Besides the game of poker, there really is no background for my Invention, except that the popular game of Black Jack is already there, and it seems to me that without changing anything, Black Jack can be improved, by adding to it, to make it more interesting and exciting.
The new game I Invented: SUPER 21 is to be played on the same table Black Jack is played. Super 21 is completely independent of Black Jack. Neither game has any effect on the other.
ALL bets are ONE dollar each, no ceiling, which means that bets for more than ONE dollar are accepted, up to the 5 thousand maximum.
All bets are ONE chance bets, except as otherwise provided below.
Either ONE or more 5 dollars bets, or FIVE or more separate ONE dollar bets meet the minimum requirement.
Special functions of some cards:
The dealer is considered an active player, his hand could win MEGA, in such case, Jack Pot is refunded to the bank.
If MEGA not won, it continues to accumulate with regular bank funding until it is won.
Before starting each round of Super 21, the bank funds MEGA Jack pot with 5 dollars times the number of active players, including the dealer, and thereafter the bank adds ONLY 5 dollars to MEGA Jack Pot for each completed round of Super 21.
If multiple MEGA winners, Jack Pot split evenly, odd residue, if any, remains, and it is added to the bank funding for next MEGA.
MEGA is excluded from the Bonus Play explained below.
The management retains the right unrestricted to establish all pay offs.
One or more decks of cards may be used, with or without the Jokers at the discretion of the management. If Jokers are not used, then Aces function as Jokers.
The management also retains the right to alter above rules and format with the prior written consent of the Inventor.
Two games are actually played, one right after the other, but separately. Neither game has any effect on the other.
To start, Black Jack is played first: just as it is normally played. Then Super 21 is played. This sequence is repeated.
Jokers are excluded in Black Jack, but included in Super 21, so, for the sake of efficiency, two sets of one or more decks of poker cards are available: one set with Jokers, and another set without Jokers.
The dealer selects decks as required by either game.
After a complete round of Black Jack has been played, and all Black Jack bets have been settled, the dealer is ready to play Super 21. The players may place their bets for Super 21 on the table.
Then, the dealer gives 2 cards FACE UP, one at a time, first to himself, and then 2 cards FACE UP, one at a time, to every active player, in turn, left to right rotation.
Results are compared, dealer pays all bets that win, and collects all bets that lose.
This sequence is repeated with each subsequent player until all bets are settled.
All cards turned FACE UP remain so on the table, until the following Bonus Play is completed:
The highest hand on the table for each round of Super 21 is paid 2 dollars by every active player, including the dealer who either gets paid 2 dollars by every player or pays 2 dollars to the winner.
Highest hand must be clear and axplicit, no ties or multiple winners awarded bonus play.
Bonus play awarded only once per round of Super 21 and awarded to one player only.
Now, the dealer gathers all cards FACE UP on the table, including his own cards and places all cards on a discard pile.
Then, the player who won the highest hand bonus is further awarded the chance to parlay all or part of his winnings, to do so, he places his parlay bet on odd or even (pays 2 for 1) dealer gives him 1 last card FACE UP to decide if his bet is a win or a loss, and he is paid accordingly, or dealer collects lost bet.
Bonus play winner may decline parlay chance, if such is the case, parlay chance not executed and game is over.
Now a complete round of Super 21 has been played.
Then, cards are shuffled and a new game sequence is started.