1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates generally to the field of computer-implemented inventions, and more specifically, to a system and method for collecting and assessing wildfire hazard data, merging this data with various wildfire risk calculation variables, and generating wildfire risk valuations and mitigation recommendations.
2.Description of the Related Art
Currently in the home and property wildfire risk inspection environment, insurers conduct wildfire hazard assessments to gather wildfire hazard assessment data, which includes property photos, notes detailing associated risk(s), time, date, assessor, and other general background information associated with a given property assessment. The insurers might complete this data collection using their own trained assessment staffer work with a wildfire risk assessment provider to gather it for them. Gathered property site data can be used (a) for properly underwriting purposes, which has a goal of accurately identifying wildfire risk value so that insurance rates can be properly set, (b) for policyholder education purposes, with a goal of motivating policyholders to take recommended actions to reduce wildfire risk around their property, and/or (c) to guide wildfire response actions in a wildfire event.
In the most common scenario, wildfire hazard data collectors drive from home to home, gathering information lot wildfire risk and mitigation strategy reports using a pen and paper, laptop, handheld/truck GPS, and handheld camera. This data is then uploaded to a wildfire risk assessment provider or insurance client office server, where it is organized manually into a report. This report may take the form of a Microsoft Publisher document for example. Processing of the report follows client-defined rules, and report accuracy is often limited to the expertise of the data collector, who may or may not have a wildfire risk education background. This report is usually not reviewed by anyone with any wildfire risk expertise, as client office staff may have limited to no wildfire background, and essential elements of the risk puzzle—namely, location-based risk factors and updated wildfire activity—are not included in the assessment of property risk.
Organizing data collection staff as they move from property to property to collect site data is expensive and requires near constant hotel accommodations, flights to and from the assessment area, and gas to support vehicle travel. This comes with its own set of risks, including driving accidents and injury to personnel. Field assessors are repaired to be away from home for weeks at a time, which results in high levels of turnover, rehiring, and retraining. Hardware and software required to perform the data collection is expensive, is not always reliable or consistent, and is not always maintained, resulting in data loss or loss in data quality.
In addition, collecting and organizing data from the field into a predefined format is time-consuming, tedious, and susceptible to errors, not the least of which is lost or missing data, which may require the assessor to return to the home and/or result in incomplete reports and additional expenses or monetary fines incurred when client contract expectations are not met as a result. Processing time to bring data from its inception at the home site to a completed report in the hands of the client is long, as numerous days are lost to processing submitted data, researching/requesting missing data, organizing data, and sending the data back to the client. Each step of the process—collecting, organizing, maintaining, and updating inspection data—is tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone. Errors or delays in data collection and organization can also result in an incorrect risk assessment that not only negatively impacts home/property safety but also falsely conveys risk to insurers writing policies a round the risk assessment.
With conventional methods, the data collected is often incomplete; although this data may take into account wildfire risks around the property, it often does not include area/location-based risk factors, including wildfire history, recent past and current climate conditions, general area topography, home density, neighborhood wildfire safety preparedness, etc. It often relies on incomplete location-based risk assessment data that operates too broadly (at the land parcel level) and is devoid of known wildfire risk factors such as recent climate/weather condition (including sustained drought, seasonality neighborhood density effect, etc.). More importantly, it misses actual present day wildfire fuel lead and densities, which may markedly differ from past wildfire fuel load and densities due to significant changes in urban growth or recent wildfire.
Wildfire fuels around the property and immediate surroundings are often analyzed in isolation rather than comprehensively, and thus the fuel continuity/density picture so vital to properly assessing wildfire movement may not be fully fleshed out. It rarely takes late account updated wildfire risk, which includes known wildfire “red flag warnings” indicating area ripeness for a wildfire, active fire activity and proximity, planned proscribed burns, and more. Finally, there is run a method by which insurers or their policyholders are able to bring all these risk factors together—location-based risk, site-based risk, and updated wildfire risk—in a single, integrated wildfire risk analysis.
What is needed is a system and method for collecting wildfire risk assessment data in the field and merging it with location-based risk data and known updated wildfire risk data to provide a comprehensive, integrated wildfire risk valuation that would drive mitigation efforts, response actions, and insurance policy valuations. The present invention meets ail of these requirements, as described more fully below.
