This Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Phase II project will develop plant bioreporters for arsenic which is widely dispersed in the environment. Detecting and monitoring arsenic in soil and water, particularly in large or remote areas, is often cost-prohibitive due to the expense of sample collection and analysis. This research will lead to an innovative, cost-effective, real-time system to monitor water and soil quality offering high spatial resolution, stand-off reporting, ready scaling to large treatment areas, and continuous in place reporting of bioavailable arsenic. Applications for this technology include detection and investigation of arsenic contamination and risk assessment during remedial activities at contaminated sites. <br/><br/>The broader impact of this technology will be to enable more extensive use of in place environmental cleanup methods such as phytoremediation, assist efforts to monitor and clean the environment, and reduce environmental health hazards posed by arsenic. Improving the ability to accurately assess arsenic contamination will improve awareness of contaminated areas and make affordable arsenic monitoring by homeowners, farmers, and industry. Of particular usefulness would be the ability of farmers and gardeners to detect the potential bioavailability of arsenic to food crops as a result of arsenic in biosolids and pesticides.