System and method for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container

A volume container system automatically relates components of a storage area network in membership association of a volume container. The volume container is an abstract entity that maps a relationship between servers and storage devices. The entity captures network access control between servers and storage subsystems such as, for example, security, access, and zoning. Policies of the volume container guide operations in a volume container. The membership associates access and security within the volume container. The volume container reduces administration required for a storage area network, improves consistency in mapping, security, and zoning, and reduces complexity in consistently replicating a logical group of volumes, making failure recovery easier.

The present invention generally relates to storage area networks and in particular to a unifying abstraction for components in a storage area network that correlates the entities in a volume container.


A storage area network is a network of storage devices or disks. A storage area network can connect one or more servers (host servers) to a centralized pool of disk storage (storage devices or storage volumes). Compared to managing many servers, each with a storage device, use of a storage area network improves system administration.

Although storage area network technology has proven to be useful, it would be desirable to present additional improvements. Conventional methods of managing storage area networks comprise low level primitives (i.e., machine language) that require considerable expertise in storage subsystems, networks, etc. Storage administrators frequently make mistakes in performing these operations.

Furthermore, storage administrators have difficulty in correlating various components such as, for example, host servers and storage devices in a storage area network. A system administrator has to perform mappings between servers and storage devices. Each server and each storage device represents an individual mapping. With many servers and many storage devices, managing issues such as consistent mapping, security, and access are very difficult to configure and maintain.

Conventional storage area networks lack a unifying abstraction for the entities in the storage area network. What is therefore needed is a system, a computer program product, and an associated method for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container. The need for such a solution has heretofore remained unsatisfied.


The present invention satisfies this need, and presents a system, a service, a computer program product, and an associated method (collectively referred to herein as “the system” or “the present system”) for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container. The present invention reduces administration required for a storage area network, improves consistency in mapping, security, and zoning, and reduces complexity in consistently replicating a logical group of storage volumes, making failure recovery easier. Consequently, the present system improves scalability of storage area networks.

The volume container is an abstract entity that shows a relationship between servers (interchangeably referenced herein as host servers) and storage devices (interchangeably referenced herein as storage volumes). The volume container automatically captures the assignment of storage volumes in storage subsystems to servers. The volume container further automatically captures network access control between host servers and storage subsystems such as, for example, security, zoning, etc.

Volume containers define a membership collection. Policies of the volume container guide operations (or rules) in a volume container; i.e., how storage volumes are allocated and how host servers are zoned to storage volumes. Consequently, the membership automatically associates access and security within the volume container.

Membership in a volume container by the host server or the storage volume comprises the following implications with respect to adding and removing storage volumes and host servers in the volume container.

Adding a storage volume to a volume container assigns the storage volume to all of the host servers in the storage container. Adding a storage volume to a volume container further zones the storage volume to all of the host servers in the volume container.

Adding a server to a volume container assigns the host server to all of the storage volumes in the volume container. Adding a host server to a volume container further zones all of the host servers to the storage volumes in the volume container.

Removal of a storage volume from a volume container removes assignments of the removed storage volume to host servers in the volume container. Removal of a storage volume from a volume container further removes zones associated with the removed storage volume.

Removal of a host server from a storage container removes assignments of the removed host server to storage volumes in the volume container. Removal of a host server from a volume container further removes zones associated with the removed host server.

A host server may belong to multiple volume containers but a storage volume can belong to at most one volume container.

The present system enables adding a client to a group of clients in a shared file system mounted from a storage volume. Using the volume container to define the shared file system enables automatic access by the added client.


The various features of the present invention and the manner of attaining them will be described in greater detail with reference to the following description, claims, and drawings, wherein reference numerals are reused, where appropriate, to indicate a correspondence between the referenced items, and wherein:

FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of an exemplary operating environment in which a volume container system of the present invention can be used;

FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of an exemplary storage area network in which host servers and storage volumes are organized into volume containers by the volume container system of FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a process flow chart illustrating a method of operation of the volume container system of FIG. 1 in generating and managing a volume container;

FIG. 4 is a process flow chart illustrating a method of operation of the volume container system of FIG. 1 in establishing a mapping between host servers and storage volumes in a volume container;

FIG. 5 is a process flow chart illustrating a method of operation of the volume container system of FIG. 1 in modifying a mapping of the volume container; and

FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating virtualization of a storage area network using the volume container system of FIG. 1.


The following definitions and explanations provide background information pertaining to the technical field of the present invention, and are intended to facilitate the understanding of the present invention without limiting its scope:

Volume Container: An abstract entity that shows a relationship between servers and storage devices. The entity captures the assignment of volumes from storage subsystems to servers. The entity further captures network access control between servers and storage subsystems such as, for example, zoning.

FIG. 1 portrays an exemplary overall environment (a distributed storage system 100) in which a system, a computer program product, and an associated method for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container (the volume container system 10 or the “system 10”) according to the present invention may be used. System 10 comprises a software programming code or a computer program product that is typically embedded within a computer that is monitoring the storage area network. Alternatively, system 10 can be saved on a suitable storage medium such as a diskette, a CD, a hard drive, or like devices.

