a) The table:
b) The Top:
All bets are ONE dollar except as otherwise provided below.
All bets are ONE spin bets except as otherwise provided below.
Either ONE or more 5 dollars bets, or FIVE or more separate ONE dollar bets meet the required minimum.
Bets are accepted for larger amounts than the minimum up to the maximum of 5 thousand dollars except as provided below.
Only the dealer spins the top.
The two colors red and blue within the recessed area function separately, results on red have no effect on blue and vice versa.
Except for bets on 3 which are limited to a maximum total of 35 dollar, all other bets are accepted for larger amounts up to the maximum of 5 thousand dollars.
Bets on 3 are FIVE dollars each, these bets are awarded three spins, if in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd spin they do not win, they do not lose either. They are given a stand off, and await the next spin for a decision.
Players may take odds on their bets on 3, before the second spin and again before the third spin; these additional odds bets may be less but not more than 3 times the amount of the original bet for a total maximum of 35 dollars.
If not won in their 4th spin then these bets lose.
The dealer keeps track of the number of spins.
A spin that lands on red decides the outcome of bets on red, and the bets on blue await the next spin for a decision. Conversely a spin that lands on blue decides the result of bets on blue, and all bets on red await the next spin for a decision.
a) If uppermost side of top is 4 and its has clearly landed on red all bets on red 4 win, and all other bets on red lose, except bets on 3 in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spins. Bets on blue await the next spin for a decision.
b) If uppermost side of top is 6 and it has clearly landed on blue all bets on blue 6 win and all other bets on blue lose except bets on 3 in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spins. Bets on red await the next spin for a decision.
After each spin when tops comes to a rest result must be clear and explicit either red or blue, landings over a line or unclear must be repeated.
When top lands on a specific red number bets on that red number win, all other red bets lose, except for bets on red 3 in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spins; all bets on blue await the next spin for a decision.
If top lands on a specific blue number bets on that blue number win, all other blue bets lose, except for bets on blue 3 in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spins; in this turn all bets on red await the next spin for a decision.
The management retains unrestricted rights to establish all pay offs.
The management retains also the right to change above rules and format with the prior written consent of the Inventor.
The players buy from the bank chips identified with numbers that represent their values.
For the players the value of the chips is the price paid.
Players place their bets on the table on the circles of their choice.
The dealer spins the top and when the top comes to a rest, it lands either on the red or on the blue half of the circle; this result must be explicit and clear, if it is not so, then the spin must be repeated.
The dealer pays all bets that win, and collects all bets that lose.
And a new game is started.
This drawing illustrates the 13 players' stations, the sunken or recessed area in which the top spins, and the dealers' location.
This drawing indicates how each of the 13 players' stations is divided into two halves, one half color printed red and the other half color printed blue, also shown are a total of 12 numbers within circles in two rows, one row contains the numbers 1 through 6 in red and one row displays the numbers 1 through 6 blue, players' bets are placed on these circles.
This drawing explains the front sides 1, 2 and 3 of the top, on the back side of this drawing the numbers 4, 5 and 6 are displayed.
This drawing further explains