The system comprises a plurality of CDNs, each defining an operating business (OBi) having a its respective local origin server (OSi), and computing means for performing the interconnection of said plurality of CDNs, where said computing means comprises of a global origin server (OSG) that coordinates the formation of a global network by connecting to the local origin servers (OS{i}).

The present invention generally relates, in a first aspect, to a system for Content Distribution Internetworking, and more particularly to a system comprising a global origin server that coordinates the formation of a global network by connecting to local origin servers of a plurality of Content Delivery Networks, or CDNs.

A second aspect of the invention relates to a method comprising using a global origin server for coordinating the formation of a global network by its connection to CDN local origin servers.


The terminology and definitions that might be useful to understand the present invention are included.

PoP: A point-of-presence is an artificial demarcation or interface point between two communication entities. It is an access point to the Internet that houses servers, switches, routers and call aggregators. ISPs typically have multiple PoPs.

Content Delivery Network (CDN): This refers to a system of nodes (or computers) that contain copies of customer content that is stored and placed at various points in a network (or public Internet). When content is replicated at various points in the network, bandwidth is better utilized throughout the network and users have faster access times to content. This way, the origin server that holds the original copy of the content is not a bottleneck.

ISP DNS Resolver: Residential users connect to an ISP. Any request to resolve an address is sent to a DNS resolver maintained by the ISP. The ISP DNS resolver will send the DNS request to one or more DNS servers within the ISP's administrative domain.

URL: Simply put, Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address of a web page on the world-wide web. No two URLs are unique. If they are identical, they point to the same resource.

URL (or HTTP) Redirection: URL redirection is also known as URL forwarding. A page may need redirection if (1) its domain name changed, (2) creating meaningful aliases for long or frequently changing URLs (3) spell errors from the user when typing a domain name (4) manipulating visitors etc. For the purpose of the present invention, a typical redirection service is one that redirects users to the desired content. A redirection link can be used as a permanent address for content that frequently changes hosts (much like DNS).

Bucket: A bucket is a logical container for a customer that holds the CDN customer's content. A bucket either makes a link between origin server URL and CDN URL or it may contain the content itself (that is uploaded into the bucket at the entry point). An end point will replicate files from the origin server to files in the bucket. Each file in a bucket may be mapped to exactly one file in the origin server. A bucket has several attributes associated with it—time from and time until the content is valid, geo-blocking of content, etc. Mechanisms are also in place to ensure that new versions of the content at the origin server get pushed to the bucket at the end points and old versions are removed.

A customer may have as many buckets as she wants. A bucket is really a directory that contains content files. A bucket may contain sub-directories and content files within each of those sub-directories.

Geo-location: It is the identification of real-world geographic location of an Internet connected device. The device may be a computer, mobile device or an appliance that allows for connection to the Internet for an end user. The IP-address geo-location data can include information such as country, region, city, zip code, latitude/longitude of a user.

Operating Business (OB): An OB is an arbitrary geographic area in which the provider of the CDN service is installed. An OB may operate in more than one region. A region is an arbitrary geographic area and may represent a country, or part of a country or even a set of countries. An OB may consist of more than one region. An OB may be composed of one or more ISPs. Each region in an OB is composed of exactly one region DNS server and tracker. An OB has exactly one instance of Topology Server.

Partition ID: It is a global mapping of IP address prefixes into integers. This is a one-to-one mapping. So, no two OBs can have the same PID in its domain.

Default Operating Business: OB0 is defined as a default operating business where the TLD DNS server resides. All IP prefixes that are not part of other regions default to this region. By design, the default OB0 is designed to have just one region that may be used to serve content to such IP prefixes (that are not part of any other OB).

Consistent Hashing: This method provides hash-table functionality in such a way that adding or removing a slot does not significantly alter the mapping of keys to slots. Consistent hashing is a way of distributing requests among a large and changing population of web servers. The addition of removal of a web server does not significantly alter the load on the other servers.

Overlay Network: An overlay network is a computer network that is built on top of another network. Nodes in an overlay network are connected by virtual/logical links. Each logical link may consist of a path that is made up of multiple physical links in the underlying network.

Content Distribution Internetworking (CDI): Content Distribution Internetworking is the ability to connect many independently administered CDNs to form a federation of CDNs. This allows a CDN to extend beyond its administrative domain to increase the reach of content.

Transport Control Protocol (TCP): Transport Control Protocol is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocols. TCP is responsible of an ordered and reliable delivery of data stream between two network hosts.

Next, each component of the CDN service provider's sub-system is described. The infrastructure consists of Origin Servers, Trackers, End Points and Entry Point.

    • Publishing Point: Any CDN customer may interact with the CDN service provider's infrastructure solely via the publishing point (sometimes also referred to as the entry point for simplicity). The publishing point runs a web services interface with users of registered accounts to create/delete and update buckets.

A CDN customer has two options for uploading content. The customer can either upload files into the bucket or give URLs of the content files that reside at the CDN customer's website. Once content is downloaded by the CDN infrastructure, the files are moved to another directory for post-processing. The post-processing steps involve checking the files for consistency and any errors. Only then is the downloaded file moved to the origin server. The origin server contains the master copy of the data.

    • End Point: An end point is the entity that manages communication between end users and the CDN infrastructure. It is essentially a custom HTTP server.

In addition, the end points maintain a geo-IP database and table of a list of datacenters.

    • Tracker: The tracker is the key entity that enables intelligence and coordination of the CDN service provider's infrastructure. In order to do this, a tracker maintains (1) detailed information about content at each end point and (2) collects resource usage statistics periodically from each end point. It maintains information like number of outbound bytes, number of inbound bytes, number of active connections for each bucket, size of content being served, etc.

When an end user makes a request for content, the tracker uses the statistical information at its disposal to determine if (1) the content can be served to the requesting end user and if so, (2) determines the closest end point and one with the least load to serve an end user. Thus, the tracker acts as a load-balancer for the CDN infrastructure.

    • Origin Server: This is the server(s) in CDN service provider's infrastructure that contains the master copy of the data. Any end point that does not have a copy of the data can request it from the origin server. The CDN customer does not have access to the origin server. CDN service provider's infrastructure moves data from the publishing point to the origin server after performing sanity-checks on the downloaded data.

CDNs typically operate as single global entities; have multiple points of presence and in locations that are geographically far apart. As a result, a CDN may have multiple replicas of each piece of content being hosted. The definition of origin servers for CDN providers is generalised as follows: (1) an entity (like a server) that resides in the administrative domain of CDN customer. Content is replicated at end point(s) after the first request for content by an end user. (2) All origin servers are under the administrative control of the same CDN provider and contain content from CDN customers. These servers contain the master copy of the content and replicate it at the end point(s). Adding additional storage capacity at the CDN service provider is merely a case of adding additional origin servers under its administrative control.

There are many different designs of CDNs. For example, [2] uses a hierarchy of DNS [1] servers together with geo-location information to find a content server that is closest to a requesting end user to serve content. Other solutions like [3] rely on a small number of large datacenters or [6] a large number of small datacenters connected by a well-provisioned private network to first identify a datacenter that is closest to the requesting end user. Once the datacenter is identified, an end point in the datacenter is identified to deliver the content. Only at this final step the CDN connects to the public Internet. Further, [5] relies on extensive storage and caching infrastructure at the major peering points. Amazon [4] provides CDN service using Amazon Cloudfront together with its simple storage service allowing end users to get data from various edge locations of the Internet that Amazon peers with. Of these, only [2] connects to the public Internet and provides a global CDN service and falls under a single administrative domain. The other CDN designs fall under different administrative domains.

Regardless of administrative control, content originally stored in origin servers is replicated at end points for distribution to requesting end users. The origin servers in the CDN service provider always contain the master copy of the content obtained from a CDN customer. The CDN service is designed to work as a global CDN.

There are several reasons why a number of OBs may want to remain and operate independently and yet come together to form a global CDN.

Each OB may be an independent operating business in one country and hence, may want complete control over all of the infrastructure elements of the CDN. The OBs may yet be a part of a single global entity.

Given that an OB operates in one country, it is easier for an OB to establish a deep relationship with the content providers in that country and operate within its laws.

By allowing the content providers in the OB deciding if their content is visible only within that OB or may be shown in other OBs (or even globally), the OBs can give to content providers all the control over their content they desire.

An OB may not want to expose the detailed topological information about its network to other OBs and yet be part of the global CDN to share content and expand content reach.

The presence of several CDNs, each operating its own naming convention (i.e., having its own CDN URLs) and its own DNS infrastructure to identify the requested content, makes it impossible to extend the scale and reach of CDNs. Several proposals under Content Delivery Internetworking (CDI) have been proposed with a goal of peering CDNs. The key goals of peering CDNs are (a) increase capacity, (b) improve delivery points in the network, (c) expand reach of content to a wider customer base, (d) provide better fault-tolerance and (e) achieve better economies of scale and (f) a better overall user experience.

