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Dept. of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; "A Portability Platform for Distributed Application Programming"; H. Moons, P. Verbaeten; pp. 269-272. |
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Computer Design, "System Design/Software, VAX Executive Develops Realtime Applications", Roger Heinen, Jr., Mar. 1984, pp. 79-91. |
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UMI Dissertation Services, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., "Operating System/Application Concurrency in Tightly-Coupled Multiple-Processor Systems", James Wallace, 1987. |
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DEC Professional, "The Battle for UNIX Standards", L. Haber, Feb. 1989, pp. 48-55. |
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"Operating System Kernel for Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor System", M. Bojovic, Z. Konstantinovic, M. Kovacevic, pp. 70-73. |
Carnegie-Mellon Univ., "Overview of the Hydra Operating System Development", W. Wulf, R. Levin, C. Pierson, pp. 122-131. |
Carnegie-Mellon Univ., "Protection in the Hydra Operating System", E. Cohen and D. Jefferson, pp. 141-160. |
Carnegie-Mellon Univ., "Policy/Mechanism Separation in Hydra", R. Levin, E. Cohen, W. Corwin, F. Pollarck, W. Wulf, pp. 132-140. |
"Recovery Management in a Transaction Oriented Distributed Operating System", J. Kaiser, R. Kroger, E. Nett, pp. 125-140. |