Unprecedented dynamic phenomena appear in power grids due to integration of more and more inverter-based resources (IBR) (e.g., wind and solar) A major challenge is that inverter models are proprietary information and usually only real code models are provided to grid operators. Thus, measurement-based characterization of IBRs is a popular approach to find the frequency domain measurements of an IBR's admittance or impedance. The predominant methods rely on injecting perturbation and extracting frequency-domain information via Fast Fourier Transformer (FFT).
High penetration of IBRs introduce many new dynamic phenomena into power grids. First, severe wind farm subsynchronous oscillations (SSO) due to wind interactions with RLC circuits occurred in Texas in 2009. Similar phenomena were observed in North China in the years that followed. In 2017, three more events were observed. Oscillations were also observed in real-world wind farms with weak grid interconnection. For voltage source converter (VSC)-based HVDC (high-voltage direct current) with weak grid interconnection, stability issues have also been identified.
While electromagnetic (EMT)-type simulation in environments such as PSCAD and MATLAB/SimPowerSystems, is the major tool for dynamic study, EMT simulation mainly serves as a validation tool, instead of an analysis tool. To facilitate small-signal analysis, linear models are desired.
Details of inverters are usually proprietary information and are not completely released to grid operators. Measured impedances, through known frequency scanning or harmonic injection methods, thus serve as important characteristics for those devices. Impedance-based stability analysis has been popularly used in the power electronics field as well as type-3 wind SSO screening studies.
Currently, the predominant technology for ISR characterization is frequency-domain measurement. Two types of methods are employed to find impedance/admittance measurements. The first type, the harmonic injection method or the frequency scanning method relies on setting up a measurement testbed for an IBR only. A device is first connected to a 60 Hz voltage source to operate at certain operating condition. To have voltage perturbation, an additional voltage source with small magnitude at a certain frequency is connected in series with the original voltage source. The current component at that frequency will be measured using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and the current/voltage phasor relationship at this frequency is then obtained. An additional step, vector fitting must be carried out to obtain an input/output model described in either state-space or transfer function.
The second type does not require a measurement testbed. Rather, an additional hardware device, impedance measurement unit (IMU), is installed in a system in operation. It injects series voltage perturbation, collects both voltage and current measurements' frequency-domain information through FFT and computes dq-frame impedance measurements.
Both methods require repeated sinusoidal injections and FFT analysis. To speed up the process, different types of injection signals have been proposed and implemented in IMUs, e.g., chirp signal. Nevertheless, the current IMUs all rely on injections and FFT to lead to impedance at frequency points.
Accordingly, what is needed in the art is an improved system and method for generating an impedance or admittance model of an inverter-based resource (IBR) that does not rely on numerous experiments requiring harmonic injection and frequency scan methods.
In various embodiments, the present invention provides a system and method for time-domain measurement-based admittance identification so that event data can be utilized for admittance identification, in real-time.
In one embodiment, the present invention provides a method for admittance identification of a grid-connected inverter-based resource (IBR), which includes, capturing transient data in response to at least two independent time-domain events on a bus between a grid-connected IBR and a power grid and identifying a dq-frame admittance model of the IBR from the captured transient data.
In a particular embodiment, the at least two independent time-domain events are voltage perturbations on the bus and the method includes capturing and recording a transient current flowing to the IBR and a transient voltage time-series data at a terminal voltage of the IBR.
The method may further include, applying an Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) to the sampled transient data to generate an s-domain expression of the transient data. Alternatively, the method may include, applying dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) to the sampled transient data to generate an s-domain expression of the transient data.
In an additional embodiment, the invention provides a system for measuring an admittance of a grid-connected inverter-based resource (IBR). The system includes a measurement unit coupled to a point of interconnection (POI) between a power grid and an inverter-based resource (IBR). The measurement unit is configured for capturing transient data in response to at least two independent time-domain events on a bus between the IBR and the power grid and for identifying a dq-frame admittance model of the IBR from the captured transient data.
The measurement unit may comprise hardware circuitry and software components that are well known in the art for measuring voltages and currents at a point of interest.
The embodiments of the present invention replace the harmonic injection and frequency scan methods currently known in the art that require numerous experiments. The present invention thereby provides an improved system and method for performing admittance measurements for inverter-based resources (IBRs), such as wind and solar farms.
