The Relationship Between One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Separation Processes, by Wankat, in AICHE Journal, (vol. 23, No. 6), 11/1977, pp. 859-867. |
J. Taylor, N. L. Anderson, B. P. Coulter, A. E. Scandora, Jr., and N. G. Anderson, "Estimation of Two Dimensional Electrophoretic Spot Intensities and Positions by Modeling", Electrophoresis, (1979), .COPYRGT. 1980. |
P. F. Lemkin and L. E. Lipkin, "Gellab": A Computer System for 2-D Gel Electrophoresis Analysis, 1: Segmentation of Spots and System Preliminaries, Computers and Biomedical Research 14, 272-297, (1981). |
N. L. Anderson, J. Taylor, A. E. Scandora, B. P. Coulter, and N. G. Anderson, "The TYCHO System for Computer Analysis of Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Patterns", Clinical Chemistry, 27/11, 1807-1820, (1981). |
E. P. Lester, P. F. Lemkin and L. E. Lipkin, "New Dimensions in Protein Analysis", Two-Dimensional Gel Techniques are Coming of Age as Image Processing is Applied to Computer Analysis of the Data, Analytical Chemistry 53, 390A, (1981). |
E. Tyihak, E. Mincsovics and J. Kalasz, "New Planar Liquid Chromatographic Technique: Overpressured Thin-Layer Chromatography", Journal of Chromatography, 174, pp. 75-81, (1979). |
E. Tyihak, E. Mincsovics, H. Kalasz and J. Nagy, "Optimization of Operating Parameters in Overpressured Thin-Layer Chromatography", Journal of Chromatography, 211, pp. 45-51, (1981). |
E. Mincsovics, E. Tyihak and H. Kalasz, "Resolution and Retention Behavior of Some Dyes in Overpressured Thin-Layer Chromatography", Journal of Chromatography, 191, pp. 293-300, 1980. |
H. Issaq, "Two-Phase Thin-Layer Chromatography", Journal of Liquid Chromatography, 3(6), pp. 841-844, 1980. |
H. Kalasz, J. Nagy, E. Mincsovics and E. Tyihak, "Circular-Development with Overpressured Thin-Layer Chromatography", Journal of Liquid Chromatography, 3(6), pp. 845-855, 1980. |
E. Soczewinski, "Simple Device for Continuous Thin-Layer Chromatography", Journal of Chromatography, 138, pp. 443-445, 1977. |
T. Mezzetti, M. Ghebregziabhier, S. Rufini, G. Ciuffini and M. Lato, "Coupled Layers: A New Technique for the Two-Dimensional Thin-Layer Chromatography of Carbohydrates", Journal of Chromatography, 74, pp. 273-296, 1972. |
Sales Literature: CHROMPRES "Overpressured Thin Layer Chromatography, A New Planar Liquid Chromatorgraphic System", Type OE-306, pp. 1-3, and one page photographs. |
Sales Literature: TELECHROM-S OE 976, "The New High-Speed Video-Densitometer", 3 pages. |