In [8] the authors introduce definitions for Content Distribution Internetworking (CDI) or CDN peering and define the terminology. They envision Content Internetworking as consisting of Accounting Internetworking, Content Internetworking Gateways, Request-Routing Internetworking. The authors discuss many known request-routing mechanisms in [9]. They discuss DNS based request-routing schemes including multi-level resolution, anycast and object encoding in DNS. In addition, they discuss Transport and Application layer request-routing schemes including URL rewriting and HTTP redirection. In [10], the authors present various Content Internetworking scenarios. They propose content internetworking gateways to route requests for content and accounting under a variety of scenarios, with particular emphasis on accounting internetworking.

A technique called CDN brokering is defined by the Content Alliance. Here, CDN brokering is the ability of a CDN to redirect clients dynamically between two or more CDNs. One such realization is the DNS-based system, Intelligent Domain Name Server (IDNS). The IDNS [7] is a DNS broker that uses a probability distribution in the region in which the CDNs operates to determine which CDN will serve the request. However, this requires that CDNs hold the content names and end points from which they are served in caches. Content names are identified from the HTTP request of the headers. While this works for HTTP downloads, it cannot work for live streaming of content.

Most proposals under CDI are very broad and offer only guidelines and little by way of concrete protocols for implementation. Some problems have been detected with the existing proposals:

    • Some large CDN service providers may choose to white-label their CDNs. In this case, the white-labelled CDN and the origin CDN provider really run two CDNs under two different administrative controls. They cannot combine to form a seamless single CDN for a key reason: The URLs of content for the white-labelled CDN are different from that of the large CDN provider. In order to form a seamless global network, both the CDNs will have to understand and rewrite one another's URLs, a huge task.
    • The use of anycast has its drawbacks since the DNS server may not be the closest in routing to the client and server load is not considered during request routing.
    • DNS only resolves requests at the domain level. While an ideal request resolution should service requests at the object level, this is hard to do especially when resolving objects across CDNs.
    • Having a hierarchy of DNS domains may also involve both complexity and incompatibility since some regions may not support more than one level hierarchy.
    • Use of DNS together with redirectors is especially complex across CDNs since such a system would also have to implement URL translations between CDNs.
    • Development of brokering systems for request routing and content forwarding will require writing a new set of protocols between CDNs. Such systems are hard to implement as evidenced by lack of concrete working solutions. On the other hand, it is not hard to implement systems that merely exchange traffic accounting information.
    • While [10] presents a variety of scenarios under which two CDNs can route requests via Content Internetworking Gateways, there is no description of the design of such gateways and how the two CDNs should implement such protocols.

Overall, the standardization efforts in CDI are poor with little or no activity for better part of a decade.

Notation Used

Here, we describe the notation that is used in the rest of the invention:

OBi: Any arbitrary operating business i may be denoted by OBi. Similarly, we have denote OBk, OBl, OBm for operating businesses k, l and m. Here, i, k, l, m etc. are all integers.

OSi: Any arbitrary operating business i (OBi) has an origin server denoted by OSi.

OB0: This is used to denote the default operating business 0.

OSG: This is used to denote the global origin server.

OS{j}: This is used to denote a list of origin servers that may contain a requested content. If origin servers at j, k, l and m contain the requested content, OS{j}=(OSj, OSk, OSl, OSm). Here, {j}=(j, k, l, m).


It is necessary to provide an alternative to the state of the art, which covers the gaps found therein, particularly those related to the above indicated problems related to the known CDI proposals.

To that end, the present invention concerns, in a first aspect, to a system for Content Distribution Internetworking, or CDI, comprising a plurality of Content Delivery Networks, or CDN, each defining an operating business having its respective local origin server, and computing means for performing the interconnection of said plurality of CDNs.

Different from other known CDI proposals, in the one provided by the system of the first aspect of the invention, said computing means comprise a global origin server that coordinates the formation of a global network by connecting to some (or all) of said local origin servers at the OBs.

Other embodiments of the system of the first aspect of the invention are described according to appended claims 2 through 14, and in a subsequent section related to the detailed description of several embodiments.

By the system of the invention, a CDI can run on a single hierarchy of DNS servers and may combine an arbitrary number of CDNs while connecting to the public Internet.

A second aspect of the invention provides a method for Content Distribution Internetworking. The method comprises performing the interconnection to a plurality of CDNs, each defining an operating business with its own local origin server.

Different from other known methods, the CDI provided by the second aspect of the invention comprises, using a global origin server for coordinating the formation of a global network by connecting said global origin server to some (or all) of said local origin servers.

