The invention relates to heat engines and more specifically to positive displacement internal combustion engines, and is particularly concerned with rotary and oscillating spherical engines i.e. engines, in which piston executes rotary/oscillating motion and combustion chamber and principal engine's parts that converts gas pressure into rotary movement assume general form of sphere. The invention provides the optimal, “canonical” form for the two stroke rotary and oscillating spherical engine of unique strength and compactness.
Existing successful heat engines are steam turbines, gas turbines and positive displacement engines (reciprocating piston and rotary Wankel) utilizing various thermodynamic cycles (Diesel (or rather Sabathe), Otto and Stirling cycle). These engines, although now having been developed for more than century (almost 2 centuries in the case of Stirling), still stop short from fulfilling the requirements imposed on prime movers by modern economy. Thus steam turbines require huge steam boilers and steam condensers and are troublesome to exploit, therefore their applications are restricted to power plants and propulsion of ships and some other heavy machinery. Gas turbines, thermal efficiency of which can achieve even 65% in large units destined for power generation and industrial applications (e.g. in most recent large turbines built by GE, which in fact are compound heat machines with large heat exchanger), usually, particularly in small units, display much poorer figure than positive displacement engines, are more complicated technologically and more expensive, and therefore are unlikely to earn as dominant position as Diesels enjoy today due to these and other well-known inherent drawbacks and limitations. Thus positive displacement engines still have important advantages over turbines that render them irreplaceable for most applications.
Most common positive displacement engine in use (and in fact most common heat engine), Diesel engine, achieves maximum overall efficiency of slightly beyond 50% (large stationary or marine units, which again are compound heat machines comprising Diesel engine, turbocharger, supercharging air cooler and auxiliary power turbine), and average Diesel efficiency is merely ˜40%, a poor figure in comparison with 70-75% originally assumed by its inventor in late 19th century. Thermal efficiency of Diesel cycle rises with the compression ratio, but this method for improving overall efficiency of real Diesel engines is obstructed by friction loses rapidly rising with loads of engine's mechanism. Moreover, conventional connecting rod—crank mechanism's strength becomes a concern in highly loaded Diesel engines.
Another well-known positive displacement heat engine is the (external combustion) Stirling engine. This engine is closest to the ideal Carnot engine in terms of thermal efficiency, and another important advantage over known internal combustion engines is its capability to utilize various sources of thermal energy. However, Stirling engine is expensive to manufacture and troublesome to maintain, and this renders it considerably inferior to internal combustion engine in most applications, and prevents from earning wide acceptance.
There are many non-conventional designs of heat engines (most of them focusing on transforming gas force into driving torque of rotating shaft), e.g. rotary engines like Wankel, recently patented quasi turbine (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,164,263 and 6,899,075), spherical engines (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,325,038, and 6,941,900, and Russian patent 2,227,211) and oscillating pivotal engine (see However, so far none of those non-conventional engines, with Wankel-type engine being the only exception of economically (but certainly not conceptually) marginal importance, was successful, and probably none of them has any chance to even go beyond the stage of prototyping. Technically, this is due to the fact that the answer to the principal question any new engine is obliged to answer: “Does the new engine do its work better than conventional one?” is decidedly negative for all those non-conventional designs, including Wankel's. Even the answer to the more general question: “Does the new engine do its work in any aspect better than conventional one?” is negative for almost all non-conventional engines. (In the case of the Wankel engine, the answer to this more general question is positive, but superiority of Wankel over conventional engines in certain aspects (great power/weight and power/volume ratios, kinetic simplicity and smoothness of operation) is overshadowed by its inherent drawbacks (weak structure, inability to cope with large outputs, inferior efficiency, weakness of sealing, inherent inability to incorporate high compression ratios)). Conceptually, this is mainly due to the fact that those new engine designs (e.g. quasi turbine) focus on certain isolated aspects of heat engine while ignoring some other aspects (e.g. sealing, mechanical strength and reliability).
