The present invention is generally related to a surface acoustic wave device for predicting seizures in a patient. More particularly the invention is related to a surface acoustic wave probe implanted into a patient for sensing temperature changes in the human brain, with certain temperature changes being characteristic of precursors to the onset of a seizure.
Epilepsy is one type of neurological disorder which affects about 1% of the U.S. population, or 2.7 million Americans of all ages. This prevalence figure holds true for all industrialized countries, but it is much higher for underdeveloped countries with rates as high as 10%. Up to 40,000 Americans die each year from seizures in a country where medical care is the most advanced in the world; and this underscores the serious impact of this disease. Most people with epilepsy, although of normal intelligence, are either unemployed or sub-employed due primarily to the unpredictability of seizures. Despite current advances in drug therapy, only 15% of those treated by state of the art medications have neither seizures nor debilitating side effects. The negative impact of epilepsy on the lives of those who suffer from epilepsy and on their families and communities can be considerably lessened if the unpredictability of seizures is removed and innovative alternatives such as non-pharmacological treatments are developed.
Early prediction of the onset of seizures is critical for implementing appropriate prevention measures such as by electrical excitation, cooling or drug therapy. A prediction window of 15 s to 180 s would allow time for effective use of appropriate prevention strategies. There have been attempts to monitor the electrical potentials between a pair of electrodes implanted in the brain to provide direct means of detecting neuronal activity. However, this technique has not been found very reliable because of the dynamic noise in the electrographic signals.
A surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor can be used to detect temperature changes in the human brain by implementation into seizure-prone areas of the brain. This is an indirect but a more reliable device and method to detect the onset of seizures with a precursor temperature change that follows commencement of abnormal neuronal activity in the epileptic zone of a patient's brain. For example, a characteristic temperature pattern is an initial dip of about 0.2-1° C. which is then followed by a rapid rise of about 3-4° in the seizure-prone areas of the brain.
The subject SAW sensor can be implanted and configured to operate in a wireless mode and without a battery power source. The wireless SAW sensor includes a delay-line configuration coupled with an RF antenna that communicates with an outside interrogation unit. A transmitting inter-digital transducer (IDT) on the SAW sensor transforms the RF signal from the outside interrogation unit into surface acoustic waves. The waves propagate on the SAW substrate, which is the sensing region. The sound propagation parameters such as phase velocity and delay time vary with temperature. A receiver IDT on the SAW sensor converts the SAW signal into an RF signal, which is then transmitted back to the interrogation unit. The pseudo-wireless version consists of a wired SAW sensor implanted in the brain tissue and connected to a miniature transceiver unit mounted on or under the skull. A telemetry unit interrogates with the transceiver for collecting and monitoring the sensor parameters.
The principal features of the invention therefore include without limitation:
1. Epileptic seizure onset detection is based on the method of monitoring temperature change, which may precede the chaotic electrical signals normally used in prediction of seizure activity;
2. Development of a dual SAW sensor scheme with a very high sensitivity of 1.4 millikelvin; and
3. Design of passive implantable SAW device for wireless operation, without need of a battery power source.
Various aspects, features and advantages of the invention are described hereinafter and these and other improvements will be described in more detail hereinafter, including the drawings described below.
One form of the invention is shown in
The precursors of a seizure are believed to be manifested by temperature changes in certain parts of the human brain 15. This temperature change can be detected by the SAW sensor 10 and then characteristic data is transmitted to the control system 30 with a telemetric system 40 (see
A more detailed drawing of the SAW sensor 10 is shown in
Use of the SAW sensor 10 is then based on varying conditions of propagation of surface acoustic waves in the substrate 50 when temperature, pressure, electric field and mechanical load change. Linear coefficients obtained for the measurable changes from different physical effects are given in Table 1:
As can be seen by the sensitivity shown in Table 1, the temperature (T) can undergo substantial changes over a temperature value range 15-42° C. The principle of temperature measurement with the use of the SAW sensor 10 can be compared to characteristics of the SAW sensor 10 exciting an electric signal. If the substrate temperature changes, the following signal parameters therefore vary:
As shown in
(phase degree of arc/° C.). A frequency modulated (FM) reference signal is passed to both of the SAW sensors 10 simultaneously:
Echo-signal from each of the SAW sensors 10 is passed to mixer 160 or 170 and then to a signal processing board 180:
At this moment reference signals also pass to the mixers:
At the nonlinear mixers output we obtain signals at the intermediate frequencies bt1/2 and bt2/2:
Thus the methodology lets us transfer the phase shift STΔφ·ΔT into the low frequency region. After digitizing these low frequency signals with the help of microcontroller, one can determine the value of the SAW sensor substrate temperature.
