The present invention relates to electric machines intended for connection to distribution or transmission networks, hereinafter termed power networks. More specifically the invention relates to synchronous compensator plants for the above purpose, to the use of such a plant and to a method for phase compensation.
Reactive power is present in all electric power systems that transfer alternating current. Many loads consume not only active power but also reactive power. Transmission and distribution of electric power per se entails reactive losses as a result of series inductances in transformers, overhead lines and cables. Overhead lines and cables also produce reactive power as a result of capacitive connections between phases and between phases and earth potential.
At stationary operation of an alternating current system, active power production and consumption must be in agreement in order to obtain nominal frequency. An equally strong coupling exists between reactive power balance and voltages in the electric power network. If reactive power consumption and production are not balanced in a suitable manner, the consequence may be unacceptable voltage levels in parts of the electric power network. An excess of reactive power in one area leads to high voltages, whereas a deficiency leads to low voltages.
Contrary to active power balance at a nominal frequency, which is controlled solely with the aid of the active power control of the generator, a suitable reactive power balance is obtained with the aid of both controllable excitation of synchronous generators and of other components spread out in the system. Examples of such (phase compensation) components are shunt reactors, shunt capacitors, synchronous compensators and SVCs (Static Var. Compensators).
The location of these phase compensation components in the electric power network affects not only the voltage in various parts of the electric power network, but also the losses in the electric power network since the transfer of reactive power, like the transfer of active power, gives rise to losses and thus heating. It is consequently desirable to place phase compensation components so that losses are minimized and the voltage in all parts of the electric power network is acceptable.
The shunt reactor and shunt capacitor are usually permanently connected or connected via a mechanical breaker mechanism to the electric power network. In other words, the reactive power consumed/produced by these components is not continuously controllable. The reactive power produced/consumed by the synchronous compensator and the SVC, on the other hand, is continuously controllable. These two components are consequently used if there is a demand for high-performance voltage control.
The following is a brief description of the technology for phase compensation with the aid of synchronous compensator and SVC.
A synchronous compensator is in principle a synchronous motor running at no load, i.e. it takes active power from the electric power network equivalent to the machine losses.
The rotor shaft of a synchronous compensator is usually horizontal and the rotor generally has six or eight salient poles. The rotor is usually dimensioned thermally so that the synchronous compensator, in over-excited state, can produce approximately 100% of the apparent power the stator is thermally dimensioned for (rated output) in the form of reactive power. In under-excited state, when the synchronous compensator consumes reactive power, it consumes approximately 60% of the rated output (standard value, depending on how the machine is dimensioned). This gives a control area of approximately 160% of rated output over which the reactive power consumption/production can be continuously controlled. If the machine has salient poles with relatively little reactance in transverse direction, and is provided with excitation equipment enabling both positive and negative excitation, more reactive power can be consumed than the 60% of rated output stated above, without the machine exceeding the stability limit. Modern synchronous compensators are normally equipped with fast excitation systems, preferably a thyristor-controlled static exciter where the direct current is supplied to the rotor via slip rings. This solution enables both positive and negative supply as above.
The magnetic circuits in a synchronous compensator usually comprise a laminated core, e.g. of sheet steel with a welded construction. To provide ventilation and cooling the core is often divided into stacks with radial and/or axial ventilation ducts. For larger machines the laminations are punched out in segments which are attached to the frame of the machine, the laminated core being held together by pressure fingers and pressure rings. The winding of the magnetic circuit is disposed in slots in the core, the slots generally having a cross section in the shape of a rectangle or trapezium.
In multi-phase electric machines the windings are made as either single or double layer windings. With single layer windings there is only one coil side per slot, whereas with double layer windings there are two coil sides per slot. By coil side is meant one or more conductors combined vertically or horizontally and provided with a common coil insulation, i.e. an insulation designed to withstand the rated voltage of the machine to earth.
Double-layer windings are generally made as diamond windings whereas single layer windings in the present context can be made as diamond or flat windings. Only one (possibly two) coil width exists in diamond windings whereas flat windings are made as concentric windings, i.e. with widely varying coil width. By coil width is meant the distance in arc dimension between two coil sides pertaining to the same coil.
Normally all large machines are made with double-layer winding and coils of the same size. Each coil is placed with one side in one layer and the other side in the other layer. This means that all coils cross each other in the coil end. If there are more than two layers these crossings complicate the winding work and the coil end is less satisfactory.
It is considered that coils for rotating machines can be manufactured with good results up to a voltage range of 10-20 kV.
A synchronous compensator has considerable short-duration overload capacity. In situations when electro-mechanical oscillations occur in the power system the synchronous compensator can briefly supply reactive power up to twice the rated output. The synchronous compensator also has a more long-lasting overload capacity and is often able to supply 10 to 20% more than rated output for up to 30 minutes.
Synchronous compensators exist in sizes from a few MVA to hundreds of MVA. The losses for a synchronous compensator cooled by hydrogen gas amount to approximately 10 W/kvar, whereas the corresponding figure for air-cooled synchronous compensators is approximately 20 W/kvar.
Synchronous compensators were preferably installed in the receiving end of long radial transmission lines and in important nodes in masked electric power networks with long transmission lines, particularly in areas with little local generation. The synchronous compensator is also used to increase the short-circuit power in the vicinity of HVDC inverter stations.
The synchronous compensator is most often connected to points in the electric power network where the voltage is substantially higher than the synchronous compensator is designed for. This means that, besides the synchronous compensator, the synchronous compensator plant generally includes a step-up transformer, a busbar system between synchronous compensator and transformer, a generator breaker between synchronous compensator and transformer, and a line breaker between transformer and electric power network.
In recent years SVCs have to a great extent replaced synchronous compensators in new installations because of their advantages particularly with regard to cost, but also in certain applications because of technical advantages.
The SVC concept (Static Var. Compensator) is today the leading concept for reactive power compensation and, as well as in many cases replacing the synchronous compensator in the transmission network, it also has industrial applications in connection with electric arc furnaces. SVCs are static in the sense that, contrary to synchronous compensators, they have no movable or rotating main components.
SVC technology is based on rapid breakers built up of semi-conductors, thyristors. A thyristor can switch from nonconductor to conductor in a few millionths of a second. Capacitors and reactors can be connected or disconnected with negligible delay with the aid of thyristor bridges. By combining these two components reactive power can be stoplessly either supplied or extracted.
A SVC plant typically consists of both capacitor banks and reactors and since the thyristors generate harmonics, the plant also includes harmonic filters. Besides control equipment, a transformer is also required between the compensation equipment and the network in order to obtain optimal compensation from the size and cost point of view. SVC plant is available in size from a few MVA up to 650 MVA, with nominal voltages up to 765 kV.
Various SVC plant types exist, named after how the capacitors and reactors are combined. Two usual elements that may be Included are TSC or TCR. TSC is a thyristor-switched reactive power-producing capacitor and TCR is a thyristor-switched reactive power-consuming reactor. A usual type is a combination of these elements, TSC/TCR.
The magnitude of the losses depends much on which type of plant the SVC belongs to, e.g. a FC/TCR type (FC means that the capacitor is fixed) has considerably greater losses than a TSC/TCR. The losses for the latter type are approximately comparable with the losses for a synchronous compensator.
It should be evident from the above summary of the phase compensation technology that this can be divided into two principal concepts, namely synchronous compensation and SVC.
These concepts have different strengths and weaknesses. Compared with the synchronous compensator, the SVC has the main advantage of being cheaper. However, it also permits somewhat faster control which may be an advantage in certain applications.
The drawbacks of the SVC as compared with the synchronous compensator include:
In order to achieve a more competitive electricity market many countries have deregulated, or are in the process of deregulating, the electricity market. This usually involves a separation of power production and transmission services into separate entities. When these two parts of the system are in different hands, the previously existing link between the planning of generation plants and transmission lines is broken. A generation plant owner may announce the closing of a generation plant at timescales which are, for hardware investments, very short, presenting the operators and planners of transmission services with major changes in both load flow patterns and the location of controllable reactive production/consumption resources at short notice. Consequently, there is a strategic need for a phase compensation unit that can be relocated, within short lead time, to an arbitrary node in the transmission system.
In countries where the electricity market has not been deregulated there may also exist a need to have relocatable phase compensation components. For instance, countries with a large share of nuclear power production may encounter situations similar to that described above. Normally, nuclear power plants are closed down once a year during a low load season, for inspections and reparations. However, occasionally these plants may have to stay closed for longer periods of time due to major reparations. Although this situation is easier to handle in a country which has not deregulated the electricity market, the size of a typical nuclear plant may imply that the changes in load flow patterns and the absence of controllable reactive production/consumption resources puts the operators of the transmission system in situations which are difficult to handle while maintaining prescribed security standards. There exists a need for a relocatable phase compensation unit also in these situations.
There exist today a small number of relocatable SVC plants, see e.g. the article “Relocatable static var compensators help control unbundled power flows” in the Magazine “Modern Power Systems”, December 1996, pages 49-54. In addition to the differences between a static and a synchronous compensator described above, the relocatable static compensator involves a number of containers, which requires a fairly large area at the site and which needs to be electrically interconnected at the site. But most importantly the relocatable static compensator can only be connected to nodes in the transmission system where a step-down transformer already is available, providing a fairly low voltage. In other words, the relocatable static compensator cannot be directly connected to the transmission system voltage (typically 130 kV and up).
Due to the number of components required in a synchronous compensator plant and in particular the up to now necessary presence of a transformer, synchronous compensator plants for high-voltage networks up to now have been realized solely as stationary plants. In case of change in an existing power network regarding the need for phase compensation the plant might be superfluous at its location or might be required to be designed and dimensioned different, or a plant might be required somewhere else in the network. This of course is a serious drawback with such a stationary plant.
