The object of this invention is to solve the quality and reliability problems of the attachment method of striking tool heads to their handles.
Object 1
Improve over all previous attachment methods to provide a novel method to attach a tool head to the handle.
Object 2
Eliminate the traditional screw into a wedge on wooden handle which is a primary area of drying, aging and vibration. Even if the screw can be tightened over time the screw into aged wood will deteriorate causing a loose fit.
Object 3
Provide maximum life of all components in professional striking tools. Such as handles, tool heads and attachment method.
Object 4
Provide an attachment system that is compatible with the different tool head eye and handle dimension that exits in the tool manufacturing supply chain. This will allow a cost benefit vs. other methods.
Briefly, the assembly process with reference to the drawings of the Striking Tool Head Mechanical Attachment System is as follows: