventional tokamak. In particular, this enables construction of a reactor with a ratio of Qfus to Pfus of at least 0.03 for values of Pfus up to 500 MW. At higher Pfus, the ratio Qfus/Pfus will be higher. For examples, Qfus/Pfus greater than 0.04 MW−1 at Pfus<700 MW, greater than 0.05 MW−1 at Pfus<1000 MW, greater than 0.06 MW−1 at Pfus<1500 MW, greater than 0.07 MW−1 at Pfus<2500 MW, or greater than 0.1 MW−1 at Pfus<5000 MW. This is a significant improvement over conventional reactors, as, in general, the potential damage to reactor components will scale with Pfus (e.g. the power incident on the divertor), but Qfus is a measure of the output power of the reactor. Therefore, a reactor with a higher Qfus for a given Pfus will be more efficient as a neutron source, or closer to net power gain for an experimental reactor, or more efficient as a reactor for net power production.
Further simulations and analysis suggests that the qeng dependency of the fusion triple product for spherical tokamaks with the above-listed properties will vary between qeng−0.8 and qeng−1.5, compared to between qeng−2.5 to qeng−3.5 for conventional tokamaks
Turning again for the requirements for the improved safety factor scaling to occur:
The high magnetic field can only be achieved by the use of high temperature superconducting, HTS, magnets. Conventional low temperature superconductors cannot achieve this high a field. Resistive conductors, even if cryogenically cooled, would require so much input power as to render the whole device unfeasible. The aspect ratio, elongation, beta, and safety factor of the plasma result from the configuration of the magnetic field from both the toroidal and poloidal field coils—the required parameters can be determined by calculation and/or simulation as known in the art.
Due to the lower fusion power required for a given fusion triple product or fusion power gain, the design of energy absorbing components of the reactor such as the divertor and first wall will be less restricted than for an equivalent conventional reactor. As such, conventional divertor designs will be sufficient, despite the relatively small size.
Example design aspects of the reactor will be discussed below—but it should be appreciated that the properties listed above are those which are important to the scaling described, however they are achieved. The design principles below are relevant to any spherical tokamak, and similarly other equivalent components may be used (e.g. alternative designs for the divertor, shielding, or magnets) provided they achieve the properties listed earlier.
The combination of higher maximum field, increased current-carrying capability and reduced complexity of cooling means that very high toroidal field HTS magnets are feasible in the limited space of a Spherical Tokamak core. Fusion power is approximately proportional to the cube of the magnetic field, so more powerful magnets will result in a more efficient reactor. An additional benefit is that at these high fields, the charged alpha particles produced during the fusion reaction will remain in the plasma, providing significant self-heating and further increasing the efficiency of the reactor.
High Temperature Superconducting technology continues to advance rapidly. The first generation HTS material, BSCCO, was rapidly overtaken by YBCO. As well as the discovery of new HTS materials with fundamentally higher critical fields and critical currents, the engineering performance of existing materials such as YBCO (or, more generally (Re)BCO where Re is a rare earth atom) is rapidly being improved with the result that magnets made from HTS can achieve increasingly high fields from increasingly small conductors. In the present specification, it will be understood that HTS materials include any material which has superconducting properties at temperatures above about 30 K in a low magnetic field.
The use of high temperature superconductor materials allows for a much higher engineering current density within the central column of the TF magnets. Engineering current densities of greater than 200 A/mm2 are readily achievable, and this has been pushed to greater than 1000 A/mm2, or even higher.
HTS requires neutron shielding to avoid damage from neutrons produced by the reactor, as otherwise neutron damage to the tape will eventually cause it to degrade to the point where it can no longer remain superconducting while carrying the required current. One example of a suitable and compact shielding material is tungsten carbide, as described in WO 2016/009176 A1.
In existing tokamaks the plasma current is initiated by transformer action using a large central solenoid, and this may also be used here.
An alternative would be the use of a gyrotron. Experiments on MAST have demonstrated start-up using a 28 GHz 100 kW gyrotron (assisted by vertical field ramp) at an efficiency of 0.7 A/Watt. A gyrotron fitted to a spherical tokamak with the required properties could have power ˜1 MW and is predicted to produce a start-up current of ˜700 kA.
An alternative scheme is to use a small solenoid (or pair of upper/lower solenoids) made using mineral insulation with a small shielding (or designed to be retracted before D-T operation begins); it is expected that such a coil would have approximately 25% of the volt-secs output as an equivalent solenoid as used on MAST or NSTX. Initial currents of order 0.5 MA are expected. The combination of both schemes would be especially efficient.
A novel development of the ‘retractable solenoid’ concept is to use a solenoid wound from HTS, to cool it in a cylinder of liquid nitrogen outside the tokamak, insert it into the centre tube whilst still superconducting, pass the current to produce the initial plasma, then retract the solenoid before D-T operation. Advantages of using HTS include lower power supply requirements, and the high stresses that can be tolerated by the supported HTS winding.
