As volumes of digital multimedia collections grow, means for efficient and accurate searching and retrieval of data from those collections have become increasingly important. As a result, tools such as multimedia labeling and classification systems and methods that allow users to accurately and efficiently sort and categorize such data have also become increasingly important. Unfortunately, previous labeling and classification methods and systems tend to suffer deficiencies in several respects, as they can be inaccurate, inefficient and/or incomplete, and are, accordingly, not sufficiently effective to address the issues associated with large collections of multimedia.
Various methods have been used to improve the labeling of multimedia data. For example, there has been work exploring the use of user feedback to improve the image retrieval experience. In such systems, relevance feedback provided by the user is used to indicate which images in the returned results are relevant or irrelevant to the users' search target. Such feedback can be indicated explicitly (by marking labels of relevance or irrelevance) or implicitly (by tracking specific images viewed by the user). Given such feedback information, the initial query can be modified. Alternatively, the underlying features and distance metrics used in representing and matching images can be refined using the relevance feedback information.
Applications in practical domains using prior methods and systems, however, have not proven sufficiently effective. The prior systems do not ensure that the refined query, feature, or metric will improve the capability of retrieving additional targets that may have been overlooked in the initial results. Additionally, these prior systems tend to yield inaccurate results in unbalanced labeling situations and are prone to “noisy results,” which can lead to confusing and ambiguous classifications.
Some graph based semi-supervised learning methods have been explored to improve the image annotation accuracy by utilizing the label information from the labels data samples as well as the distribution information of the large amount of unlabeled data samples—a semi-supervised learning setting. They typically define a continuous classification function FεRn×c (n is the number of samples and c is the number of classes.) that is estimated on a graph representing the data samples to minimize a regularized cost function. The cost function commonly involves a tradeoff between the smoothness of the function over the graph of both labeled and unlabeled data and the accuracy of the function in fitting the label information for the labeled nodes. The performance of the existing systems is inadequate since the optimization process only considers the classification function as the search variable, which makes the performance highly sensitive to several well known problems such as label class unbalance, extreme locations of the labeled data samples in the feature space, noisy data samples, as well as unreliable labels received as input.
It is therefore an object of the presently disclosed subject matter to provide improved methods and systems for retrieving and labeling multimedia files.
Certain embodiments of the disclosed subject matter are designed to facilitate rapid retrieval and exploration of image and video collections. The disclosed subject matter incorporates novel graph-based label propagation methods and intuitive graphic user interfaces (“GUIs”) that allow users to quickly browse and annotate a small set of multimedia data, and then in real or near-real time provide refined labels for all remaining unlabeled data in the collection. Using such refined labels, additional positive results matching a user's interest can be identified. Such a system can be used as a fast search system alone, or as a bootstrapping system for developing additional target recognition tools needed in critical image application domains such as in intelligence, surveillance, consumer applications, biomedical applications, and in Internet applications.
Starting with a small number of labels provided by users or other sources, certain disclosed systems and methods can be implemented to propagate the initial labels to the remaining data and predict the most likely labels (or scores) for each data point on the graph. The propagation process is optimized with respect to several criteria. For example, the system may be implemented to consider factors such as: how well the predictions fit the already-known labels; the regularity of the predictions over data in the graph; the balance of labels from different classes; if the results are sensitive to quality of the initial labels and specific ways the labeled data are selected.
Certain disclosed system and method embodiments can be used in different modes—for example, interactive and automatic modes. An interactive mode can be designed for applications in which a user uses the GUI to interact with the system in browsing, labeling, and providing feedback. An automatic mode can use the initial labels or scores produced by other processes and then output refined scores or labels for all the data in the collection. The processes providing the initial labels may come from various sources, such as other classifiers using different modalities (for example, text, visual, or metadata), models (for example, supervised computer vision models or brain computer interface), or features, rank information regarding the data from other search engines, or even other manual annotation tools. In some systems and methods, when dealing with labels/scores from imperfect sources (e.g., search engines), additional steps may be implemented to filter the initial labels and assess their reliability before using them as inputs for the propagation process.