For example, recently patented positive displacement rotary engine, quasi-turbine, is complex both kinetically and structurally, its moving elements of complicated shapes are likely to be subjected to excessive thermal stresses and renders the engine weak structurally and more difficult to seal than Wankel engine; thus the engine is unlikely to do well the job of heat engine (it would be better as pump or compressor). Some other rotary engines (e.g. satellite engine, see publication WO9618024) use toothed wheels to transfer the pistons movement to rotary motion of engine's shaft. This not only makes these engines complex but also unreliable, as engine's elements that meet along a line are not well suited to bear shock loads met with in internal combustion engines.
Fuel cell is a very promising source of power for many applications, but it seems improbable it will become appropriate for applications where high power density is essential in any foreseeable future.
Thus there is a need for highly efficient universal source of mechanical power, and highly efficient and clean thermodynamic processes for producing hot high pressure gases, like detonation, compression ignited combustion of homogeneous charge and very high-pressure Sabathe cycle, render positive displacement internal combustion engines a very interesting proposition, provided that efficient way for converting thermal energy into useful mechanical power is incorporated. It is to be stressed that lack of such effective method for converting thermal energy into driving torque is an important obstacle to develop a practical Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) and Positive Displacement Detonation (PDD) engine. The reason is that maximum gas forces themselves, as well as gradients of gas forces (understood as function of time), met with in HCCI and PDD engines (at least those utilizing stoichiometric mixture, which is the most efficient thermodynamically, and also most efficient from the point of view of power/weight and power/volume parameters) are much higher than in conventional IC engines, and conventional mechanisms are unable to cope with such extreme loads. This is one of the reasons, for which the planned “HCCI engines” are to utilize the more efficient HCCI mode of operation only while producing power at a moderate rate (and working on loan mixtures), converting into ordinary Diesel mode of operation when the power demand rises (the other reason is that IC engine working on loan mixture produces less pollutant nitrogen oxides).
It is to be stressed that none of the non-conventional engine designs in United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and European Patent Office (EPO) patent data bases offers satisfactory mechanical structure of the ICE suitable for coping with extreme loads while assuring engine's compactness and good sealing. Moreover, none of the known positive-displacement internal combustion engines approaches highly desirable structural simplicity of gas turbines.
Thus the principal objective of the present invention is to provide a high power density positive-displacement internal combustion engine of simple and extraordinarily robust structure, capable to withstand extremely high loads and thus to utilize highly efficient ultra-high pressure Diesel cycle or HCCI and PDD modes of operation without increasing specific loads of engine's elements beyond limits that are standard for ordinary piston engines and without decreasing mechanical efficiency of the engine.
Another objective of the invention is to provide a structure for a valve-less two stroke engine that guarantees good constraint for engine's piston and piston sealing elements.
Yet another objective of the invention is to provide a structure for the internal combustion engine with no hot load bearing sliding elements.
Another objective of the invention is to substantially increase thermal efficiency of engines by improving combustion and increasing such parameters as maximum combustion pressure without increasing specific loads of engine's parts.
Yet another objective of the invention is to provide a structure for positive displacement engines that offers substantial improvement of such important engine parameters as swept volume/total volume, power/total volume and power/weight ratio, without increasing specific loads and thus without sacrificing engine's strength and reliability.
Another objective of the invention is to provide a structure for the positive displacement engines that offer a large variety of engine's configurations (e.g. considerable variety of scavenging systems, ignition systems etc.) capable of being adjusted to various specific requirements.
Yet another objective of the invention is to provide rotary engines that have sealing almost as simple, tight and reliable as conventional ones and much simpler, tighter and much more reliable than conventional (Wankel) rotary engines.
It is clear that at the core of such an engine should be a mechanism, desirably the strongest and simplest mechanism in existence, that would provide the optimal method for converting gas pressure directly into rotary movement of a solid body.
In order to find such a mechanism some initial conditions should be imposed upon it. Thus gears (toothed wheels) or other mechanisms comprising elements meeting along a line, mechanisms complex from kinetic point of view (for example comprising elements executing complex motion) loaded with extreme gas forces and rendering the engine difficult to seal are unacceptable.
