This invention relates to simulation of integrated circuits, and, in particular, to simulation of low voltage circuits in which the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the stochastic gate delay is non-Gaussian
A timing Path (TP) is a serial connection of logic elements or cells. An input is made to the TP, and the computation is made as the signal propagates through the TP. The TP delay is of interest in designing a chip: This determines the speed of the chip. The TP delay is the sum of cell delays. Traditional static timing analysis (STA) is, and has been, the method that virtually every digital design team uses to achieve timing signoff. In STA, a timing model is required for every cell in the design, or at least for the signal paths that are analyzed. The analyzer uses those timing models to calculate delays for all cells in a given path. Those delays, in turn, are summed to determine total path delays.
Statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) was developed to account for process variation by using probability distributions. In current implementations, the parameters that vary are typically gate length, gate width, flat-band voltage, oxide thickness and channel doping. These parameters are assumed to vary from one chip to another (global variation), but, within a die, they are assumed to be constant.
Particular embodiments in accordance with the invention will now be described, by way of example only, and with reference to the accompanying drawings:
For CMOS feature size of 65 nm and below, local (intra-die or within-die) variations in transistor Vt (threshold voltage) contribute stochastic variation in logic delay that is a large percentage of the nominal delay. Moreover, when circuits are operated at low voltage (Vdd≦0.5V), the standard deviation of gate delay becomes comparable to nominal delay, and the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the gate delay is highly non-Gaussian. Existing statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) tools assume a linear Gaussian distribution for delay and thus do not provide acceptable accuracy under a non-linear, non-Gaussian situation, e.g. at very low voltage; therefore, the current static timing analysis (STA) or SSTA tools cannot achieve reasonable timing accuracy at low supply voltage.
This disclosure describes a computationally efficient algorithm for computing any desired point on the Probability Density Function (PDF) of logic Timing Path (TP) delay which results from local transistor variation. This approach will be referred to herein as Non-linear Operating Point Analysis for Local Variations (NLOPALV). The approach may be embodied using commercial STA tools and integrated into the standard CAD flow using custom scripts. Timing paths from a commercial DSP implemented in 28 nm CMOS were analyzed using the proposed technique and the performance is observed to be within 5% accuracy compared to a SPICE based Monte-Carlo analysis.
Specific embodiments of the invention will now be described in detail with reference to the accompanying figures. In the following detailed description of embodiments of the invention, numerous specific details are set forth in order to provide a more thorough understanding of the invention. However, it will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that embodiments of the invention may be practiced without these specific details. In other instances, well-known features have not been described in detail to avoid unnecessarily complicating the description.
There are three categories of process variations that are important in design of modern CMOS logic [1]:
For each cell, and for the TP, there is a corner or nominal delay plus a stochastic delay which results from local variations in transistor parameters. In this disclosure, references to delay, D, unless explicitly specified otherwise, mean stochastic delay, and nominal or corner delay must be added to get total delay
This disclosure deals with the effect that local variations in CMOS transistor parameters have on logic timing at low voltage, in the range of Vdd≈0.5V. Local variations are primarily the result of variations in the number of dopant atoms in the channel of CMOS transistors [2, 3]. Local variations have long been known in analog design and in SRAM design. In analog design, local variations are called “mismatch” because of the mismatch in the Vt of adjacent transistors. But they have not generally been a problem for logic. However, shrinking of transistor geometries and low voltage design, for ultra-low power applications, make local variations increasingly important for logic.
Some approaches for handling local or intra-die variations have been previously proposed [4-8]; however, this disclosure goes beyond previous work in several important ways. At Vdd≈0.5V, circuit delay is highly non-linear in Vt variation. The result is that the PDF of the delay is highly non-Gaussian. As shown later in this disclosure, the Gaussian assumption results in substantial error at Vdd≈0.5V. This approach deals only with local variations and needs to be used in conjunction with conventional approaches to generate global fast and slow corners.