The output of the disclosed system embodiments may consist of refined or predicted labels (or scores indicating likelihood of positive detection) of some or all the images in the collection. These outputs can be used to identify additional positive samples matching targets of interest, which in turn can be used for a variety of functions, such as to train more robust classifiers, arrange the best presentation order for image browsing, or rearrange image presentations.
In a disclosed embodiment of a system and method in accordance with the disclosed subject matter, a partially labeled multimedia data set is received and an iterative graph-based optimization method is employed resulting in improved label propagation results and an updated data set with refined labels.
Embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods are able to handle label sets of unbalanced class size and weigh labeled samples based on their degrees of connectivity or other importance measures.
In another disclosed embodiment of a system and method in accordance with the disclosed subject matter, noisy labels can be removed based on a greedy search among gradient directions of a cost function.
In certain embodiments of the disclosed methods and systems, after the propagation process is completed, the predicted labels of all the nodes of the graph can be used to determine the best order of presenting the results to the user. For example, the images may be ranked in the database in a descending order of likelihood so that user can quickly find additional relevant images. Alternatively, the most informative samples may be displayed to the user to obtain the user's feedback, so that the feedback and labels may be collected for those critical samples. These functions can be useful to maximize the utility of the user interaction so that the best prediction model and classification results can be obtained with the least amount of manual user input.
The graph propagation process may also be applied to predict labels for new data that is not yet included in the graph. Such processes may be based, for example, on nearest neighbor voting or some form of extrapolation from an existing graph to external nodes.
In some embodiments of the disclosed subject matter, to implement an interactive and real-time system and method, the graph based label propagation may use a novel graph superposition method to incrementally update the label propagation results, without needing to repeat computations associated with previously labeled samples.
Further objects, features, and advantages of the presently disclosed subject matter will become apparent from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying figures showing illustrative embodiments of the disclosed subject matter, in which:
Transductive annotation by graph (“TAG”) systems and methods as disclosed herein can be used to overcome the labeling and classification deficiencies of prior systems and methods described above.
Given a collection of multimedia files, the TAG system of
As illustrated in
Once the affinity graph 150 is created, a TAG system can be used for retrieval and annotation. A variety of modes and usages could be implemented in accordance with the teachings of the presently disclosed subject matter. Two possible modes include: interactive 160 and automatic 170 modes. In the Interactive Mode 160, users may browse, view, inspect, and label images or videos using a graphic user interface (GUI), an embodiment of which is described in more detail hereinafter in connection with
Initially, before any label is assigned, a subset of default data may be displayed in the browsing window of the GUI based on, for example, certain metadata (e.g., time, ID, etc.) or a random sampling of the data collection. Using the GUI, a user may view an image of interest and then provide feedback about relevance of the result (e.g., marking the image as “relevant” or “irrelevant” or with multi-grade relevance labels). Such feedback can then be used to encode labels which are assigned to the corresponding nodes in the graph.
In Automatic Mode 170, the initial labels of a subset of nodes in the graph may be provided by external filters, classifiers, or ranking systems. For example, for a given target, an external classifier using image features and computer vision classification models may be used to predict whether the target is present in an image and assign the image to the most likely class (positive vs. negative or one of multiple classes). As another example, if the target of interest is a product image search for web based images, external web image search engines may be used to retrieve most likely image results using a keyword search. The rank information of each returned image can then be used to estimate the likelihood of detecting the target in the image and approximate the class scores which can be assigned to the corresponding node in the graph.
Various additional components and functions may be implemented in accordance with a system and method of the disclosed subject matter. For example, image browsing functions may be implemented in connection with such a system and method. After reviewing the current ranking results or the initial ranking, in this embodiment, such functionality may be implemented to allow a user to browse additional images by clicking the buttons ‘Next Page’ and ‘Previous Page.’ Additionally, a user may also use the sliding bar to move through more pages at once. Manual annotation functions may also be implemented in connection with a system and method in accordance with the disclosed subject matter. In certain embodiments, after an annotation target is chosen, the user can annotate specific images by clicking on them. For example, in such a system, positive images may be marked with a check mark, negative images may be marked with a cross mark ‘x’, and unlabeled images may be marked with a circle ‘◯’.
