1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR). More specifically, the present invention relates to the excitation of two frequencies to create the desired signal at a third frequency, and also the method and techniques for the creation of spin echoes and other signals analogous to those obtained with standard multipulse single-frequency NQR methods.
2. Description of the Related Art
Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) is a technique for detecting target specimens containing sub-kilogram quantities of narcotics and explosives having quadrupolar nuclei. Such substances include nitrogenous or chlorine-containing explosives and narcotics. Basically, quadrupolar nuclei will exhibit nuclear quadrupole resonance—a change in the angle of nuclear spin with respect to its quantization axis when it is excited by radio frequency (RF) radiation pulses at a particular frequency. In the better-known nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the quantization axis is determined externally by the direction of the applied magnetic field. In NQR, the quantization axis is determined by molecular parameters. As with NMR, different chemicals require pulses of different frequencies (i.e., different nuclear quadrupole resonance frequencies) to cause precession in nuclei. A device used to detect magnetic or NQR resonance in the quadrupolar nuclei of a target specimen is tuned to emit pulses at the frequency corresponding to the resonance frequency of the nuclei desired to be detected. A typical NQR excitation/detection circuit consists of an inductor capacitively tuned to the NQR frequency and nominally matched to the impedance of a transmitter or receiver by another capacitor or inductor. In this regard, the present invention is related to other methods of NQR detection as taught in U.S. Pat. No. 5,206,592 issued Apr. 27, 1993 to Buess et al. for DETECTION OF EXPLOSIVES BY NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,233,300 issued Aug. 3, 1993 to Buess et al. for DETECTION OF EXPLOSIVE AND NARCOTICS BY LOW POWER LARGE SAMPLE VOLUME NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,365,171 issued Nov. 15, 1994 to Buess et al. for REMOVING THE EFFECTS OF ACOUSTIC RINGING AND REDUCING THE TEMPERATURE EFFECTS IN THE DETECTION OF EXPLOSIVES BY NQR, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,608,321 issued Mar. 4, 1997 to Garroway et al. for A MEANS FOR DETECTING EXPLOSIVES AND NARCOTICS BY STOCHASTIC NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE (NQR), and U.S. Pat. No. 5,804,967 issued Sep. 8, 1998 to Miller et al. for A MEANS FOR GENERATING SHORT RF PULSES WITH RAPID DETECTOR RECOVERY IN STOCHASTIC MAGNETIC RESONANCE, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,242,918 issued Jun. 5, 2001 to Hepp et al. for APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REDUCING THE RECOVERY PERIOD OF A PROBE IN PULSED NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE AND NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE DETECTION SYSTEMS BY VARYING THE IMPEDANCE OF A LOAD TO REDUCE TOTAL Q FACTOR, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,054,856 issued Apr. 25, 2000 to Suits et al. for MAGNETIC RESONANCE DETECTION COIL THAT IS IMMUNE TO ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,104,190 issued Aug. 15, 2000 to Buess et al. for MEANS FOR DETECTING NITRAMINE EXPLOSIVES BY 14N NQR OF NITRO GROUPS, all of which are incorporated by reference herein.
It is common to detect a magnetic resonance signal by placing a sample to be measured in a tuned, electronically resonant tank circuit. Then, the response of the tank circuit to the electromotive force produced by nuclear or electronic spins in the sample is measured. With Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) or Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR), the sample is placed in or near an inductor, commonly referred to as a coil, that detects AC magnetic fields.
The inductance of the coil is tuned with a parallel and/or series capacitance to make the circuit electrically resonant at the measurement frequency. One or more additional reactive impedances (inductors or capacitors) are typically added to adjust the resistive impedance at resonance to a particular value which optimizes the detection sensitivity.
Although the NQR detection technique works reasonably well in some circumstances, one of the challenges that NQR faces is that when applying the RF magnetic field needed to detect NQR, one can create false signals at or near the NQR frequency. For example, acoustic vibrations are created in certain magnetic metals. In turn, as the magnetic domains in the metal vibrate, they induce a signal back in the NQR receiver coil at essentially the same frequency as the driving frequency. For example, if one has a suitcase with chrome trimmings, the detected signal may indicate that there are explosives in the suitcase when in fact it is acoustic ringing from the chrome that is observed.
