The present invention pertains generally to systems and methods for switching optical signals from one optical waveguide to another. More particularly, the present invention pertains to systems and methods for switching and modulating optical signals that have already been modulated by their second order mode as well as higher order modes as they transit a waveguide. The present invention is particularly, but not exclusively, useful for systems and methods that employ optical switches, wherein the switching element of the optical switch is a reverse bias diode.
By definition, a PN junction is the interface between two regions in a semiconductor crystal which have been treated (i.e. doped) so that one region is a P-type semiconductor and the other is an N-type semiconductor; it contains a permanent dipole charge layer (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms: Sixth Edition 2003). More particularly, from a technical perspective, the P-type region includes “holes” arid the N-type region includes “electrons”. In this combination, the permanent dipole charge layer (i.e. a space charge layer) is located between the regions.
As its nomenclature suggests, the space charge layer between the P-type region and the N-type region will be charged. Further, it will have a depletion width, Wd, that is initially determined by the electrical characteristics of the P-type and N-type regions. Importantly, it is known according to the plasma dispersion effect that the index of refraction of a semiconductor material will change as its free carrier concentration is changed. Therefore, the effective refractive index, n, of the PN diode will change as the depletion width Wd is changed. It happens that these changes can be induced electronically by the application of an external voltage.
It is well known that semiconductor materials exhibit a phenomenon that is known as the plasma dispersion effect. In brief, this effect is related to the density of free electron carriers in a semiconductor material. More specifically, this free electron density is determined by the concentration of “electrons” in the N-type region of a PN junction, and by the concentration of “holes” in the N-type region of the PN junction. Of particular interest for the present invention is how the plasma dispersion effect changes the index of refraction of a semiconductor material, and the affect this change will have on an optical signal as it passes through a PN junction.
Along with a consideration of PN junctions as mentioned above, the characteristics of optical waveguides are also important for the present invention. In particular, the interest here is on the nature of light beams and their interaction with an optical waveguide. First, consider a single mode light beam which has no higher order modes and exhibits only what is generally referred to as the fundamental mode. As a distinguishing feature, it is well known that unlike a multi-mode light beam which always includes a fundamental mode together with higher order modes, a single mode light beam will follow a straight line path through an optical waveguide. On the other hand, a higher order mode light beam (e.g. second order mode) primarily will follow a sinusoidal path which passes back and forth across a center line through the optical waveguide due to mode propagation interference.
The present invention has recognized several possibilities from the technical considerations mentioned above that lead toward the use of an optical waveguide as a reverse bias switching/modulating diode. For one, the present invention recognizes that an optical waveguide, which is made of a semiconductor material (e.g. silicon), can be “doped” to create a PN junction. Specifically, both a P-type region and an N-type region, with a space charge layer therebetween, can be manufactured as an optical waveguide to effectively create a waveguide/diode. For another, the present invention recognizes that by introducing a higher order mode optical signal (e.g. second order) into the waveguide/diode, the sinusoidal beam path of the optical signal will cause it to transit back and forth through the space charge region. By changing the external voltage, the depletion width Wd and its corresponding effective index n of the diode will change, and the beam path of the optical signal will be cumulatively changed as it passes back and forth through the space charge region in the waveguide/diodes Moreover, this change in beam path can then be effectively used to selectively direct (i.e. switch) the optical signal as an output from the waveguide/diode onto either of two output optical waveguides.
In light of the above, it is an object of the present invention to provide a reverse bias switching/modulating diode wherein the switching element is itself an optical waveguide. Another object of the present invention is to provide a reverse bias switching/modulating diode that effectively provides for optical switching of higher order mode optical signals. Another object of the present invention is to control the loss/gain component ik of a modulator's index of refraction n+ik for the purpose of causing anisotropic changes in components of a light beam's flux energy (i.e. Poynting vector components P∥and P⊥), to thereby change the propagation distance of the light beam, λc, for eventually switching the light beam from one waveguide to another. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a reverse bias switching/modulating diode that is easy to manufacture, is simple to use, and is comparatively cost effective.
In another aspect of the pertinent technology, the present invention gives consideration to both the phase characteristics and the losses of an optical signal as it transits through an optical waveguide/diode. Mathematically, these considerations are given in the expression for the waveguide/diode's index of refraction:
In this expression n0 and a0 are measures of the intrinsic properties of the waveguide/diode. On the other hand, Δn0 and Δa0 respectively account for a plasma dispersion effect in the PN junction (phase factor) and losses due to absorption effects in the waveguide/diode (loss factor). An important consequence here is that when these factors are considered together, the index of retraction ti varies along a cross-section dimension of the waveguide/diode due to free electron and hole distributions variations around the PN junction.
