The strawberry cultivar of this invention is botanically identified as Fragaria×ananassa Duch.
The variety denomination is ‘Fronteras’.
This invention relates to a new and distinctive short-day type cultivar designated as ‘Fronteras’, which resulted from a cross performed in 2008 between two unreleased germplasm accessions Cal 4.18-4 and Cal 5.165-1. Accession Cal 4.18-4 was chosen as a parent due to its very high early productivity, large and high quality fruit, and moderate plant vigor. Accession Cal 5.165-1 was chosen as a parent due to its vigorous but open plant habit and firm, large and flavorful fruit, and extended productivity.
‘Fronteras’ was first fruited at the University of California South Coast Research and Extension Center, near Irvine, Calif. in 2009, where it was selected, originally designated Cal 8.132-608, and propagated asexually by runners. Following selection and during testing the plant of this selection was designated ‘C235’. With the decision that this plant was to be released, this plant was given the name ‘Fronteras’ for purposes of introduction into commerce and for international registration and recognition. Asexual propagules from this original source have been tested at the Watsonville Strawberry Research Facility, the South Coast Research and
Extension Center, and to a limited extent in grower fields starting in 2010. The cultivar is stable and reproduces true to type in successive generations of asexual reproduction.
‘Fronteras’ is a short-day (June bearing) cultivar similar to ‘Camarosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,708), but with greater productivity, higher quality fruit, and earlier production; it is similar to ‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469) and ‘Benicia’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 22,542), but with somewhat later production, a larger plant, superior fruit and quality, and better-flavored fruit.
The Figures depict various characteristics of the ‘Fronteras’ cultivar.
‘Fronteras’ is typical of short-day strawberry cultivars and produces fruit over an extended period when treated appropriately in arid, subtropical climates. The production pattern for ‘Fronteras’ is similar to that for ‘Camarosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,708), although it is slightly earlier to initiate fruiting with most cultural treatments. ‘Fronteras’ initiates fruiting slightly later than
‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469) and ‘Benicia’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 22,542) when established in very early fall. ‘Fronteras’ will be of special interest for winter plantings, where ‘Camarosa’, ‘Ventana’, and ‘Benicia’ have been successful, and in summer plantings where ‘Chandler’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 5,262) and ‘Camino Real’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,079) have been successful.
Fruiting plants of ‘Fronteras’ are slightly taller, more erect, and more open than all of the comparison cultivars in most production environments. Comparative statistics for foliar characters near mid-season are given for ‘Fronteras’ and three comparison cultivars in Table 1. Individual leaflets for ‘Fronteras’ are to those of the comparison cultivars, and are more elongated than for ‘Benicia’. Leaves (including petioles) for ‘Fronteras’ are slightly longer than for
‘Ventana’ and ‘Camarosa’, shorter than for ‘Benicia’. Petioles for ‘Fronteras’ are generally longer than those of ‘Ventana’, ‘Benicia’ and ‘Camarosa’. The adaxial (upper) and abaxial (lower) surfaces of leaves for ‘Fronteras’ are lighter than for ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Benicia’, darker and less yellow than for ‘Ventana’ leaves at midseason. Leaves of ‘Fronteras’ have similar concavity to ‘Camarosa’, and are less concave those for ‘Ventana’. Serrations at midseason are less pointed than for ‘Ventana’, similar in shape and number to ‘Benicia’ and ‘Camarosa’. The stipule length is somewhat longer for ‘Fronteras’ than for the comparison cultivars.
‘Fronteras’ is moderately resistant to powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis), moderately susceptible to Anthracnose crown rot (Colletotrichum acutatum), and moderately resistant to Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae), Phytophthora crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) and common leaf spot (Ramularia tulasnei) (Table 2). When treated properly, it has tolerance to two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) equal to that for the comparison cultivars. ‘Fronteras’ is tolerant to strawberry viruses encountered in California.
‘Fronteras’ is similar to other California short-day strawberry cultivars (e. g. ‘Ventana’, ‘Camarosa’, and ‘Benicia’) in that it will flower over an extended period and into spring or summer, given appropriate local temperature and horticultural conditions. With most planting treatments ‘Fronteras’ produces fruit slightly later than ‘Ventana’ and ‘Benicia’ and earlier than for
‘Camarosa’. Comparative statistics for flower and fruit characters near mid-season are given for the four cultivars in Table 4. The primary flowers for ‘Fronteras’ are slightly larger than for ‘Camarosa’ but smaller than ‘Ventana’ and ‘Benicia’ with a calyx that is distinctly larger than the corolla on primary fruit. The calyx for ‘Fronteras’ varies in position but frequently has a slight indent early in the season and is even with the fruit later in the season; each primary flower has 5-7 petals, similar to the comparison cultivars on average. The fruit shape for ‘Fronteras’ is consistent throughout the season, and is typically medium to long conic, with a tendency to be somewhat cylindrical and blunt. It is easily distinguished by fruit shape from ‘Camarosa’ (shortened and flattened conic), or ‘Ventana’ (medium symmetrical conic), and ‘Benicia’ (often flattened). Fruit size for ‘Fronteras’ is substantially larger than for the comparison cultivars.
External fruit color for ‘Fronteras’ is similar to that for ‘Camarosa’, lighter than for ‘Benicia’, and darker than for ‘Ventana’; internal color for ‘Fronteras’ is somewhat lighter than for the comparison cultivars (Table 3). Achenes vary from yellow to dark red, and are even with the fruit surface or slightly indented.
Flower and plant measurements obtained on April, 2012, fruit measurements May 10-20, 2012.
‘Fronteras’ has been tested under a variety of cultural regimes, and optimal performance is obtained when nursery treatments and nutritional programs similar to those for ‘Camarosa’, ‘Ventana’, and ‘Benicia’ are used. In general, plants of ‘Fronteras’ are greater in vigor than the comparison cultivars with very early season planting. ‘Fronteras’ retains excellent fruit quality in summer planting systems.
When treated with appropriate planting regimes, ‘Fronteras’ has substantially larger sized fruit and produces individual-plant yields greater than any of the comparison cultivars (Table 5). Commercial appearance ratings have also been substantially better than those for all of the comparison cultivars, especially in comparison with ‘Camarosa’. Fruit for ‘Fronteras’ is similar in firmness to fruit from ‘Ventana’, less firm than the other comparison cultivars. Subjectively, ‘Fronteras’ has excellent flavor. The fruit will be exceptional for both fresh market and processing, and will be useful for home garden purposes.