Automatic propagation functions may also be implemented in connection with a system and method in accordance with the disclosed subject matter. In certain embodiments, after a user inputs some labels, clicking the button ‘Model Update’ can trigger the label propagation process and the system will thereafter automatically infer the labels and generate a refined ranking score for each image. A user may reset the system to its initial status by clicking the button labeled ‘Clear Annotation.’ A user may also click the button labeled ‘System Info’ to generate system information, and output the ranking results in various formats that would be useful to one of ordinary skill in the art, such as, for example, a MATLAB-compatible format.
In the GUI embodiment shown in
Given assigned labels or scores for some subset of the nodes in the graph (the subset is usually but not necessarily a small portion of the entire graph), embodiments of the disclosed systems can propagate the labels to other nodes in the graph accurately and efficiently.
Additional description of algorithms and graph data generally described above is now provided. In an embodiment in accordance with the disclosed subject matter, an image set X=(XL, XU) may consist of labeled samples XL={xl, . . . , xl} and unlabeled samples XU={sl+1, . . . , xn}, where/is the number of labels. The corresponding labels for the labeled data set may be denoted as {y1, . . . , yl}, where yε{l, . . . , c} and c is the number of classes. For transductive learning, an objective is to infer the labels {yl+1, . . . , yn} of the unlabeled data XU={xl+1, . . . , xn}, where typically l<<n, namely only a very small portion of data are labeled. Embodiments may define an undirected graph represented by G={X,E}, where the set of node or vertices is X={xi} and the set of edges is E={eij}. Each sample x, may be treated as the node on the graph and the weight of edge eij can be represented as wij. Typically, one uses a kernel function k(·) over pairs of points to calculate weights, in other words wij=k(xi,xj) with the RBF kernel being a popular choice. The weights for edges may be used to build a weight matrix which may be denoted by W={wij}. Similarly, the node degree matrix D=diag(d1, . . . , dn) may be defined as
An graph related quantity Δ=D−W is called graph Laplacian and its normalized version is
The binary label matrix Y may be described as YεBn×c with Yij=1 if xi has label yi=j (means data x, belongs to class j) and Yij=0 otherwise (means data xi is unlabeled). A data sample may belong to multiple classes . simultaneously and thus multiple elements in the same row of Y can be equal to 1.
Embodiments of the disclosed TAG systems and methods may implement novel approaches to improving the quality of label propagation results. For example, disclosed embodiments may include: 1) superposition law based incremental label propagation; 2) a node regularizer for balancing label imbalance and weighting label importance; 3) alternating minimization based label propagation; 4) label diagnosis through self tuning. The details of disclosed embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods will be described in the following paragraphs.
Embodiments of the disclosed TAG systems and methods can also include a novel incremental learning method that allows for efficient addition of newly labeled samples. Results can be quickly updated using a superposition process without repeating the computation associated with the labeled samples already used in the previous iterations of propagation. Contributions from the new labels can be easily added to update the final prediction results. Such incremental learning capabilities are important for achieving real-time responses to a user's interaction. Since the optimal prediction can be decomposed into a series of parallel problems, and the prediction score for individual class can be formulated as component terms that only depend on individual columns of a classification matrix F.
where αε(0,1) is a constant parameter. Because each column of F encodes the label information of each individual class, such decomposition reveals that biases may arise if the input labels are disproportionately imbalanced. Prior propagation algorithms often fail in this unbalanced case, as the results tend to be biased towards the dominant class. To overcome this problem, disclosed embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods apply a novel graph regularization method to effectively address the class imbalance issue. Specifically, in disclosed embodiments, each class may be assigned an equal amount of weight and each member of a class may be assigned a weight (termed as node regularizer) proportional to its connection density and inversely proportional to the number of samples sharing the same class.
where the diagonal matrix V={vii} is introduced as a node regularizer to balance the influence of labels from different classes. Assume sample xi is associated with label j, the value of vii is computed as:
where d1 is the node degree of labeled sample xi and
is the sum of node degree of the labeled nodes in class j.