The effect of local variations is very different from the effect of Global variations. Whereas global variations in delay add linearly, local variations do not. It is well-known in statistics that the PDF of a sum of statistically independent random variables is the convolution of the PDFs of the random variables. In the case when the random variables are Gaussian, convolution gives the well-known result that the PDF of the sum is Gaussian with standard deviation equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the sigmas of the random variables
where σi are the standard deviations of the random variables being summed.
In general, however, when the random variables are not Gaussian, there is no simple expression for the PDF of the sum.
Consider a TP consisting of N statistically independent cells. The stochastic delay of each cell, Di, has a PDF: Pi(Di), that is, in general non-Gaussian. Pi(Di) is determined for the condition of fixed input slew.
The TP delay DTP, is, in general a non-linear function of the cell delays Di
DTP(D1,D2 . . . DN).
Under some conditions, TP delay is the sum of cell delays. However, when the input slew from cell i-1 affects the delay of the ith cell, an input slew correction must be added. When this is done, TP delay becomes a more complicated (and, in general non-linear) function of the Di.
The goal of the NLOPALV technique is to determine the f-sigma delay DfσTP of the TP, where f is typically f˜3 or f˜−3.
In the N-dimensional space of the Di, there is a hyper-surface defined by equation (1).
TP(D1,D2 . . . DN)=DfσTP (1)
This is illustrated for N=2 in
The curve 1504 of
defines the pairs of delay D1 & D2 such that the equation
is satisfied. Along this curve, the joint probability of D1 & D2 varies. The point where this joint probability D1 & D2 is a maximum is called the Operating Point. Operating point 1506 is illustrated in
Determining the Operating Point allows the f-sigma delay to be computed according to equation (2)
TP(D1OP,D2OP . . . DNOP (2)
In the special case where
then, the f-sigma TP delay can be evaluated by
The NPOPALV is based upon two approximations: 1) the function DTP(D1,D2 . . . DN) is linearized about the operating point and 2) the PDFs of Di are approximated by appropriate Gaussian PDFs in the vicinity of the operating point. Once these two approximations are made, the operating point can be calculated using Linear-Gaussian theory.
In order to implement the NLOPALV, the random variables Di are mapped onto the synthetic parameters ξi, through the function D(ξi) as shown in
where I(D) is the inverse of the function D(ξ).
In ξi-space, the Operating Point is determined by equation (3).
The first term represents a linearization of the function DTP with respect to Di. In the special case where
the derivative
The second term is the effective sigma that gives the best Gaussian fit to the PDF in the vicinity of the operating point. In the special case when the PDF of Di is Gaussian with standard deviation σi,
The resulting Linear-Gaussian Approximation in the vicinity of the assumed Operating Point is then used 1606 to determine a new value of the Operating Point according to equation (5)
If the new value of the Operating Point is sufficiently close to the assumed value 1608, the Operating Point calculation has converged 1612. If the new value of Operating Point is not sufficiently close, it is necessary to repeat the calculation 1604 of the Linear-Gaussian coefficients at the newly calculated Operating Point 1610.
Once the f-sigma operating point is determined, the f-sigma TP delay is given by equation (6).
TP(ξ1OP,ξ2OP . . . ξNOP) (6)
The NLOPALV framework has been described above for the calculation of f-sigma TP delay for a TP made up of individual cells. But the technique is quite general, and it can be applied to cell characterization. In the cell characterization case, the PDFs of the transistor random variables are generally Gaussian, but cell delay is a non-linear function of the transistor random variables. NLOPALV can be used to determine the ξ-sigma cell delay for a variety of values of ξ, thereby generating the CADF, D(ξ) for the cell.
The first step in calculating the effect of local variations on logic timing is the characterization of standard logic cells for local variation. Characterization needs to be done for each arc for each cell. An arc is defined by: 1) input rise or fall; 2) output load capacitance; and 3) input slew. The delay of a cell depends critically on all of these parameters. Characterization of a cell requires characterization over the entire range of input slews and output capacitances for input rise and input fall. Generally, a cell is characterized at 3-4 values of input slew and 3-4 values of output capacitance, and interpolation is used for values of input slew and output capacitance between the characterized values. At characterization, a Cell-Arc Delay Function (CADF), D(ξ), is generated for each arc of each cell.