Other embodiments of the method of the second aspect of the invention are described according to appended claims 15 to 18, and in a subsequent section related to the detailed description of several embodiments.

The embodiments described for the system of the first aspect of the invention are also valid for the method of the second aspect, as for the functions the different elements of the system perform.


The previous and other advantages and features will be more fully understood from the following detailed description of embodiments, with reference to the attached drawings, which must be considered in an illustrative and non-limiting manner, in which:

FIG. 1 shows the system of the first aspect of the invention for an embodiment for which it comprises three separate operating OBs with their own publishing point, tracker, a DNS server authoritative for the only region in the OBs, an origin server and end points. The three OBs form a global CDN with the aid of a Global Origin Server. A TLD DNS server is the nameserver for

FIG. 2 shows an embodiment of the method of the second aspect of the invention, in the form of a synchronization algorithm to get the content using the OSG.

FIG. 3 shows the sequence diagram for communication between an OB and OSG in locating the requested content from another OB, for an embodiment of the method of the second aspect of the invention.

FIG. 4 shows another embodiment of the method of the second aspect of the invention, in the form of a sequence diagram when an origin server from a new OB, comes online and regular updates between OSi and OSG are carried out.


Next, a description of the invention for several embodiments will be done, referring to both, the system and the method of the invention.

This invention shows how to combine many independently operating but similar CDNs to come together to seamlessly form a global CDN network. As part of this, the traditional role of an origin server from a stand-alone entity in a CDN that sends content to an end point for further distribution is extended to one that is content aware. In a global CDN network that consists of a collection of Operating Businesses (OBs), each OB has its own CDN infrastructure, so the origin servers from all the OBs form an overlay network of origin servers that share content for replication at end points. Only the end points within OBs are responsible of distributing content to requesting end users.

The key to the CDI architecture is (i) the presence of a global origin server, OSG. This OSG maintains the meta-data of all the buckets that are in each OS of all the OBs in the CDNs. (ii) All the OSs and the OSG come together to form a global overlay of origin servers.

If the requested content is not in the OSi of the requesting CDN i, the location of the content is determined from OSG. Subsequently, OSi downloads the content from the set of origin servers OS{j} of the CDNs {j, |j|≧1} in which the content exists. The OSi then serves the content to the requesting end user.

Thus, all the CDNs that operate in independent administrative domains come together to form a seamless global CDN.

Next, the details of the architecture of the system of the invention, for internetworking independently operating CDNs to come together to form a seamless global CDN will be presented.

As seen from FIG. 1, each OBi has its own DNS, tracker, publishing point, origin server and end points. Each of these individual entities is under the administrative and physical control of an OB.

Each OBi has a publishing point that the CDN customers within the OBi can use to publish their content on the CDN. The customers may use two techniques to upload their content to the CDN. (1) upload content into their buckets at the publishing point or (2) provide the publishing point with the address of the web-server to download content. After post-processing, the customer bucket with content is available at the origin server where it is ready to be served to the end points. At the bucket and file level, the customer may determine the geographic region where the content may be shown. The geographic region is mapped to OBs.

In addition to an Origin Server at each OB, there is also a global origin server OSG. The global origin server keeps an open TCP connection with each of the OSs in the other OBs.

There is a single top-level domain (TLD) server for the domain The DNS at each OB resolves all the IP addresses in the second-level domain for the OB (it is the authoritative server in the DNS sub-zone of the OB).

The CDN service provider consists of independent Operating Businesses (OBs) that all together form a global CDN. A few key aspects of the global CDN are:

    • Each OB owns the infrastructure and operates its own local CDN. Yet, the OBs are part of a global CDN network infrastructure.
    • In addition, centralized functions need to be performed across all the OBs. The infrastructure for supporting these functions may reside in any OB. These centralized functions are (a) deploying the DNS server to resolve the top-level domain (TLD) for (b) Deploying a global origin server (OSG) that communicates with each of the origin servers across all the OBs.
    • The OB that hosts the TLD DNS and the OSG has been designated as OB0. OB0 may also own its own CDN infrastructure like any other OB. However, there is no preferential treatment for OB0. OB0 is just a peer to OB1 and OB2 just as OB1 is a peer to OB2 (OB0 is merely used for convenience). All OBs are peers and are treated equally.

The tracker at each OBi maintains a consistent hash ring for all content that resides in the OBi's infrastructure.