Along with the node regularizer, incremental learning by superposition law is described here as another embodiment of the disclosed systems and methods. Let
denotes the total degree of the current labels in class j. Adding a new labeled sample xs (the corresponding degree is dss) to class j, two coefficients λ, γ can be calculated as:
Then the new prediction score for class j can be rapidly computed as:
where F·j is the j th column of the classification matrix F and P·s is the j th column of the propagation matrix P (The propagation matrix will be defined later). This is in contrast to a brute force approach that uses the whole set of labeled samples, including the new labeled sample and the existing labeled samples, to calculate the classification function from scratch again. The disclosed systems and methods result in a much more efficient implementation of the label propagation process.
Certain embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods make modifications to the cost function used in previously used systems and methods. For example, in certain systems and methods, the optimization is explicitly shown over both the classification function F and the binary label matrix Y:
(F*,Y*)=arg minFεR
where B is the set of all binary matrices Y of size n×c that satisfy Σj Yij=1 for a single labeling problem, and for the labeled data xiεXl, Yij=1 if yi=j. However, embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods naturally adapt to a multiple-label problem, where single multimedia file may be associated with multiple semantic tags. More specifically, the loss function is:
where the parameter μ balances two parts of the cost function. The node regularizer V permits the use of a normalized version of the label matrix Z defined as: Z=VY. By definition, in certain embodiments, the normalized label matrix satisfies Σi Zij=1.
An alternating minimization procedure to solve the above optimization problem can also contribute to improvements over prior methods and systems, as disclosed herein. Specifically, the cost function discussed above includes two variables that can be optimized. While simultaneously recovering both solutions can be difficult due to the mixed -integer programming problem over binary Y and continuous F, a greedy alternating minimization approach may be used instead. The first update of the continuous classification function F is straightforward since the resulting cost function is convex and unconstrained, which allows the optimal F. to be recovered by setting the partial derivative
equal to zero. However, since YεBn·c is a binary matrix and subject to certain linear constraints, the other step in another embodiment of the disclosed alternating minimization requires solving a linearly constrained max cut problem which is NP. Due to the alternating minimization outer loop, investigating guaranteed approximation schemes to solve a constrained max cut problem for Y may be unjustified due to the solution's dependence on the dynamically varying classification function F during an alternating minimization procedure. Instead, embodiments of the currently disclosed methods and systems may use a greedy gradient-based approach to incrementally update Y while keeping the classification function F at the corresponding optimal setting. Moreover, because the node regularizer term V normalizes the labeled data, updates of V can be interleaved based on the revised Y.
The classification function, FεRn·c, as used in certain embodiments of the disclosed subject matter, is continuous and its loss terms are convex, which allows its minimum to be recovered by zeroing the partial derivative:
where P=(L/μ+I)−1 is denoted as the propagation matrix and may assume the graph is symmetrically built. To update Y, first Y can be replaced by its optimal value F* as shown in the equation above. Accordingly:
This optimization still involves the node regularizer V, which depends on Y and normalizes the label matrix over columns. Due to the dependence on the current estimate of F and V, only an incremental step will be taken greedily in certain disclosed embodiments to reduce Q(Y). In each iteration, position (i*, j*) in the matrix Y can be found and the binary value Yi*j* of can be changed from 0 to 1. The direction with the largest negative gradient may guide the choice of binary step on Y. Therefore,
can be evaluated and the associated largest negative value can be found to determine (i*, j*).
Note that Setting Yi*j*=1 is Equivalent to a Similar Operation on the normalized label matrix Z by setting Zi*j*=ε0<ε<1, and Y, Z to have one-to-one correspondence. Thus, the greedy minimization of Q with respect to Y in this disclosed embodiment is equivalent to the greedy minimization of Q with respect to Z:
The loss function can be rewritten using the variable Z as:
where A represents A=PT LP+μ(PT−I)(P−I). Note that A is symmetric if the graph is symmetrically built. The gradient of the above loss function can be derived and recovered with respect to Z as:
As described earlier, the gradient matrix can be searched to find the minimal element for updating the following equation:
(i*,j*)=arg minxεX
The label matrix can be updated by setting Yi*j*=1. Because of the binary nature of Y, Yi*j* can be set to equal 1 instead of using a continuous gradient approach. Accordingly, after each iteration, the node regularizer can be recalculated using the updated label matrix.