The present invention is a computer-implemented system for collecting and assessing wildfire hazard data comprising: a mobile device with an application installed on the mobile device for on-site collection of wildfire hazard data; and a wildfire risk assessment provider server; wherein data collected on the mobile device is merged with data at the wildfire risk assessment provider server to produce underwriting risk scores and reports for insurers, education-aimed recommendations and reports for policyholders, wildfire risk alerts for mobile device application users, strategies for client-to-policyholder wildfire awareness communication, and strategies for wildfire response teams used on drive pre-suppression and active fire actions.
In a preferred embodiment, the merging of the data collected on the mobile device with data at the wildfire risk assessment provider server is accomplished via the application of a site-based risk algorithm that calculates a site-based risk total based on affirmative answers to wildfire risk assessment condition questions, a location-based risk algorithm that computes a location-based risk value based on a multitude of wildfire risk factors known to impact a site's potential for wildfire ignition, a level of service algorithm that generates a level of service score based on the site-based risk total and the location-based risk value, an updated wildfire risk algorithm that multiplies the location-based risk value by an updated wildfire risk multiplier to determine an updated wildfire risk value, and an integrated wildfire risk algorithm that multiplies the site-based risk total, the location-based risk value, and the updated wildfire risk multiplier by each other to produce an integrated wildfire risk score.
The present invention is also a computer-implemented method for collecting and assessing wildfire hazard data comprising: selecting properties for which an assessment needs to be completed; providing a mobile device on which is installed an application for collecting wildfire hazard assessment data; applying a site-based risk algorithm, to the collected wildfire hazard assessment data to calculate a site-based risk total; using a location-based risk algorithm to generate a location-based risk value, wherein, the location-based risk value is determined by computing a multitude of wildfire risk factors known to impact a site's potential for wildfire ignition; and using a level of service algorithm to multiply the site-based risk total by the location-based risk value to generate a level of service score. Optionally, the method further comprises the step of using an integrated wildfire risk algorithm to multiply the site-based risk total, the location-based risk value, and the updated wildfire risk multiplier by each other to generate an integrated wildfire risk score.
In an alternate embodiment, the present invention is a computer-implemented method for collecting and assessing wildfire hazard data comprising: using a location-based risk algorithm to generate a location-based risk value, wherein the location-based risk value is determined by computing a multitude of wildfire risk factors known to impact a site's potential for wildfire ignition; and using an updated wildfire risk algorithm to multiply the location-based risk value by an updated wildfire risk multiplier to generate an updated wildfire risk value.
In a preferred embodiment, the level of service score is used to determine a course of action to be taken by wildfire risk assessment provider staff. Preferably, the integrated wildfire risk score is used to produce underwriting risk scores and reports for insurers, education-aimed recommendations and reports for policyholders, wildfire risk alerts for mobile device application users, strategies for client-to-policyholder wildfire awareness communication, and strategies for wildfire response teams used to drive pre-suppression and active fire actions. The method preferably further comprises providing summary and recommendation screens that are returned to the mobile device application.
The present invention is a system and method for collecting wildfire risk inspection data in the field at the property/home site using a mobile device application; upon submission, this data is merged with data at the wildfire risk assessment provider server to produce various wildfire safety outputs, including underwriting risk scores/reports for insurers (used to drive policy decisions), education-aimed recommendations/reporting for policyholders (used to drive mitigation actions), wildfire risk alerts for mobile device application users (used to aid preparedness efforts for both client/insurer users and their policyholders), strategies for client-to-policyholder wildfire awareness communication (used to provide detailed updates and recommendations for preparedness), and strategies for wildfire response teams (used to drive pre-suppression and active fire actions). This functionality is achieved using a number of algorithmic calculations, which may be used independently or in combination: (1) the site-based risk algorithm. (2) location-based risk algorithm, (3) level of service algorithm, (4) updated wildfire risk algorithm, and (5) integrated wildfire risk algorithm. Each of these algorithms is discussed more fully below.
The present invention uses a mobile device application for collecting wildfire hazard assessment data (referred to herein as “site-based data”) for insurance industry clients and then merges this site-based data with location-based data and updated wildfire risk data to generate various outputs, including, but not limited to, underwriting reports, education reports, risk ratings for various claims reduction and wildfire loss/safety purposes. These outputs are discussed more fully below.