Building a seamless global CDN out of a set of individual CDNs with their individual administrative domains consists of two main steps: In the first step the DNS resolution is done to identify an end point that will serve content to the requesting end user. In the second step, the end point will get the content from the network of origin servers and serve content. Next, the DNS resolution will be discussed:

When an end user, say in OBi requests content, the ISP DNS resolver first resolves the TLD The TLD DNS server resolves the subzone of OBi using its geo-IP database. The ISP DNS resolver then queries the authoritative DNS sever at OBi that forwards the request to an end point in OBi.

The end point first checks to see if the requested bucket and content is part of OSi. If it is not, the end point checks with the origin server if the content is part of OSG. If it is not part of OSG either, an error is returned to the end user. If the content is either in OSi or OSG, the end point determines the closest datacenter to the requesting user's ISP DNS (called a partition ID, in this case, say 34). The end point also calculates the consistent hash of the requested URL and returns HTTP 302, moved location to the end user. The end user now sends an address resolution request for to the OBi DNS server. Next, the DNS server forwards the request to the tracker serving the OBi. The tracker performs a consistent hash of the received URL and identifies the end point that should serve the requested content.

FIG. 1 shows the publishing point for each OB. Once the request for content of the form comes to the DNS server authoritative in the OB, the request is forwarded to the appropriate end point (labels b and c).

If the OSi in OBi has the requested content, it is downloaded to the end point that serves the content to the end user (label d in FIG. 1). On the other hand, if the content is not in OSi, as a second step, the network of origin servers will serve the content as follows:

A logical network of origin servers (OS) is build with the global origin server (OSG) as the head. The global origin server, OSG keeps an open connection with the origin servers across all the OBs. It uses this open connection to synchronize buckets with the origin servers across all the OBs.

As shown in FIG. 1, if the content is not available in the local OB (label 4), the OS1 at OB1 forwards the request to OBG (label 5). OBG responds with address of OS3 of OB3 as one having the requested content (label 6). OS1 connects to OS3 to get the content (labels 7 and 8). The content is then forwarded to the appropriate end point in OB1 for delivery to the end user.

FIG. 2 describes a synchronization algorithm to get the content using the global origin server OSG. The OSG maintains an open connection with each of the origin servers in all the OBs. Periodically (every 2 minutes), each OS forwards meta-data for the buckets and files in each bucket to the OSG. Once each OS across all the OBs has forwarded its initial set of buckets and files to the OSG, the subsequent communication with OSG only sends updates of files/buckets. This reduces network overhead at the OSG in the presence of many OBs.

The OSG may receive content from the origin servers in other OBs by one of the following methods: (1) The OSG picks one of the origin servers in the other OBs that has the content, and forwards its address to the OS of the requesting OB. The OS of the requesting OB downloads the content and forwards it to the requesting end user. (2) OSG forwards a list of OS servers in all the OBs that have the requested content. The requesting OS may use (a) a P2P protocol to download the content from OSs of OBs that have the content and forward the content to the requesting end user or (b) get it from the one of the origin servers among the list returned by OSj.

In FIG. 3, the end point gets a request for a file harrypotter.flv in bucket 87 from an end user in OBi. The OSi in OBi sends an OS_getFile request to OSG to determine the OS that contain the file. The OSG returns an ordered list {OSl, OSm, OSn} to the origin server OSi. The OSi gets the file from the OSl. Once OSi downloads the file from OSl, it sends the file to the requesting end point in OSi. The end point in turn serves the requesting end user in OBi.

Design of Global Origin Server OSG:

Next the OSG design for an embodiment of the system of the first aspect of the invention is discussed. The local origin server OSi at each OBi in CDN service provider's infrastructure contains a master copy of the data uploaded by all the CDN customers in that OB. The OSG on the other hand does not contain a master copy of any data. It is the entity that coordinates the formation of a global CDN by connecting all of the disjoint OSi.

Any end point that does not have a copy of the data can request it from the origin server. A CDN customer does not have access to the origin server. The CDN service provider's infrastructure moves content from the entry point to the origin server after performing sanity-checks on the downloaded data.

In all, seven messages that must be supported are defined as part of the wire protocol (this is oblivious to whether HTTP or message passing protocol is used). The OSG supports the following messages:

(1) Get bucket list (OS_getBucketList). This message is sent by the OSG when a TCP connection is first established between OSi and OSG.

(2) Received bucket update (OS_receivedBucketUpdate). This message is sent to the OSi that sent the updated bucket and file list.

(3) Origin Server List for requested file (OS_IistForFile). This message is sent to OSi that requested the file in response to OS_getFile message.

(4) Abort connection (OS_connectionAbort). The OSG may abort connections with any (or all) OSi if the server needs to undergo maintenance or it detects that it has not received any update. This will force the OSi to open a new connection.