Characterization needs to be done for each global corner of importance. The timing corner typically bounds the timing behavior in context of potential variations of process variations, temperature and voltage. For each cell, a set of curves is determined and stored for later use. Typically, the set of curves for a given cell may include approximately twenty curves. This initial characterization may be done using Monte-Carlo techniques based on measured transistor data for a selected CMOS process for the transistors that are included within the cell, or it may be done using NLOPALV as shown in subsequent paragraphs.
NLOPALV methods may also be used to efficiently model the local transistor variation at a cell level, rather than using Monte-Carlo techniques. In this case, a cell is characterized by performing the following operations. First, define the normalized random variable ζi=xi/σi. Then, perform sensitivity analysis of all the local variables to determine the impact of all local variables on the timing response of the timing using equation (7).
where xi are transistor random variables and σi is the standard deviation of the random variable xi, and D is stochastic delay of an Arc-Cell.
Local variables that have negligible effect on D may then be eliminated. An operating point (OP) is then obtained at multiple values of ξ:−3<ξ<+3, using equation (8).
At each operating point, new values of αi are calculated and new values of ξiOP(ξ) are calculated by repeating equation (8).
At each operating point, the delay & corresponding output slew are calculated. The resulting Cell Arc Delay Function (CADF) D(ξ) and Slew Arc Delay Function (SADF) S(ξ) constitute the output of cell characterization for Local Variables.
Referring again to
The goal of multi-stage SSTA is to determine the 3-sigma TP delay (or in general the f-sigma TP delay) without incurring the computational expense of computing the entire PDF of the TP delay. In general, the PDFs of the logic cell delays are highly non-Gaussian. However, even in the non-Gaussian case, the concept of f-sigma delay has meaning. As shown in
The concept of operating point is important in the NLOPALV approach. The Operating Point in ξi-space is the point where the integrand of the convolution integral is maximum. This is the same as saying that the joint probability density of the Di is a maximum. This is important because the value of the convolution integral is determined mostly by the values of ξi in the immediate vicinity of the Operating Point. The NLOPALV approach makes the assumption that TP delay DTP is approximately linear in ξi in the immediate vicinity of the Operating Point.
Within the validity of this assumption, the f-sigma operating point is the point of tangency of the hyper-plane DTP(ξi)=DfσTP with the hyper-sphere of radius f.
Starting with a timing path of N logic cells, each of which is characterized by CADF Di(ξi), the f-sigma TP delay may be determined. For simplicity, assume that the stochastic delays Di are statistically independent. It will be seen below that this simplifying assumption is not true, but this complication will be addressed later. The f-sigma operating point may be defined as shown in equation (9).
Equation (9) needs to be solved iteratively, but once the operating point of the TP is determined, the f-sigma timing path delay may be approximated as a linear sum of f-sigma operating point delays of the constituent logic cells, as shown in equation (10).
TP(ξ1,ξ2 . . . ξN)=DfσTP.
Furthermore, the operating point lies on the hyper-sphere 210, where
From this, it follows that the operating point results from the simultaneous solution of the above equations. Considering Dfσest as initial estimates of Dfσ, a family of curves 220 may be determined. The Operating Point is the point of tangency of the curve 222
TP(ξ1,ξ2 . . . ξN)=Dfσest
with the hyper-sphere 210
and the value of Dfσest that defines the curve is the desired value of Dfσ.
In the 2-stage case, making linear approximation in the region near the operating point, the operating point may be determined as the point of tangency of the line
with the circle
The operating point can thus be given as defined by equations (11).
This analysis can be easily extended to N stage timing path where the operating point is given by equation (9).
