IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-19, No. 4, Aug. 1984, entitled "Switch-Induced Error Voltage on a Switched Capacitor", pp. 519-525 by Bing J. Sheu, Student Member, IEEE, and Chenming Hu, Senior Member, IEEE. |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits Systems, vol. CAS-25, No. 12, Dec. 1978, entitled "Design Techniques for MOS Switched Capacitor Ladder Filters" by Gordon M. Jacobs, David J. Allstot, Member, IEEE, Robert W. Brodersen, Member, IEEE, and Paul R. Gray, Senior Member, IEEE, pp. 1014-1021. |
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 6, 0.1, Jan. 1979 entitled "MOS Switched-Capacitor Filters" pp. 61-75, by Robert W. Brodersen, Member, IEEE, Paul R. Gray, Senior Member, IEEE and David A. Hodges, Fellow, IEEE. |
1980 IEEE, entitled "A Prewarping Scheme for the Design of Switched-Capacitor Filters" pp. 317-320, by U. W. Brugger, B. J. Hosticka, Institute of Telecommunications, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurick, Switzerland. |
1980 IEEE, entitled "Effects of the Op AMP Finite Gain and Bandwidth on the Performance of Switched Capacitor Filters", pp. 321-325, by Ken Martin and Adel S. Sedra, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSS 1A4. |
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1980 entitled "MOS Switched Capacitor Highpass/Notch Ladder Filters, pp. 309-312, by Titkwan Hui and David J. Allstot, Central Research Laboratories, Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, TX. |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-25, No. 12, Dec. 1978, entitled "Switched-Capacitor Filter Design Using the Bilinear z-Transform, pp. 1039-1044 by Gabor C. Temes, Fellow, IEEE, H. J. Orchard, Fellow, IEEE, and Masood Jahanbegloo. |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, CAS 28, No. 8, Aug. 1981, pp. 811-822, entitled "Bilinear Switched-Capacitor Ladder Filters" by Man Shek Lee, Member, IEEE, Gabor C. Temes, Fellow, IEEE, Chieh Chang, and Mir Bahram Ghaderi, Student Member, IEEE. |