As disclosed above, an optical signal with higher order modes will follow a sinusoidal path as it transits through an optical waveguide/diode. An important characteristic of this path is the propagation interference distance λc that is traveled by the optical signal, in a π cycle, as the optical signal travels from one side of the waveguide/diode to the opposite side of the waveguide/diode.
With the above in mind, when both phase and loss factors are considered, it is to be appreciated that the propagation interference distance λc can be expressed as:
where, λcn is a constant that is set by the physical characteristics of the waveguide/diode, while λΔcn and Δλca are consequences of the phase and loss factors presented in the expression given above for the waveguide/diode's index of refraction, n=(no+Δno)+i(ao+Δao).
Specifically, in the expression for n given above, Δλcn is an increment that is controlled by Δno, and Δλca is an increment that is controlled by Δao. Thus, during each transit of an optical signal through the PN junction of a waveguide/diode, the optical signal will experience a change in the propagation interference length Δλc due to both phase and loss factors: i.e. Δλc=Δλcn+Δλca.
Importantly, because the fundamental mode of an optical signal is less attenuated than the higher order modes in the depletion region, Wd, of the PN junction, the fundamental mode has relatively less propagation loss during a π cycle. Accordingly, with less propagation loss, the energy in the fundamental mode is more pronounced. Consequently, Δλcn remains relatively constant while Δλca increases with propagation distance and the difference between the two, Δλc, also increases. Stated differently, Δc is distance-dependent and is effectively stretched as it transits the waveguide/diode. Moreover, these changes (Δλca and Δλcn) are cumulative during the transit of the optical signal through the waveguide/diode.
From an energy perspective it is known that the propagation of a light beam's energy flux can be characterized by a Poynting vector, P. By definition, at any point in time, the Poynting vector will have both a magnitude and a direction. In the specific case when the light beam travels as a multimode optical wave on a zigzag path along the axis of a multimode optical waveguide, the Poynting vector can be resolved into a component P∥ that is directed along the axis of the multimode optical waveguide and a component P195 that is directed perpendicular to the axis.
When specifically considering the Poynting vector P of a light beam at the point where it is incident on a material having a spatial varying index of refraction n+ik along the waveguide cross-section, it is known that the loss/gain component ik of this index of refraction will introduce losses or gains that alter the direction of the vector P. In detail, it is known that under the influence of ik, the components and P∥ will P⊥ vary with different loss/gain values in an anisotropic manner. The important consequence here is that the direction of the Poynting vector can be controlled by altering the index of refraction n+ik.
In accordance with the present invention, an optical waveguide is created as a reverse bias switching/modulating diode for use as the switching element of an optical modulator. For this purpose, the optical waveguide is made as a PN junction using a semiconductor material (e.g. silicon) having an effective index of refraction n. During its manufacture, the optical waveguide is doped to create a P-typo region and an N-type region. A consequence here is that a space charge region is also created between the two regions, and this space charge region will have a depletion width Wd which is determined by the electrical characteristics of the P-type region and the N-type region. In this combination, the optical vvaveguide has a first end and a second end with the P-type region, the N-type region, and the space charge region, all extending together between the first and second ends of the waveguide. This construction effectively creates a waveguide/diode.
At least one optical input waveguide is connected to the first end of the waveguide/diode to provide an optical input signal that will transit through the waveguide/diode. As mentioned above, it is an important feature of the present invention that this optical input signal have a dominating higher order mode, e.g. a second order mode signal. Thus, to achieve this purpose for the present invention, two optical input waveguides need to be positioned at a predetermined location at the first end of the waveguide/diode. In particular, with the waveguide/diode defining a central axis, the predetermined location for connecting the two input optical waveguides to the waveguide/diode needs to be offset oppositely from the central axis by an offset distance doffset. The input light beam is guided into one of the two input waveguides and it will be cross-coupled between the two waveguides to create a higher order mode input signal, when transitioning into the waveguide/diode section.
In addition to the optical input waveguide, the present invention envisions there will also be two output waveguides which are each attached to the second end of the waveguide/diode. Preferably, each of the optical output waveguides are attached to separate areas of the second end of the waveguide/diode, and they will be symmetrically positioned relative to the central axis of the waveguide/diode.