A multiple-frequency technique would eliminate the false alarms due to acoustic ringing. For example, for a spin-1 nucleus such as 14N, the three transition frequencies between the levels are discrete. The basic concept is to use two of the frequencies to excite the third transition, and to then detect the signal from this third transition. This avoids any interference from acoustic ringing since the RF is not applied at the frequency that is detected. The method disclosed here is the first direct observation of a NQR transition near a frequency that has not been used for irradiation.
There is another advantage to not irradiating at the observation frequency: the probe recovery time is greatly reduced. Following a high power RF pulse one has to wait for the energy stored in the coil to dissipate before signal can be detected. This recovery time is typically about 20 coil ringdown time constants. The ringdown time is proportional to the coil quality factor, Q, and inversely proportional to the frequency. At low frequency, a substantial portion of the signal may be lost during the recovery time. In three-frequency NQR, the energy stored in the observation coil is limited to that which may leak in from the excitation at other frequencies. Therefore, improved sensitivity is expected with three-frequency NQR at low frequencies when the signal lifetime is short.
The nuclear wave function evolves under a Hamiltonian consisting of the large time-independent quadrupole term and the much smaller time-dependent terms corresponding to the alternating RF magnetic fields applied at two of the three characteristic NQR frequencies. For example, with frequencies for spin-1 nuclei and the principal axes frame (x, y, z) of the electric field gradient tensor at the quadrupolar nucleus, the quadrupolar Hamiltonian HQ is HQ=e2qQ[(3Iz2−I2)+η(Ix2−Iy2)]/4 where I is the nuclear angular momentum operator, η the asymmetry parameter of the electric field gradient, q the field gradient, and Q the quadrupole moment of the nucleus. The transition frequencies between the eigenfunctions of HQ are ω±=(3±η)e2qQ/4 ℏ and ω0=ηe2qQ/2 ℏ. Here, it is assumed η≠0 or 1 to avoid degenerate energy levels and transition frequencies which complicate the calculation. To be concise, only the observation at ω+ arising from irradiation at ω− and ω0 is here treated in detail, but similar results are expected for other three-frequency combinations.
For a spin-1 nucleus each transition is allowed under a different orientation of the applied field in the principal axes frame (i.e., <+|I|−>=<+|Iz|−>, <0|I|−>=<0|Iy|−>, and <+|I|0>=<+|Ix|0>). Therefore, for a single crystal, the most efficient NQR excitation and detection occur when an RF magnetic field of frequency ω0 is applied along the z-direction, that of ω− along y, and the ω+ detection coils are sensitive to magnetization oscillating along x. Similarly, for a powder sample it can be shown that the maximum signal is obtained if the two RF magnetic fields are mutually perpendicular to one another in the laboratory frame (x′, y′, z′). The received ‘three-frequency’ NQR signal then arises from a magnetization which is orthogonal to both the applied RF fields.
The Hamiltonian for the interaction of the nucleus with an RF pulse of magnetic field strength B1− and frequency ω− applied along the x′-axis is H1−=−ℏγNB1−Ix′ cos ω−t and with an RF pulse of strength B10 and frequency ω0 along y′ is H10=−ℏγNB10Iy′cos ω0t. (γN is the gyromagnetic ratio of the nucleus.) The lab frame operators can be expressed as
Ix′=(cos α cos β cos γ−sin α sin γ)Ix+(sin α cos β cos γ+cos α sin γ)Iy−sin β cos γIz Iy′−(−cos α cos β sin γ−sin α cos γ)Ix+(−sin α cos β sin γ+cos α cos γ)Iy+sin β sin γIz (1)
where α, β, and γ are Euler angles describing the relative orientation of the principal axes and lab frames. If it is assumed each RF pulse only excites one transition, H10 and H1− can be simplified as
H1−=−ℏγNB1−(sin α cos β cos γ+cos α sin γ)Iy cos ω−t≡−ℏΩ1−Iy cos ω−t H10=−ℏγNB10(sin β sin γ)Iz cos ω0t≡−ℏΩ10 Iz cos ω0t (2)
where the dependence on crystal orientation is now contained implicitly in the newly defined terms Ω10 and Ω1−, the effective RF-nutation rates.
Using the above Hamiltonians, the wave function |Ψ(t)> is found after a single RF pulse of duration tp at a frequency ω0, can be written as a simple rotation of the original wave function around z, |Ψ(t)>=e−iH
Consider serial irradiation, where irradiation at the two frequencies occurs at different times. Using the above operators and starting from thermal equilibrium, it is found that a pulse of length tpa at ω− followed by a pulse of length tpb at ω0 with a delay of τ between the pulses results in an expectation value oscillating at ω+ given by
where t is the time after the end of the second pulse. N−0 and N00 are the thermal populations of the eigenstates |−> and |0>, so that the amplitude of the signal depends on the initial difference in the populations connected by the first transition excited. Note that for a single crystal the maximum signal occurs when the first pulse induces a nutation angle of Ω1−tpa=π/2 and the second pulse has Ω10tpb=π, or for a crystal oriented for the most efficient excitation γNB1−tpa=π/2 and γNB10tpb=π. For a powder, the observed signal is proportional to the average over all possible crystal directions of the nuclear spin angular momentum projected along the axis of the detection coil. Usually no signal at ω+ is observed using receiver coils oriented in the x′-y′ plane. With a detection coil along the z′-axis the signal is proportional to
Performing the powder average numerically, it is found that the maximum attainable signal occurs when γNB1−tpa=2.13 rad and γNB10tpb=4.26 rad rather than π/2 and π (the aligned single crystal results) because randomly oriented crystals will experience RF pulses reduced by the angular factors in Ω1− and Ω10 (see Eq. 2). This behavior mimics that seen in single frequency NQR where the maximum signal for a powder occurs at a nutation angle of 2.08 rad, a third longer than the nutation angle needed (π/2) for a properly oriented single crystal. For a powder, the three-frequency maximum signal size is
of the maximum signal of a single-frequency NQR experiment at ω+.
Similarly, simultaneous irradiation of the sample at ω− and at ω0 results in an expectation value oscillating at ω+ such that
<Ix(t))=sin 2ξ(1−cos θ)sin(ω+t)×[(N00−N+0)(cos2ξ+sin2ξ cos θ)−(N−0−N+0)(1+cos θ)]. (5)
From examination of the geometrical terms, a maximum signal for a single crystal occurs when ξ=π/8 and θ=π, or for a crystal oriented for the most efficient excitation B1−/B10=tan(π/8) and γNB10tp=2π cos(π/8). Using <Ix(t)> of Eqn. 5, numerically integrate to find the powder-averaged signal in the detection coil oriented along z′. Again no signal at ω+ is observed using receiver coils oriented in the x′-y′ plane. Although the signal is dependent in a complicated manner on the thermal populations, and therefore η, the parameters which give a maximum signal depend only slightly on η(B1−/B10≈tan(π/8) and γNB10tp≈7.6 rad, approximately a third longer than 2π cos(π/8)). The maximum signal ranges from 67% to 53% (0<72<1) of the corresponding maximum signal for a single-frequency experiment at ω+.
In practice, there is a small distribution of quadrupole interactions within the sample so that HQ=HQ0+ΔHQ. A second simultaneous pulse applied at time τ after an initial simultaneous pulse can undo the dephasing caused by this distribution so that a spin-echo is formed at a time t=τ after the end of the second pulse (see FIG. 5). Assuming ΔHQ is small enough that it has a negligible effect on the time evolution during applied pulses (i.e., ΔHQ<<H1−, H10), it is found |Ψ(t)>=e−iH
<Ix(t)>=−sin 2μa(1−cos θa)sin(ω+(t+tpb+τ+tpa)+Δω+(t−τ)+2Δφ)×[(N00−N+0)(cos2ξa+sin2ξa cos θa)−
(N−0−N+0)(1+cos θa)]×sin2ξb cos2ξb(1−cos θb)2 (6)
where Δω+ describes the distribution in ω+ and Δφ≡Δφ+Δφ0. (Δφ is the phase difference between the first and second pulse of ω− and Δφ0 the phase difference for the ω0 pulses.) For a single crystal, the distribution due to ΔHQ is completely refocused and the largest echo occurs when ξa=π/8, ξb=π/4, and θa=θb=π (or for a crystal oriented for the most efficient excitation γNBa10tpa=2π cos(π/8), γNBb10tpb=2π cos(π/4)). Through numerical integration, it is found that for a powder the echo is a maximum when Ba1−/Ba10≈tan(π/8), Bb1−/Bb10≈tan(π/4), γNBa10tpa≈7.4 rad, and γNBb10tpb=5.7 rad. The maximum signal ranges from 48% to 41% (0<η<1) of the corresponding maximum signal for a single-frequency resonant experiment at ω+, or approximately 75% of the signal following the first pulse is refocused for a powder sample. When deriving Eqn. (6) there are several terms not included that depend on the precise nature of the quadrupole field distribution and may give rise to echoes at times other than at t=τ, as discussed by Grechishkin.