The OSG has three modules: connection module, neighbourhood module and a buckets module. We describe the function of each of the modules below.

    • Connection Module: The connection module has a connection manager that is responsible of maintaining the connection with each of the OSi that are part of the global CDN infrastructure. This module is also responsible for processing a received message and sending messages to the OSi in other OBs.
    • Neighbourhood Module: The neighbourhood module has a neighbourhood manager that knows about each of the OSi that is part of the global CDN. The neighbourhood manager also processes the statistics information received from each of the OSi. Thus, it knows which of the origin servers is relatively less loaded. If more than one OS has the requested content, the least busy OSj is chosen to serve the content to OSi.
    • Bucket Module: The bucket module has a bucket manager at OSG who gets a list of all buckets (and files from the buckets) from each of the OSi. Thus, the bucket manager knows all the OSi that have a requested file.

When a request for content comes to OSG, the connection manager receives the request. The bucket manager identifies the OS{i} that have the requested file. The neighbourhood manager ranks the OS{i} in order from least loaded to the most loaded origin servers. The list is then sent to the requesting OSi by the connection module.

Design of OS at the OBs:

The OSi at an OBi still stores a master copy of all the content at OBi. In addition, to get content from other OSs, it needs to support the following messages on a wire protocol:

(5) Bucket list (OS_bucketList). This message, along with a list of buckets (and files in the buckets) is sent to the OSG in response to OS_getBucketList.

(6) Update bucket list (OS_updateBucketList). This message is sent to the OSG along with a list of updates to the files and buckets since the last update. Statistics related to the OSi are piggybacked to the bucket updates sent to the OSG.

(7) Get file (OS_getFile). An OSi gets a list of IP addresses for the requested content. It gets the IP addresses in order of the least busy Origin Server, OSj first. The OSi then connects to OSj and gets the requested content.

Each of the OSi implements three modules, a connection module, a statistics module and a bucket module.

    • Connection module: The connection module has a connection manager who manages the connection between the local origin server and OSG. If the local OS (OSi) closes the connection (for any reason) with the OSG, the connection manager is responsible for re-establishing the connection with the OSG. The connections manager at the OSi is responsible of sending messages to and processing received messages from OSG.
    • Statistics module: The statistics module maintains system level statistics (CPU consumed, inbound and outbound bytes) between two reporting periods at the OSi.
    • Bucket module: This module has a bucket manager, which keeps a list of all buckets and files in each of the buckets. The bucket manager also sends updates to buckets between two reporting periods to the OSG.

End User is not in any OB:

If a requesting end user is not in any of the administrative domains of the OBs and if the requested content may be shown in the geography of the end user, the request for content is forwarded to the closest OBl. The tracker at OBl then determines the end point in the OBl that may be best suited to download content to the requesting end user.

If an end point in OBl that is assigned by the tracker to serve the requesting end user does not have the requested content, the OSl first gets the address of the OS{j} from OSG that have the requested content. Subsequently, the OSl downloads the content and sends it to the assigned end point in the same OBl that will serve the content to the end user.

When a New OB Comes Online:

When a new OB (call it OBn) comes online, the OSn at OBn does the following:

As part of its initialization, the OSn is assigned the IP address of the Global origin server, OSG. When the origin server OSn comes up, it opens a TCP connection with the OSG.

The global origin server OSG receives the following information from each of the OSi for all OBi that come together to form a global inter-distribution network. Periodically, each of the OSi reports the number of outbound bytes, number of inbound bytes, number of active connections and CPU utilization. The OSG uses this information to infer the load at the OS. The OSi send this information with updates to buckets and files in each bucket.

The sequence diagram in FIG. 4 describes the communication between OSi and OSG when OSi comes online:

When an OB comes online (say OBi ) the OSi in the OBi establishes a TCP connection with OSG. Next, OSG sends an OS_getBucketList message to the OBi. In response, the OSi sends a list of all buckets and files in each of the buckets to OSG. Following the initial message exchange, the OSi updates the OSG with changes in file/bucket list every couple of minutes via the OS_updateBucketList. This message also contains the statistics information at the OSi. In response, the OSG acknowledges the receipt of the information from OBi via an OS_receivedBucketUpdate response.

When an OB Fails:

When an OB fails (the connection between OSi and OSG goes down), the bucket manager at OSG removes all buckets and files associated with OSi. The neighbourhood manager at OSG removes OSi from its list of neighbours and all buckets associated with OSi. When an OSi in OBi comes online, it attempts to open a connection with OSG.