Thus the general idea behind the invention is to take a solid body, as regular as possible, cut out the combustion chamber, and cut the remaining portion of the body along some surfaces (preferably planes) into a minimum number of elements of a mechanism capable of converting gas pressure directly into driving torque (that is to say executing pure rotary movement, or at least “close” to it). This would provide the simplest, strongest, most robust and compact (no vacuum inside of the engine) structure of internal combustion engine, capable of bearing extreme mechanical loads produced by high-efficiency thermodynamic processes without increasing specific loads and friction losses, and substantially improving weight/power ratio at the same time, thus displaying substantial overall efficiency improvement over existing heat engines.
The construction of the strongest mechanisms in existence presented below provides strong indications that the proper form of the engine capable to satisfy all the above-formulated requirements is the oscillating or rotary/oscillating spherical engine.
Thus another, more specific objective of the present invention is to provide the proper form of the oscillating and rotary/oscillating spherical positive displacement engine without drawbacks (structural weakness, difficult sealing, compare U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,325,038, and 6,941,900, and Russian patent 2,227,211) of known spherical engines, having some specific qualities of gas turbines, namely high power density, structural simplicity combined with good driving torque smoothness, having scavenging system that makes the gas flow almost as smooth as (and similar to) that to be found in gas turbines and assuring engine's good balance thus enabling it to rotate at high speeds.
Spherical positive displacement machines (i.e. positive displacement machines with substantially spherical working chamber) are known from the prior art, however none of known designs provides a proper form of the machine, and the only mildly successful device of this type is a low-pressure pump (used to pump dense liquids, e.g. liquid soap). The reason is that the known designs (which usually adopt, at least partially, the general scheme of the universal joint) utilize elements of complicated and weak structure, which prevents the machines from exploring full potential (e.g. strength and compactness, ability to apply simple symmetric sealing) of mechanisms having a kind of spherical symmetry (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,325,038 and 6,941,900, and Russian patent 2,227,211; the design U.S. Pat. No. 6,325,038 is the best of its kind in the US and EPO patent data bases, however stops short of employing the optimal form of the spherical mechanism provided by the general principle of cutting a sphere along planes to obtain a mechanism presented in paragraph 3 above; it is to be stressed that an engine with the kinetics of the engine of the patent U.S. Pat. No. 6,325,038 is within the scope of the presented invention, and the machine provided by the method of paragraph 3 above is by far stronger and by far simpler structurally).
Thus the presented invention provides the proper form of the spherical engine, and explores to the full extent the potential of the spatial mechanism presented in a paragraph below i.e. its unique strength and compactness, possibility to apply simple completely symmetrical sealing, and variety of allowable kinetics. It is to be stressed that there is a considerable variety of spherical engines within my engine system, e.g. oscillating and rotary ones with a variety of scavenging systems, all based on the same mechanism.
More specifically,
FIGS. 19,20 are two cut-away views of the engine in the assembled configuration.
Now I present a short description of my method for achieving the strongest mechanism in existence capable of being applied in positive displacement engines. In fact the construction of these mechanisms lies at the very heart of the present invention.
The construction will be carried out in several simple steps (see
The resulting device is the desired (spatial) mechanism. It has five kinetic couples, namely (L,W), (W,M), (M,D), (D,L) and (ML). The couples (L,W), (W,M), (M,D), (D,L) are higher rotational kinetic couples, while the couple (M,L) is a lower ball joint-like kinetic couple.
In order to enable receiving mechanical energy produced inside the mechanism body, we have to make “moving” elements of the mechanism accessible from the exterior of the body L. This is achieved by equipping said body L with one or two circular bore chambers that accommodate a pin attached to the element W or D or both (
For the purpose of the present patent specification and the patent claims I assume the following Definition:
DEFINITION. By a spatial eccentric is understood a segment of a ball bounded by two planes, wherein on of said planes is inclined relative the other plane at a non-zero angle.
Similarly, kinetics of the “flat” mechanism is determined by the distances between the axes of rotation of the mechanism elements.
In order to determine kinetics of the spatial mechanism we join the end points of the vectors νw, νd, νmw and νmd by geodesic arcs placed in the sphere BL to obtain the ordinary spherical geodesic tetragon (
Similarly, from the kinetic point of view, the “flat” mechanism is the usual flat four-bar linkage. This can be seen by suitably joining by straight segments the intersection points of the rotation axes of the elements W, M and D determined by the vectors νw, νd, νmw and νmd with a plane perpendicular to these vectors.