The three eigenstates for spin-1 nuclei under a quadrupolar Hamiltonian and the corresponding three possible transition frequencies are shown in FIG. 1. In conventional NQR, only one of those transitions is irradiated. The resulting nuclear magnetization oscillates at the frequency of the irradiated transition and is observed. Three-frequency NQR involves excitation of at least two transitions that causes an observed signal at the third transition frequency. Two transitions are irradiated to create an oscillating signal from the third. Similar techniques have been used in NMR to create multiple-quantum coherence, but there the excited transition is forbidden and not directly observable at its own frequency.
The ability to detect a signal at a frequency different from the irradiation frequency gives three-frequency NQR some important potential advantages over single-frequency NQR. Interfering signals from resonant acoustic ringing (magnetostriction) of certain metals at the irradiation frequency could be eliminated. In addition the receiver dead-time, the time after sample irradiation in which the receiver's response to the transmitted pulses obscures the initial NQR signal, should be reduced since no RF energy is applied at the frequency of the receiver. This reduction of dead-time would be especially important for those materials in which the free induction time (T2*) is short.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a multiple-frequency technique of nuclear quadrupole resonance.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a system for detecting explosives and narcotics by nuclear quadrupole resonance.
Additional objects and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the description which follows, and, in part, will be obvious from the description, or may be learned by practice of the invention.
Objects of the present invention are achieved by using two frequencies to excite the third transition, and then to detect the signal from this third transition. This avoids any interference from acoustic ringing since the RF magnetic field is not applied at the frequency that is detected. The method disclosed here involves the direct observation of a NQR transition near a frequency that has not been used for irradiation.
The present invention will become more fully understood from the detailed description given herein and the accompanying drawings which are given by way of illustration only, and thus are not limitative of the present invention and wherein:
Reference will now be made in detail to the present preferred embodiments of the present invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numerals refer to like elements throughout.
This invention provides a means for exciting and detecting three-frequency pulsed nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR). One of the main applications is in explosives and contraband detection by NQR. For example, the three-frequency technique helps to reduce the receiver dead time in an NQR measurement, which can be particularly important if a very high-Q receiver coil is used. In addition, the three-frequency technique provides an even more material-specific signature than a single-frequency NQR technique. In general, the three-frequency technique, as an extension of traditional NQR, is also useful in some circumstances to better study the behavior and properties of certain materials. It is also noted that the three-frequency technique with a known and appropriate material present can be used as a simple logic gate since the signal at the third frequency is only observed if both of the two excitation frequencies are present.
For a spin-1 nucleus such as 14N, there are three distinct transition frequencies as shown in FIG. 1. It is important to note that in order to use a multiple-frequency technique, the nucleus to be examined should have asymmetry parameter η not equal to 0 or 1, for which the three energy levels are distinct. Fortunately, the 14N found in many explosives has a large asymmetry parameter. As an example, for RDX, η=0.62 and the NQR resonant frequencies are υ+=5.2 MHz, υ−=3.4 MHz, and υ0=1.8 MHz.
A major aspect here is the use of simultaneous excitation at two frequencies to create the desired signal at a third frequency, and also the method and techniques for the creation of spin echoes and other signals analogous to those obtained with standard multipulse single-frequency NQR methods. Echoes, for example, are highly advantageous for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio per unit time and thereby improving the detection. Multiple echos, such as in the spin-lock spin echo (SLSE) sequence, are a common way to significantly decrease the acquisition times for weak signals.
Separating the excitation frequencies from the detection frequency allows the use of low Q transmitter coils to produce large bandwidth pulses while using a high Q detector coil. This will be an advantage in super-Q detection of broad lines.
Although in this embodiment the same means is used for both irradiating the sample with the excitation radiation and detecting the NQR signal (e.g., one coil is used for both functions), this is not a requirement of the invention. Separate irradiation and detection means (e.g., separate irradiation and detection coils) may be employed if desired. For simplicity, common transmitter and receiver coils are used for each frequency in the three-frequency NQR, though separate sets of coils could be employed.
The free induction decay curve is a time domain curve. By performing a Fourier transform on this curve, a frequency domain NQR spectrum of the target species may be obtained.
Although a few preferred embodiments of the present invention have been shown and described, it would be appreciated by those skilled in the art that changes may be made in these embodiments without departing from the principles and spirit of the invention, the scope of which is defined in the claims and their equivalents.