The site-based data collected includes properly photos, notes detailing associated risk(s), time, date, assessor, and other general background information associated with a given property assessment. Users of the mobile device application are typically trained insurance industry staff or a policyholders, as further described below. This type of user collects wildfire hazard assessment data at policyholder properties as prompted by the mobile device application and sends this data to the wildfire risk assessment provider server for analysis. Once the data is analyzed by wildfire risk assessment provider staff and/or auto-analytics (algorithm calculation logic, specifically, algorithm numbers (1), (2) and (3) above), a final report constituting the wildfire hazard assessment is sent to the insurer and/or the policyholder. This report has one of two outputs: underwriting use case and education use case.
In the underwriting use case, insurance clients employ trained staff to complete the wildfire hazard assessment data collection process and submit it to a wildfire risk assessment provider server for analysis. Once the data hits the wildfire risk assessment provider server, it is immediately processed by the level of service algorithm, which defines what actions, if any, the wildfire risk assessment provider takes to further process the data. Based on level of service rules, a final report is generated and sent to the insurer office. Report output is points-based and is aimed at correctly setting policyholder insurance rates based on confirmed wildfire hazard risks. The level of service algorithm is a calculation that multiplies the site-based risk total (see
In the education use case, insurance agency staff wildfire risk assessment provider staff, or the policyholders themselves complete the wildfire hazard assessment data collection process and submit the data to the wildfire risk assessment provider server for analysis. As in the underwriting use case, this data is immediately processed by the level of service algorithm to define what actions, if any, the wildfire risk assessment provider will take to further process the data. Based on level of service rules, a final report is generated and sent to the client/insurer office and/or the policyholders mobile device. Although the level of service algorithm does generate a level of service score and an integrated wildfire risk score, these values are not included in the report output in the education use case. Instead, the report output includes a write-up with recommended actions the policyholder should take to reduce wildfire threat around his property. As with the underwriting use case, the level of service score (which is the site-based risk total multiplied by the location-based risk value) is multiplied by an updated wildfire risk, value to generate an integrated wildfire risk score that defines wildfire risk assessment provider recommendations (see
As used herein, the terms “home” and “property” should be construed to include any structure/structure type or material possession included on the property, as these are all items that are included in a wildfire hazard assessment. These terms are also meant to include vegetation on a given property. As used herein, the terms “client” most typically refers to an insurer but could include any business organization or individual doing business with the wildfire risk assessment provider. As used herein, the term “wildfire risk assessment provider” refers to a wildfire risk assessment business organization that supports a client's wildfire risk assessment process. As used herein, the term “user” refers to anyone using the mobile device application. In most cases, this is art untrained policyholder or a trained staff member working for the insurer or the wildfire risk assessment provider.
In a preferred embodiment users (as previously defined, these are most commonly either client-paid data collection staff in an underwriting use case, or client policyholders in an education use case) are pre-approved for mobile device application use at the wildfire risk assessment provider server, which means that their property address is entered into the database and then specified to be “offered” and “allowed” to take an assessment. This address population occurs after the user (a) enters a valid registration code into the application and (b) creates a user account that is validated at the wildfire risk assessment provider server. Both of these security checks require communication with the wildfire risk assessment provider server; successful completion of these two items unlocks the version of the mobile device application specific to that user.
At this point, the user selects the address(es) available and proceeds through the data collection process as prompted. This consists of answering “Yes” or “No” risk indication questions and attaching photos and notes as required. Users can get help information from the mobile device application by tapping the “Not Sure” button, tapping the help icons, or visiting the “Learn More” section. The question set users process through is provided by the client during the development of the mobile device application, and all data collection requirements—including required photos, number of photos required per condition, note-taking requirements, etc.—are defined by the client as well. Once all questions have been answered to the required level of completion, the user is able to submit the assessment information to the wildfire risk assessment provider server. Once this information hits the wildfire risk assessment provider server, it processes through the level of service algorithm, which defines whether the report creation is automated or analyzed by wildfire risk assessment provider staff. Next, a final report is generated and sent back to the user's mobile device and/or client server.
