Allen Gault, “Riserless drilling: circumventing the size/cost cycle in deepwater,” Drilling Technology, Offshore, May 1996, 4 pages. |
Rich Van Flatern, Drilling & Production, Offshore, Feb. 1997, p. 26. |
Larry Comeau, “Integrating surface systems with downhole data improves underbalanced drilling”, Practical Drilling Technology, Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 3, 1997, pp. 56-64. |
Geoff Whitehouse and Peter Stefureak, “Closed surface system allows accurate monitoring of drilling returns, ” Oil and Gas Journal, Mar. 3, 1997, pp. 65-67. |
Steven S. Bell, “Riserless drilling promising for deepwater developments, ”What's Happening in Drilling, World Oil, May 1997, p. 33. |
W. Furlow, “Shell Moves Forward With Dual Gradient Deepwater Drilling Solution”, Offshore, Mar. 2000, p. 54. |
R. von Flatern, “Riserless Rivals Rally to the Cause”, Offshore Engineer, Apr. 2000, p. 20. |
K. L. Smith et al, “SubSea Mudlift Drilling JIP: Achieving Dual Gradient Technology”, Deepwater Technology, Gulf Publishing, pp. 21-28, Aug. 1999. |
“Riserless Drilling Project Develops Critical New Technology/Deepwater Technology Symposium”, by Rober E. Snyder World Oil. pp. 1-11, Dec. 1997. |
“MudLift Drilling System Operations”, by Riley Goldsmith, pp. 1-9, presented at the OTC Conference on May. 4-7, 1998. |
“Riserless Drilling and Well Control for Deep Water Applications”, by Jonggeum Choe et al., presented at the Internation Deep Water Well Control Conference on Sep. 15-16, 1997, pp. 1-9. |
“Subsea Mudlift Drilling JIP: Achieving dual gradient technology”, by K. L. Smith et al., Deepwater Technology, pp. 21-28. |
“Riserless rivals rally to the cause”, Offshore Engineer, Apr. 2000, pp. 20-23. |
“Shell moves forward with dual gradient deepwater drilling solution”, Willaim Furlow, Offshore, Mar. 2000, pp. 95-96. |
“Riserless Drilling JIP/Conceptual Engineering” Jul. 30, 1997, Deepwater Drilling Workshop, MMS-LSU (Baton Rouge). |