Thus any kinetic pair of the presented mechanism is the rotary or spherical one, and the mechanism is capable of producing rotary movement of one of its elements from oscillating movement of another element and rotary movement of one of its elements from rotary-oscillating movement of some other elements. This feature is utilized in my engines presented in the next section.
Throughout the patent specification I will use the following nomenclature: The three moving elements (segments of the ball) of the mechanism obtained by the procedure described above I will call “spatial eccentrics” or simply eccentrics. When applied to spherical engine I will call these elements as follows: W=2—main rotor, M=4—intermediate rotor, D=3—secondary rotor; the name “main rotor” is reserved for the element used to receive driving torque, and this element (spatial eccentric) is usually equipped with a pin or a shaft to receive useful power.
Below I present a variety of rotary/oscillating and oscillating spherical engines utilizing various variants of the spatial mechanism constructed above. All the designs are based on the following three principles:
The engine is a HCCI rotary one having 3 moving parts and producing two power strokes per shaft revolution (let us note that rotary “spatial” engines with only 3 moving parts and producing 4 and even 6 power strokes per shaft revolution are also within the scope of the presented invention). It utilizes the mechanism shown in FIG. S with geometric parameters described below.
The engine has 3 moving parts: main rotor 2=W, intermediate rotor 4=M, and secondary rotor 3=D equipped with suitable spherical and flat surfaces used to determine engine's kinetics. The geometric parameters of the mechanism are as follows: the angle between the axis of rotation of the main rotor 2 relative the body 1 and the axis of rotation of the intermediate rotor 4 relative the main rotor 2 and the angle between the axis of rotation of the secondary rotor 3 relative the body 1 and the angle of rotation of the intermediate rotor 4 relative the secondary rotor 3, are both greater than the angle between the axes of rotation of the intermediate rotor 4 relative the main 2 and secondary 3 rotors (and preferably the angle between the axis of rotation of the main rotor 2 relative the body 1 and the axis of rotation of the intermediate rotor 4 relative the main rotor 2 equals the angle between the axis of rotation of the secondary rotor 3 relative the body 1 and the angle of rotation of the intermediate rotor 4 relative the secondary rotor 3); moreover the angle between the axes of rotation of the intermediate rotor 4 relative the main 2 and secondary 3 rotors is greater than the angle between the axes of rotation of the main 2 and secondary 3 rotors relative the body 1. Thanks to this specific geometry the mechanism produces rotary movement with non-constant rotational speed of the secondary rotor from the rotary movement with constant rotational speed of the main rotor, and both the kinetic couples (2,4) and (3,4) are oscillating ones.
Massive main rotor 2 (
Intermediate rotor 4 (
Secondary rotor 3 (
Engine's moving elements are constructed so as to minimize moment of inertia of the intermediate 4 and secondary 3 rotors in comparison with the moment of inertia of the main rotor 2, which is used to receive driving torque.
Engine's body 1=L has spherical central section 11 with a spherical working chamber SC housing spherical sections of all three moving elements of the engine, and is composed of two parts. One of the parts 12 has a circular aperture 121 housing a bearing supporting the pin 22 of the main rotor 2, and a spiral gas collector GC in communication with hot gas outlet ports 27z placed on the spherical section of the main rotor 2; there is a gas outlet at one end of the spiral gas collector. The other part of engine's body 13 has a circular aperture 131 housing a bearing supporting the pin 33 of the secondary rotor 3, a collection of circular air inlets In in communication with the air passage 34 in auxiliary rotor 3, and a fuel injector J placed in proximity to said air inlets In.
Thus the engine has six combustion chambers CC1-CC6 confined by the (double-acting) pistons 21, 22, 23 and 41, 42, 43, “hot” flat surfaces 28 and 48 of the main 2 and intermediate 4 rotors, and the spherical wall of engine's working chamber SC.
Opening and closing of the air inlet passages 26 and hot gases outlet passages 27a are governed by the pistons 41, 42, 43 of the intermediate rotor 4.