Call from the mobile device application to the wildfire risk assessment provider server occur wirelessly several times throughout the process: (a) registration code entry; (b) account creation; (c) welcome introduction screen, if applicable for the user type; (d) receipt of a report from the wildfire risk assessment provider server; (e) user login; (f) password reset; (g) scheduling of an appointment to review a returned report; and (h) viewing of certain help screens and/or videos. All other mobile device application processing—that is, the data collection itself, including all answers to questions, photo and note attachments, etc.—is stored internally on the mobile device, with progress stored there as well so that the user can leave the mobile device application and return wherever he left off. The data submitted by the user to the wildfire risk assessment provider server is displayed in a web interface accessible to wildfire risk assessment provider staff. This interface allows this data to be validated, revised or queried before being returned to the user and/or client.
Completed reports can be viewed on the user's mobile device and/or as a downloadable and printable report in the form of a MICROSOFT WORD™ document, ADOBE ACROBAT™.pdf tile, or both. Summary detail comes in the from of combinations of wildfire risk assessment provider staff-generated summary write-up and pre-created verbiage recommendations, which reflect best practices in the realm of wildfire risk.
In a preferred embodiment, once the report has been returned to the mobile device/client server, the number of assessments allowed for that address is decremented, normally resulting in a zero value, which means that the address cannot be reassessed; however, the ability to reassess a given property can be granted by special request from the client. Additionally, wildfire risk assessment provider staff are able to revise a given report by changing end resaving the report using the web interface as needed. Once a user logs back into his account on the mobile device, the updated report will be downloadable and available to view.
Referring to
Data for a given report is archived at the wildfire risk assessment provider server and can be viewed at any given time using basic search functionality. Additionally, the data can be used to generate “sort-by-date” reporting for the client, most typically in the form of monthly reports that consolidate all user activity that occurred. This can be used to validate billing, research property patterns/concerns, and audit processes to ensure accuracy.
The site-based risk algorithm (“A” an
Upon reception at the wildfire risk assessment provider server, the site-based risk total is multiplied by the location-based risk value, which is a value generated by the location-based risk algorithm (see “B” on
The level of service algorithm (see “C” on
The updated wildfire risk algorithm (see “D” on
The integrated wildfire risk algorithm (see “E” on
Referring to
Site vulnerabilities indicated by “Yes” responses to conditions are broken into five categories (see
If the exterior of urn home is constructed of combustible materials or contains unprotected openings such as vents and windows, direct name impingement radiant heat or entry of firebrands into the home is more likely to result in a home ignition. This area of the home enclosure is the secondary risk zone (four points per condition) due to this potential for direct flame impingement or the entry of firebrands into the interior of the home. This zone includes the structure itself, any combustible attachments to the structure (deck, patio, etc.) and vegetation and combustible materials within five feet of the home.
Vegetation beyond live feet and within 100 feet may have the potential to create sufficient heat flux or loft firebrands onto the home. This risk is reduced as the distance to the home is increased, which explains why fuel is evaluated in two zones: 5-30 feet (tertiary zone; two points per condition) and 30-100 feet (quaternary zone; one point per condition).
If there are substantial bad packets beyond 100 feet from the home, it is possible to generate heat flux in excess of 20 kilowatts per square meter (kW/m2), which likely will not have a significant impact relative to home ignition. The area beyond 100 feet from she home is the quinary zone and carries the same scoring “weight” or influence as conditions noted in the quaternary zone (one point per condition).
The site-based risk total is calculated when the user successfully submits a wildfire risk assessment to the wildfire risk assessment provider server; this site-based risk total can be changed by wildfire risk assessment provider staff after analysis and revision to the wildfire risk assessment (i.e., changing a “Yes” score to “No” or vice versa), or, in some cases, it is not changed because the report output is automated or the site-based, risk. “Yes” conditions are validated by wildfire risk assessment provider staff.
The site-based risk algorithm is as follow:
Notably, scoring can be customized to suit a client's definition of risk and risk tolerance. For example, it can be customized to reflect a client's sense of threat category break and the levels/types of service associated with each category. It can also be revised/updated as wildfire risk definitions are revised/updated (typically yearly) and at the suggestion of the wildfire risk assessment provider.
Referring to the present invention, crown fire activity is categorized into four classifications: none (0), surface fire (1), passive (2), or active (3). Flame length is categorized into four classifications: zero (0), four feet or less (1), four to 20 feet (2), and greater than 20 feet (3). The landfire vegetation condition class (VCC) layer is also incorporated into the model, and adds an estimate of the departure of the vegetation structure from “reference” conditions. This layer provides insight into the degree to which the vegetation structure may be uncharacteristically altered and used as a proxy for additional fuel load and continuity. The VCC layer is categorized into four classes: no change/classification (0), low departure (1), moderate departure (2), and high departure (3).
