Patent Grant
Patent Number
Date Filed
Tuesday, November 3, 199826 years ago
Date Issued
Tuesday, November 21, 200024 years ago
Original Assignees
- Locker; Howard J.
- Baker; Wendy Anne
US Classifications
Field of Search
International Classifications
This invention relates to a new and distinct variety of strawberry named `Alisal`. The variety is similar to the variety `Commander`. The variety is characterized from `Commander`, in particular, by its plant height, spread and number of crowns; bract frequency and fruit skin and flesh color.
The new variety orginated as a result of a controlled cross between the strawberry plant `R2` (an unpatented variety of Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.) and `Key Largo` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,649) in an ongoing breeding program, and was discovered as a seedling in a controlled breeding plot. The original seedling of the new cultivar was asexually propagated by stolons at the Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc. nursery in Shasta County, Calif. Propagules were transplanted to a controlled breeding plot on the Fly Ranch in Monterey County, Calif. in November of 1993 where the new cultivar first fruited in April of 1994 and was selected for further evaluation. `Alisal` was subsequently asexually propagated and underwent further testing in the area of Watsonville, Calif. from 1995 through 1998. This propagation and testing has demonstrated that the combination of traits disclosed herein which characterize the new variety are fixed and retained true to type through successive generations of asexual reproduction.
The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of strawberry named `Alisal`. The variety is botanically identified as Fragaria.times.ananassa. The new variety is distinguished from other varieties by a number of characteristics as set forth in Tables 1, 2 and 3.
The variety which we believe to be closest to `Alisal` from those known to us is `Commander` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 7,024). There are several characteristics of the new variety that are different from, or not possessed by `Commander`. Table 1 provides information on the plant and fruit characteristics of the new variety `Alisal` compared with characteristics of `Commander`. Table 2 provides additional information of the plant and fruit characteristics of the new variety `Alisal` compared with characteristics of the varieties `Commander`, `Lido` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 10,534), and `Key Largo` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,469). Table 3 provides isozyme characteristics of the new variety as compared to the varieties `Commander`, `Lido` and `Key Largo`. Data was taken from each variety as grown in a side-by-side field trial with `Alisal`.
The accompanying photographs show typical specimens of the new variety, including fruit, foliage and flowers, in color as nearly true as it is reasonably possible to make in color illustrations of these characteristics.
FIG. 1 shows the general characteristics of the whole plant.
FIG. 2 shows the upper surface of two typical mature leaves of the new variety.
FIG. 3 shows the flower and reproductive organs of the new variety, as well as the size and position of the petals and sepals and the underside of the calyx.
FIG. 4 shows five typical whole fruit.
FIG. 5 shows five typical sliced fruit, illustrating the typical flesh and flesh coloration.
The following detailed description of the new variety is based upon observations taken of plants and fruit grown in Watsonville, Calif., U.S.A. Observations of `Alisal` and `Commander` were taken in side by side comparison in 1998. This description is in accordance with UPOV terminology. Color designations, color descriptions, and other phenotypical descriptions may deviate from the stated values and descriptions depending upon variation in environmental, seasonal, climatic and cultural conditions. Colors are described using standard Munsell Notation.
5.1 Propagation
The new variety is principally propagated by way of stolons. Although propagation by stolons is presently preferred, other known methods of propagating strawberry plants may be employed.
5.2 Characteristics of the New Variety
Information on the new variety is presented in Tables 1, 2 and 3. In the tables, the flowers described are secondary flowers except where indicated. Petal color of `Alisal` is white (N 9.5). The fruit described is the secondary fruit on one year old plants. Fruit and flower measurements are an average of both primary and secondary fruit and flowers.
Plants and Foliage
Plants of `Alisal` are slightly more vigorous and upright in form than those of `Commander` in side by side trials. The foliage canopy of `Alisal` is denser than that of `Commander`, `Key Largo` or `Lido` (see Table 2). The upper leaf surface of `Alisal` is lighter green than that of `Commander` and `Lido` and slightly darker than that of `Key Largo`. The shape of leaves of `Alisal` in cross section is flatter than those of `Commander` and `Lido` and slightly less flat than those of `Key Largo`. `Alisal` has pronounced interveinal leaf blistering giving the leaves a crinkled appearance. The interveinal blistering of `Alisal` is stronger than that of `Commander` and much stronger than `Lido` or `Key Largo`. The frequency of bracts on petioles of `Alisal` is much higher than that of `Commander`, `Lido` or `Key Largo`. Bracts on `Alisal` are typically present in pairs while those on the reference cultivars are typically single. Terminal leaflets of `Alisal` possess a higher number of teeth than those of `Commander` and `Key Largo` and a slightly higher number than those of `Lido`. The leaves of `Alisal` produce anthocyanin earlier in the fall of the year than those of `Commander` or `Lido`. Appearance of the anthocyanin pigment is similar in timing to that of `Key Largo`. In 1998, leaf anthocyanin first appeared on plants of `Key Largo` and `Alisal` in early-October, while on plants of `Commander` it appeared in late-October-early November.
