System and method for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format


  • Patent Grant
  • 6366921
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, February 9, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, April 2, 2002
    22 years ago
An extensible framework provides a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format. A data access layer of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Graphical User Interface (GUI) component uses ODBC to read and write files. Four abstractions implement the framework. These are (1) a CDatabaseManager class that provides access to data stored in a database; (2) a CSpecializedFile class which composes a CDatabaseManager that abstracts the management of reading and writing to database files and provides a unified interface for use by accessors. If the base class functionality of the CSpecializedFile class is not sufficient then derived specialized file classes are implemented to override the CSpecializedFile commit method and update the file in a different-fashion and/or implement specialized get/set methods by column data item and data type; (3) a CRecordArray class which manages vectored access to information stored as objects in a CColumnData class; and (4) a CColumnData object which manages changes made to the information and saves it when requested.


1. Technical Field of the Invention

This invention pertains to information manipulation. More particularly, it pertains to a dynamic methodology and abstractions for object-based information manipulation.

2. Background Art

Currently, abstracting data into an object for object-based manipulation requires static transformation of the information, and each type of information requires its own unique set of interfaces for manipulating the data. For example, current C++ compilers do not provide a way to handle data stored in a relational manner that has a dynamic number of columns or data types from a C++ client computer. Rather, such compilers require that a description be built at design time that exactly matches the relational data, such as SQL data, being accessed. This requires a per column and data type description for each relational table being accessed. This description is then used by an object oriented program (such as on a C++ computer) to read and write data to the relational data store.

There are two primary problems with this approach. First, for each relational data store accessed a fixed description must be built beforehand. Second, if the data store changes (a column is added or removed, or the data type changed for a column) this fixed description must be changed and the program accessing the relational store recompiled and redistributed to all the clients using the program.

It is an object of the invention to provide an improved client/server system and method providing accesses from a client to data that resides on the same or different machines.

It is a further object of the invention to provide an improved system and method providing dynamic access to data in a uniform and extensible fashion from object-oriented programs.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a system and method for representing and transforming information into a model that provides direct object based manipulation of the data.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a system and method providing for dynamic abstracting of any data into a transformed object.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a uniform, object-based system and method for manipulating the information.

It is a further object of the invention to provide an improved system and method for providing an object-oriented representation of non-object-oriented data using an object-oriented language.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a system and method for accessing a relational data store from an object based program dynamically, that is without requiring data descriptions which are built during design and which, if the data store structure changes, are required to be rebuilt and the program recompiled.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a common row/column access mechanism to relational data from an object-based program.


In accordance with the invention, an extensible framework structures a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format. A database manager class provides access to data stored in a database. A specialized file class composes the database manager class and provides a unified interface for use by accessors, such as applications


. A column data class manages changes made to information stored as objects. A record array class manages vectored access to the objects in the column data class.

Other features and advantages of this invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of the presently preferred embodiment of the invention, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.


FIG. 1

illustrates the data access layer in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 2

illustrates the collection of record data of the CDatabaseManager of FIG.



FIG. 3

illustrates the data access layer class of the preferred embodiment of the invention.


The preferred embodiment of the invention provides an object oriented representation of non-object-oriented data and provides access through object-oriented methods in a two-dimensional representation of data (row, column). In a preferred embodiment, the data manipulated is stored in the representation it is read from (that is, its file format or database table schema).

The preferred embodiment of the invention further provides a system and method implementing a single, unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format that easily lends itself to object-oriented programming. It provides an extensible framework for developers to provide data component plug-ins that do not require the accessor to be aware of underpinning changes.

In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention, an abstraction system-and method are provided for manipulating and dynamically transforming data. Further in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention, a framework system and method are provided for obtaining and processing and writing data of any type and in accordance with different access methods.