This initial plasma current will be an adequate target for external heating and current drive methods, and the heating and current drive they produce will provide current ramp up to the working level.
It is desirable to obtain a significant fluence of neutrons at minimum auxiliary heating and minimum current drive, in order to minimise build costs, running costs, and to keep divertor heat loads at tolerable levels.
Various methods of heating (and current drive) including NBI and a range of radio-frequency (RF) methods may be appropriate.
A potentially helpful feature is the self-driven ‘bootstrap’ current, produced in a hot, high energy, plasma, which can account for one-half or more of the required current. However bootstrap current increases with density, whereas NBI current drive reduces at high density, so a careful optimisation is required.
Some of the energy pumped into a plasma either to heat it or produce current drive emerges along the scrape-off-layer (SOL) at the edge of the plasma, which is directed by divertor coils to localised divertor strike points. The power per unit area here is of critical concern in all fusion devices, and would not normally be acceptable in a small reactor. However, due to the improved scaling with safety factor, in the present proposal the input power is greatly reduced so the divertor load is correspondingly reduced. Additional methods may be used to reduce the load per unit area further, by a combination of strike-point sweeping; use of the ‘natural divertor’ feature observed on START; and use of divertor coils to direct the exhaust plume. Further benefit may be gained by use of a flow of liquid lithium over the target area which will also be used to pump gases from the vessel, for example in a closed lithium flow loop.
General Outline of this Device
A cross section of a spherical tokamak similar to that described above is shown in
The vacuum vessel 44 may be double-walled, comprising a honey-comb structure with plasma facing tiles, and directly supported via the lower ports and other structures. Integrated with the vessel are optional neutron reflectors 46 that could provide confinement of fast neutrons which would provide up to 10-fold multiplication of the neutron flux through ports to the outer blanket where neutrons either can be used for irradiation of targets or other fast neutral applications, or thermalised to low energy to provide a powerful source of slow neutrons. The reason for such assembly is to avoid interaction and capture of slow neutrons in the structures of the tokamak. The outer vessel optionally contains D2O with an option for future replacement by other types of blanket (Pb, salts, etc.) or inclusion of other elements for different tests and studies. The outer shielding will protect the TF and PF coils, and all other outer structures, from the neutron irradiation. The magnet system (TF, PF) is supported by gravity supports, one beneath each TF coil. Ports are provided for neutral beam injection 47 and for access 48.
Inside the outer vessel the internal components (and their cooling systems) also absorb radiated heat and neutrons from the plasma and partially protect the outer structures and magnet coils from excessive neutron radiation in addition to D2O. The heat deposited in the internal components in the vessel is ejected to the environment by means of a cooling water system. Special arrangements are employed to bake and consequently clean the plasma-facing surfaces inside the vessel by releasing trapped impurities and fuel gas.
The tokamak fueling system is designed to inject the fueling gas or solid pellets of hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium, as well as impurities in gaseous or solid form. During plasma start-up, low-density gaseous fuel is introduced into the vacuum vessel chamber by the gas injection system. The plasma progresses from electron-cyclotron-heating and EBW assisted initiation, possibly in conjunction with flux from small retractable solenoid(s), and/or a ‘merging-compression’ scheme (as used on START and MAST), to an elongated divertor configuration as the plasma current is ramped up. A major advantage of the ST concept is that the plasmas have low inductance, and hence large plasma currents are readily obtained if required—input of flux from the increasing vertical field necessary to restrain the plasma being significant. Addition of a sequence of plasma rings generated by a simple internal large-radius conductor may also be employed to ramp up the current.
After the current flat top is reached, subsequent plasma fueling (gas or pellets) together with additional heating leads to a D-T burn with a fusion power in the MW range. With non-inductive current drive from the heating systems, the burn duration is envisaged to be extended well above 1000 s and the system is designed for steady-state operations. The integrated plasma control is provided by the PF system, and the pumping, fueling (H, D, T, and, if required, He and impurities such as N2, Ne and Ar), and heating systems based on feedback from diagnostic sensors.
The pulse can be terminated by reducing the power of the auxiliary heating and current drive systems, followed by current ramp-down and plasma termination. The heating and current drive systems and the cooling systems are designed for long pulse operation, but the pulse duration may be determined by the development of hot spots on the plasma facing components and the rise of impurities in the plasma.
Even for reactors which do not achieve net energy production, the increased efficiency of a fusion reactor as described above may be useful in applications such as neutron sources, material test facilities (e.g. testing materials for durability when exposed to fusing plasma), and in experimental devices aiming to push towards further understanding of fusion.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2004463.2 | Mar 2020 | GB | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/EP2021/056868 | 3/17/2021 | WO |