The updated Y in accordance with certain disclosed embodiments is greedy and could therefore oscillate and backtrack from predicted labeling in previous iterations without convergence guarantees. To guarantee convergence and avoid backtracking, inconsistency or unstable oscillation in the greedy propagation of labels, in preferred embodiments, once an unlabeled point has been labeled, its labeling can no longer be changed. In other words, the most recently labeled point (i*, j*) is removed from future consideration and the algorithm only searches for the minimal gradient entries corresponding to the remaining unlabeled samples. Thus, to avoid changing the labeling of previous predictions, the new labeled node xi may be removed from Xu and added to Xl.
The following equations summarize the updating rules from step l to l+1 in certain embodiments of the scheme of graph transduction via alternative minimization (GTAM). Although the optimal F* can be computed in each iteration, it does not need to explicitly be updated. Instead, it can be implicitly used to directly updated Y:
The procedure above may repeat until all points have been labeled in connection with the label propagation of the disclosed subject matter. The inventive concepts disclosed herein may be implemented and applied in numerous different ways as would be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art.
To handle errors in a label set, embodiments of the disclosed methods and systems can be extended to formulate a graph transduction procedure with the ability to handle mislabeled instances. A bidirectional greedy search approach can be used to simultaneously drive wrong label correction and new label inferencing. This novel mechanism can allow for automatic pruning of incorrect labels and maintain a set of consistent and informative labels. Modified embodiments of the systems and methods disclosed earlier may be equipped to more effectively deal with mislabeled samples and develop new “Label Diagnosis through Self Tuning” (LDST) systems and methods.
Embodiments of the disclosed LDST systems and methods may execute a floating greedy search among the most beneficial gradient directions of Q on both labeled and unlabeled samples. Since the label regularizer term V associated with the current label variable Y, which converts the label variable into a normalized form Z=VY. The differential of the cost with respect to normalized label variable Z can be computed as:
The above calculation of gradient ∂Q/∂Y measures the change of the objective function in terms of the change of normalized label variable Z. In the disclosed embodiments of GTAM scheme, only one direction manipulation of increasing the labeled samples, i.e. changing the value of certain element of Y from 0 to 1, is discussed. The disclosed embodiments of LDST scheme extend to manipulate the label variable Y in both directions, labeling and unlabeling. The labeling operation may be carried out on the unlabeled nodes with the minimum value of the gradient min ∇z
(i+,j+)=arg minx
(i−,j−)=arg maxx
where (i+, j+) and (i−, j−) are the optimal elements of variable Y for labeling and unlabeling operations, respectively. Unlike the labeling procedure, the optimal elements for the unlabeling procedure may be investigated only on the portions of variable Yl where the element has the nonzero values. In other words, through each bidirectional gradient decent operation, one of the most reliable labels can be added and one of the least reliable labels can be removed. Again, since the label regularizer term V is associated with the current labels, it should be updated after each individual labeling or unlabeling operation. An embodiment in accordance with disclosed methods is illustrated in Table A below:
As shown in Table A, in the first s iterations of a disclosed method, a number of labeling and unlabeling operations are executed in order to eliminate problematic labels and add trustable new labels. In this self-tuning stage, one new label can be added to the labeled set after one unreliable label can be eliminated to maintain a fixed number of labels. Moreover, each individual operation of labeling and unlabeling can lead to an update of label regularization matrix v. After executing certain steps of label self tuning, the subsequent stage, which may be referred to as “LDST-propagation,” can be conducted to propagate labels to the unlabeled data set. The method may terminate when all the unlabeled samples are labeled. However, completed propagation in that fashion may result in a prohibitive computational cost if the data set is too large. Accordingly, in another embodiment, the iterative procedure can be terminated after obtaining enough labels and final prediction results can be computed using the following equation:
Embodiments of the disclosed LDST systems and methods can be used to improve the results of text based image search results. In a disclosed embodiment, top-ranked images may be truncated to create a set of pseudo-positive labels, while lower-ranked images may be treated as unlabeled samples. LDST systems and methods can then be applied to tune the imperfect labels and further refine the rank list. Additional embodiments may be used on a variety of data set types, including text classification on webpages and to correctly identify handwritten data samples.