Typically, OSG is mirrored for redundancy. However, if OSG must go down for maintenance (or for any other unexpected reason) and comes back up, it starts the interconnection between the disjoint CDNs. Once each of the OSi connects with the OSG, they respond to the OS_getBucketList request with a list of buckets and files in the buckets. Subsequently, each of the OSi periodically send the updates to files and buckets to the OSG.

Key Functions of the Global Origin Server:

The global origin server OSG has the following functionalities:

    • The OSG helps each of the OSi form a network of origin servers.
    • Periodically, the OSG communicates with each of origin servers OSi
      • 1. It gets a list of buckets and files in the buckets from each of the OSi.
      • 2. It gets updates to any of the files/buckets in each of the OSi.
      • 3. It gets statistical info on the status of each of the OSi. This allows OSG to infer which OSk is best able to serve content request for OSj.

Thus, the OSG knows the location of every piece of content in each OB.

When an OSi in an OBi looks for a piece of content, it gets an ordered list of OB{i} from whom it can request the content.

Advantages of the Invention

The key advantages of this invention are:

    • Allows OBs in distinct administrative domains to come together to form a seamless global CDN network.
    • Decouple content identification and forwarding from DNS to Origin Servers across different OBs. Content routing done at the OS of the serving OB is at the transport level.
    • Avoids complexity of content peering between CDNs. It does this by using a global origin server OSG that has the global view of all the content is the origin severs across all the OBs.
    • The end points, when requesting content, connect to a network of overlay origin severs. In reality, they receive content only from the local origin server of the OB. So, end points don't need to know or resolve addresses from other OBs.
    • The method ensures low communication overhead across the network of OSs by passing only the updates between individual OS and OSG rather than send the entire list of buckets each time.

A person skilled in the art could introduce changes and modifications in the embodiments described without departing from the scope of the invention as it is defined in the attached claims.


  • ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

  • CDN Content Distribution Network

  • DNS Domain Name Service

  • POP Point of Presence

  • TLD Top Level Domain

  • FTP File Transfer Protocol


  • MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm 5

  • URL Uniform Resource Locator

  • ISP Internet Service Provider

  • TTL Time To Live

  • OB Operating Business

  • CDI Content Distribution Internetworking

  • TCP Transport Control Protocol


  • [1] Domain Name System definition.

  • [2] Akamai.

  • [3] Limelight Networks,

  • [4] Amazon Cloudfront,

  • [5] Edgecast,

  • [6] Highwinds Network Group,

  • [7] A. Biliris, C. Cranor, F. Douglis, M. Rabinovich, S. Sibal, O. Spatscheck, and W. Sturm, “CDN Brokering”, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Web Caching and Content Distribution, Boston, Mass., June 2001.

  • [8] M. Day, B. Cain, G. Tomlinson and P. Rzewski, A Model for Content Internetworking (CDI), Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 3466, February 2003.

  • [9] A. Barbir, B. Cain, F. Douglis, M. Green, M. Hofmann, R. Nair, D. Potter and O. Spatscheck, Known Content Network (CN) Request-Routing Mechanisms, May 2002.

  • [10] P. Rzewski, M. Day and D. Gilletti, Content Internetworking (CDI) Scenarios, RFC 3570, July 2003.