Hosts, such as a host server 1, 15, through a host server N, 20, (collectively referenced as host servers 25) access a storage system 30 through a network 35. The storage system 30 comprises storage devices such as a storage volume 1, 40, through a storage volume N, 45, (collectively referenced as storage volumes 50). While system 10 is described in terms of network 35, host servers 25 may also access the storage system 30 and system 10 locally rather than remotely.

System 10 automatically manages assignment of the host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50 into a volume container. FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary set of volume containers for an exemplary storage system 200. The storage system 200 comprises the host server 1, 15, a host server 2, 205, and a host server 3, 210 (collectively referenced as host servers 25). The storage system 200 further comprises a storage subsystem 1, 215, and a storage subsystem 2, 220. The storage subsystem 1, 215, comprises the storage volume 1, 40, and a storage volume 2, 225. The storage subsystem 2, 220, comprises a storage volume 3, 230, and a storage volume 4, 235. The storage volume 2, 40, the storage volume 2, 225, the storage volume 3, 230, and the storage volume 4, 235, are collectively referenced as storage servers 50.

System 10 automatically maps the host servers 25 and the storage servers 50 in one or more volume containers. In the example of FIG. 2, the host server 1, 15, (HS1) accesses the storage volume 1, 40. The host server 2, 205, (HS2) accesses the storage volume 2, 225 and the storage volume 3, 230. The host server 3, 210, (HS3) accesses the storage volume 4, 235. System 10 groups the host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50 into volume container 1, 240, and volume container 2, 245, collectively referenced as volume containers 250.

In FIG. 2, the volume container 1, 240, comprises the host server 1, 15, the host server 2, 205, the storage volume 1, 40, and the storage volume 2, 225. The volume container 2, 245, comprises the host server 2, 205, the host server 3, 210, the storage volume 3, 230, and the storage volume 4, 235.

The volume containers 250 are abstract entities that illustrate a relationship between the host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50. This abstract entity captures the assignment of storage volumes 50 from the storage subsystem 1, 215, and the storage subsystem 2, 220 to the host servers 25. The volume containers 250 further capture network access control between the host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50. Network access control comprises, for example, zoning, access, and security.

FIG. 3 illustrates a method 300 of system 10 in generating and managing a volume container. System 10 defines a volume container (step 305). System 10 automatically establishes a mapping between one or more the host servers 25 and one or more the storage volumes 50 in the volume container (step 310, illustrated in more detail in method 400 of FIG. 4). In general, each of the storage volumes 50 is assigned to one volume container. Each of the host servers 25 can be mapped to one or more volume containers.

System 10 monitors the volume container for changes in configuration (step 315). If a modification in the volume container is identified (decision step 320), system 10 modifies a mapping between one or more the host servers 25 and one or more the storage volumes 50 (step 325, illustrated in more detail in method 500 of FIG. 5). In the absence of modification (decision step 320) or after modifying the mapping (step 325), system 10 continues monitoring the volume container (step 315).

System 10 automatically establishes a mapping between the host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50 as illustrated by method 400 of FIG. 4. In the following discussion, the storage volume 1, 40, generally represents individual storage volumes 50; the host server 1, 15, generally represents individual host servers 25. System 10 selects a storage volume such as storage volume 1, 40 (step 405). System 10 maps the host servers 25 in the volume container to the storage volume 1, 40. System 10 determines whether additional storage volumes 50 remain for mapping (decision step 415). If yes, system 10 selects a next storage volume from the storage volumes 50 and repeats step 410 and step 415.

When no storage volumes 50 remain for mapping (decision step 415), system 10 selects one of the host servers 25 (i.e., the host server 1, 15) (step 425). System 10 maps the storage volumes 50 to the selected host server, the host server 1, 15 (step 430). System 10 determines whether additional host servers 25 remain for mapping (decision step 435). If yes, system 10 selects a next host server from the host servers 25 and repeats step 430 and step 435. When no host servers 25 remain for mapping (decision step 435), system 10 exits initial mapping (step 445).

Method 400 illustrates an exemplary order for automatically mapping the host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50. Mapping of the storage volumes 50 (step 405 through step 420) may be performed after mapping of the host servers 25 (step 425 through step 440). Furthermore, mapping of individual volume containers 50 may be interspersed with mapping of individual host servers 25.

FIG. 5 illustrates a method 500 of system 10 in automatically modifying a mapping of the volume containers. In the following discussion, the storage volume 1, 40, generally represents individual storage volumes 50; the host server 1, 15, generally represents individual host servers 25. System 10 initiates a mapping modification (step 505). If a storage volume such as the storage volume 1, 40, is added to the volume container (decision step 510), system 10 maps the host servers 25 in the volume container to the added storage volume, storage volume 1, 40 (step 515). If a host server such as the host server 1, 15, is being added to the volume container (decision step 520), system 10 maps the storage volumes 50 in the volume container to the added host server, server 1, 15 (step 525).

If a storage volume such as storage volume 1, 40, is being removed from the volume container (decision step 530), system 10 unmaps the host servers 25 in the volume container from the removed storage volume, storage volume 1, 40 (step 535). If a host server such as the host server 1, 15, is being removed to the volume container (decision step 540), system 10 unmaps the storage volumes 50 in the volume container from the removed host server, server 1, 15 (step 545). System 10 exits mapping modification (step 550).