However, in real timing paths, the stage delays Di are not statistically independent. The stochastic delays of adjacent stages are correlated since the output slew of one stage is the input slew of the next stage. In fact, the total stochastic delay of cell i depends on the delay of the previous cells i-1 and i-2. This is true because the delay of cell i depends on the input slew, which depends on the delay of cell i-1. Similarly, the delay of cell i-1 depends on the delay of cell i-2. So, in principal, the delay of cell i depends on the delays of all previous cells. Accounting for the dependence on the delay of the previous two cells typically provides adequate accuracy.
Note that, when input slew correction is considered, there are still only N statistically independent random variables Di, where N is the number of cells in a TP. And there are only N synthetic parameters ξi. But now, the cell delay in ξi-space is given by the hyper-plane
where ξiOP=f-sigma Operating Point
where Si is the output slew for the ith cell
The f-sigma OP is now given by the following expression
This approach leads to an iterative algorithm for determining the operating point and thereon computing DfσTP that can be summarized as follows. Prior to analyzing a design, all cells in the design are characterized to create a cell library for each cell. For each arc of each cell, determine the Cell-Arc Delay Function (CADF) Di(ξi) and the Cell-Arc Slew Function (CASF) Si(ξi). The cell library includes cell instances corresponding to each characterization point αi.
Once a design has been created, the nominal delays Dinom for each stage in the timing path are taken from the cell characterization data. An initial estimate of the operating point is determined using equation (16).
Then calculate a first estimate of αi, ηi, and λi from the equations 12, 13, and 14. Using the above OP values of αi, ηi, and λi, compute a new estimate of the f-sigma OP using the equation 15.
Once the operating point has been determined, then the f-sigma TP delay can be determined using equations 17, 18 and 19.
This is the result of the NLOPALV applied to TP analysis A simple iterative computation produces an estimated timing path delay for non-Gaussian cell delays that has accuracy similar to that of a full Monte Carlo analysis. Monte Carlo analysis is capable of giving an “exact” result if sufficient Monte Carlo points are computed, but the computational cost of making the Monte Carlo calculation is prohibitive.
The input slew correction technique described here is useful for Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian PDF. Of course, the entire NLOPALV technique is valid for Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian statistics.
Integration with the CAD Flow
For the purposes of simplicity,
As described above, prior to a CAD session, each cell that will be used in the design is characterized 302. Generally, a cell is characterized for input rise and input fall at 3-4 values of input slew and 3-4 values of output capacitance, and interpolation is used for values of input slew and output capacitance between the characterized values. At characterization, a Cell-Arc Delay Function (CADF), D(ξ), and a Cell-Arc Slew Function (CASF), S(ξ), as described in more detail above, are generated for each arc (input rise/fall, input slew and output capacitance) of each cell.
A cell library is created 304 with cell characterization done at a range of the synthetic parameter ξ=αj as described in more detail above.
A design is then created 305 in a normal, known manner. Various known design tools may be used to create a circuit design. Once a design is created, then an initial timing run is performed 306 using the timing simulation tool. Once a design has been created, the nominal delays Dinom for each stage in the timing path are taken from the cell characterization data. An initial estimate of the operating point is determined using equation (16). The initial estimates of Operating Point are used in 308 and 310 to calculate new estimates for α, and these are used to obtain a new estimate of f-sigma operating points ξiOP in box 312. This process is continued until the values of operating point converge. Typically, convergence occurs in approximately five iterations. Once they have converged, the values of operating point are used in box 314 to compute cell delays (box 314). An f-sigma TP delay (box 316) may be calculated by a simple linear summation of the individual cell delays.
To validate the NLOPALV approach disclosed herein, it was tested on logic paths taken from a commercial Digital Signal Processor (DSP) implemented in 28 nm technology, operating at 0.5V. The NLOPALV algorithm and the corresponding CAD flow to determine 3-sigma delay for the logic timing path were used and the results were compared to results obtained from a SPICE based Monte-Carlo analysis. Monte-Carlo analysis of a timing path is computationally intensive and extremely time consuming, and is therefore generally not practical for use on a complicated design such as the DSP used in this experiment.