For a fuller understanding of the invention, reference should be made to the following detailed disclosure, taken in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which:
Modern renewable energy resources generating devices (e.g. solar and wind), are interfaced to the grid through inverter technology, such as inverter-based resources (IBR). Inverters and IBRs consist of power electronics that drive the electrical control and performance of these resources. Measured impedances of the inverter-based resources serve as important characteristics for impedance-based stability analysis. The results of the impedance-based stability analysis can be used to control the operation of the IBR and improve the grid stability.
The state-of-the-art technology for obtaining an impedance model of a device requires numerous repeated harmonic injections to generate a Bode plot. To overcome the deficiencies of the state-of-the art technology, in various embodiments, the present invention provides a system and method for obtaining a dq-frame admittance from time-domain signals. Dq-frame admittance has been shown to be able to accurately predict stability. In addition, frequency coupling phenomenon observed for converters in the static frame is not a concern in the dq-frame.
Compared to a known frequency scanning method, which relies on a measurement testbed and which requires repeated sinusoidal injections, leading to measurements at frequency points, a simpler experiment design is desired. Further, an input/output model, such as an s-domain model is desired. With the s-domain admittance model, eigenvalue analysis that predicts system stability is possible.
Compared to another known method that requires an additional hardware device to inject perturbations to a system to obtain measurements, there are plenty of event data generated during IBR operation in a power grid, which can be utilized by the present invention to obtain an admittance model. A method of admittance identification without any perturbation injection and capable of utilizing transient response data captured for events is appealing.
In the present invention, ERA (eigensystem realization algorithm) and DMD (dynamic mode decomposition) are used to convert time-domain data to a corresponding s-domain expression. This capability further opens the door to an application with a high practical value: using event data to extract an MR's admittance in real-time.
In various embodiments, the present invention provides a novel procedure that leads to dq-frame admittance identification using time-domain event data, e.g., step response data or load tripping data. In this procedure, two sets of data from two events lead to a dq-frame admittance. The method relies on a critical technology that converts time-domain signals into s-domain expressions. This technology employs ERA or DMD to accurately estimate eigenvalues and residuals to construct the s-domain expressions. In addition, since IBRs employ power electronic converters, and harmonics are common in signals, an efficient denoising technique to cancel harmonics has been proposed, tested and shown efficacy.
The present invention additionally provides a real-time dq-frame admittance identification method using data from multiple events. Compared to the existing impedance measurement (IMU) technology, the proposed method does not require any additional hardware device to inject perturbations.
ERA assumes that the dynamic response is due to and impulse input. Consider a Linear-Time Invariant (LTI) system in the discrete domain as the following:
xk+1=Axk+Buk,yk=Cxk+Dux (1)
where y∈K×1 is defined as the output column vector of the system with K output channels, A∈
n×n, B∈
n×1, C∈
K×n, and D∈
K×1 are system matrices.
It is noted that ERA does not lead to an input/output model due to the assumption of impulse input. Rather, ERA leads only to the s-domain expression of the measurement data. Input to ERA is the measurement data sampled at equal intervals, notated as y1, y2, . . . yN. The output from ERA is the state-space model defined by A, B, C, D matrices. The rank of the system n is an assumption fed to the algorithm. Eigenvalues of the continuous system co can be found as ωj=ln(λj)/Δt, where λj is an eigenvalue of A and Δt is the time interval.
The s-domain expression of y can be found as:
where V is the right eigenvector matrix of A and Ω is the diagonal matrix of continuous system eigenvalues.
For kth measurement, its s-domain expression can be found as:
Assuming x0=0, the system response due to an impulse input (u0=1, uk=0, k>0) can be found as follows:
x0=0,x1=B,x2=AB, . . . ,xk=Ak-1B
y0=D,y1=CB,y2=CAB, . . . ,yk=CAk-1B
A critical step of ERA is to construct two shifted Hankel matrices.
It can be seen that the Hankel matrices can be decomposed as follows:
where is the observability matrix and
is the controllability matrix. ERA employs singular value decomposition (SVD) and rank reduction to find two matrices to realize
. Further, A matrix can be found by exploring the relationship between H1 and H2. Details of ERA implementation are well known in the art and can be found in the literature, and as such, have been omitted from this disclosure.
Though ERA leads to a state matrix, the state variables are unknown. On the other hand, DMD results in a state matrix A(xk+1=Axk) with the state variables x clearly defined as the measurements, where xk∈n and A∈
n×n. The time interval between two consecutive snapshots is Δt.
Applying eigen-decomposition to matrix A(A=ΦΛΦ−1) leads to:
where b∈n×1, Φ∈
n×n is the right eigen vector matrix of A and A is a diagonal matrix with elements as λi, i=1, . . . , n.