Referring to

FIG. 1

, the structure of the data access layer is set forth in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention. Applications


are object oriented programs requiring access to data, which may be in any of data files relational database


, structured files


(record based) or unstructured files



In accordance with the invention, a data access layer


includes several components, including CSpecializedFile


(including interface methods


), CDataBaseManager




, File APIs


, AS/400 Command Language


, AS/400 Program Call


, AS/400 System Object Access


and object based representations of data


. As is represented by line


, representations


are derived from CSpecializedFile


and, as represented by line


, instantiated by application


to access relational database


, structured files


and unstructured files


by using, as is represented by line


, interface methods


. System object access (SOA)


provides object based access to the AS/400 command language


and AS/400 program calls



Data files






may reside on a different machine from the data access layer



Open database connectivity (ODBC)


is an industry standard method for accessing, as is represented by line


, different vendor databases


. File application program interfaces (APIs)


, as is represented by line


, are provided for reading or writing structured or unstructured files, a specific version being provided by each platform. AS/400 command language


, as is represented by line


is provided for writing to any of data files






. AS/400 program call


, as is represented by line


, is used for reading and writing to any of data files







In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention, a multi-dimensional model represents an abstraction provided and maintained across any type of information. The abstraction includes the following:

A multi-dimensional data abstraction providing vector based access, including Read, Update, Write and Delete.

Caching of multi-dimensional data for quick access, where the accessor is not aware of whether data is cached or not.

Commit (that is, save) data upon request.

Refresh data upon request.

Automatic data conversion based on format requested by the accessor.

Reference counting for managing multiple accessors.

Registration and notification mechanism for accessors to be notified of changes to the data model.

The system and method of the preferred embodiment of the invention provides, first, for an accessor to use and manipulate information and, second, for a component implementor to plug into the framework providing information access.

The accessor uses the preferred embodiment of the invention by instantiating an abstracted model object of the data and registering with the object. This increments the number of users of the data object and allows the data object to notify the accessor when the object changes. Data is read and changed in the data object through the use of set and get methods and by passing a vector that uniquely identifies an element request. Modifications are cached, and are not written until the accessor requests the changes be committed by being written to persistent storage.

Referring to

FIG. 3

, the component implementer uses four abstractions to implement a framework. The four abstractions are:







(aka CRecordArray)



CDatabaseManager class


is an abstraction that provides access to data stored in a database. CSpecializedFile


is an abstract class that uses CDatabaseManager


for its data access method and provides a unified interface for accessors to use when manipulating information. CRecordArray


manages the vectored access to information stored as CColumnData


objects. CColumnData objects manage the changes made to the information and save it when requested.

1. Data Access Layer Capabilities

In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention, a data access layer for the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Graphical User Interface (GUI) component uses ODBC to read and write files. In the cases where the files are read-only, CL commands and system APIs (via SOA) are used to write the files.

The data access layer provides:

Read/Write/Delete a record

Read/Update columns

Rewrite an entire file

Column level data conversion

Commit upon request


Caching (record-level)

2. Classes Overview

The classes that provide the functionality for the data access layer are:

Database manager (ODBC manager)

Record data abstraction

Column data abstraction

Specialized file objects

Referring to

FIG. 3

, the data access layer class is diagramed, illustrating selected (but not all) included methods. CSpecializedFile class


composes and contains a CDatabaseManager


that abstracts the management of reading and writing to data files






. If the base class functionality of CSpecializedFile


is not sufficient then derived specialized file classes are implemented. These specialized classes are CMixedFile


, CDatabaseFile


, CIFSFile


. A specialized file class is derived to override the commit method to handle updating the file in a different fashion and/or implement specialized get/set methods by column data item and data type. For example, a commit method may be written to update the file via CL commands but read the file via the composed CDatabaseManager object


. Also, the specialized get/set methods may be written to return data for a specific column and in the proper data type for that column.

The class definitions for each class are described below. The classes are:









3. Database Manager (CDatabaseManager)

Database manager class


contains the ODBC implementation for connecting, accessing, and managing data in database files. In addition, the database manager class


handles automatically creating an ODBC data source if one does not exist for the requested connected system.

Referring to

FIG. 2

, the internal data layout of database manager


, CRecord Data object


, and CColumnData object


is shown. CDatabaseManger


, which includes a cache


of CRecordData pointers




, manages a collection




of CRecordData objects


which in turn manage a set of CColumnData objects



The methods for the CDatabaseManager class



CDatabaseManager(CString& System name, ErrorInfo&)

CDatabaseManager( ) constructor


handles connecting to the AS/400 via an ODBC data source. If an ODBC data source does not exist, then one will be created and then the connection will be established.

void newFileNew(CString& Library, CString& File, CString& Member, ErrorInfo&)

The New method (not shown) is used to create a new (empty) database file and a member inside of it.

void oOpenFile(CString& Libary, CString& File, CString& Member, ErrorInfo&)

Open( ) method


allocates a SQL statement, executes the SQL select statement to retrieve the information, allocate a record data object, and bind the first record's column and data to the record and column data.

void closeFileClose ( )

Close( ) method


closes the file and ends the ODBC data source connection.

void cCommitFile(ErrorInfo&)

Commit( ) method


reads through the collection of record data objects




and makes the appropriate changes based on the pending operation




in the record data object or the IsModified flag


of the column data


. Commit( ) method


builds the appropriate SQL commands and executes them. If an error occurs, then a rollback is performed. After the updates are successfully performed, the cache


of record data objects




is flushed.

int gGetTotalNumberOfColumns( )

GetNumberOfColumns( )


returns the total number of columns in the database file (not shown).