The object of the present invention is to attain a synchronous compensator plant avoiding this drawback.
According to the invention this object has been achieved by way of a synchronous compensator plant described herein.
Thanks to the fact that the winding(s) in the rotating electric machine in the synchronous compensator plant is/are manufactured with a special solid insulation, a voltage level can be achieved for the machine which is far above the limits a conventional synchronous compensator can be practically or financially constructed for. The voltage level may reach any level applicable in power networks for distribution and transmission. The advantage is thus achieved that the synchronous compensator can be connected directly to such networks without intermediate connection of a step-up transformer.
Elimination of the transformer per se entails great savings in cost, weight and space, but also has other decisive advantages over a conventional synchronous compensator plant.
The efficiency of the plant is increased. Moreover, reactive losses incurred by the transfomer's consumption of reactive power are avoided and so is the resultant shift in phase angle. This has a positive effect as regards the static and dynamic stability margins of the system. Furthermore, a conventional transformer contains oil, which entails a fire risk. This is eliminated in a plant according to the invention, and the requirement for various types of fire-precautions is reduced. Many other electrical coupling components and protective equipment are also reduced. This gives reduced plant costs and less need for service and maintenance.
These and other advantages result in a synchronous compensator plant being considerably smaller and less expensive than a conventional plant, and that the operating economy is radically improved thanks to less maintenance and smaller losses.
Thanks to these advantages a synchronous compensator plant according to the invention will contribute to this concept being financially competitive with the SVC concept (see above) and even offering cost benefits in comparison with this.
The fact that the invention makes the synchronous compensator concept competitive in comparison with the SVC concept therefore enables a return to the use of synchronous compensator plants. The drawbacks associated with SVC compensation are thus no longer relevant. The complicated, bulky banks of capacitors and reactors in a SVC plant are one such drawback. Another big drawback with SVC technology is its static compensation which does not give the same stability as that obtained by the inertia obtained in a rotating electric machine with its rotating e.m.f. as regards both voltage and phase angle. A synchronous compensator is therefore better able to adjust to temporary disturbances in the network and to fluctuations in the phase angle. The thyristors that control a SVC plant are also sensitive to displacement of the phase angle. A plant according to the invention also enables the problem of harmonics to be solved.
The synchronous compensator plant according to the invention thus enables the advantages of synchronous compensator technology over SVC technology to be exploited so that a more efficient and stable compensation is obtained at a cost superior to this from the point of view of both plant investment and operation.
The plant according to the invention is small, inexpensive, efficient and reliable, both in comparison with a conventional synchronous compensator and a SVC.
The reduction of the amount of required components in the plant and in particular the elimination of the transformers in the plant makes the design of the plant as a mobile unit possible. By making the plant as a mobile unit that can be transported by a lorry, a railway truck, a helicopter or the like, the plant can be moved from one location of a power network to another, should the need for phase compensation in the network change.
With a synchronous compensator plant having components with windings of the specific construction as described herein and making use of the possibility to design the plant as a mobile unit the drawbacks related to stationary synchronous compensator plants thus are overcome. This is primarily of relevance for high-voltage networks, in particular in the range of 36 kV and above.
Another object of the invention is to satisfy the need for fast, continuously controllable reactive power which is directly connected to sub-transmission or transmission level in order to manage the system stability and/or dependence on rotating mass and the electromotive force in the vicinity of HVDC transmission. The plants shall be able to supply anything from a few MVA up to several hundreds of MVA.
The advantage gained by satisfying said objects is the avoidance of the intermediate transformer, the reactance of which otherwise consumes reactive power. This also enables the avoidance of traditional so-called generator breakers. Advantages are also obtained as regards network quality since there is rotating compensation. With a plant according to the invention the overload capacity is also increased, which with the invention may be +100%. The synchronous compensator according to the invention may be given higher overload capacity in over-excited operation than conventional synchronous compensators, both as regards short-duration and long-duration overload capacity. This is primarily because the time constants for heating the stator are large with electric insulation of the stator winding according to the invention. However, the thermal dimensioning of the rotor must be such that it does not limit the possibilities of exploiting this overload capacity.
To accomplish this the magnetic circuit in the electric machine included in the synchronous compensator plant is formed with threaded permanent insulating cable with included earth. The invention also relates to a procedure for manufacturing such a magnetic circuit.
The major and essential difference between known technology and the embodiment according to the invention is thus that this is achieved with an electric machine provided with solid insulation, the magnetic circuit(s) of the winding(s) being arranged to be directly connected via breakers and disconnectors to a high supply voltage of between 20 and 800 kV, preferably higher than 36 kV. The magnetic circuit thus comprises a laminated core having a winding consisting of a threaded cable with one or more permanently insulated conductors having a semiconducting layer both at the conductor and outside the insulation, the outer semiconducting layer being connected to earth potential.
To solve the problems arising with direct connection of electric machines to all types of high-voltage power networks, a machine in the plant according to the invention has a number of features as mentioned above, which differ distinctly from known technology. Additional features and further embodiments are defined in the dependent claims and are discussed in the following.