The crown fire activity layer, the flame length layer, and the reclassified VCC layer described above are equally weighted from 0-3, and each layer value is added to create a location-based risk value on a scale of 0-9. The raster math function in ARCGIS™ (http://www.arcgis.com/featuers/) is used to perform this step of the process, and the calculation is as follows:
crown fire (0-3)+flame length (0-3)+VCC (0-3)=location-based risk (0-9).
The resulting level of service score falls into scoring categories—for instance, low, moderate, and high—to determine a course of action to be taken by the wildfire risk assessment provider staff, as predetermined by the client. Report output is returned directly to the users mobile device application in the education use case, and/or to the insurance client office in the underwriting use case.
Typically, properties with the lowest level of service score receive a Level 1 service designation, which auto-generates scoring and recommendation language. Notably, no wildfire risk assessment provider staff risk verification or write-up occurs at this level. Level 2 service includes wildfire risk assessment provider staff analysis of the data that has been collected, including photo and note analysis, map analysis for location-based risk verification, summary write-up of property risk factors and recommendations, and recommendations for “Yes” conditions which—when completed—are likely to reduce wildfire risk on a given property. Level 3 service includes wildfire risk assessment provider staff analysis as outlined by Level 2 service but also goes further to include phone or written communication with wildfire risk assessment provider staff to clarify risk scenario/scoring, advise on mitigation actions needed, and answer questions associated with the report. This is typically reserved for either (a) the most extreme level of service risk values (which could occur in either an underwriting use or an education use case) or (b) level of service risk values that require more information in order for the client to take the appropriate action on the property (typically, an underwriting use case).
The level of service algorithm interaction is called “$this-calculatedLOS”;
Notably site-based risk, totals and location-based based value thresholds can be customized to fit client needs.
Regardless of whether the use case is education or underwriting, the mobile device application must be downloaded to the user's mobile device. Then the user must successfully (a) register using a crowded registration code and (b) create an account, widen unlocks the addresses available to the user. Next, the user steps through the data collection process, attaching photos and notes and answering “Yes” and “No” questions as prompted. After all required data has been collected, the user is able to submit the data via a “Submit” button. Submission is considered successful when this data is transferred from the mobile device to the wildfire risk assessment provider server. The successful submission is indicated on the mobile device application in the form of a message and on the web interface in the form of an additional report line that is marked “New.”
At this point, and based on the level of service algorithm, a level of service is applied to the data and a report is generated. This report is either automatically generated or only generated after the data is analyzed and/or manipulated by wildfire risk assessment provider staff. It is then resumed to the mobile device, cheat server, or both. Induction of the report's return appears in the form of a push notification to the mobile device or in an email to the client. A financed version of the report can be reviewed at this time; it is viewable in the form of a series of recommendation screens in the mobile device application, along with a document of the report in the format of a MICROSOFT WORD™ document or ADOBE ACROBAT™.pdf the that the user can download, email or print. In use cases involving an “extreme” wildfire risk, the system provides the user with an option to schedule an appointment to discuss fire assessment results with a wildfire risk assessment provider staff specialist.
Monthly metric data is delivered to the client in the form of an ADOBE ACROBAT™.pdf file, which consolidates all completed report data for a certain date range. Completed report data provided to the client and may include high-level summary metrics, service level summary, level of service summary, condition response totals, and user level summary.
On a scheduled cycle, the client (the insurer in a typical case) requests a given subset of policyholder properties be marked as “allowed” to receive an assessment. This requires a status update for all of the “allowed” properties, changing them from “Not Enrolled” to “Offered” and updating their “Assessments Allowed” from “0” to “1”. This change on the wildfire risk assessment provider server allows a given property to populate in the user's mobile device application once registration and account creation have been successfully completed.