CString* gGetColumnName(int Column number, ErrorInfo& )

GetColumnName( ) (not shown) returns the name of a specific column as a CString object.

int gGetTotalNumberOfRecords( )

GetTotalNumberOfRecords( ) (not shown) returns the total number of records in the database file.

CColumnData* gGetColumnData(int Record number, int Column number, ErrorInfo& ) and

CColumnData* gGetColumnData(int Record number, CStringint & Column name, ErrorInfo& )

GetColumnData( ) method


retrieves the data object of a specific record column. This is done by checking the keyed record cache


and if the record has already been retrieved then its column data object is returned. If it has not been retrieved yet, then it will be retrieved. This results in the allocation of this record data object, and the binding of the first record's column and data to the record and column data of this record.

Boolean iIsRecordModified( )

IsRecordModified( ) method


checks all the modified flags of a column data object and returns TRUE if one or more have been changed and FALSE if none of them have been changed.

void sSetColumnData(int Record number, int Column number, CString& data, ErrorInfo&) and

void sSetColumnData(int Record number, int CString& Column name, CString& data, ErrorInfo)

SetColumnData( ) method


updates (in cache


) a specific column's data member in its column data object



void dDeleteFile(CString& Libary, CString& File, CString& Member, ErrorInfo&)

A DeleteFile( ) method (not shown) deletes a specific file or member in a file.

int aAddRecord(ErrorInfo& )

AddRecord( ) method


returns the record number of a new record data object just added to the record data cache


. An empty record data object


(and its associated column data object


) are created. Subsequent SetColumnData( ) method


calls are required to put data into the new record.

CString* rReadRecord(int Record number, ErrorInfo& )

ReadRecord( ) method


provides an unformatted way of reading a record at a time. It return the contents of a record as a CString. If the record contains multiple columns, then each column is delimited by a tab character (\t).

void dDeleteRecord(int Record number, ErrorInfo& )

DeleteRecord( ) method


deletes a record by marking it in the record data cache


as deleted. In order for the delete to take affect a subsequent commit( )


must be called.

void dDeleteAllRecords(ErrorInfo& )

DeleteAllRecords( ) method


deletes all records in the file by marking all the cached records


as deleted and maintaining a state variable (not shown) that represents that all records have been deleted.

The protected data members for theCDatabaseManager class are:

Collection keyed by record number and column name of record abstraction objects and modification interpretation (record cache)

CString Library

CString File

CString Member name

int Total number of records

CString System name

Data source handle

intCString Total number of columns

Boolean DeleteAll

4. Record Data (CRecordData)

Record data class


is contained in the record cache


managed by CDatabaseManager class


. The record data class


contains and manages a record that has been retrieved, deleted, or created (new).

The methods for the CRecordData class are:

CRecordData(int Record number, CDatabaseManager & dbMgr)

CRecordData( ) constructor


creates a record data object




and then use the CDatabaseManager object


to retrieve the number of columns in the file. It uses this value to create a collection of column data objects


keyed by column name



CColumnData* gGetColumnData(int Column number, ErrorInfo& ) and

CColumnData* gGetColumnData(CString Column name, ErrorInfo& )

GetColumnData( ) method


retrieves a specific column's column data object



int gGetRecordNumber( )

A GetRecordNumber( ) method (not shown) returns the record number this record data object represents.

Boolean iIsRecordModified( )

An IsRecordModified( ) method (not shown) searches the list of column data objects


the record object


is managing and returns TRUE if one or more columns have their modified flag


set. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.

int gGetPendingOperation( )

GetPendingOperation( ) method


returns the operation pending




on this record


(new or delete).

void sSetPendingOperation(int PendingOperation)

SetPendingoperation( ) method


sets the pending operation member data


to the value passed in. Pending operation


is used to mark records as either new or deleted. The modified flag


of each column data object


manages if a column has been updated.