  • 1. System for Content Distribution Internetworking, comprising a plurality of Content Delivery Networks, or CDN, each defining an operating business (OBi) having its respective local origin server (OSi), and computing means for performing the interconnection of said plurality of CDNs, wherein: said computing means comprises of a global origin server, (OSG), that coordinates the formation of a global network by connecting to some or all of the said local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi)s; andsaid global origin server (OSG), maintains meta-data of the buckets that are in each of said local origin server (OSi) in the plurality of CDNs,
  • 2. A system as per claim 1, wherein said global origin server (OSG) is connected to each of the said local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi) by keeping an open TCP connection with each of said local origin servers (OSi).
  • 3. A system as per claims 1, comprising a single top-level domain, or TLD, server common to all the operating businesses (OBs).
  • 4. A system as per claim 3, wherein said TLD server is deployed in one of the said operating businesses (OB0).
  • 5. A system as per claim 1, wherein said global origin server (OSG) is deployed in one of the said operating businesses (OB0).
  • 6. A system as per claim 1, wherein said global origin server (OSG) is in charge of returning a list of IP addresses of one or more local origin servers (OS{j}) that have the specific content requested by the local origin server, OSi.
  • 7. A system as per claim 6, where said requesting local origin server (OSi) connects to one of the local origin servers from the list of origin servers (OS{j}), and downloads the requested content.
  • 8. A system as per claim 1, wherein said global origin server (OSG) comprises a connection module having a connection manager that is responsible for maintaining an open TCP connection with each of the local origin servers (OSi) in each of said operating business (OBi).
  • 9. A system as per claim 6, wherein said global origin server (OSG) comprises a connection module having a connection manager that is responsible for maintaining an open TCP connection with each of the local origin servers (OSi) in each of said operating business (OBi), and wherein said connection module of said global origin server (OSG) is responsible for processing a message received from a local origin server (OSi) requesting a specific content, and returning in response to the same local origin server (OSi), a message that includes a list of IP addresses of one or more origin servers (OS{j}) that have the requested content.
  • 10. A system as per claim 9, where said global origin server (OSG) comprises a bucket module having a bucket manager that gets a list of all the buckets and files in the buckets from each of the local origin servers (OSi), and is responsible for identifying the list of local origin servers (OS{j}) that have the requested content.
  • 11. A system as per claim 10, wherein said global origin server (OSG) comprises a neighbourhood module having a neighbourhood manager with information about each of the local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi) that also processes statistics information received from each of the origin servers and first identifies the list of local origin servers (OS{j}) that can serve the requested content, and the creates and returns an ordered list from the least loaded to the most loaded origin server, of the said one or more local origin servers (OS{j}) that can serve the requested content.
  • 12. A system as per claim 1, where each of said local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi) comprises of a connection module with a connection manager that manages the connection between the local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi).and the global origin server (OSG), for sending and receiving messages, for processing the received messages, and for re-establishing a said connection in case it is closed.
  • 13. A system as per claim 12, where each of the said local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi) comprises of a statistics module that maintains system level statistics between two reporting periods.
  • 14. A system as per claim 12, where each of said local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi) comprises a bucket module with a bucket manager that keeps a list of all the buckets and files in each of the buckets and sends any bucket updates between two reporting periods to the global origin server (OSG).
  • 15. A method for Content Distribution Internetworking, comprising performing the interconnection of a plurality of Content Delivery Networks, or CDNs, each defining an operating business (OBi) having its own local origin server (OSi), comprising, in order to perform said interconnection: using a global origin server (OSG) for coordinating the formation of a global network by connecting said global origin server (OSG) to some or all of said local origin servers (OSi) in each of the said operating business (OBi);maintaining said global origin server (OSG) meta-data of the buckets that are in each local origin server (OSi) in the plurality of CDNs; andin case a requested content is not in said local origin server (OSi) a request to said global origin server (OSG) is done to recover said content.
  • 16. A method as per claim 15, comprising: an end user requesting a specific content from an end point in one of said operating business (OBi);the said end point receiving said content request from the said end user;the said end point in said operating business (OBi) sending the content request to the local origin server (OSi) in the said operating business (OBi);the local origin server (OSi) receiving said content request from said end point in the said operating business (OBi);the said local origin server (OSi), checking if it has the requested content, and if it does not, sending the content request to the said global origin server (OSG);the global origin server (OSG) identifying one or more local origin servers (OS{j}) that have the requested content and creating an ordered list with their IP addresses starting with the least loaded origin server and sending said list of origin servers (OS{j}) to the local origin server (OSi) that requested the content;the local origin server (OSi) that does not have the requested content, selecting from said list: if only one local origin server (OS{j}) address is in the list, the address of said one local origin server (OSj); orif more than one local origin server (OS{j}) address is in the list, the address of the least loaded local origin server (OSj),the local origin server (OSi) that does not have the requested content connecting to the selected local origin server (OSj), and downloading the requested content;the local origin server (OSi) that has downloaded the requested content, forwarding the downloaded content to the requesting end point; andthe end point sending the content to the requesting end user.
  • 17. A method as per claim 15, comprising a local origin server (OSi) coming online: said local origin server (OSi) establishing a TCP connection with said global origin server (OSG);the global origin server (OSG) sending to the local origin server (OSi), through said TCP connection, a message requesting information about its buckets; andthe local origin server (OSi), sending to the global origin server (OSG), said required information in the form of a list of all buckets and files in each of the buckets at the local origin server (OSi).
  • 18. A method as per claim 15, comprising, said global origin server (OSG) communicating periodically, with each of the local origin servers (OSi), to: get a list of buckets and files in the buckets from each of the local origin servers (OSi);get updates to any of the files/buckets in each of the local origin servers (OSi); andget statistical info on the status of each of the local origin servers (OSi).
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
P201130756 May 2011 ES national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/EP12/58350 5/7/2012 WO 00 11/6/2013