This Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I project will create a fuel storage system for natural gas using adsorbent technology. This adsorbed natural gas (ANG) technology will allow this all-composite, conformable, lower pressure system to hold equivalent amounts of natural gas as high-pressure, compressed natural gas counterparts. Existing tanks, which must be cylindrical in shape, occupy cargo space in vehicles. Operation at low pressures will allow for conformable tanks to be placed more strategically, allowing more payload capacity. The technical objectives of the project are 1) to produce a sorbent material with adsorption of >150V/V with the ability to desorb gas to supply the demands of a vehicle, 2) to enhance and optimize the permeability and inter-laminar fracture toughness of the composite material used in the ANG tanks, 3) to develop the process for manufacturing a lightweight, all-composite, ANG tank. The results of these tasks will be combined to produce a useable fuel system with the required capacity. A final project goal is to meet 50-70% of the Department of Energy's cost and performance metrics for tanks. The funding will allow for design validation of the concept, production of prototypes, and initial testing procedures for a minimal viable product.<br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will allow for two major breakthroughs in the natural gas vehicle industry. The first is to provide a conformable fuel storage tank, which can directly replace the original equipment manufacturer's fuel systems. In addition to providing a safer, more adaptable fueling system; this technology will more importantly allow for natural gas infrastructure to grow rapidly, by significantly reducing the cost of the fueling infrastructure. The lowering the operating pressure will permit the fueling of vehicles off a single compressor, versus the currently-used three-stage system. This will save valuable energy and reduce operating costs, allowing for rapid deployment and expansion. This technology could allow for home fueling modules for natural gas vehicles to be more affordable and effective. Providing easier access to natural gas for consumers will help create a more energy-independent America and will lead to healthier living conditions.