Such features mentioned above and other essential characteristics of the synchronous compensator plant and the electric machine according to the invention included therein, include the following:
The use of a cable of the type described above allows the entire length of the outer sheath of the winding, as well as other parts of the plant, to be kept at earth potential. An important advantage is that the electric field is close to zero within the coil-end region outside the outer semiconducting layer. With earth potential on the outer sheath the electric field need not be controlled. This means that no field concentrations will occur either in the core, in the coil-end regions or in the transition between them.
The mixture of insulated and/or uninsulated impacted strands, or transposed strands, results in low stray losses.
The cable for high voltage used in the magnetic circuit winding is constructed of an inner core/conductor with a plurality of strands, at least two semiconducting layers, the innermost being surrounded by an insulating layer, which is in turn surrounded by an outer semiconducting layer having an outer diameter in the order of 20-250 mm and a conductor area in the order of 300-3000 mm2.
The insulated conductor or cable used in the present invention is flexible and of a kind which is described in more detail in WO 97/45919 and WO 97/45847. Additional descriptions of the insulated conductor or cable concerned can be found in WO 97/45918, WO 97/45930 and WO 97/45931.
Accordingly, the windings, in the arrangement according to the invention, are preferably of a type corresponding to cables having solid, extruded insulation, of a type now used for power distribution, such as XLPE-cables or cables with EPR-insulation. Such a cable comprises an inner conductor composed of one or more strand parts, an inner semiconducting layer surrounding the conductor, a solid insulating layer surrounding this and an outer semiconducting layer surrounding the insulating layer. Such cables are flexible, which is an important property in this context since the technology for the arrangement according to the invention is based primarily on winding systems in which the winding is formed from cable which is bent during assembly. The flexibility of an XLPE-cable normally corresponds to a radius of curvature of approximately 20 cm for a cable with a diameter of 30 mm, and a radius of curvature of approximately 65 cm for a cable with a diameter of 80 mm. In the present application the term “flexible” is used to indicate that the winding is flexible down to a radius of curvature in the order of four times the cable diameter, preferably eight to twelve times the cable diameter.
The winding should be constructed to retain its properties even when it is bent and when it is subjected to thermal or mechanical stress during operation. It is vital that the layers retain their adhesion to each other in this context. The material properties of the layers are decisive here, particularly their elasticity and relative coefficients of thermal expansion. In an XLPE-cable, for instance, the insulating layer consists of cross-linked, low-density polyethylene, and the semiconducting layers consist of polyethylene with soot and metal particles mixed in. Changes in volume as a result of temperature fluctuations are completely absorbed as changes in radius in the cable and, thanks to the comparatively slight difference between the coefficients of thermal expansion in the layers in relation to the elasticity of these materials, the radial expansion can take place without the adhesion between the layers being lost.
The material combinations stated above should be considered only as examples. Other combinations fulfilling the conditions specified and also the condition of being semiconducting, i.e. having resistivity within the range of 10−1-106 ohm-cm, e.g. 1-500 ohm-cm, or 10-200 ohm-cm, naturally also fall within the scope of the invention.
The insulating layer may consist, for example, of a solid thermoplastic material such as low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polybutylene (PB), polymethyl pentene (“TPX”), cross-linked materials such as cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), or rubber such as ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) or silicon rubber.
The inner and outer semiconducting layers may be of the same basic material but with particles of conducting material such as soot or metal powder mixed in.
The mechanical properties of these materials, particularly their coefficients of thermal expansion, are affected relatively little by whether soot or metal powder is mixed in or not—at least in the proportions required to achieve the conductivity necessary according to the invention. The insulating layer and the semiconducting layers thus have substantially the same coefficients of thermal expansion.
Ethytene-vinyl-acetate copolymers/nitrile rubber (EVA/NBR), butyl graft polyethylene, ethylene-butyl-acrylate copolymers (EBA) and ethylene-ethyl-acrylate copolymers (EEA) may also constitute suitable polymers for the semiconducting layers.
Even when different types of material are used as base in the various layers, it is desirable for their coefficients of thermal expansion to be substantially the same. This is the case with the combination of the materials listed above.
The materials listed above have relatively good elasticity, with an E-modulus of E<500 MPa, preferably <200 MPa. The elasticity is sufficient for any minor differences between the coefficients of thermal expansion for the materials in the layers to be absorbed in the radial direction of the elasticity so that no cracks appear, or any other damage, and so that the layers are not released from each other. The material in the layers is elastic, and the adhesion between the layers is at least of the same magnitude as in the weakest of the materials.
The conductivity of the two semiconducting layers is sufficient to substantially equalize the potential along each layer. The conductivity of the outer semiconducting layer is sufficiently high to enclose the electrical field within the cable, but sufficiently low not to give rise to significant losses due to currents induced in the longitudinal direction of the layer.