Considering interrelation of time delay, t0, in the SAW sensor 10, which appears as a result of relation between A2(τ) and other physical values, an intermediate frequency Ωφ=bt2/2 should be low enough to provide an opportunity to measure phase shift with the required accuracy. On the other hand, it must provide the required system operation speed (on the basis of the up-date available data on development of epileptic seizure, this should be about ≦1 sec. −/1/). Coefficient b≈Δω·Ωω is determined by the acoustic width of the SAW sensor bandwidth (Δω) and operation frequency of the saw-tooth voltage generator (Ωω). To estimate delay time t2 one can take the signal delay time, t0, in the SAW sensor 10.
We can then obtain the relationship, linking parameters of the scheme (Ωω), SAW sensor(Δω and t0) and the requirements, imposed on accuracy and operational speed of the temperature sensor (Ωφ):
One can see that t0 should not be considered in isolation from other characteristics of the system. In our case for Ωω≈1 kHz, Δω≈10 MHz, t0≈0.2 us (for conventional BIOFIL sensors) we obtain Ωω˜2 kHz, which seems an optimal value both from the viewpoint of sensitivity and operational speed.
Consequently, delay period (t) at acoustic signal propagation depends on the SAW velocity (v), distance between receiver and emitter (L) which is the distance between the first transducer 70 and the second transducer 90:
One the one hand temperature rise causes an increase of delay period at the expense of the substrate thermal expansion (L) and on the other hand, causes a delay period decrease at the expense of rise of sound velocity (v). Temperature dependence of delay period is determined by the temperature coefficient:
Under our conditions α does not depend on distance L and temperature.
Example values of linear temperature coefficient α for different crystals at room temperature are given in Table 2:
One can see from these values that for the SAW sensor 10, it is more preferable to use substrates made from niobate and lithium. This material characteristics are presented in Table 3.
Changing of the substrate temperature by value ΔT, causes the delay period t0 to be:
This delay value of the existing SAW devices is t0˜1 microsec, with a required accuracy of temperature measurement ΔT=0.1K, α=94·10−6K−1 which is why the expected variation of delay period is:
This accuracy in measurement of time intervals with the help of electronics currently offered on the market cannot be achieved. This is why a carrier frequency phase change measurement which appears from time delay changing is a fundamental advantage of the SAW sensor 10. When the delay period changes about Δt=1·10−11 s and the exciting signal frequency f=430 MHz/ . . . /, the phase shift of the read-out signal relative to the exiting signal is:
The existing electronics market gives wide opportunities for creating devices with carrying frequency Fc≦100 MHz. That is why in order to measure phase shift Δφ˜1.5°, one should reduce the frequency of the signal, read out from the SAW sensor 10 by the heterodyning method for at least the value:
This task can be solved on the base of existing elements. To develop the SAW temperature sensor 10 for phase shift measurements it is necessary to measure experimentally an exact value of certain sensor sensitivity (phase sensitivity):
In order to understand the physical structure of the SAW sensor 10, the most significant physical characteristics are tabulated in Table 4 for typical values.
As noted hereinbefore, the general characteristic for determining an efficiency of the SAW sensor 10 as a temperature sensor, is principally phase sensitivity or, in other words, temperature dependence of the SAW sensor 10 output signal phase shift relative to input signal at operation frequency.
Measurements of phase sensitivity at operation frequency were carried out on test benches, equipped at BIOFIL, in the following order: A sinusoid signal was applied on the SAW sensor input for the resonant conditions for the given temperature frequency, fR. Input and output signals were recorded by conventional oscilloscopes TDS 3054 or TDS 5104. The temperature of the SAW sensor 10 was measured by a standard thermocouple temperature measuring device with accuracy ±3° C., or a diode measuring device, specially fabricated by BIOFIL, with an accuracy ±0.05° C. The SAW sensor body was heated up (by a thermal fan) or cooled off (such as by liquid nitrogen) to the given temperature. The input and output signal typical oscillograms are presented in
The time shift of output signal relative to input signal was measured by an oscilloscope. Value Δφ was calculated from formula:
ΔT is the output signal time shift (SAW-out) relative to Input signal (generator), and T is the input signal period (1/fR). Computer processing of waveforms, obtained with the use of digital oscilloscope, allows one to carry out phase measurements with error ˜0.2°. At the sampled temperature ranges one can notice linear dependence between phase shift value and temperature for both types of the SAW sensors 10 (see
For the SAW sensor 10, delay period is quite an important characteristic, as it determines intermediate frequency value.
For measurement of delay period, t, at the SAW sensor 10, an input pulsed signal filled by sinusoid at frequency fR, was applied. The SAW sensor 10 input and output values were recorded by oscilloscope. The time period between these two signals (see
Error is connected with accuracy of determining the proper time interval duration with the help of oscilloscope, and such error can be explained by the fact that accuracy of determining the proper time interval duration with the help of oscilloscope is not high enough.