The 3a stochastic delay is 13.41 ns, compared to a nominal delay of 9.17 ns. This shows that the variation at 0.5V can be much higher than the nominal delay itself.
The 3-sigma stochastic delay calculated using the Gaussian approximation is 8.53 ns compared to the actual 3-sigma stochastic delay of 13.41 ns. This shows that the Gaussian approximation is highly optimistic.
The NLOPALV analysis was performed on different paths of different lengths, taken from the 28 nm Digital Signal Processor. Table 1 summarizes additional results for a few of these paths. The 3-sigma delay (nominal +3σ stochastic delay) computed using NLOPALV shows excellent agreement with Monte-Carlo. This contrasts with the large errors that result when the delay is assumed to be Gaussian.
An extension to the NLOPALV approach will now be described to perform setup and hold time analysis on timing paths including clock paths.
Setup and hold analysis computes setup and hold values which determine the timing margin of the design on particular paths. Slack needs to be above zero to meet timing requirement. The slack for setup is defined as clock period plus capture clock delay subtracted by the sum of launch clock delay and data path delay. The slack for hold is defined as launch clock delay plus data path delay subtracted by capture clock delay. Therefore, a subtraction operation is needed for NLOPALV to obtain slack values in setup and hold analysis.
Consider the hold constraint:
In presence of statistical variations, it must be verified that:
Similarly, the setup constraint as:
where, TCLK is the clock period for the design.
The PDFs for setup/hold time for registers 602, 604 and other logic path elements are obtained from cell characterization. The NLOPALV approach described above can be used to compute (D1−D2)+/−3σ operating points for the cells by considering the paths D1 and D2 together and computing the +/−3σ operating point for the cells in both these paths taken together.
In order to determine the f-sigma value of the delay (D1−D2), the operating point values of D1 and negative operating point values of D2 are used. During setup and hold analysis, to handle common clock paths, the operating points on cells of common clock path are set to zero. The slew rate from the output of the common path is applied to the following stages for further analysis in NLOPALV.
Thus, the NLOPALV approach can be applied to setup/hold analysis by modifying the polarity of operating points to realize the “subtraction” operation and centering the operating point at zero for cells on the common clock path.
This approach was verified by considering timing paths along with the corresponding clock paths from the DSP mentioned above. The 3σ setup/hold slack is computed using the NLOPALV approach described above and the results are compared with those obtained from SPICE based Monte-Carlo simulations. Timing paths taken from the same DSP are used and the results are summarized in
The NLOPALV computation runs in linear time with respect to number of stages, whereas the Monte-Carlo analysis has exponential run time. In the NLOPALV approach, no expensive Monte-Carlo simulations are required during timing closure. The NLOPALV approach does not assume delay PDF to be Gaussian and can handle the case where delay is a highly non-linear function of random variables with non-Gaussian PDF. The concept of operating point greatly simplifies computations despite non-linearities without sacrificing accuracy. Furthermore, this approach can be extended for optimizing the designs to reduce the stochastic delays.
In STEP 1 (801), conventional static timing analysis is done by setting all cells to their most pessimistic operating points: +3 sigma or −3 sigma as described below, and as indicated at 810. The required times for capture clock delay for hold or capture clock delay plus clock period for setup and arrival time for launch clock delay plus data path delay are calculated using pessimistic −3 sigma or +3 sigma delay. For example, for hold analysis, the required time is estimated by setting all cells in the required time path to +3 sigma (operating point equals to +3) and arrival time is estimated by setting all cells in the arrival time path to −3 sigma. The slack is calculated at 812 by subtracting the arrival time from the required time. This is the most pessimistic condition for hold analysis. A similar operation is applied for setup analysis. After that, the paths with positive slack may be eliminated at 814 as they are not critical even under most pessimistic estimation. While +/−3 sigma is suggested here for a pessimistic analysis, a higher or lower number may be used for the pessimistic f-sigma analysis.