A voltage source is connected to the waveguide/diode on opposite sides of its space charge region to establish a reverse bias for the waveguide/diode when a base voltage Vbase is applied to the waveguide/diode. Thereafter, a switching voltage Vπ can be selectively added to (or subtracted from) Vbase to increase (decrease) the electric field in the space charge region. In the event, this also simultaneously changes the depletion width Wd in the space charge region. With this change in the depletion width Wd of the space charge region, the effective index of refraction n of the waveguide/diode also changes. As disclosed in greater detail below, this change in the effective index of refraction n, due to the change of depletion width Wd in the space charge region, allows the present invention to direct the input optical signal onto a preselected output optical waveguide at the second end of the waveguide/diode.
For an operation of the present invention, the base voltage Vbase, the switching voltage Vπ and the manufactured profile of the P-type region and the N-type region of the waveguide/diode will each, individually or collectively, account for the depletion width Wd of the space charge region. Recall, it is the base voltage Vbase and the PN junction profile that establish the reverse bias for the waveguide/diode. On the other hand, it is the switching voltage Vπ, alone, that operationally changes the depletion width Wd and its corresponding free carrier concentration in the space charge region. According to the plasma dispersion effect, the change of free carrier concentration will change its corresponding index of refraction. Thus, the effective index of refraction n will be changed along with the switching voltage Vπ. Importantly, when Vπ has changed n, the path of a higher order made optical signal will experience a change in its higher order mode propagation interference distance λc each time it transits through the space charge region. Accordingly, this change of λc is cumulative along a length L of the waveguide/diode. As a consequence, with an appropriate design consideration of Vπ and L, the present invention is able to direct the input optical signal from one output optical waveguide onto the other output optical waveguide.
Mathematically, considerations for the present invention include the recognition that the length L of the waveguide/diode, the higher order mode propagation interference distance λc, and the changes in λc (i.e. Δλc), are related through the expressions: L=Nλc and λc≅(N+1)Δλc, where N is a positive real number greater than 10. For the present invention the length L is preferably greater than 100 μm and, preferably, Vbase+Vπ<10 volts.
For an alternate embodiment of the present invention, the structure of a waveguide/diode incorporates a PN junction that can include two different semiconductor materials. Specifically, for the waveguide/diode of the alternate embodiment, a P-type region is made of a semiconductor material having a first plasma dispersion effect (e.g. silicon). Its N-type region is then made of a different semiconductor material which has a different plasma dispersion effect (e.g. InGaAsP). In combination, the two different semiconductor materials are bound directly to one another, or they can be separated and bounded (i.e. joined) together by an oxide layer (e.g. silica).
Operationally, the alternate embodiment functions as similarly disclosed for the preferred embodiment. The alternate embodiment, however, provides different electrical capabilities that allow for flexibility in the design and use of structural components for improved performance characteristics. In particular, a significant operational factor of the alternate embodiment is the fact that the plasma dispersion effect of the N-type region (e.g. InGaAsP) is more than two times greater in magnitude than that of the P-type region (e.g. silicon).
Due to the disparity between the respective plasma dispersion effects, the structural design features of the present invention that can be most easily varied to improve overall performance include: 1) the magnitude of the switching voltage Vπ, which can be lower, and 2) the length L of the waveguide/diode, which can be shorter than is otherwise possible. Moreover, as will be appreciated by the skilled artisan, the operational parameters Vπ and L are interrelated by a figure of merit defined as VπL. Thus, they can be respectively selected to balance each other.
In accordance with the present invention, the waveguide/diode is manufactured based on a collective consideration of all modes in an optical signal, i.e. the fundamental (first mode) as well as the higher order modes. In particular, consideration is directed to an index of refraction n for the vvaveguide/diode that accounts for a plasma dispersion effect in the PN junction and losses due to absorption effects in the waveguide/diode. Specifically, n=(no+Δno)+i(ao+Δao).
An important consequence of the index of refraction n is that the propagation interference distance λc of the optical signal is seemingly stretched. Mathematically this consequence results from the fact that when both phase and loss factors are considered, the propagation interference distance λc for a multi-mode optical signal can be expressed as: λc=λcn+Δλcn+λca. In this case, λcn is a constant that is set by the physical characteristics of the waveguide/diode, while Δλcn and Δλca are consequences due to the phase and loss factors in the expression for the index of refraction n.