Equation (9) can also be written as follows:
The time-domain expression of x(t) can be constructed using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A.
where Ω is a diagonal matrix that contains the continuous-eigenvalues, ωj. The relationship between the discrete and continuous eigenvalue is ωj=ln(λj)/Δt.
The inputs to the DMD algorithm are measurement data sampled at equal intervals, denoted as x1, x2, . . . , xN. The outputs are: the eigenvector matrix 1, the eigen value matrix Ω, and the initial state projected to the eigenvector basis b. Rank of the system r should also be assumed.
A critical step in DMD is to form a data matrix X. This matrix is constructed to contain state for N snapshots with equal time-intervals.
Following the construction of the data matrix, two shifted matrices are formed:
where X1N−1∈n×(N−1), X2N∈
n×(N−1). The subscript and superscript refer to the first and last measurement snapshots in the set, respectively. It can be seen that:
Matrix A can then be found by exploring the above relationship. Further details are omitted.
With DMD's outputs Φ, b and the eigenvalue vector co for continuous system, it is easy to find the s-domain expression of kth measurement signal as:
To illustrate proof-of-concept of the present invention, data is generated from an analytical model build in dq-frame. With the identified admittance, stability analysis is also illustrated for to verify the design.
The dq-frame admittance of a grid-connected voltage source controller (VSC) 200 shown in
The foremost challenge is how to create data that is suitable for admittance identification. In the harmonic injection method, sinusoidal perturbation is used. On the other hand, for time-domain data, Laplace transform of the step response of a system is associated with the product of the transfer function of the system and 1/s. Thus, step changes may be used as perturbations.
A step change with 0.001 pu size will be applied to vgd. Line currents are measured and notated as id(1) and iq(1). Another step change with 0.001 pu size is applied to vgq and the line currents are notated as id(2) and iq(2). The step response data is presented in
Data in the time frame from 1 second to 1.98 is used for analysis. Sampling frequency is 2500 Hz. Since ERA assumes the initial state variables are zeros, the data are processed to have the initial steady-state values taken off. Proper scaling is applied to signals to have similar degree of variation. For the four signals, the scales are 1000, 1, 100, and 10. The two sets of scaled event data are fed into the ERA.
The estimated system is assumed to have an order of 10. This order is chosen by considering the 9th order system and the step response perturbation. Given the step change input, the measurement signal should have an order of 10.
The system matrix A is first computed based on the measurement signals. The eigenvalues of the continuous system are estimated and the residuals for each signal can be computed. With the eigenvalue and residuals found, measurement data can be reconstructed, and the transfer function can be found for each signal.
For each signal, its estimated Laplace domain expression can now be found: id(1)(s), iq(1)(s), id(2)(s) and iq(2)(s), where superscript notates event number. The admittance model can be found by taking into the effect of step response of vd or vq.
where p is the size of perturbation. For this study, p=0:001.
The analytical model shown in
The system is viewed at PCC (point of common coupling) bus with two shunt admittances: YVSC and Yline. Applying circuit analysis, it can be found that the relationship between the injected small current at the PCC bus and the PCC bus deviation is as follows:
If (15) is viewed as an input/output system, then the PCC voltage is the output (notated as y) and the injected current is the input (notated as u). Hence, the transfer function matrix notates as G(s) from u to y is:
and ω0 is the nominal frequency 377 rad/s.
Poles of G(s) are the eigenvalues of the system. In turn, roots of det(Y) or the zeroes of the s-domain admittance matrix Y are the eigenvalues of the system. With the VSC admittance identified through time-domain signals and the line admittance known, eigenvalues of the system can be found.
While the data generated from the analytical model contain little noise, data generated at the real world contain noise and harmonics. In addition, the real-world physical system is usually of high order. Thus, a more sophisticated electromagnetic transient (EMT) testbed (EMT Testbed 1) is presented below for demonstration. A notable procedure on denoising is described for the ERA and DMD identification tools.
In general, the present invention provides a measurement unit that can be connected at the point of interconnection (POI) between a power grid and a solar farm or wind farm. The measurement unit captures and records transient data of voltage at the POI and the current flowing into the inverter-based resource (IBR). With voltage and current data from at least two time-domain events, an admittance model of the IBR (solar farm or wind farm) can be found.