Flower and Fruit Characteristics
The flowers of `Alisal` are similar or slightly smaller in size than those of `Commander`, while the calyx is on average larger than that of `Commander`. The date of first bloom for `Alisal` ranges from early February to early April, depending on climatic conditions. The individual bloom lasts from 2 to 5 days, also depending on climatic conditions. The petals of `Alisal` flowers are broader than long (broadly spatulate), while those of `Commander` are as broad as thay are long. `Alisal` typically displays 6 petals per flower, though petals may occationally number 5 or 7. The flower shape of `Alisal` is typical of the species. `Alisal` typically displays 10 (occasionally 12 or 14) broadly lanceolate speals. There is an average of 5.5 (range of 4 to 7) flowers per inflorescence. No fragrance is detectable. The fruit skin color of `Alisal` is darker than that of `Commander` and `Lido` but similar in color to that of `Key Largo`. The fruit flesh color of `Alisal` is white to pale rose and is similar to that of `Commander` and `Lido` but lighter red than that of `Key Largo`. The average fruit size for `Alisal` is larger than that of `Key Largo` but slightly smaller than that of `Commander` and `Lido`. The primary fruit is larger than the secondary fruit. The shape of the primary fruit is wedge to wedge-conic. The achenes of `Alisal` are red (9.7R 2.2/5.9) to yellow (9.1YR 7.3/15.7) in color and indented. In a blind taste test, fruit of `Alisal` has rated higher than that of `Commander` and less than that of `Lido`. Flavor was preferred over that of `Commander`. The shipping ability of `Alisal` fruit as measured by percent damaged fruit after transcontinental shipping is similar to that of `Commander`.
The production cycle of `Alisal` is similar to that of `Commander` but with greater late season yield (Table 1). Production of `Alisal` commences in early to mid-April and continues through early-November in the Watsonville, Calif. area. The chilling requirement of `Alisal` is approximately 2 weeks of cold storage prior to planting for optional fruit yields which is intermediate to that of `Commander` and `Lido`. The total yield for `Alisal` and `Commander` are comparable when grown under similar cultural regimes.
TABLE 1______________________________________DETAILED COMPARISON OF `ALISAL` AND `COMMANDER` Commander Alisal______________________________________Plant CharacteristicsHeight of Plant 20.85 cmSpread of Plant 42.80 cmNumber of Crowns 4.1Leaf CharacteristicsTerminal Leaflet Width 8.26 cm 7.82 cmTerminal Leaflet Length 8.38 cm 8.06 cmTerminal Leaflet 1.03Length/Width RatioNumber of Teeth/Terminal 25.44 18.50LeafletPetiole Length 20.34 cmBract Frequency 20%Stipule Length 3.30 cmStipule Width 1.02 cmStipule Color 7.4GY 2.3/4.0.8Flower CharacteristicsPetal Width 12.7 mm mmPetal Length 12.5 mmmmPetal Length/Width Ratio 1.06 0.98Flower Diameter 32.0 mmCalyx Diameter 31.3 mmFruit CharacteristicsFruit Width 37.10 mm0 mmFruit Length 38.00 mm mmFruit Length/Width Ratio 0.91 1.02Average Berry Size 23.9 gFruit Skin Color 8.3R 3.5/13.0Fruit Flesh Color 9.2R 5.2/ 16.7 & white 16.4 & whiteTotal Yield (g/plant) 1579Late Yield (g/plant) 496______________________________________ *Yield after 8/15/98
TABLE 2______________________________________CHARACTERISTICS OF `ALISAL`,`COMMANDER`, `LIDO`, and `KEY LARGO` Commander Lidol l Key Largo______________________________________ PlantHabit flat upright to globose globose globose globose to flatDensity medium to open open open denseVigor medium weak weakLeafColor of upper light light to medium to lightside medium dark green green 6.1 GY green 5.6 GY 6.1 GY 3.2/5.8 8.9 GY 2.3/3.6 3.2/5.8 2.3/4.7Color of under light light light lightside gray-- gray- gray- green green green greenShape in cross siightly concave concave flatsection concave to flat (mostly flat)Interveinal strong to medium to medium mediumblistering very strong strongGlossiness weak to medium to weak to medium strongdium mediumNumber of 3 3 3leafletsTerminal revolute revolute flat revoluteleaflet margin to flat to flat to fiatprofileTerminal 1.03 1.00 1.03leaflet length/width ratioTerminal obtuse obtuse acute toleaflet shape obtuse obtuseof baseTerminal obtuse to rounded acuteleaflet shape roundedof teethTerminal 18.5 22.6 19.7leaflet averagenumber of teethPetiole sparse