The technique utilized according to the present invention is pure nuclear quadrupolar resonance as taught in the previously mentioned Buess et al. patent. Three frequency excitation and detection may be performed by combinations of any means known in the art, for example, a surface coil, such as a meanderline coil or a more conventional ‘volume’ coil such as a cylindrical or rectangular solenoid, a toroid, or a Helmholtz coil. Pure NQR is typically performed in zero magnetic field: no magnet is required.
Obviously, many modifications and variations of the present invention are possible in light of the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that, within the scope of the claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described.
The experiment was carried out using 14N nuclei in a powder sample of sodium nitrite, NaNO2, at room temperature. Given sodium nitrite's asymmetry parameter of η=0.379, the level spacing is unequal and the transition frequencies are distinct (ω+/2π=4.64 MHz, ω−/2π=3.60 MHz, and ω0/2π=1.04 MHz). The 8 gm sample was placed at the center of a probe having three mutually orthogonal pairs of coils (see FIG. 3). RF pulses at ω0 were produced by a Tecmag spectrometer, suitably amplified, and coupled into a Helmholtz coil oriented along y′, RF pulses at ω− were produced by a frequency generator and coupled to a Helmholtz coil oriented along x′, and the third pair of coils oriented along z′ was used to detect the signal at ω+. The strengths of the RF magnetic fields were measured using a small pick-up coil; B1s as large as 2 mT were used for this experiment. It was shown that indirect mixing of the frequencies resulted in only a negligible RF pulse at ω+(B1+<1 μT).
Each set of coils was parallel tuned to the appropriate NQR frequency using variable capacitors. This frequency-selective tuning and the coils' mutual orthogonality provide more than 25 dB of isolation between the transmit and receiver coils so that RF leakage of ω− and ω0 at the ω+ receiver probe is significantly reduced. The RF leakage of ω− and ω0 reaching the preamplifier is further reduced by analog filters. Therefore the dead-time could be significantly reduced. Receiver dead-times as low as 70 μs were observed, approximately five times smaller than typical dead-times seen in single-frequency experiments.
After filtering, the NQR signal at ω+ is heterodyned to ω0 by mixing with RF from the ω− frequency synthesizer (see
The amplitudes of the NQR signals at ω+ in response to simultaneous irradiation of the sample by RF pulses at ω0 and ω− agree well with theoretical predications over the entire range of nutation angles studied. The symbols in
For a pair of simultaneous pulses separated by time τ, we observed a spin-echo around t=τ after the end of the second pulse; see the inset of FIG. 6. Phase cycling eliminated the FID from the second pulse. The signal from t=τ onwards was Fourier transformed to compare it to a single-frequency experiment. The vertical axis in
The oscillating magnetic field of the RF pulse produces small changes in the physical dimensions of ferromagnetic materials (acoustic ringing) and conversely, these physical deformations produce changes of magnetization in the material which can then be detected as an artificial signal. The dashed line of
For simultaneous irradiation of the paperclip with the two frequencies ω− and ω0 (3.60 M and 1.04 MHz) a surprisingly strong acoustic ringing signal was observed at ω+ as shown by the dotted line of
In order to increase SNR, multiple pulse sequences were used where RF pulses are applied in a time scale that is shorter than the time required for the spin system to return to equilibrium. Application of such steady-state pulse sequence with the three frequency NQR method has been demonstrated using RDX as the sample. As in the single excitation case, both simultaneous and sequential irradiation was tested. The pulse sequences are shown in
This application claims the benefit of provisional application No. 60/301,821 filed Jul. 2, 2001.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
3643181 | Stirrat et al. | Feb 1972 | A |
4816766 | Zabel et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
5206592 | Buess et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5233300 | Buess et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5365171 | Buess et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5583437 | Smith et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5608321 | Garroway et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5719499 | Chandrakumar | Feb 1998 | A |
5804967 | Miller et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
6054856 | Garroway et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6091240 | Smith et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6100687 | Weitekamp et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6104190 | Buess et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6177797 | Srinivasan | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6208136 | Smith et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6222364 | Smith et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6522135 | Miller et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6566873 | Smith et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6577128 | Smith et al. | Jun 2003 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country |
1303915 | Apr 1987 | RU |
Number | Date | Country | |
20030071619 A1 | Apr 2003 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60301821 | Jul 2001 | US |