The United States faces a national need to increase substantially the number of American scientists and engineers. This project at Western Carolina State University addresses this need by providing academic and financial support to students pursuing engineering and engineering technology degrees at that institution. This initiative is called SPIRIT: Scholarship Program Initiative via Recruitment, Innovation, and Transformation. SPIRIT creates a focused approach to the recruitment, retention, education, and placement of engineering and technology students with academic talent and financial need. This program helps to develop domestic, workforce ready, engineers by providing scholarships that will assist qualified SPIRIT scholars to reduce their financial burden for obtaining an undergraduate education. The project promotes diversity in STEM fields, specifically for lower income students in STEM.<br/><br/>The project will utilize student-centered strategies to achieve goals for student retention and success in engineering and engineering technology majors. The educational program focuses on problem-based learning communities that nurture technical skills and professional skills. Students will be recruited into horizontally and vertically integrated cohorts that are developed into a Project Based Learning (PBL) community. The community will be characterized by extensive faculty mentoring, fundamental and applied research, hands-on design projects, and industry engagement. The horizontal integration method creates sub-cohorts with same-year students from different disciplines such as electrical engineering or mechanical engineering working in an environment that reflects how engineers work in the real world. The vertical integration method will enable sub-cohorts from different years to work together on different stages of projects in a PBL setting. The objectives of the SPIRIT program are to ensure an interdisciplinary environment that enhances technical competency through learning outcomes. These outcomes address improvements in critical skills such as intentional learning, problem solving, teamwork, project management, interpersonal communications, and leadership.