Thus, each of the two semiconducting layers essentially constitutes one equipotential surface, and these layers will substantially enclose the electrical field between them.
There is, of course, nothing to prevent one or more additional semiconducting layers being arranged in the insulating layer.
According to a particularly preferred embodiment of the invention, at least two of these layers, preferably all three, have the same coefficient of thermal expansion. The decisive benefit is thus achieved that defects, cracks or the like are avoided at thermal movement in the winding.
The invention also relates to a procedure for manufacturing the magnetic circuit for the electric machine included in the synchronous compensator plant. The procedure entails the winding being placed in the slots by threading the cable through the cylindrical openings in the slots.
In one embodiment of the present invention, the phases of the stator winding are Y-connected.
In another embodiment of the present invention, the winding of the machine is arranged for self-regulating field control, and lacks auxiliary means for controlling the field.
Since the insulation system, suitably permanent, is designed so that from the thermal and electrical point of view it is dimensioned for over 36 kV, the plant can be connected to high-voltage power networks without any intermediate step-up transformer, thereby achieving the advantages referred to above.
The above-mentioned and other advantageous embodiments of the invention are defined in the dependent claims.
The invention will be described in more detail in the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment of the construction of the magnetic circuit of the electrical machine in the synchronous compensator plant, with reference to the accompanying drawings in which
In the schematic axial view through a sector of the stator 1 according to
The cables 6 are illustrated schematically in
The three layers are arranged to adhere to each other even when the cable is bent. The cable shown is flexible, and this property is maintained during the entire life of the cable.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
9703550 | Sep 1997 | SE | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCTSE98/01736 | 9/29/1998 | WO | 00 | 6/13/2000 |
Publishing Document | Publishing Date | Country | Kind |
WO9917427 | 4/8/1999 | WO | A |
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4321426 | Schaeffer et al. | Mar 1982 | A |
4321518 | Akamatsu | Mar 1982 | A |
4326181 | Allen | Apr 1982 | A |
4330726 | Albright et al. | May 1982 | A |
4337922 | Streiff et al. | Jul 1982 | A |
4341989 | Sandberg et al. | Jul 1982 | A |
4347449 | Beau | Aug 1982 | A |
4347454 | Gellert et al. | Aug 1982 | A |
4353612 | Meyers | Oct 1982 | A |
4357542 | Kirschbaum | Nov 1982 | A |
4360748 | Raschbichler et al. | Nov 1982 | A |
4361723 | Hvizd, Jr. et al. | Nov 1982 | A |
4365178 | Lexz | Dec 1982 | A |
4367425 | Mendelsohn et al. | Jan 1983 | A |
4367890 | Spirk | Jan 1983 | A |
4368418 | Demello et al. | Jan 1983 | A |
4369389 | Lambrecht | Jan 1983 | A |
4371745 | Sakashita | Feb 1983 | A |
4384944 | Silver et al. | May 1983 | A |
4387316 | Katsekas | Jun 1983 | A |
4401920 | Taylor et al. | Aug 1983 | A |
4403163 | Rarmerding et al. | Sep 1983 | A |
4404486 | Keim et al. | Sep 1983 | A |
4411710 | Mochizuki et al. | Oct 1983 | A |
4421284 | Pan | Dec 1983 | A |
4425521 | Rosenberry, Jr. et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4426771 | Wang et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4429244 | Nikiten et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4431960 | Zucker | Feb 1984 | A |
4432029 | Lundqvist | Feb 1984 | A |
4437464 | Crow | Mar 1984 | A |
4443725 | Derderian et al. | Apr 1984 | A |
4470884 | Carr | Sep 1984 | A |
4473765 | Butman, Jr. et al. | Sep 1984 | A |
4475075 | Munn | Oct 1984 | A |
4477690 | Nikitin et al. | Oct 1984 | A |
4481438 | Keim | Nov 1984 | A |
4484106 | Taylor et al. | Nov 1984 | A |
4488079 | Dailey et al. | Dec 1984 | A |
4490651 | Taylor et al. | Dec 1984 | A |
4503284 | Minnick et al. | Mar 1985 | A |
4508251 | Harada et al. | Apr 1985 | A |
4510077 | Elton | Apr 1985 | A |
4517471 | Sachs | May 1985 | A |