Method 500 illustrates an exemplary order for modifying the mapping the host servers 25 and the storage volume 50 in the volume container. The host servers 25 and the storage volumes 50 may be added or removed in any order.

System 10 can be used to replicate a storage area network. For example, a database system comprises a host server and a set of storage volumes. A database log, database indices, and data are distributed among a set of storage volumes. To replicate the database, the database log, database indices, and data need to be replicated as a set. By placing the host server and the set of storage volumes accessed by the database in a volume container, system 10 can easily replicate the database system by replicating the volume container. In replicating the volume container using system 10, security and access are also replicated, reducing administrative effort and errors and aiding in disk recovery.

FIG. 6 illustrates a virtualized volume container 605 comprising a virtual host such as a virtual host 1, 610, and a storage system such as the storage system 30. The virtual host 1, 610, comprises a virtual volume 1, 615, through a virtual volume N, 620, collectively referenced as virtual volumes 625. The storage system 30 comprises the storage volume 1, 40, through the storage volume N, 45, collectively referenced as the storage volumes 50. The virtual volumes 625 are mapped to the storage volumes 50 by system 10 using a mapping (or mapper) 630.

System 10 provides parallel access for virtual hosts to storage systems such as the storage system 30. System 10 enables parallel access by adding additional hosts such as virtual host 2, 635, to mapping 630. Essentially, system 10 adds virtual host 2, 635, to the virtualized volume container 605. System 10 maps virtual volumes in the virtual host 2, 635, to the storage volumes 50 and maps the storage volumes 50 to the virtual volumes in the virtual host 2, 635. Consequently, system 10 automatically enables consistent access, security, zones, etc. for the virtual host 2, 635, when the virtual host 2, 635, is added to the virtualized volume container 605.

It is to be understood that the specific embodiments of the invention that have been described are merely illustrative of certain applications of the principle of the present invention. Numerous modifications may be made to a system and method for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container described herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention.

  • 1. A method of automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container, comprising: mapping at least one of a plurality of storage volumes in the volume container to at least one of a plurality of host servers in the volume container; mapping the at least one of the plurality of host servers to the storage volumes in the volume container; automatically mapping an introduced host server to the storage volumes in the volume container; and automatically mapping an introduced storage volume to the host volumes in the volume container in order to automatically relate the storage volumes and the host servers in the volume container.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising removing at least one host server.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein removing the host server comprises unmapping at least some of the storage volumes that are associated with the removed host server, from the removed host server.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising removing at least one storage volume.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, wherein removing the storage volume comprises unmapping at least some of the host servers that are associated with the removed storage volume, from the removed storage volume.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, further comprising assigning each of the storage volumes to a single volume container.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, further comprising mapping each of the host servers to at least one volume container.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the volume container defines a membership collection.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, wherein the membership collection includes rules that automatically associate access and security within the volume container.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the membership collection rules model storage network by applications.
  • 11. The method of claim 1, wherein at least one host server belongs to multiple volume containers.
  • 12. The method of claim 11, wherein at least one storage volume belongs to a single volume container.
  • 13. A computer program product having a plurality of executable instruction codes stored on a computer-readable medium for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container, comprising: a first set of instruction codes for mapping at least one of a plurality of storage volumes in the volume container to at least one of a plurality of host servers in the volume container; a second set of instruction codes for mapping the at least one of the plurality of host servers to the storage volumes in the volume container; a third set of instruction codes for automatically mapping an introduced host server to the storage volumes in the volume container; and a fourth set of instruction codes for automatically mapping an introduced storage volume to the host volumes in the volume container in order to automatically relate the storage volumes and the host servers in the volume container.
  • 14. The computer program product of claim 13, further comprising a fifth set of instruction codes for removing at least one host server.
  • 15. The computer program product of claim 14, wherein the fifth set of instruction codes removes the host server by unmapping at least some of the storage volumes that are associated with the removed host server, from the removed host server.
  • 16. The computer program product of claim 13, further comprising a sixth set of instruction codes for removing at least one storage volume.
  • 17. A computer system for automatically relating components of a storage area network in a volume container, comprising: a storage volume mapper for mapping at least one of a plurality of storage volumes in the volume container to at least one of a plurality of host servers in the volume container; a host server mapper for mapping the at least one of the plurality of host servers to the storage volumes in the volume container; the host server mapper automatically mapping an introduced host server to the storage volumes in the volume container; and the storage volume mapper automatically mapping an introduced storage volume to the host volumes in the volume container in order to automatically relate the storage volumes and the host servers in the volume container.
  • 18. The computer system of claim 17, wherein each of the storage volumes is assigned to a single volume container.
  • 19. The computer system of claim 18, wherein the volume container defines a membership collection; wherein the membership collection includes rules that automatically associate access and security within the volume container; and wherein the membership collection rules model storage network by applications.
  • 20. The computer system of claim 17, wherein at least one host server belongs to multiple volume containers.