Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a bi-annual interdisciplinary international conference supporting advanced research in learning technologies in support of collaborative learning. Providing doctoral student and early-career support for attending this conference in prior years has had a significant impact on the career and research of participants from diverse domains such as computer science, information science, education, psychology, and cognitive science. <br/><br/>This project provides travel stipends for 5 doctoral students and 5 early-career researchers from U.S. universities to attend CSCL 2019, held in Lyon France, June 2019. Participants attend a Doctoral Consortium and an Early Career Workshop. The intellectual merit of this proposal hinges on the selection of top-quality doctoral student research and early-career researchers, potentially improving the dissertations of these graduate students and the research of early-career academics. As such it is an important capacity-building project that leverages the expertise of the CSCL community and the outcomes of previous workshops held. The broader impacts include multiplying opportunities to develop international collaborations in the field of learning sciences and advanced learning technologies, and supporting the career development of some of the best and brightest researchers in multiple disciplines who work in this interdisciplinary area. By supporting a pipeline of high-quality US scholars from multiple disciplines into this interdisciplinary field, this proposal helps ensure US participation and parity in this productive and vital area of research.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.