In STEP 2 (802), in remaining paths, for each clock launch and capture pair, perform the NLOPALV analysis for the clock skew (difference between capture and launch paths) on the clock path pair only, as indicated at 820. This provides a more accurate timing result on clock paths. Because the number of clock pairs is much smaller than the number of total timing paths, the number of NLOPALV analyses required in this step is much less than the analysis required if NLOPALV is performed on every timing path. The data path delay still uses the pessimistic estimation from STEP 1. The slack values are then updated using more accurate clock path delay and previous data path delay as indicated in 822. We can eliminate the paths with positive slack after this step as they are not critical under our pessimistic estimation in this step, as indicated in 824
After this two-step pruning process, only a single-digit percent of paths usually remain. NLOPALV will be applied on the remaining paths for final timing analysis, as indicated in 830.
When there are convergent paths, a statistical MAX operation can be performed at the node of convergence to further improve the accuracy of the SSTA analysis. A scheme for calculating an accurate statistical delay on convergent paths by introducing a correction on the desired operating points of the paths will now be described.
Referring to
Consider the two delay paths D1 & D2 having PDF given by P1(D1) and P2(D2). If DM is defined to be DM=max(D1,D2), the PDF of DM can be written as
PM(DM) out near the 3-sigma tail can be approximated by equation (20).
PM(DM)≈P1(DM)+P2(DM) (20)
Equation (20) is a good approximation for g≧1.5. This approximation is equivalent to replacing the Max operator 906 with an Or operator.
PM(DM)≈2P1(DM) (21)
The g-sigma value of DM equals the g+δg value of D1, i.e., DM(g)=D1(g+δg) and δg is obtained from φ(g)=2φ(g+δg). The PDF of max 906 output is 2× the PDF of either variable. The 3-sigma delays for the two TPs add together to give a tail integral of 0.0027, which is double the 3-sigma error of 0.00135. Thus, the 3-sigma delay of DM=Max(D1, D2) is greater than 3 by some amount δD. It will be shown in the next paragraph that the 3-sigma delay for DM is equal to the 3.205-sigma delay for D1.
If the Gaussian “tail integral” is defined to be
then the above result can be obtained by substituting g=3 into the equation (22).
−1{Φ(g)/2} (22)
This means that the 3-sigma delay DM is not D1(g) evaluated at g=3. It is D1(g) evaluated at g=3.205. More generally, the g-sigma delay DM is D1(g) evaluated at g+δg where the correction δg is given by Equation (22) and is tabulated in the table below under the column Δg=0. This is an exact solution to the problem of computing DM(g) where PM(D)=2P1(D). It is valid for arbitrary P1(D).
Note that DM(g)=D1(g1)=D2(g2). All three of these points lie on a horizontal line 1202 defined by δD. Equation (23) is an exact solution. It can, in principal, be solved by adjusting the value of δD until Equation (23) is satisfied. Once Equation (23) is satisfied, DM(g) is defined by the intersection of the horizontal line 1202 with the coordinate g 1204. This also defines δg=g1−g for which DM(g)=D1(g+δg). By following this procedure, the function DM(g) can be determined for arbitrary value of g.
P2(D)≈P1(D+ΔD) (24)
This leads to
As before, a correction δg=g1−g, such that DM(g) can be obtained from equation (25)
M(g)=D1(g+δg) (25)
As before, δg can be obtained by solving Equation (23). However, the assumption of Equation (24) allows Equation (23) to be simplified to equation (26).
Φ(g)=Φ(g+δg)+Φ(g+δg+Δg) (26)
Equations 25 and 26 define the Max-correction. When Δg=0, these equations simplify to the case that was discussed above when P1(D)=P2(D). And, when Δg is large, the correction is zero, and PM(D)=P1(D).
The correction δg depends on two parameters: g and Δg. Table 2 shows calculations of this correction. The corrections are meaningful only for g≧1.5 because, for small g, the approximation in Equation (20) is not valid.
Determine which path D1 or D2 has the longest total stochastic plus corner delay 1303. If D1(g1op) and D2(g2op) are sufficiently close in value 1304, then compute 1306 the Max correction according to equations (25) and (26). If D1(g1op) and D2(g2op) are not close, no Max correction is required 1305.