The protected data members for the CRecordData class



collection of Column data objects keyed by column name and number

int Record number

Pending operation (New, Delete)

reference to CDatabaseManager object

5. Column Data Description (CColumnData)

Column data class


is contained in the record data object


managed by CDatabaseManager class


. Column data class


contains and manages the column information and data of a record




that has been retrieved, deleted, or created.

The methods for the CColumnData class



CColumnData(CString& ColumnName, int ColumnNumber, int DataType, CString& Data)

CColumnData( ) constructor


builds a column data object


representing the column's data


and information, including name


, type


, column number


, and modified flag



CString* gGetColumnName( )

GetColumnName method


returns the name of a column.

int gGetColumnNumber( )

GetColumnNumber method


returns the number of a column.

int gGetColumnDataType( )

GetColumnDataType( ) method


returns the data type of a column.

Boolean iIsModified( )

IsModified method


is used to determine if the data has been modified.

dataType gGetColumnData( )

GetColumnData( ) method


returns the data


of a column. Overloaded methods are provided for each return data type.

void sSetColumnData(dataType)

SetColumnData( ) method


sets the data


of a column. Overloaded methods are provided for each data type. The protected data members for CColumnData



CString column name

SQL type column data type

CString column data type

Boolean Modified flag

int column number

6. Specialized File Object (CSpecializedFile)

Specialized file object class


is a parent class to derived file objects






. It provides base class functionality for construction CSpecializedFile( )


, Open( )


, Close( )


, Commit( )


, ReadRecord( )


, AddRecord( )


, DeleteAllRecords( )


, DeleteRecord( )


, Delete( )


, GetNumberOfColumns( )


, and GetColumnName( )


. The methods for theCSpecializedFile class are:

CSpecializedFile(CString& SystemName, CString& Library, CString& FileName, CString & MemberName, ErrorInfo& ) and

CSpecializedFile(CString& SystemName, CString& FilePath (IFS style), ErrorInfo& )

CSpecializedFile( ) constructor


builds a file object


representing the file to be manipulated and constructs the CDatabaseManager object


. If CL commands will be used, then the CL command stack object (not shown) is constructed. In addition, if SOA object wrappers (not shown) for System APIs are needed, then these are constructed.

void newFileNew((CString& Library, CString& FileName, CString& MemberName, ErrorInfo&)

A New method (not shown) is used to create a new (empty) database file


and a member inside of it.

void openFileOpen(ErrorInfo&)

Open( ) method


calls the Open( ) method


of the CDatabaseManager object


to open the requested file.

void closeFileClose(ErrorInfo&)

Close( ) method


calls the Close( ) method


of the CDatabaseManager object


to close the requested file. If changes are to be saved, Commit( ) method


must be called. Otherwise, the changes will be lost.

int gGetTotalNumberOfColumns( )

GetTotalNumberOfColumns( ) method


(aka GetNumberOfColumns( ) ) returns the total number of columns in the requested file.

CString* gGetColumnName(int Column number, ErrorInfo&)

GetColumnName( ) method


returns the name of the column as a string.

void cCommitFile(ErrorInfo&)

Commit( ) method


calls the Commit( ) method


of CDatabaseManager object


if the requested file can be written out using ODBC (file has read/write capabilities). Otherwise, Commit( ) method


builds the appropriate CL command string (or set of CL commands) and SOA object updates, if necessary. Then, it performs the CL commands and SOA object commit(s). The CL command(s) execution is performed using the CL command stack object.

CString* rReadRecord(int Record number, ErrorInfo&)

ReadRecord( ) method


calls the ReadRecord( ) method


of the CDatabaseManager object


to read a specific record in the requested file and return it in a formatted Cstring.

void sSetColumnData(int Record number, int Column number, CString& data, ErrorInfo&)

A SetColumnData( ) method (not shown) calls the SetColumnData( ) method


of the CDatabaseManager object


to set the data of a specific column.

int aAddRecord(ErrorInfo&)

AddRecord( ) method


calls the AddRecord( ) method


of the CDatabaseManager object


to add an empty record that can be set later using specialized sets. AddRecord( )


returns the record number of the record added.

void dDeleteRecord(int Record number, ErrorInfo&)

DeleteRecord( ) method


calls the DeleteRecord( ) method


of CDatabaseManager object


to mark the specific record as deleted. The record will be deleted when Commit( ) method


is called.

void dDeleteAllRecords(ErrorInfo&)

DeleteAllRecords( ) method


calls the DeleteAllRecords( ) method


of the CDatabaseManager object


to mark all the records in the file as deleted. All the records will be deleted when the Commit( ) method


is called.