4520287 | Wang et al. | May 1985 | A |
4523249 | Arimoto | Jun 1985 | A |
4538131 | Baier et al. | Aug 1985 | A |
4546210 | Akiba et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4551780 | Canay | Nov 1985 | A |
4552990 | Persson et al. | Nov 1985 | A |
4557038 | Wcislo et al. | Dec 1985 | A |
4560896 | Vogt et al. | Dec 1985 | A |
4565929 | Baskin et al. | Jan 1986 | A |
4571453 | Takaoka et al. | Feb 1986 | A |
4588916 | Lis | May 1986 | A |
4590416 | Porche et al. | May 1986 | A |
4594630 | Rabinowitz et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4607183 | Rieber et al. | Aug 1986 | A |
4615109 | Wcislo et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4615778 | Elton | Oct 1986 | A |
4618795 | Cooper et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4619040 | Wang et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4622116 | Elton et al. | Nov 1986 | A |
4633109 | Feigel | Dec 1986 | A |
4650924 | Kauffman et al. | Mar 1987 | A |
4652963 | Fahlen | Mar 1987 | A |
4656316 | Meltsch | Apr 1987 | A |
4656379 | McCarty | Apr 1987 | A |
4663603 | van Riemsdijk et al. | May 1987 | A |
4677328 | Kumakura | Jun 1987 | A |
4687882 | Stone et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4692731 | Osinga | Sep 1987 | A |
4723083 | Elton | Feb 1988 | A |
4723104 | Rohatyn | Feb 1988 | A |
4724345 | Elton et al. | Feb 1988 | A |
4732412 | van der Linden et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4737704 | Kalinnikov et al. | Apr 1988 | A |
4745314 | Nakano | May 1988 | A |
4761602 | Leibovich | Aug 1988 | A |
4766365 | Bolduc et al. | Aug 1988 | A |
4771168 | Gundersen et al. | Sep 1988 | A |
4785138 | Breitenbach et al. | Nov 1988 | A |
4795933 | Sakai | Jan 1989 | A |
4827172 | Kobayashi | May 1989 | A |
4845308 | Womack, Jr. et al. | Jul 1989 | A |
4847747 | Abbondanti | Jul 1989 | A |
4853565 | Elton et al. | Aug 1989 | A |
4859810 | Cloetens et al. | Aug 1989 | A |
4859989 | McPherson | Aug 1989 | A |
4860430 | Raschbichler et al. | Aug 1989 | A |
4864266 | Feather et al. | Sep 1989 | A |
4883230 | Lindstrom | Nov 1989 | A |
4890040 | Gundersen | Dec 1989 | A |
4894284 | Yamanouchi et al. | Jan 1990 | A |
4914386 | Zocholl | Apr 1990 | A |
4918347 | Takaba | Apr 1990 | A |
4918835 | Wcislo et al. | Apr 1990 | A |
4924342 | Lee | May 1990 | A |
4926079 | Niemela et al. | May 1990 | A |
4942326 | Butler, III et al. | Jul 1990 | A |
4949001 | Campbell | Aug 1990 | A |
4982147 | Lauw | Jan 1991 | A |
4994952 | Silva et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4997995 | Simmons et al. | Mar 1991 | A |
5012125 | Conway | Apr 1991 | A |
5030813 | Stanisz | Jul 1991 | A |
5036165 | Elton et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5036238 | Tajima | Jul 1991 | A |
5066881 | Elton et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067046 | Elton et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5083360 | Valencic et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5086246 | Dymond et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5091609 | Sawada et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5094703 | Takaoka et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5095175 | Yoshida et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5097241 | Smith et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5097591 | Wcislo et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5111095 | Hendershot | May 1992 | A |
5124607 | Rieber et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5136459 | Fararooy | Aug 1992 | A |
5140290 | Dersch | Aug 1992 | A |
5153460 | Bovino et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5168662 | Nakamura et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5171941 | Shimizu et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5175396 | Emery et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5182537 | Thuis | Jan 1993 | A |
5187428 | Hutchison et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5231249 | Kimura et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5235488 | Koch | Aug 1993 | A |
5246783 | Spenadel et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5264778 | Kimmel et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5287262 | Klein | Feb 1994 | A |
