Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
This invention was created to fill a needed gap in clothing accessories and protection from the cold.
All other ear muffs provide cover and protection by clamping a covering over the ears held in place by a spring type strap over the head. This style can create discomfort and even headache.
Another variety of ear covering provides a singular cover that lightly pinches over the ear creating discomfort for some wearers.
Our intent was to provide warmth and protection by creating a cover that did not clamp or pinch.
Having a background in clothing and accessory construction and design as well as having participated in many cold weather outdoor activities such as cross-country skiing, mountain climbing, and wilderness survival, the need for ultimate protection from the cold, especially to the extremities, is understood.
Within that understanding, given the increasing cold weather being experienced in the United States, especially in the Northern regions, it is our intent to provide a means of protecting the ears without the nuisance of the over-head band.
In our experience with the ear muffs available, which use an over-the-head band to secure them, we suffered from pain and headache after wearing them for only a short time. The STRAPLESS EAR MUFFS can be worn for an extended period of time without discomfort. As an accessory they can look fashionable and be functional as well.
Knowing that trapped air is the best insulator, our STRAPLESS EAR MUFFS provide the necessary insulation by using the lightweight, air trapping, foam.
FIG. 1—A view of the Strapless Ear Muff showing the inside surface and the ear shaped cutout
FIG. 2—A view of the inside surface that lies against the head; the plastic reinforcement (1) and the ear cutout (2).
FIG. 3—Side view showing the laminated layers of foam: Outside layer, ½″ medium density foam; Middle layer, ¾″ medium density foam; Third layer, ⅛″ heavy density craft foam; Plastic reinforcement, 1/16″ plastic.
FIG. 4—Cross section showing how the layers, laminated together, create the cavity that protects the ear. Reference 1 indicates the cavity.
FIG. 5—Interior view depicting the cavity without the inside surface. The outside and middle layer of ½″ medium density foam. Reference 1—outside layer of foam viewed from the inside. Reference 2—middle layer of foam, creating the cavity, viewed from inside.
FIG. 6—Complete Outside Fabric Cover, constructed of faux fur or fleece, removable and held on with ¼″ elastic.
FIG. 7A—Outside Fabric Cover, Fabric piece with 1/4″ seam allowance.
The STRAPLESS EAR MUFFS provide a warm, lightweight atmosphere for the ears in inclement weather. The ear muffs are designed so that the wearer places them on by fitting the ear in through the ear shaped opening thereby placing the ear inside a cavity, surrounded by medium density foam. The air trapped by the foam and the fabric covering provides maximum insulation and warmth
The ear muffs are created by cutting and laminating pieces of ½″ medium density foam in such a manner as to create a cavity in which the ear is placed and then, surrounded by the foam and fabric covering, is protected from severe temperatures.
The cavity is created by cutting a strip of foam ½″×¾″ by 11″. That piece is then laminated to the outside piece, in a circular manner, creating the cavity.