Sealing rings (with spherical outer surface) and sealing bars provide sealing of the engine (not shown). Thus the sealing is completely symmetric and as simple, tight and reliable as that of ordinary piston engines.
Here is a brief discussion of the engine work. The assembly of six combustion chambers CC1-CC6 is naturally divided into two sub-assemblies of three chambers each: CC1, CC3, CC5 and CC2, CC4, CC6. As the moving engine's parts rotate (to be more precise, as the main rotor 2 rotates with a constant rotational speed, the secondary rotor 3 rotates with changing rotational speed and the intermediate rotor 4 executes a compound rotational/wobbling motion relative engine's body 1), volume of any combustion chamber of one sub-assembly increases and volume of any combustion chamber of the other sub-assembly decreases. As volume of one group of the combustion chambers approaches its maximum, the pistons 41, 42, 43 of the intermediate rotor 4 open the inlet ports 27a placed between the pistons 21, 22, 23 on the “hot” flat surface 28 of the main rotor 2 and hot low-pressure gases driven by centrifugal forces exit said combustion chambers through said ports, flow through the hot gas passages 27 placed in the spherical section of the main rotor, enter the spiral gas collector GC in engine's body, and are finally exhausted. Next, as volume of the combustion chambers still rises, the pistons open air inlet ports 26 placed on the “hot” tubular portion 210 of main rotor 2. Fresh air, driven by centrifugal forces, enter the inlet port In placed at the part 14 of the engine body 1, fuel is injected by the injector J, and homogeneous charge is prepared in the air passages 34, 46 and 25 placed in the secondary 3, intermediate 4 and main 2 rotors respectively (
In this brief discussion I completely ignore the subtle problem of controlling this HCCI engine, as this is beyond the scope of the present patent application, the focus of which is on the mechanical aspects of the engine. Let us note that there is also a mechanically similar engine working on traditional Diesel cycle, the general layout of which (including the effective centrifugal forces-enhanced uniflow scavenging system) is completely analogous, with the only essential difference being a plurality of injectors adjacent to the combustion chambers (some minor structural changes are also required).
This is a two-stroke Diesel cycle rotary/oscillating spherical engine utilizing a spatial mechanism as described above. The design incorporates a self-sufficient (no separate scavenging pump) scavenging system featuring self-supercharging capabilities, similar to that of the engine 1; the engine produces two power impulses per each revolution of its shaft and is intended to be a simple, inexpensive, exceptionally reliable and durable, very high power/weight ratio source of power, particularly for light aircraft (including light helicopters), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), target drones, motor boats, small hovercrafts and sport motorcycles. The engine is constructed so as to maximize swept volume/overall volume ratio and minimize specific loads and mass forces, and to make the engine parts as simple and robust as possible. Since my spherical mechanisms of this type are the most robust and compact mechanisms (not reducing to kinetic couples) in existence, the engine is expected to display exceptional power/weight and power/overall volume ratios, and since its sealing is, unlike in Wankel-type engines, perfectly symmetric and similar to that of conventional piston engines, I expect this spherical engine would also display exceptional durability and reliability, provided its sealing system is made of good materials.
The engine consists of body 1, main shaft/rotor 2, secondary rotor/oscillator 3, and intermediate rotor/eccentric 4. The rotors 2, 3 both pivot directly in the body 1. Intermediate rotor/eccentric 4 oscillates by certain angle <2π relative each of the rotors 2 and 3, and executes complex rotary-nutating movement relative the body 1. All the axes of rotation of all the kinetic couples intersect at a precisely one point P, namely the center of engine's spherical chamber (“cylinder”) (this is the necessary and sufficient condition for the mechanism to move in the required manner). There are three different modes of kinetics of the mechanism (depending on its geometry) applicable in engines of this type. Namely the engine mechanism may produce rotary motion of the secondary rotor (or oscillator) 3 of non-constant rotational speed out of rotary motion of the main rotor 2 of constant rotary speed, and average rotational speed of both the rotors is the same (we average over the period of rotation of any of the shafts)—then the intermediate rotor oscillates relative both the main and secondary rotors, and the mechanism has two oscillating kinetic couples; this mechanism is utilized in a spherical engine producing 4 power strokes per revolution. The mechanism may also produce rotary motion of the secondary rotor 3 of non-constant rotational speed out of rotary motion of the main rotor 2 of constant rotary speed, and average rotational speed of one of the rotors is double the average rotational speed of the other—in this case the mechanism has only one oscillating kinetic couple and can be used in a spherical rotary engine producing 2 power strokes per revolution of its main shaft; or the mechanism may produce oscillating motion (relative the engine body) of the secondary rotor/oscillator 3 out of rotary motion of the main rotor 2. This last mode of movement of the mechanism will be used in spherical oscillating engine. The engine of the present design utilizes a mechanism of the first or second type described above.