Initial mobile device application use requires a wireless data transfer from the user's mobile device to the wildfire risk assessment provider server, which involves submitting a registration code. This registration code is run against all registration codes in the wildfire risk assessment provider server and, assuming a match is made, the code is validated. The user then goes through a similar process for account creation with an attempt to match user last name. Non-matches are reported to the user in the form of an alert notifying the user of the issue. In this case, the user has the opportunity to reattempt the submission. Successful registration and account creation unlocks the version of the mobile device application specific to the user and also makes the property addresses available to him.
The next time the wildfire risk assessment provider server is accessed in the process is when the user submits assessment data. This data is run through the level of service algorithm (see
Report output generated at the wildfire risk assessment provider office varies by client desire and use case. For instance, education use case policyholders will receive a less technical write-up that is a call to action or serves to create general awareness of risk issues. Underwriting use cases receive a more technical, points-based analysis that could help inform insurance policy decisions for a given property,
Both the raw data and final report are archived in the wildfire risk assessment provider server and can be called up at any time using web interface search functionality. Additionally, the data can be used to generate sort-by-date reporting for the client, most typically in the form of a monthly report, that consolidates all user activity that occurred.
Initial use of the mobile device application requires the user to navigate to either the GOOGLE PLAY™ or APPLE™ mobile device application store and download and install the mobile device application to his mobile device. Once the mobile device application is open on the user's device, he is immediately prompted to enter a registration code. This submission is sent to the wildfire risk assessment provider office, verified, and a success message is returned to the user, thus allowing him to proceed.
The user creates an account by entering his first name, last name, email address, and desired password. If successful, the account will be created, and the user will be authenticated. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed. Once the user has logged in with a verified registration and account, he is able to select a property for which he has been pre-approved to begin an assessment. In underwriting use cases, underwriting staff do not necessarily have prepopulated addresses to select from. As such, they are able to add a property when they reach the address and then proceed through the wildfire risk assessment application.
Next, the user walks through all data collection steps, answering “Yes,” “No” or “Not Sure” to questions and attaching photos or notes to risk conditions as prompted. The user is able to view help material that comes in the term of wildfire risk descriptions, photos, and videos to help him understand a given question and how best to answer it. Once the user has completed all data collection requirements, he is able to submit his data to the wildfire risk assessment provider server for processing. A completed report is returned to the user's mobile device or the client's server, and push notification is sent to the user's device informing him that the report is ready. In an underwriting use case, this push does not go back to the mobile device; instead, a notification is sent to the client server in the form of an email. The user/client can view the report in the term of a MICROSOFT WORD™ document or ADOBE ACROBAT™.pdf file.
The “Update Report” screen (see
Report status works as follows: (a) reports are listed as “New” when they are first received at the wildfire risk assessment provider server, indicating that no wildfire risk assessment provider staff has begun work on the report; (b) an “FRA” status indicates that a fire risk analyst is analyzing the report photos, condition risk assessments, and writing a summary; (c) an “Editor” status indicates that an editor is copy-editing the text to ensure grammar and readability; and (d) a “Completed” status as indicates the report is complete and triggers the completed report to be sent to the user/client.
The metrics page (see
This wildfire risk assessment text is dynamic and can be changed to suit the client's evolving needs or updated by the wildfire risk assessment provider. Verbiage and tone can be tailored to suit various user types, including less formal policyholder education use case outputs or more formal/technical uses for insurance underwriting use cases. The level of detail in the auto-generated recommendations can be modified to suit user type and client as well. For instance, certain clients may prefer to provide an all-encompassing set of recommendations to fit a broad spectrum of risks in cases where no wildfire risk assessment provider staff analysis is going to occur. On the other hand, clients that always receive a summary write-up from the wildfire risk assessment provider office may want this pre-created text to be more minimal or not appear at all.
Touching the registration code entry box opens an insert text dialogue, where users are able to enter the code they were provided. Codes are combinations of letters and numbers, and text case defaults to all-caps to reduce text entry errors. Upon registration code entry completion, the user clicks “Done,” which makes a call to the wildfire risk assessment provider server for validation. If the code is validated at the server, an “Approved” message is displayed on the mobile device. Clicking “Continue” moves the user into the mobile device application, where he can begin the wildfire assessment data collection process. Codes that are invalidated at the wildfire risk assessment provider server produce a return “Invalid” message on the mobile device application interface, and the user is able to “Try Again.”