Operationally, when a voltage source is connected with the PN junction and provides a base voltage (V=Vbase), n varies along the length L of the waveguide/diode. Thus, a distance-dependent propagation interference distance λc is created for the optical signal. Further, when a switching voltage Vπ is selectively applied (i.e. V=Vbase+Vπ), a different distance-dependent, propagation interference distance λc′ is created for the optical signal. The result is a change in the distance-dependent interference distance, Δλc. In detail, Δλc for the optical signal is equal to λc′-λc (i.e. ±Δλc=λc′-λc). As envisioned for the present invention, with the change Δλc the optical signal can be switched from one pathway to another at the length L. In the waveguide/diode when ∫ Δλc=λc.
With the above considerations in mind, it happens that the length L necessary for switching an optical signal from one pathway to another has been found to be substantially less than the L required for a waveguide/diode when only phase factors are considered. Thus, it is possible to establish a shorter length L between the first end and the second end of the waveguide/diode to switch the optical signal from one pathway to another at the length L, when ∫ Δλc≈λc.
For an alternate embodiment of the present invention, a structure and methodology are provided for a multimode optical waveguide. Specifically, this structure includes two optical waveguides that are juxtaposed, side-by-side, to define an axis for the multimode optical waveguide. A modulator is positioned along the axis between the two optical waveguides to establish an interference region that extends along a predetermined axial length L of the multimode optical waveguide.
It is an important aspect of this alternate embodiment for the present invention that the modulator is recognized to have an index of refraction n+ik, wherein ik is a loss/gain component to n. With this in mind, a base condition for the multimode optical waveguide is defined. Specifically, the base condition exists when the change in propagation distance of a light beam (carrier wave) traveling on a zigzag path through the multimode optical waveguide results in a loss or gain of one wavelength λ. This occurs along multimode optical waveguide at the axial length L.
As intended for the present invention, when an external stimulus is applied to the modulator its index of refraction n+ik changes. Consequently, along the length L, the light beam that passes back and forth through the stimulated modulator will experience a change in its propagation length that is equal to λc. For purposes of the present invention λc=±180° at the length L. Also, at the length L the energy in the light beam will be effectively switched from one waveguide to the other.
From an energy perspective, the light beam (carrier wave) can be characterized by a Poynting vector P having one component P∥ that is parallel to the axis of the multimode optical waveguide, and another component P⊥ that is perpendicular to the axis. As recognized for the present invention, when the modulator is being influenced by an external stimulus as described above, the loss/gain component ik of the index of refraction n+ik causes anisotropic changes in P∥ and P⊥. The consequence here is a change in the propagation distance of the light beam that is equal to Δλc. This occurs each time the light beam passes through the modulator.
From the perspective of the Poynting vector, P, for a light beam (carrier wave), consider first a base condition for the multimode optical waveguide wherein the vector P intercepts the modulator at an incident angle θ. In this case, when an external stimulus is applied to the modulator, the direction of the Poynting vector P will he changed by an increment ±Δθ. Consequently, the propagation interference distance of the carrier wave will change by an increment ±Δλc. In particular, this will happen each time the carrier wave passes through the interference region. Furthermore, the angle change in a cycle is ±Δθ with the additional angle change accumulated over prior cycles. The result here is the ∫Δλc=±λc at the length L and thus, the energy of the carrier wave is essentially shifted from the first waveguide to the second waveguide. Succinctly stated, along the length L, ∫Δλc=λc. As noted above, λc is the 180° change in the light beam wavelength after travelling the propagation distance L that is necessary to switch the light beam from one waveguide to the other.
In accordance with the present invention, at least three versions of structure are envisioned. For each version, it is to be noted that the modulator is made of a semiconductor material.
In the first version of the present invention, the modulator includes a semiconductor PIN diode. Also, a voltage source is connected to the PIN diode so that its index of refraction n+ik can be controlled by electric current injection from the voltage source. Thus, this control of the PIN diode causes ±Δθ changes in the angle of incidence for the Poynting vector P of the light beam (carrier wave). In turn, this causes consequent changes in ±Δλc that eventually switch the carrier wave from one waveguide to the other.
For a second version of the present invention, the modulator includes a semiconductor optical amplifier having a gain section. Like the first version, the index of refraction n+ik in the optical amplifier's gain section is altered by a current injection from a voltage source. Again, the resulting change in ±Δθ, with a consequent change in ±Δλc occurs to switch the carrier wave from one waveguide to the other.