Although the disclosed subject matter as heretofore described has represented data in a single graph, in many applications, the data can naturally have multiple representations. For example, the web can be represented as different relationship maps, either by a directed graph with hyperlinks as edges or by an undirected similarity graph in the feature space of the Bag-of-Word model. For the applications of visual search, there are even more representations for images, such as SIFT features, GIST features, and sparse coding based features. Even with the same feature space, graph construction also varies in many ways, including kernel selection, sparsification, and edge weighting. The choices of data representation and the graph construction process result in a myriad of graphs. In this section, a new algorithm is described, which alternatively identifies the most confident unlabeled vertices for label assignment by considering multiple graphs, and combines the predictions from each individual graph to achieve more accurate labels over the entire label set.
A more efficient way to extend the GTAM method from a single graph to multiple graphs makes use of a novel approach that aggregates the most confident labels captured from multiple graphs. First, consider the transductive inference over an individual graph by solving arg minFQ(F,Y) with the label variable Y fixed. Then the optimal prediction functions F={F1, . . . , Fq} can be derived for all the given graphs {G1, . . . , Gn,} independently. The weighted combination over the prediction functions from individual graphs can be computed as: F=Σq−1mαqFq, where α=[α1, . . . , αm] are the weights, and large values of the weights indicates the most relevant graphs. The node regularizer is accordingly computed over multiple graphs as
The above extension of label weight is based on the weighted sum of the normalized density, rather than the density from a single graph. Given the above combined predictions and normalized density, the following cost function can be defined over multiple graphs as:
Although the minimization problem of the above cost function is nontrivial, a similar optimizing strategy as discussed earlier can be applied to derive local optimal solutions. The optimal prediction function over each graph can be derived as:
where Pq is the propagation matrix over graph Gq. The cost function after replacing the optimal prediction function is written as:
The partial derivatives of Q over Z and a can be computed as:
the update over the normalized label matrix Z is equivalent to updating the original label matrix Y, where Y and Z have one-to-one correspondence. Therefore, we identify the minimal element of the unlabeled part as:
and update the label matrix by setting Yi*j*=1. The update of Y is indeed a labeling procedure that assigns the most confident unlabeled vertex with the proper label. With the updated Y, the node regularizer is re-computed, and Z is correspondingly updated. After finishing the update of the Y matrix, the coefficients a can also be updated using the gradient descent approach
η is the step length. Since α={αq}, q=1, . . . , m is constrained as Σq αq=1 and αq≧0, the αq must be normalized after each iteration. The updating procedure of the elements in a can be interpreted as imposing higher weights to the most relevance graphs.
The foregoing merely illustrates the principles of the disclosed subject matter. Various modifications and alterations to the described embodiments will be apparent to those skilled in the art in view of the teachings herein.
Embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods can also be used in biological applications. For example, systematic content screening of cell phenotypes in microscopic images may be useful in understanding gene and designing prescription drugs. However, manual annotation of cells and images in genome-wide studies is often cost prohibitive.