If D1(g1op) and D2(g2op) are close to equal, the Max correction is computed, 1306. If D1(g1op)>D2(g2op) at 1303, then g1op>g2op. Compute 1308 an approximate delay according to equation (27).
D2(g1op)≈α2op(g1op−g2op)+D2(g2op) (27)
Next compute 1310 a delta according to equation (28).
Determine 1312 the value of δg from Table 2 and determine max correction by inserting this value into equation (29). The max correction to the TP is α1OPδg
M(g1op)=D1(g1op)+α1opδg (29)
It may be observed that the Max correction is, at most a 10% increase on the delay to the left of the point of convergence. If the convergence is early in the TP (ie if D1(g1op) and D2(g2op) are small compared to D3(g3op), the Max correction is a small percentage of the overall f-sigma TP delay. The worst case correction occurs when D1(g1op) and D2(g2op) are large compared to D3(g3op), and when D1(g1op)≈D2(g2op). In this case, the Max correction may be ˜10% of the overall TP delay.
Under some circumstances of low voltage operation, the PDF of the cell delay is Gaussian. In this case, the PDF can be completely determined by a mean and standard deviation. Cell delay has a Gaussian PDF whenever cell delay is linearly related to the underlying Local random variables. However, in general, the cell delay is not linear in the underlying Local random variables, and the cell delay PDF is non-Gaussian. The NLOPALV approach can be used whether the cell delay is Gaussian or non-Gaussian. However, other techniques are available in the Gaussian case, and the primary value of the NLOPALV approach is to accurately predict f-sigma delay when the cell PDF is non-Gaussian.
The techniques described in this disclosure may be implemented in hardware, software, firmware, or any combination thereof. If implemented in software, the software may be executed in one or more processors, such as a microprocessor, application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), field programmable gate array (FPGA), or digital signal processor (DSP). The software that executes the techniques may be initially stored in a computer-readable medium such as compact disc (CD), a diskette, a tape, a file, memory, or any other computer readable storage device and loaded and executed in the processor. In some cases, the software may also be sold in a computer program product, which includes the computer-readable medium and packaging materials for the computer-readable medium. In some cases, the software instructions may be distributed via removable computer readable media (e.g., floppy disk, optical disk, flash memory, USB key), via a transmission path from computer readable media on another digital system, etc.
Certain terms are used throughout the description and the claims to refer to particular system components. As one skilled in the art will appreciate, components in digital systems may be referred to by different names and/or may be combined in ways not shown herein without departing from the described functionality. This document does not intend to distinguish between components that differ in name but not function. In the discussion and in the claims, the terms “including” and “comprising” are used in an open-ended fashion, and thus should be interpreted to mean “including, but not limited to . . . .” Also, the term “couple” and derivatives thereof are intended to mean an indirect, direct, optical, and/or wireless electrical connection. Thus, if a first device couples to a second device, that connection may be through a direct electrical connection, through an indirect electrical connection via other devices and connections, through an optical electrical connection, and/or through a wireless electrical connection.
Although method steps may be presented and described herein in a sequential fashion, one or more of the steps shown and described may be omitted, repeated, performed concurrently, and/or performed in a different order than the order shown in the figures and/or described herein. Accordingly, embodiments of the invention should not be considered limited to the specific ordering of steps shown in the figures and/or described herein.
It is therefore contemplated that the appended claims will cover any such modifications of the embodiments as fall within the true scope and spirit of the invention.
The present application claims priority to and incorporates by reference U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/175,853, (attorney docket TI-66728PS) filed May 6, 2009, entitled “A Computationally Efficient Algorithm For Performing Accurate, Path-Based SSTA In The Regime Where Cell Delay Is Highly Non-Linear In The Underlying Random Variables, And The Probability Density Of The Delay Is Non-Gaussian.”
Number | Date | Country | |
61175853 | May 2009 | US |