For a third structural version of the present invention, like the second version, the modulator includes a semiconductor optical amplifier having a gain section. In this third version, however, the system relies on the fact that the carrier wave will have a predetermined wavelength λa. Also, the system includes a modulating light source for injecting a modulating light wave having a wavelength λb into the second optical waveguide. The modulating light wave with wavelength λb then interacts with the carrier wave in the multimode optical waveguide to modulate λa. In this case, a bias current is created by a voltage source in the gain section of the modulator to establish a base condition for the carrier wave. Preferably, λa>λb to cause ±Δθ, with a consequent change in ±Δλc that occurs to switch the carrier wave from one waveguide to the other.
The novel features of this invention, as well as the invention itself, both as to its structure and its operation, will be best understood from the accompanying drawings, taken in conjunction with the accompanying description, in which similar reference characters refer to similar parts, and in which:
Referring initially to
By referring to
Still referring to
In another aspect of the present invention, it is an important feature that the two input optical waveguides 18a and 18b be eccentrically attached to the first end 12 of the waveguide/diode 10. This attachment should be made at a predetermined location that is at an offset distance doffset from the central axis 16. Specifically, this is done to create higher order modes (e.g. in particular, a second order mode) for optical signals as they transit the length L of waveguide/diode 10. As best seen in
For an operation of the present invention, an optical signal enters the waveguide/diode 10 from the input optical waveguide 18a. The signal can then be directed from the waveguide/diode 10 onto either the output optical waveguide 20a or the output optical waveguide 20b simply by applying, or withholding, the switching voltage Vπ. Functionally, this happens because Vπ causes the depletion width Wd of the cross charge region 26 to change. Consequently, the effective index of refraction n of the waveguide/diode 10 having the cross charge region 26 will also change. In turn, as the optical signal transits the length L of the waveguide/diode 10 back and forth through the cross charge region 26 in the plane 34, the second order mode propagation interference distance, λc, of the optical signal also changes by an increment of Δλc as shown in
Referring now to
With reference to
As shown in
A consequence of the waveguide/diode 40 is that the N-type region 24 will exhibit an N depletion region 44, and the p-type region 22 will exhibit a P depletion region 46. Together these regions 44 and 46 function similarly to the space charge region 26 of the waveguide/diode 10. In a variation for the alternate embodiment of the waveguide/diode 40, the present invention envisions in a different embodiment, an elimination of the oxide layer 42. In this case, the present invention envisions that the N-type region 24 and the P-type region 22 will be grown together.
In another embodiment of the present invention the current waveguide/diode can also be realized in a structure similar to that shown in
With reference to
Referring now to
By way of example, consider the change in propagation interference distance Δλc(350) at the point 60 on the waveguide/diode 10, i.e. when an optical signal has traveled 350 μm along the length L of the waveguide/diode 10. As indicated in
With the consequences of
An embodiment for the present invention that relies on controlling the Poynting vector of a carrier wave is shown in
It is also shown in
Referring now to
Still referring to
The consequence of activating the modulator 76 is best appreciated with reference to
For purposes of the present invention the modulator 76 is made of a semiconductor material. In one embodiment this semiconductor material is a semiconductor PIN diode, and the index of refraction n+ik of the modulator 76 is controlled by electric current injection from the voltage source 78 causing ±Δθ. In another embodiment of the present invention, the semiconductor material is a semiconductor optical amplifier having a gain section. Again, the index of refraction n+ik of the modulator 76 is controlled by electric current injection from the voltage source 78 into the gain section of the optical amplifier for causing ±Δθ. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the carrier wave 80 has a predetermined wavelength λa and the carrier wave 80 is injected into the first vvaveguide 68. Also, a modulating light wave 82 which has a predetermined wave length λb is injected into the second optical waveguide. Then, in the multimode optical waveguide 66 the carrier wave 80 and the modulating light wave 82 interact with each other to modulate the carrier wave 80 to cause ±Δθ. For this interaction, λa is sufficiently longer than λb.
While the particular System arid Method for Controlling Energy Flux Modulation as herein shown and disclosed in detail is fully capable of obtaining the objects and providing the advantages herein before stated, it is to be understood that it is merely illustrative of the presently preferred embodiments of the invention and that no limitations are intended to the details of construction or design herein shown other than as described in the appended claims.
This application is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 15/870,614, filed Jan. 12, 2018, which is currently pending, and which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 15/883,112, filed Aug. 22, 2017, which is currently pending. The contents of application Ser. Nos. 15/870,614 and 15/683,112 are incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 15870614 | Jan 2018 | US |
Child | 16018663 | US | |
Parent | 15683112 | Aug 2017 | US |
Child | 15870614 | US |