This STTR Phase I research proposal will solve disparate requirements of all-optical networks and mobile wireless networks by reconciling, linking, and harmonizing the optical and wireless domains. It will enable a host of new network architectures and mechanisms for integrating optical and wireless domains. Subsequent development may focus on full duplex communications, further miniaturization, or network architectures that exploit the full range of benefits. This will lead to a myriad of enabling spin-off technologies in applications that require extreme miniaturization. The system will develop a method to harvest optical energy from fibers to generate electrical power. This technology will enable microsystems to be driven by purely optical means over many kilometers of optical fiber.<br/><br/>This wireless technology promises a host of applications, particularly in harsh or extreme environments. Fiber optic sensor systems will benefit by having another degree of freedom for multiplexing and interrogation. Applications that require fiber optic sensor instrumentation but cannot provide access may use this to interrogate the systems over wireless links. This can be used to replace copper cables in ships, airplanes, hospitals, and other facilities. Its micro-photovoltaic power harvesting technology may be used to operate other forms of micro- and nano-systems driven through optical fibers. The fiber-integrated antenna will prove to be a versatile broadband antenna for systems with tight physical constraints.