Until a user successfully enters a registration code, he can go no further in the mobile device application; however, clicking “I Don't Have a Code” (see
Touching the name field brings up a text dialogue, allowing the user to enter a first name, last name, email address, password, and password verification. The email address field requires a recognized top-level domain extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.) in order for the user to be able to successfully fulfill requirements for the field. If the password is not successfully reproduced in the “Verify Password” box, an error message is produced informing the user of the mismatch. Text case defaults to all-caps to reduce the likelihood of text entry problems. Clicking “Done” submits the data to the wildfire risk assessment provider server, which validates the last name against the registration code associated with the account. A user who successfully create a match net an “Account Created” message return from the wildfire risk assessment provider server, and clicking “Continue” allows him to gain access into the inner working of the application; more specifically, this takes the user to the “Select Property” screen, which shows him locations he has been preapproved to assess. A user whose last name does not match the associated registration code gets an error message; in this case, the user has an opportunity to retry the account creation process.
When selecting a data collection subset that is partially completed (i.e. “2 of 14” shows in the progress bar), users are taken to the first unanswered question in the data collection subset. For instance, if a user completed questions one, two, and four in a given subset, returned to the dashboard, and then returned to the same subset, the user would be taken to question three. Returning to a given subset that is completed takes the user to the first question, allowing the user to review and change any questions in the subset.
The dashboard example shown in
The dashboard example shown in
Text instruction is customizable based on the client/client type, and verbiage may be as technical or non-technical as is desired. Additional questions can be added to suit client-specific scenarios, and data collection cues can be made in the form or questions or directives.
Data collection requirements are similarly customizable. In education use cases, clients may want to leave the mobile device application more open, allowing users to answer “Not Sure” and not forcing text or photo evidence to support any of the answers users select. In underwriting use cases, forced data collection rules ensure that data risk collection requirements for every risk scenario are met. The text entry feature gives the user the opportunity to describe the scenario; this feature can be forced, optional, or nonexistent. Drop-down menu functionality can be used to suit cases where given subset options exist (for instance, roofing material type). A minimum number of photos may be forced before a given data collection scenario is marked complete (for instance, a “Yes” answer could force the collection of two photos that support this “Yes” answer).
Navigating between data, collection screens varies based on user type (for example, an education use case allows a user to select “Not Sure” as an option that completes the question, whereas an underwriter use case does not induce “Not Sure,” and requires the user to answer “Yes” or “No” and provide a requisite number of photos and a note). Regardless of the type of use case a “Back,” “Forward,” and “Done” button are always present. “Back” returns the user to the previous data collection scenario, and “Forward” moves the user to the next data collection scenario. In typical cases and regardless of user type, these buttons are always active. Pressing “Done” returns the user to the assessment dashboard screen. When a user re-selects that subset of data collection from the assessment dashboard screen, he is taken to the first unanswered question in the subset.
If a question has not been completed, the “Yes” and “No” button selections are colored gray. Completing a question to satisfaction turns the applicable button blue. Partial completion—for example, when a user answers the question but does not add the required photo(s)—turns the button an intermediate color (e.g., green).
Education use case users are able to select “Not Sure” as an option, which effectively acts as a “No” response: however, if a user does collect information that can be analyzed in association with this “Not Sure” condition, this information can be used to support a “Yes” or “No” decision by wildfire risk assessment provider staff.
Once the user clicks “OK,” he is taken to the photo capture screen (see
Once a photo has been selected to be used, the user as taken to the photo gallery screen (see
The data collection screen (see
In a preferred embodiment of the application, photo taking requirements are assigned based on client needs and may be uniquely suited to the demands of a given condition. For example, the photo taking screens may (a) result automatically (regardless of how a question is answered), (b) not result automatically but be accessible by using the camera button, or (c) not result at all. Photos may be required in every case, never be required (and always be optional), or be required only when a user selects “Yes” to indicate a given risk is associated with a condition. Additionally, the number of photos required may be specified based on how important photo examples are to analyzing risks associated with a given condition.
For underwriting use cases, it is likely that photo taking will be repaired for all or most conditions, and additional photos depicting all sides of the structure and all directions away from the structure will always be required. Such rules ensure that sufficient data is collected to support decisions about risk and that the potential for missing data is minimized.
In some cases, a submission attempt fails; this could be the result of limited wireless coverage or the wildfire risk assessment provider server going down. In this instance, a “Submission Failure” note appears, giving the user an opportunity to re-attempt the submission. Once the “Submit Assessment” button option appears, it remains present and active until the user has successfully submitted the assessment.
