This invention is primarily a safety glove. It would be used and sold to construction workers, mill workers, tech schools, public high schools. Anywhere and anyone handling tools like—(table saws, rotary saws, steel beans in construction building, hammers). The way the (Steel Thumb/Glove) would work is when someone is possibly using a table saw trimming wood. Instead of having a possible injury happening like losing a thumb with it coming so close to the blade. The “Steel Thumb” (lined with steel casing around the thumb). would protect them from injury or losing a thumb. Another example would be a carpenter or everyday person using a basic hammer. Many times, we miss the nail and hammer hit our finger/or thumb when swinging the hammer down. Well by wearing the (Steel Thumb)-lined with steel around the thumb the physical thumb would be protected once again being its lined with steel around the thumb preventing it from being injured. In the instance of a construction worker building a skyscraper and two beams together. By wearing the (“Steel Thumb”) line with steel around the thumb the construction worker would protect his thumb in the even a steel beam connected the wrong way and smashing up against his thumb. This would also be a safety glove when a person is using a rotary saw as well. In the event the rotary blade misses and comes close to the thumb it wouldn't permanently take the thumb off while wearing the (Steel Thumb) glove for protection.
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