Gene function can be assessed by analyzing disruptive effects on a biological process caused by the absence or disruption of genes. With recent advances in fluorescence microscopy, imaging and gene interference techniques like RNA interference (RNAi), genome-wide high-content screening (HCS) has emerged as a powerful approach to systematically studying the functions of individual genes. HCS typically generates a large number of biological readouts, including cell size, cell viability, cell cycle, and cell morphology, and a typical HCS cellular image usually contains a population of cells shown in multi-channel signals, where the channels may include, for example, a DNA channel (indicating locations of nuclei) and a F-actin channel (indicating information of cytoplasm)
A critical barrier preventing successful deployment of large-scale genome-wide HCS is the lack of efficient and robust methods for automating phenotype classification and quantitative valuation of HCS images. Retrieval of relevant HCS images is especially important, and under prior methods, this was typically handled manually. Under these prior methods, generally, biologists first examine a few example images showing a phenotype of interest, manually browse individual microscopic images, and then assess the relevance of each image to the cellular phenotypes. This procedure is very expensive and relies on well trained domain experts. While some relevant automatic systems have previously been developed, they still rely heavily on biologist input and are especially subject to human error. Embodiments of the presently disclosed subject matter can be used to improve the procedure of discovering relevant microscopies given a small portion of labeled cells, leading to more accurate and efficient labeling and retrieval of relevant images, and offering significant improvements over existing methods
Embodiments of the presently disclosed subject matter can also be used to search images downloaded from Internet collections, such as photo sharing sites. In one embodiment, users may be provided a collection of images that have been filtered using keywords, and may quickly retrieve images of a specific class (for example, as discussed in connection with other embodiments herein, “Statue of Liberty”) through interactive browsing and relevance feedback. Using the particular system, users may quickly identify the images matching their specific interest by browsing and annotating returned results as positive (i.e., relevant to the target) or negative (i.e., irrelevant to the target). The label propagation method described herein may then be used to infer likelihood scores for each image in the collection indicating whether the image contains the desired target. A user can repeat the procedure of labeling and propagation to refine the results until the output results satisfy the user's requirements.
Certain embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods may also be used for web search improvements. Images on such web sharing sites often are already associated with textual tags, assigned by users who upload the images. However, it is well known to those skilled in the art that such manually assigned tags are erratic and inaccurate. Discrepancies may be due, for example, to the ambiguity of labels or lack of control of the labeling process. Embodiments of the disclosed systems and methods can be used to quickly refine the accuracy of the labels and improve the overall usefulness of search results from these types of internet websites, and more generally, to improve the usefulness and accuracy of internet multimedia searches overall.
Because the disclosed systems and methods are scalable in terms of feature representation, other application specified features can also be utilized to improve the graph propagation.
While the systems and methods disclosed above provide significant improvements over other labeling methods, the performance of the presently disclosed systems and methods may be degraded if a given set of labels is not reliable. Such problems arise in applications such as web image searches that use noisy textual tags. Therefore, novel and efficient graph-based methods that can correct incorrect labels and infer new labels through a bidirectional and alternating optimization process are also important. Particular embodiments of these systems and methods may automatically identify the most suitable samples for manipulation, labeling or unlabeling, and estimate a smooth classification function over a weighted graph. Unlike prior graph based approaches, embodiments of these systems and methods may employ a bivariate objective function and iteratively modify label variables on both labeled and unlabeled samples.
The foregoing merely illustrates the principles of the disclosed subject matter. Various modifications and alterations to the described embodiments will be apparent to those skilled in the art in view of the teachings herein.
Further, it should be noted that the language used in the specification has been principally selected for readability and instructional purposes, and may not have been selected to delineate or circumscribe the inventive subject matter. Accordingly, the disclosure of the present invention is intended to be illustrative, but not limiting, of the scope of the invention, which is set forth in the following claims.
This application is a Continuation-In-Part of International Application PCT/US09/069,237, filed Dec. 22, 2009 and which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Nos. 61/140,035, filed on Dec. 22, 2008, entitled, “Active Microscopic Cellular Image annotation by Superposable Graph Transduction with Imbalance Labels”; 61/142,488, filed Jan. 5, 2009, entitled, “Graph Transduction via Alternating Minimization”; 61/151,124, filed on Feb. 9, 2009, entitled, “System and Method for Arranging Media”; 61/171,789, filed on Apr. 22, 2009, entitled “Rapid Image Annotation via Brain State Decoding and Visual Pattern Mining,”; and 61/233/325, filed Aug. 12, 2009, entitled, “System and Methods for Image Annotation and Label Refinement by Graph” which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
61171789 | Apr 2009 | US | |
61151124 | Feb 2009 | US | |
61142488 | Jan 2009 | US | |
61140035 | Dec 2008 | US | |
61233325 | Aug 2009 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/US09/69237 | Dec 2009 | US |
Child | 13165553 | US |