Paul Becher, Emulsions: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Reinhold Publishing Corp. 209-266, 1965. |
William C. Griffin, Calculation of HLB Values of Non-Ionic Surfactants, Atlas Powder Company, 249-256. |
Handbook on In Situ Treatment of Hazardous Waste-Contaminated Soils, EPA Jan. 1990. |
Paul Becher, Emulsions: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company , 1977. |
James H. Nash, Field Studies of In Situ Soil Washing, EPA, Feb. 1988. |
Milton J. Rosen, Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1978. |
Milton J. Rosen, Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, A Wiley-Interscience Pub., Second Edition, 1989. |