This award provides support for 15 U.S.-based students to attend The Web Conference 2019, held in San Francisco, California, from May 13-17, 2019. The students will attend the conference to present their own work, to get the opportunity to learn and discuss current research topics with leaders in the field, as well as to further their career through the numerous additional events and networking opportunities provided by the conference. Events at the conference include Research track sessions, Demonstration sessions, Workshops, Tutorials, Exhibition sessions, as well as events specifically geared towards students, including a PhD Symposium. As part of The Web Conference's wider effort to champion diversity, a particular emphasis is on the inclusion of underrepresented minority students, women, and undergraduate students.<br/><br/>The Web Conference (formerly known as the WWW conference) is the premier international conference on the topic of the future directions of the World Wide Web. The conference series began in 1994 at CERN, when it was organized by the Web's co-creator Robert Cailliau. The conference brings together researchers, developers, users, as well as commercial ventures, and provides an open forum in which all opinions can be presented, subject to a strict process of peer review. The location of the conference rotates among North America, Europe, and Asia, and 2019 will mark the first time in almost ten years that it is organized in the US. Also, the 2019 edition of the conference will be a reflection point, as it will acknowledge the 30th anniversary of the Web.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.