Once a report has “Completed” status at the wildfire risk assessment provider server—this typically occurs automatically in a level 1 service and is manually clue used by wildfire risk assessment provider staff for a level 2 service—the output is returned to the mobile device application. The user learns of this output return via a push notification received on the mobile device application that indicates the assessment is ready to be downloaded and viewed. When the user next re-visits the mobile device application, the report data is automatically downloaded and appears in the recommendations tab. To see recommendations, the user (typically a policyholder) clicks on the address, which now falls below a “Completed” header, shows as gray, and has a completed date.
For users who receive a level 2 or level 3 service, a “Summary” option appears. When the user selects this option, a personalized write-up displays (see
The recommended actions that appear are broken into orange “problem” risk conditions and blue “good” (no problem) conditions. Selecting any of these actions takes the user to more detailed information (see
Non-wildfire season is the time of the year that historically does not show wildfire activity for a given area due to lowered climactic condition effects. Non-wildfire season has no additional impact on a site's vulnerability, and thus a multiplier of one (1) is used to show no change. During wildfire season—the start and stop of wildfire season is based on historical wildfire data—a property is at a heightened wildfire risk, and thus a multiplier of (2) is used to indicate increasing threat. During wildfire season, a given location may be issued a redoing warning by the United States National Weather Service, which indicates conditions are ideal for a wildfire ignition. In this case, a multiplier of three (3) is used to indicate increasing threat. During wildfire season when a wildfire ignites and is burning within three miles of a given property, the property is at heightened risk; in this case, a multiplier of four (4) is used to indicate increasing threat.
Once an active fire has been selected, the user receives detail in the term of a daily fire situation report and map. This situation report gathers information about a given wildfire's spread, expected growth/direction, areas a affected and areas threatened. Additionally, the user can read basic summary data about a given fire, including size, date(s) of activity, percent containment, etc.
A spectrum of colors indicating severity of threat allows users to see geographic fire risk broken down by various wildfire factors, including fire history, predominant vegetative fuel type, topography, climate, etc. This information would need to be multiplied by site data (site-based risk assessment) to obtain the full picture of a given property's risk.
The integrated wildfire risk score can be used by the client and/or wildfire risk assessment provider to determine a course of action for a wildfire response mission. Detail gathered in the site-based risk assessment can be used to aid on-the-ground efforts to locate the property, prepare for location-based risk factors at play, and define pre-suppression (pre-wildfire risk reduction) actions needed; for instance, a policyholder could be called and asked if he had moved firewood from his wood deck, as was identified as a site-based risk in the wildfire risk assessment previously completed. Integrated risk score thresholds can suggest a priority of property visit, as defined by the client. This integrated wildfire risk value cart also define policyholder outreach efforts, which may include attempts to communicate with the policyholder on the phone, via push notification using the mobile device application, and/or via email.
Location-based risk value and updated wildfire risk multipliers are pre-populated (see
Upon successful completion of all risk items, the user is able to review an integrated wildfire risk analysis of the given property. This analysis may include mitigation recommendations, evacuation advice, etc., and the desired output is defined by the clients. The integrated wildfire risk value and analysis may be returned to the user's mobile device application, client server, and/or the wildfire risk, assessment provider server, depending upon the user type.
From this point, the user walks through the data collection for each structure, which is specified at the top of the screen. Progress/completion dialogue clarifies for which of the structures data collection has been completed (and to what degree it is still outstanding).
Although the preferred embodiment of the present invention has been shown and described, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that many changes and modifications may be made without departing from the invention in its broader aspects. The appended claims are therefore intended to cover all such changes and modifications as fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention. All of the screenshots discussed above and shown in the drawings are intended to be examples only and are not intended to limit the claims in any respect.
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/678,301 filed on Nov. 15, 2012, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/678,308 filed on Nov. 15, 2012, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/828,089 filed on Mar. 14, 2013. The contents of the latter applications are incorporated heroin by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 13678301 | Nov 2012 | US |
Child | 14276397 | US | |
Parent | 13678308 | Nov 2012 | US |
Child | 13678301 | US | |
Parent | 13828089 | Mar 2013 | US |
Child | 13678308 | US |