The engine is shown in accompanying
The engine comprises four major parts: body 1, main rotor/oscillator 2, secondary rotor 3 and intermediate rotor 4. The body 1 (see
The main rotor 2 (see
Intermediate rotor 4 (17-20, and particularly 21), has bearing 41 supporting auxiliary shaft 3, spherical surface 43, and flat surface 42. There are also six double-acting pistons 47 fastened to the flat surface 42. There are also hot gas passages 44 placed in the body of the intermediate rotor 4 with their inlet openings 46 placed on the flat surface 42 and outlet openings 48 placed on the spherical surface 43. Fresh air passage 45 is formed in the central part of the body of intermediate rotor 4.
Secondary rotor 3 has a main pin 31 pivoting in bearing 14 in the engine body, an auxiliary pin 32 inclined relative the main pin 31 at an angle dictated by the engine kinetics and pivoting in bearing 41 placed in intermediate eccentric 4, and a centrally placed air passage 33.
Lubricating oil cools the pistons, and relevant cooling system (not shown) consists of oil conveyances placed in the engine body 1, and the engine moving parts 2,3 and 4 (in particular they pass through all engine's pistons). The oil flows through circular oil passage placed in the engine body, and driven by centrifugal forces generated by engine's rotating parts enters successively oil conveyances placed in secondary rotor 3, intermediate rotor 4 and main rotor 2 thus cooling engine's pistons, and finally exit the engine through another circular oil passage placed in the engine's body. Oil is being cooled in a suitable cooler (not shown).
Now a brief description of the engine (in this instance a Diesel-cycle two stroke engine) work follows. The engine has twelve varying-volume working chambers C1-C12 of precisely the same construction, bounded by engine's pistons 27 and 47 and inner wall of the spherical chamber C. Fresh air enters the engine through the air intake manifold 18, and successively flows through air passages 17, 33, 45 and 25. As volume of a working chamber, say C1, approaches its maximum, shaft piston 27 opens hot gas passage 44, and hot low-pressure gases contained in said working chamber C1, driven by centrifugal forces, exit it through said gas passage 44, and next flow through circular gas passage 15 and exit the engine through exhaust manifold 16. A moment later intermediate eccentric piston 47 opens air passage 26, and fresh air, driven by centrifugal forces, enters working chamber C1. As engine's shaft 2 further rotates, piston 47 closes air passage 26, next piston 27 closes gas passage 44, and as volume of working chamber C1 diminishes air contained therein is being compressed. As volume of said working chamber C1 approaches its minimum, fuel is being injected into it (by its respective injector 1) and then self-ignited, and hot high-pressure gases are being produced. Next volume of working chamber C1 increases and hot high-pressure gases contained therein expand producing useful power.
Thus the engine scavenging system is very effective and features self-supercharging capabilities, separate scavenging pump is not needed, and effectiveness of the scavenging system increases as rotational speed rises.
The description above applies almost literally to the variant of the engine presented in
Thus this variant of the engine comprises four major parts: body 1, main rotor/oscillator 2, secondary rotor 3 and intermediate rotor 4. The body 1 (see
The main rotor 2 (see
Intermediate rotor 4 (
Secondary rotor 3 (
The description of the work of the previous variant of the engine applies literally in this case, and hence is omitted.