sparse to sparse topubescence sparse to medium sparsePetiole pose of outwards outwards upwards to upwardshairs outwardsBracts 20% 50% 10%frequency on (mostly (mostly (mostly (mostlypetioles single) single) single)StolonNumber medium to few to few to many medium mediumAnthocyanin strong weak to medium medium tocoloration medium strongThickness medium thick thinPubescence medium to sparse medium to sparse denseInflorescencePosition level to level to aboverelative to abovevefoliageFlower size medium to large medium small to mediumDiameter of larger to same size same size larger tocalyx relative same size to larger muchto corolla largerDiameter of smaller to same size larger largerinner calyx same sizerelative toouterSpacing of over- over- over- over-petals lapping lapping lappingPetal length/ longer broader broader as long aswidth ratio than broad than long than long broad to as long as broadFruiting TrussAttitude at semi-erect prostrate erect to semi-erectfirst picking to semi-erect prostrateLength medium to medium short to long long mediumFruitLength/Width broader as long as long as as long asRatio as broad broad broad to to as long longer as broad than broadWeight 23.9 g 24.2 g 20.3 gPredominant conical to conical cordate conicalshape to bi- conicalDifference in moderate slight moderate slightshapes between to marked to markedprimary andsecondaryfruitsBand without very narrow to absent or absent orachenes narrow to medium very very narrow narrowrrowUnevenness of weak weak medium very weaksurface to weakSkin color red to orange red red dark red red 6.6R 5.5R 8.3R 3.2/12.6 2.9/11.6 2.9/9.7 3.5/13.0Evenness of even slightly even evencolor unevenGlossiness strong strong strong weak to mediumInsertion of below the level below to below toachenes surface with the level with level with the surface the surface surfaceInsertion of in a basin level in a basin levelcalyxPose of the spreading spreading spreading spreadirigcalyx segments to reflex to reflexSize of calyx same size same size smaller same sizein relation to to largerfruitFirmness of soft to medium medium to medium toflesh medium firmColor of flesh white to light red pale rose orange red pale rose to orange & white 6.8R and white red 7.8 R/ 3.7/15.8 7.0R 9.2R 5.2/16.5 4.3/16.4 5.2/16.7Evenness of uneven slightly slightly slightlyflesh color uneven unevenDistribution of only marginal marginal marginalflesh color marginal and and and central central centralHollow center small medium absent small tosize mediumSweetness medium to medium to strong medium strong strongTexture when fine to fine to fine mediumtasted mediummAcidity weak to weak medium medium______________________________________
5.3 Resistance to Stress
The new variety is moderately resistant to high soil pH and moderately susceptible to high soil salt levels.
5.4 Insect and Disease Resistance and Susceptibility
The `Alisal` variety is moderately susceptible to Xanthomonas fragariae and Botrytis fruit rot. The variety is moderately resistant to Powdery Mildew. `Alisal` is susceptible to Verticillium wilt. The `Alisal` variety is also susceptible to injury by the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and lygus bug (Lygus hesperus).
In addition to the morphological description above, the new cultivar `Alisal` has been analyzed to obtain an indication of its genetic makeup to provide further means for identifying the new variety and distinguishing it from some other somewhat similar and/or relates strawberry varieties. Specifically, leaf samples of `Alisal`, `Commander`, `Lido` and `Key Largo` were analyzed by electrophoresis for isozyme patterns of the enzymes phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM). See J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106:684-687. Isozyme characterization of the three varieties is presented in Table 3, with the letters representing the banding patterns for each enzyme as designated in the above-identified article.
TABLE 3______________________________________ ISOZYME PHENOTYPES FOR `ALISAL`, - `COMMANDER`, `LIDO` AND`KEY LARGO` Locus Alisal Commander Lido Key Largo______________________________________PGI A4 A4 A3 A1LAP B3 B3PGM C4 C4______________________________________
- 1. A new and distinct variety of strawberry plant, substantially as shown and described.
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