From the admittance model, one can quickly project if the IBR interconnected system is stable or not at a certain power grid strength condition. The assumption is that the admittance model of the point of interconnection is know if a specific grid strength is assumed. One can use the admittance-based stability check for this speculation. Equations (15)-(17) illustrate how to obtain aggregated admittance of the entire system after the IBR admittance has been measured with the measurement unit. Knowing the aggregated admittance, eigenvalues of the system can be found, and a stability check can be made, as demonstrated in
For example,
The method of the present invention for deriving the admittance model of the IBR can be applied to any subsystem, as long as the time-domain event that trigger the transients occur outside of the subsystem.
EMT Testbed 1, shown in
7.5 Hz low-frequency oscillations can be observed in
The admittance measurement testbed is set up to have the PV farm connected to a small impedance (Xg=0.1 and Rg=0.01 pu) to a voltage source. The voltage source's vgd and vgq are configured so that the real power, reactive power from the PCC bus to the grid remains the same between the EMT testbed and the measurement testbed.
Two sets of data are generated by applying small signal perturbations (0.02 pu) on vg,dg and vg,qg, respectively.
ERA and DMD tools will be applied to handle the two sets of the data (each set has two time-domain signals) to identify the s-domain admittance and reconstruct the signals.
For DMD, the measurement data from 1 second to 1.5 seconds, with their initial values taken off, will be used. As a total, there are four measurements. The data matrix X will have a dimension of 4×2000. On the other hand, the order of the system is much higher than 4 and DMD will not be able to lead to a system matrix of higher order.
In this exemplary embodiment, the stacking number st is chosen to be half of the total snapshot number (N=2000 and st=1000). This number is also used in the ERA exemplary embodiment. The dimension of the data matrix becomes 4000×1000. Initially, 50-order rank is assumed. DMD outputs a vector b which indicates each eigenvalue's role in the dynamic system. A small absolute value indicates negligible role. Hence a filter can be set up to filter out those eigenvalues whose |bj| is less than 1% of the maximum 1% max(|b|). The technique is comparable to the denoising technique relying on FFT coefficients. With this filtering procedure, a 10th order model is obtained.
The measurement signals can be reconstructed using the reduced-order system and various methods known in the art.
In another embodiment, ERA is also applied to the data set to carry out identification. Similarly, a denoising procedure is also applied.
For the EMT testbed with instantaneous voltage and currents as state variables, it is not possible to directly obtain a linearized model via numerical perturbation since state variable are periodic. To validate the admittance identified by DMD and ERA, the harmonic injection method is applied to measure the admittance.
It should be noted that the DMD and ERA identified models are s-domain models and can be directly used for eigenvalue computing relying on s-domain admittance. The harmonic injection leads to measurements. To obtain s-domain model from the harmonic injection method, a vector fitting procedure needs to be carried out.
Finally, stability analysis for weak grid operation is carried out and the closed-loop system eigenvalues are shown in
In an exemplary embodiment, admittance measurement of a type-4 wind farm using two sets of event data is presented. A 100-MW wind farm grid integration system is shown in
The power base is 111 MW and the wind farm is exporting level is 0.9 pu or 100 MW.
Its PCC bus voltage is controlled at 1 pu or nominal level. The distribution line has a total reactance Xg=0.4 pu and a total resistance of Rg=0.04 pu. At a bus notated for v, a resistive load consuming 0.1 pu real power or a capacitor injecting 0.1 pu reactive power may be connected. Two events are simulated.
For the first event, the bus is supplying the resistive load at the beginning. At t=5 seconds, the resistive load is disconnected. The three-phase bus voltage v, the current to the wind farm i1, and the current to the grid i2 are all measured and converted to the dq-frame.
For the second event, the bus is connected for the capacitor at the beginning. At t=5 seconds, the capacitor is disconnected. Using the aforementioned procedure, the event data in the dq-frame are obtained. The two sets of the event data are presented in
The two sets of the data will be notated using superscript (i) to notate with event. For each set of the data, the s-domain expression of the six signals will be learned using ERA. 1 second data from 5 seconds to 6 seconds are used for learning. The data are resampled to have a sampling frequency of 2000 Hz. The system order is assumed to be 25.
With s-domain expressions of all measurements known, the dq-frame admittance is to be sought. When the wind farm is operating at the same condition, its admittance will be kept the same. Hence it is true that the current and voltage for different events are related with the same admittance:
Thus, the wind farm admittance at any frequency ω can be found using the following equation.
Ywind(jω)=I(jω)V(jω)−1 (19)
If there are m events and m>2, we may have the current and voltage measurement matrices as fat matrices, with a column dimension of m: I(jω), V(jω)∈2×m. Thus, pseudo inverse or Moore-Penrose inverse of the voltage measurement matrix may be used.