An HF oscillator (HFO) with FM produces sinusoidal voltage in the frequency range 300 to 900 MHz. Amplifying on the previous representation and as stated before, the basis of temperature measurement is most preferably the measurement of phase shift of the sensor signal response at an intermediate frequency. The signal from the similar SAW sensor 10, in the case where the temperature is constant, is used as a reference signal.
The conditions, for which the oscillograms in
One can see that the dependence between phase shift and temperature is directly proportional. The achieved sensitivity is of the order of 0.1° C. and evidently is caused by operational non-stabilities of the temperature sensor electronic circuit. The “phase shift—temperature” converter is specially designed in BIOFIL for measurement of phase shift of two sinusoidal intermediate frequency signals and its proportional conversion into temperature. The converter block diagram is shown in
The proposed method readily enables the digital phase shift measurement. In such phase shift measurements one signal is taken as a reference one (input 1). As shown in
The intermediate frequency reference signal goes at (OA) DA1, which is switched on in accordance with the inverting Schmidt trigger circuit. The Schmidt trigger converts analog signal into pulse sequence of the same frequency and phase. Bipolar output signal of the Schmidt trigger goes at DA3 comparator, which converts bipolar signal into single polar logical signal in the TTL levels, necessary for digital chips. The second signal of the same frequency, sent at DA2 OA input, is converted in the same way. Digital signals, obtained from outputs of DA3 and DA4 comparators, commutate RS trigger DD5. On the RS trigger output a square pulse is generated. Its duration is equal to time difference between moments of passing the researched signals through null point, which is in proportion with signal phase difference. From the RS trigger output the pulse goes to the DD3.2 electronic switch where controls passing through the switch of the crystal oscillator pulses. The crystal oscillator uses DD4.1, DD4.2 and DD4.3 elements. In such a way the null detector pulses are stuffed by the HF oscillator pulses, which are counted by 12 digit counter DD6, DD7, DD8. The DD12 microcontroller reads in series on four digits the data from the counter through DD9, DD10 and DD11 multiplexers, by sampling them with the help of DD13 decoder. Then the microcontroller converts the obtained data and outputs on a liquid crystal display the temperature value in degrees.
The telemetry system 40 of
Development of the antenna design 200 (see
Two zig-zag antennas 210 and 220 were developed and investigated:
Flagpole antennas operate with less efficiency than frame antennas in the absorbing media (brain substance falls in this category). That is why the variant of single-turn frame antenna was chosen for the preferred design. During the design, one goal was reducing the reactive component of the current because it does not take part in energy conversion.
The antenna design 200 was developed with the help of MMANA v.0.11 program (which is freely distributed). The shape was given as a regular octagon with 24 mm equivalent diameter. Diameter of the wire (copper without surface insulation) was equal to 2.5 mm. The antenna parameters are the following:
The measurements, conducted with this antenna 200 demonstrated that its characteristics allow obtaining an excess over the noise level of 10 dB at a distance between the antennas in the air of about ≈100 mm.
Developing antennas of this type one should take into account the fact that the frame antenna efficiency usually is 0.001-0.0001, the antenna input resistance (about 0.1Ω) is in rather poor agreement with wave resistance of receiving and transmitting devices (about 50Ω).
Since the SAW sensor 10 will be implanted into the brain, one of the telemetry system antennas described hereinbefore will be submerged in the brain, which dielectric properties significantly differ from the air properties. To estimate the influence of these factors a set of experiments was carried out. The experimental layout is presented in
The experimental results are tabulated at Table 8:
One can see that reduction of the telemetry system efficiency takes place mainly as a result of negative effect of the protecting dielectric coating. If its parameters are optimized, a significant improving of the antenna characteristics can be achieved. In these experiments operation of the antennas 230, 245, optimized for an air medium were investigated. It is much easier to optimize dipole antennas for media with various value of dielectric permittivity. That is why investigations on efficiency of dipole type antenna (
In view of the previous discussions and investigations, technical characteristics of the overall most preferred SAW temperature sensor 10 components are tabulated below in Table 9.
All elements of the SAW sensor 10 have been achieved in order to carry out the monitoring of temperature conditions of a given patient. The technical characteristics show that the accepted concept, choice of circuit design and sensors perform as needed to achieve the desired advantageous results for an afflicted patient.
The following non-limiting Examples illustrate various additional features and advantages of the invention.
The SAW sensor is a crystal substrate with electrodes of comb shape, evaporated on it.
In the table below dimensions of the SAW sensors 10 which can be used as temperature sensors are shown:
An HF oscillator with FM produces sinusoidal voltage in the frequency range 300 to 900 MHz. HFO block scheme is presented in
A saw-tooth voltage generator 300 generates a keying signal of saw-tooth shape, necessary for variation of current through transistors of an HF oscillator 310. In this case parameters of their conductivity and diffusion capacities change, it allows to vary the oscillator frequency in the range 300 to 900 MHz. HF amplifier 320 amplifies the HF oscillator signal up to the required level (voltage amplification factor is ˜20 dB. We used the purchased device and the scheme, developed in BIOFIL, as a saw-tooth voltage generator 300. A K174PS4 chip was used as a non-linear element (mixer) for operation frequency 434 MHz.