This is another variant of my spherical engine, intended to be a simple, inexpensive, exceptionally reliable and durable, very high power/weight ratio source of power, particularly for light aircraft (including light helicopters), UAVs, target drones, motor boats, small hovercrafts and sport motorcycles. It resembles the engine of Design 2, but would have improved swept volume/overall volume and thus power/volume and power/weight ratios thanks to differently shaped parts, and achieving these improvements is the main idea behind the Design. Again this is a two-stroke cycle engine with exceptionally effective self-sufficient (no separate scavenging pump) scavenging system, featuring self-supercharging capabilities, and the engine produces two power impulses per each revolution of its shaft.
Like the engine of Designs 1 and 2, this engine utilizes my spherical four-link mechanism. It comprises body 1, main rotor/shaft 2, secondary rotor 3, and intermediate rotor/eccentric 4. The rotors 2, 3 both pivot directly in the body 1. Intermediate eccentric 4 oscillates by certain angle <2π relative the secondary rotor 3, and executes complex rotary-nutating movement relative the body 1. All the axes of rotation of all the kinetic couples intersect at the center P of engine's spherical working chamber.
The body (see
The main rotor 2 (
Intermediate rotor/eccentric 4 (
Secondary rotor 3 (
Cooling system of the engine would be similar to that of the engine 2.
The ignition plugs are placed in a moving engine's element (rotor 2) therefore a suitable rotatable connection is needed to connect them with a source of electric current (not shown).
Now a brief description of the engine (in this instance an Otto-cycle two stroke engine) work follows. The engine has six varying-volume working chambers C1-C6 of precisely the same structure, bounded by engine's pistons 33 and 43 and spherical working chamber C. Fresh air enters the engine through the air intake manifold 15, and successively flows through air passages 14, 32, 421 and 422. As volume of a working chamber, say C1, approaches its maximum, intermediate eccentric piston 43 opens hot gas passage 36, and hot low-pressure gases contained in said working chamber C1 driven by centrifugal forces exit it through said gas passage 36, and exit the engine through exhaust manifold 22. A moment later auxiliary shaft piston 33 opens air passage 422, and fresh air driven by centrifugal forces enters working chamber C1. As engine's shaft 2 further rotates, piston 33 closes air passage 422, next piston 43 closes gas passage 36, and as volume of working chamber C1 diminishes air/fuel mixture contained therein is being compressed. As volume of said working chamber C1 approaches its minimum, air/fuel mixture is being ignited, and hot high-pressure gases are being produced. Next volume of working chamber C1 increases and hot high-pressure gases contained therein expand producing useful power and completing ordinary two-stroke Otto cycle.
This is another preferred embodiment of the invention, namely 2-stroke oscillating spherical engine. This engine uses a variant of my spherical mechanism that produces rotary movement of one of its parts (“shaft”) from oscillating movement of other part (“oscillator”). The engine is assumed to work on the ordinary Diesel cycle.
Thus the engine comprises three moving elements: Oscillator 3, shaft 2 and intermediate eccentric 4 (which is a segment of a ball bounded by two planes) placed in engine's body 1. These four elements correspond to the four elements D, W, M and L of our spatial mechanism respectively. The peculiarity of this engine is that the axis VD of rotation of the element 3=D relative the body 1=L is perpendicular to the axis VW of rotation of the element 2=W relative the body 1=L.
Thanks to this choice of mechanism's geometry the engine produces rotary movement of the shaft 2 from the oscillating movement of the oscillator 3.
The body 1 (
The oscillator 3 (
The oscillator pistons 33 and the projection 17 form two combustion chambers C1 and C2.
The intermediate spatial eccentric 4 (
The shaft 2 (
Now a brief description of the engine work follows (see
This engine requires a separate scavenging pump, but there is also a self-sufficient variant of the engine in which one of the pistons 33 does the work of the scavenging pump (and then the engine produces one power stroke per shaft revolution).
The foregoing description discloses four preferred embodiments of the invention. One skilled in the art will readily recognize from this description and from the accompanying figures and patent claims, that many changes and modifications can be made to the preferred embodiments without departing from the true spirit, scope and nature of the inventive concepts as defined in the following patent claims.