5293146 | Aosaki et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5304883 | Denk | Apr 1994 | A |
5305961 | Errard et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5321308 | Johncock | Jun 1994 | A |
5323330 | Asplund et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5325008 | Grant | Jun 1994 | A |
5325259 | Paulsson | Jun 1994 | A |
5327637 | Britenbach et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5341281 | Skibinski | Aug 1994 | A |
5343139 | Gyugyi et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5355046 | Weigelt | Oct 1994 | A |
5365132 | Hann et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5387890 | Estop et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5397513 | Steketee, Jr. | Mar 1995 | A |
5399941 | Grothaus et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5400005 | Bobry | Mar 1995 | A |
5408169 | Jeanneret | Apr 1995 | A |
5449861 | Fujino et al. | Sep 1995 | A |
5452170 | Ohde et al. | Sep 1995 | A |
5468916 | Litenas et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5499178 | Mohan | Mar 1996 | A |
5500632 | Halser, III | Mar 1996 | A |
5510942 | Bock et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5530307 | Horst | Jun 1996 | A |
5533658 | Benedict et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5534754 | Poumey | Jul 1996 | A |
5545853 | Hildreth | Aug 1996 | A |
5550410 | Titus | Aug 1996 | A |
5583387 | Takeuchi et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5587126 | Steketee, Jr. | Dec 1996 | A |
5598137 | Alber et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5607320 | Wright | Mar 1997 | A |
5612510 | Hildreth | Mar 1997 | A |
5663605 | Evans et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5672926 | Brandes et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5689223 | Demarmels et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5807447 | Forrest | Sep 1998 | A |
5834699 | Buck et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
Number | Date | Country |
399790 | Jul 1995 | AT |
565063 | Feb 1957 | BE |
391071 | Apr 1965 | CH |
SU 266037 | Oct 1965 | CH |
534448 | Feb 1973 | CH |
539328 | Jul 1973 | CH |
SU 646403 | Feb 1979 | CH |
657482 | Aug 1986 | CH |
SU 1189322 | Oct 1986 | CH |
40414 | Aug 1887 | DE |
277012 | Jul 1914 | DE |
336418 | Jun 1920 | DE |
372390 | Mar 1923 | DE |
386561 | Dec 1923 | DE |
387973 | Jan 1924 | DE |
406371 | Nov 1924 | DE |
424551 | Feb 1926 | DE |
426793 | Mar 1926 | DE |
432169 | Jul 1926 | DE |
433749 | Sep 1926 | DE |
435608 | Oct 1926 | DE |
435609 | Oct 1926 | DE |
441717 | Mar 1927 | DE |
443011 | Apr 1927 | DE |
460124 | May 1928 | DE |
482506 | Sep 1929 | DE |
501181 | Jul 1930 | DE |
523047 | Apr 1931 | DE |
568508 | Jan 1933 | DE |
572030 | Mar 1933 | DE |
584639 | Sep 1933 | DE |
586121 | Oct 1933 | DE |
604972 | Nov 1934 | DE |
629301 | Apr 1936 | DE |
673545 | Mar 1939 | DE |
719009 | Mar 1942 | DE |
846583 | Aug 1952 | DE |
875227 | Apr 1953 | DE |
975999 | Jan 1963 | DE |
1465719 | May 1969 | DE |
1807391 | May 1970 | DE |
2050674 | May 1971 | DE |
1638176 | Jun 1971 | DE |
2155371 | May 1973 | DE |
2400698 | Jul 1975 | DE |
2520511 | Nov 1976 | DE |
2656389 | Jun 1978 | DE |
2721905 | Nov 1978 | DE |
137164 | Aug 1979 | DE |
138840 | Nov 1979 | DE |
2824951 | Dec 1979 | DE |
2835386 | Feb 1980 | DE |
2839517 | Mar 1980 | DE |
2854520 | Jun 1980 | DE |
3009102 | Sep 1980 | DE |
2913697 | Oct 1980 | DE |
2920478 | Dec 1980 | DE |
3028777 | Mar 1981 | DE |
2939004 | Apr 1981 | DE |
3006382 | Aug 1981 | DE |
3008818 | Sep 1981 | DE |
209313 | Apr 1984 | DE |
3305225 | Aug 1984 | DE |
3309051 | Sep 1984 | DE |
3441311 | May 1986 | DE |
3543106 | Jun 1987 | DE |
2917717 | Aug 1987 | DE |
3612112 | Oct 1987 | DE |
3726346 | Feb 1989 | DE |
3925337 | Feb 1991 | DE |
4023903 | Nov 1991 | DE |
4022476 | Jan 1992 | DE |
4233558 | Mar 1994 | DE |
4402184 | Aug 1995 | DE |
4409794 | Aug 1995 | DE |
4412761 | Oct 1995 | DE |
4420322 | Dec 1995 | DE |
19620906 | Jan 1996 | DE |
4438186 | May 1996 | DE |
19020222 | Mar 1997 | DE |
19547229 | Jun 1997 | DE |
468827 | Jul 1997 | DE |
134022 | Dec 2001 | DE |
049104 | Apr 1982 | EP |
0493704 | Apr 1982 | EP |
0056580 | Jul 1982 | EP |
