Description: This project supports travel of Indian scientists to attend the Fifteenth International Symposium on Effects of Radiation on Materials. The symposium is held every two years and is sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications. It addresses fundamental and technological aspects of radiation damage. It is followed by a series of subcommittee meetings with full international representation to develop consensus standards for materials to be used in nuclear power generation. Participation by Indian scientists is expected to lead to increased collaboration with U.S. scientists. The Indian scientists are expected to visit various U.S. national laboratories and universities as part of their trip. Proceedings are to be published in hardbound books and are subject to rigorous scientific peer review. Scope: Indian scientists' participation is likely to benefit the working of the symposium. They will be selected based on the quality and relevance of their independently submitted abstracts, and to ensure broad participation of the Indian nuclear materials community. The selection will be made by the P.I. and by the symposium Vice Chairman, with help from Dr. Kanwar Krishan of the Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu, India, who is a member of the Program Committee.