Two signals are sent into the mixer inputs. They are: signal with HFO frequency 556 MHz and heterodyne oscillator signal with frequency 526.8 MHz. At the differential amplifier output we get the signal of intermediate frequency Fintermed.=18.18 kHz, which oscillogram is presented in
Technical characteristics of the preferred SAW temperature sensor 10 components are tabulated below in Table 10.
The presented technical documentation demonstrates that in the project course all elements of the SAW remote temperature sensor have been well worked out unit by unit. The performed technical characteristics show that the accepted concept, choice of circuit design and sensors perform as needed.
Application of delay line at 434 MHz, fabricated in “Etalon” pilot plant, Omsk, Russia, as a SAW sensor seems the most efficient.
The following devices were used as a temperature sensors:
Thermocouple measurement device and mercurial thermometer are purchased devices. Diode sensor is quite accurate and compact device in contrast to mercurial thermometer. That is why let us focus our attention on its construction, testing and efficiency in more details.
The temperature measurement sensor was made on the base of semiconductor diode. It is well known that at passing continuous current through p-n transition, the p-n transition voltage drop depends on p-n transition temperature. We measured voltage drop at forward biased p-n transition at 1 mA continuous current passing. The temperature measurement sensors were calibrated with the help of mercurial thermometer with scale interval 0.1° C., which determines temperature measurement error. The calibration results are presented in
Ways of Temperature Stabilization and Variation
To stabilize temperature of the object (SAW-sensor) and its specified variation several ways were used:
One sensor was placed into foam plastic cavity. Above it a metal vessel (cooler), containing water-ice mixture in proportion1:1, was located. All assembly was thermally insulated by foam rubber. In the process of the experiment water in the vessel was intermixed periodically. Temperature control in the cooler was carried out by mercurial thermometer.
The second SAW sensor temperature was varied following to similar scheme. The sensor was placed into foam plastic cavity. Above it a metal vessel containing water, previously heated up to 55° C., was located. At time interval, equal to 20 minutes, the water was cooled down to 45° C. and since this moment the signal phase difference measurements started. Temperature control in the second SAW sensor also was carried out by mercurial thermometer.
The SAW sensor is placed into the previously cooled glass thermos. Temperature of the SAW element body was measured by mercurial thermometer. Initial temperature inside the thermos is ˜0° C. At this temperature the SAW element stays for about 1 hour. Then the thermos temperature starts to rise at the expense of natural heat exchange with ambient environment. The temperature rise velocity is ˜15 min/° C. The similar technique allows to carry out measurements at temperature variation 0.5° C. at temperature range 2-7° C.
Temperature of the SAW sensor body was measured by thermocouple temperature measuring device or diode measuring device, specially fabricated in BIOFIL. The SAW sensor body was heated up to the specified temperature by fan heater. The measurements were conducted at temperature range≈20÷50° C.
To develop telemetry system with implanted sensor one should know electric properties of the medium, into which antenna will be placed. One should know velocity of electric wave propagation in material (u), wavelength (λ), wave penetration depth (δ) and medium internal impedance (η). These characteristics are determined by radio wave frequency(ω) and the medium dielectric properties: dielectric permittivity(∈), magnetic conductivity(μ) and conductivity(σ). The ∈ and μ values of biological tissues are more than 1. That's why the radiation phase velocity and wave length within tissue is less than in the air. In the tissues with high water content the electromagnetic wave length reduces by a factor of 6.5-8.5 comparing with the air. In the tissues with low water content the wavelength reduces only by a factor of 2-2.5. So at the electromagnetic radiation frequency higher than 3·108 Hz, the electromagnetic radiation wave length is less than the human body sizes, it determines a local nature of the SHF electromagnetic radiation influence on the human organism. The EMR wavelength values for a number of tissues are presented in Table 11.
Frequency dependences of the most important electric parameters of the medium (conductivity, permittivity and EMR penetration depth) for grey and white matter of the brain plus muscle tissue are presented in
The table below presents properties of the devices, used by BIOFIL on various ges of working out and testing the SAW temperature sensors 10.
MO-7 (Peltie element)
The following parameters were measured experimentally:
It should be understood that various changes and modifications referred to in the embodiment described herein would be apparent to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention.
This application claims the benefit under 35 USC 119(e) of U.S. Application 60/721,911, filed Sep. 29, 2005, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
The United States Government has certain rights in the invention pursuant to Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38 between the U.S. Department of Energy and the University of Chicago operating Argonne National Laboratory.
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