078908 | May 1983 | EP |
0120154 | Oct 1984 | EP |
0130124 | Jan 1985 | EP |
0142813 | May 1985 | EP |
0155405 | Sep 1985 | EP |
0102513 | Jan 1986 | EP |
0174783 | Mar 1986 | EP |
0185788 | Jul 1986 | EP |
0277358 | Aug 1986 | EP |
0234521 | Sep 1987 | EP |
0244069 | Nov 1987 | EP |
0246377 | Nov 1987 | EP |
0265868 | May 1988 | EP |
0274691 | Jul 1988 | EP |
0280759 | Sep 1988 | EP |
0282876 | Sep 1988 | EP |
0309096 | Mar 1989 | EP |
0314860 | May 1989 | EP |
0316911 | May 1989 | EP |
0317248 | May 1989 | EP |
0335430 | Oct 1989 | EP |
0342554 | Nov 1989 | EP |
0221404 | May 1990 | EP |
0375101 | Jun 1990 | EP |
0406437 | Jan 1991 | EP |
0439410 | Jul 1991 | EP |
0440865 | Aug 1991 | EP |
0469155 | Feb 1992 | EP |
0490705 | Jun 1992 | EP |
0503817 | Sep 1992 | EP |
0571155 | Nov 1993 | EP |
0620570 | Oct 1994 | EP |
0620630 | Oct 1994 | EP |
0642027 | Mar 1995 | EP |
0671632 | Sep 1995 | EP |
0676777 | Oct 1995 | EP |
0677915 | Oct 1995 | EP |
0684679 | Nov 1995 | EP |
0684682 | Nov 1995 | EP |
0695019 | Jan 1996 | EP |
0732787 | Sep 1996 | EP |
0738034 | Oct 1996 | EP |
0739087 | Oct 1996 | EP |
0740315 | Oct 1996 | EP |
0749190 | Dec 1996 | EP |
0751605 | Jan 1997 | EP |
0739087 | Mar 1997 | EP |
0749193 | Mar 1997 | EP |
0780926 | Jun 1997 | EP |
0802542 | Oct 1997 | EP |
0913912 | May 1999 | EP |
805544 | Apr 1936 | FR |
841351 | Jan 1938 | FR |
847899 | Dec 1938 | FR |
916959 | Dec 1946 | FR |
1011924 | Apr 1949 | FR |
1126975 | Mar 1955 | FR |
1238795 | Jul 1959 | FR |
2108171 | May 1972 | FR |
2251938 | Jun 1975 | FR |
2305879 | Oct 1976 | FR |
2376542 | Jul 1978 | FR |
2467502 | Apr 1981 | FR |
2481531 | Oct 1981 | FR |
2556146 | Jun 1985 | FR |
2594271 | Aug 1987 | FR |
2708157 | Jan 1995 | FR |
123906 | Mar 1919 | GB |
268271 | Mar 1927 | GB |
293861 | Nov 1928 | GB |
292999 | Apr 1929 | GB |
319313 | Jul 1929 | GB |
518993 | Mar 1940 | GB |
537609 | Jun 1941 | GB |
540456 | Oct 1941 | GB |
589071 | Jun 1947 | GB |
666883 | Feb 1952 | GB |
685416 | Jan 1953 | GB |
702892 | Jan 1954 | GB |
715226 | Sep 1954 | GB |
723457 | Feb 1955 | GB |
739962 | Nov 1955 | GB |
763761 | Dec 1956 | GB |
805721 | Dec 1958 | GB |
827600 | Feb 1960 | GB |
854728 | Nov 1960 | GB |
870583 | Jun 1961 | GB |
913386 | Dec 1962 | GB |
965741 | Aug 1964 | GB |
992249 | May 1965 | GB |
1024583 | Mar 1966 | GB |
1053337 | Dec 1966 | GB |
1059123 | Feb 1967 | GB |
1103098 | Feb 1968 | GB |
1103099 | Feb 1968 | GB |
1117401 | Jun 1968 | GB |
1135242 | Dec 1968 | GB |
1147049 | Apr 1969 | GB |
1157885 | Jul 1969 | GB |
1174659 | Dec 1969 | GB |
1236082 | Jun 1971 | GB |
1268770 | Mar 1972 | GB |
1319257 | Jun 1973 | GB |
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1395152 | May 1975 | GB |
1424982 | Feb 1976 | GB |
1426594 | Mar 1976 | GB |
1438610 | Jun 1976 | GB |
1445284 | Aug 1976 | GB |
1479904 | Jul 1977 | GB |
1493163 | Nov 1977 | GB |
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1525745 | Sep 1978 | GB |
2000625 | Jan 1979 | GB |
1548633 | Jul 1979 | GB |
2046142 | Nov 1979 | GB |
2022327 | Dec 1979 | GB |
2025150 | Jan 1980 | GB |
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2070341 | Sep 1981 | GB |
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2136214 | Sep 1984 | GB |
2140195 | Nov 1984 | GB |
2150153 | Jun 1985 | GB |
2268337 | Jan 1994 | GB |
2273819 | Jun 1994 | GB |
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WO8115862 | Oct 1919 | JP |
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6264964 | Sep 1985 | JP |
1129737 | May 1989 | JP |
62320631 | Jun 1989 | JP |
2017474 | Jan 1990 | JP |
3245748 | Feb 1990 | JP |
4179107 | Nov 1990 | JP |
318253 | Jan 1991 | JP |
424909 | Jan 1992 | JP |
5290947 | Apr 1992 | JP |
6196343 | Dec 1992 | JP |
6233442 | Feb 1993 | JP |
6325629 | May 1993 | JP |
7057951 | Aug 1993 | JP |
7264789 | Mar 1994 | JP |
8167332 | Dec 1994 | JP |
7161270 | Jun 1995 | JP |
8264039 | Nov 1995 | JP |
9200989 | Jan 1996 | JP |
8036952 | Feb 1996 | JP |
8167360 | Jun 1996 | JP |
67199 | Mar 1972 | LU |
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305899 | Nov 1968 | SE |
255156 | Feb 1969 | SE |
341428 | Dec 1971 | SE |
453236 | Jan 1982 | SE |
457792 | Jun 1987 | SE |
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