Eq. (19) can be changed as follows:
Ywind(jω)=I(jω)V(jω)† (20)
where † refers to Moore-Penrose inverse.
From the current measurements of the transmission line, one may also find the admittance measurement of the transmission line. For the EMT testbed, the transmission line is represented by a series RL component and the parameters are given as Rg=0.04 pu and Xg=0.4 pu. Hence, its true dq-frame admittance can be found using (17).
One can compare the line admittance from the measurement data with the true line admittance. If they agree with each other, that means the method leads to reasonable admittances for both line and the wind farm.
The proposed method leads to real-time admittance measurement using multiple event data. Compared to the current impedance measurement unit technology, this method does not require any additional hardware to inject perturbations into a system.
The innovation of the present invention is admittance identification using time-domain data via a critical step: obtaining s-domain expressions of measurements. Compared to the state-of-the art approach, i.e., harmonic injection method, the proposed approach of the present invention is much more efficient. The system and method of the present invention requires only two sets of data to lead to a dq-frame admittance. The proof-of-concept has been demonstrated using an analytical model. Two IBR grid-integration EMT testbeds were utilized to demonstrate the two admittance identification procedures. Specifically, an application of using event data for real-time admittance identified has been demonstrated.
The present invention may be embodied on various platforms. The following provides an antecedent basis for the information technology that may be utilized to enable the invention.
Embodiments of the present invention may be implemented in hardware, firmware, software, or any combination thereof. Embodiments of the present invention may also be implemented as instructions stored on a machine-readable medium, which may be read and executed by one or more processors. A machine-readable medium may include any mechanism for storing or transmitting information in a form readable by a machine (e.g., a computing device). For example, a machine-readable medium may include read only memory (ROM); random access memory (RAM); magnetic disk storage media; optical storage media; flash memory devices; electrical, optical, acoustical or other forms of propagated signals (e.g., carrier waves, infrared signals, digital signals, etc.), and others. Further, firmware, software, routines, instructions may be described herein as performing certain actions. However, it should be appreciated that such descriptions are merely for convenience and that such actions in fact result from computing devices, processors, controllers, or other devices executing the firmware, software, routines, instructions, etc.
The machine-readable medium may be, for example, but not limited to, an electronic, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, infrared, or semiconductor system, apparatus, or device, or any suitable combination of the foregoing. More specific examples (a non-exhaustive list) of the computer readable storage medium would include the following: an electrical connection having one or more wires, a portable computer diskette, a hard disk, a random access memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM or Flash memory), an optical fiber, a portable compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM), an optical storage device, a magnetic storage device, or any suitable combination of the foregoing. In the context of this document, a computer readable storage medium may be any non-transitory, tangible medium that can contain, or store a program for use by or in connection with an instruction execution system, apparatus, or device.
A machine-readable signal medium may include a propagated data signal with machine-readable program code embodied therein, for example, in baseband or as part of a carrier wave. Such a propagated signal may take any of a variety of forms, including, but not limited to, electro-magnetic, optical, or any suitable combination thereof. A machine-readable signal medium may be any machine-readable medium that is not a computer readable storage medium and that can communicate, propagate, or transport a program for use by or in connection with an instruction execution system, apparatus, or device. However, as indicated above, due to circuit statutory subject matter restrictions, claims to this invention as a software product are those embodied in a non-transitory software medium such as a computer hard drive, flash-RAM, optical disk or the like.
Program code embodied on a machine-readable medium may be transmitted using any appropriate medium, including but not limited to wireless, wire-line, optical fiber cable, radio frequency, etc., or any suitable combination of the foregoing. Machine-readable program code for carrying out operations for aspects of the present invention may be written in any combination of one or more programming languages, including an object oriented programming language such as Java, C#, C++, Visual Basic or the like and conventional procedural programming languages, such as the “C” programming language or similar programming languages.
Aspects of the present invention are described below with reference to flowchart illustrations and/or block diagrams of methods, apparatus (systems) and computer program products according to embodiments of the invention. It will be understood that each block of the flowchart illustrations and/or block diagrams, and combinations of blocks in the flowchart illustrations and/or block diagrams, can be implemented by machine-readable program instructions.
The advantages set forth above, and those made apparent from the foregoing disclosure, are efficiently attained. Since certain changes may be made in the above construction without departing from the scope of the invention, it is intended that all matters contained in the foregoing disclosure or shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense.
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