Additional methods may be implemented by derived specialized file objects






. In particular, get and set methods are written to return column data in a specific data type and to set column information in a specific data type.

The protected data members for CSpecializedFile are:

CDatabaseManager object pointer

CL command stack object pointer

SOA object pointer(s)

CString library

CString File

CString Member name

CString Path

CString System Name

In operation, an example of the use of the structures and methods heretofore described, is having several applications


managing a machine's TCP/IP configuration. This operation requires access to relational database


and structured files


by applications


. A first application


instantiates object based representation of data CDataBase file


to read and write the TCP/IP addressing information. A second application


sets up the machines domain name system (DNS) information by instantiating CIFSFile


to read and write the DNS entries in structured file


. A third application


manages the machines TCP/IP routing information (RIP) files by instantiating CMixedFile


. All of this information is presented to the user via a user interface


and then stored when the user has completed the configuration. Alternatively, object based representations of data


may be created by an application programmer and used by applications


directly (without requiring a user interface



Advantages over the Prior Art

It is an advantage of the invention that there is provided an improved client/server system and method providing accesses from a client to data that resides on the same or different machines.

It is a further advantage of the invention that there is provided an improved system and method providing dynamic access to data in a uniform and extensible fashion from object-oriented programs.

It is a further advantage of the invention that there is provided a system and method for representing and transforming information into a model that provides direct object based manipulation of the data.

It is a further advantage of the invention that there is provided a system and method providing for dynamic abstracting of any data into a transformed object.

It is a further advantage of the invention that there is provided a uniform, object-based system and method for manipulating the information

It is a further advantage of the invention that there is provided a system and method for accessing a relational data store from an object based program dynamically, that is without requiring data descriptions which are built during design and which, if the data store structure changes, are required to be rebuilt and the program recompiled.

It is a further advantage of the invention that there is provided a common row/column access mechanism to relational data from an object-based program.


It will be appreciated that, although specific embodiments of the invention have been described herein for purposes of illustration, various modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. In particular, it is within the scope of the invention to provide a program storage or memory device such as a solid or fluid transmission medium, magnetic or optical wire, tape or disc, or the like, for storing signals readable by a machine for controlling the operation of a computer according to the method of the invention and/or to structure its components in accordance with the system of the invention.

Further, each step of the method may be executed on any of several general computer systems, such as an IBM System


, AS/400, PC or the like and pursuant to one or more, or a part of one or more, program modules or objects generated from any of several programming language, such as C++, Java, or the like. And still further, each said step, or a file or object or the like implementing each said step, may be executed by special purpose hardware or a circuit module designed for that purpose.

Accordingly, the scope of protection of this invention is limited only by the following claims and their equivalents.

  • 1. A method for manipulating data, comprising the steps of:structuring in an extensible framework a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework including an interface, a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database and a specialized file class that defines an object based method of managing said data; operating said specialized file class to compose said database manager class and provide a unified interface for use by accessors to relational data; and operating said specialized file class to manage vectored access to information stored as objects.
  • 2. A method of claim 1, comprising the further steps of:operating said specialized file class to implement derived specialized file classes selectively for overriding a commit method and executing specialized get and set methods by column data item and data type.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, comprising the further steps of:operating said specialized file class to provide a unified interface for use by accessors selectively to manage structured and unstructured data.
  • 4. An extensible framework system structuring a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework comprising:a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database; a specialized file class for composing said database manager class and providing a unified interface for use by accessors; a column data class for managing changes made to information stored as objects; and a record array class for managing vectored access to said objects in said column data class.
  • 5. The extensible framework system of claim 4, further comprising:at least one derived specialized file class for providing unified access to non-relational data and selectively overriding a commit method and executing specialized get and set methods by column data item and data type.
  • 6. The extensible framework system of claim 4, said database manager class further comprising:a database manager constructor for establishing a connection to a data source; a new method for creating a database file and a member within it; an open method for allocating and binding a record data object; a close method for closing said database file and ending said connection to said data source; a commit method for selectively updating or rolling back changes to said record data object; a get total number of columns method for returning the total number of columns in said database file; a get column name method for returning the name of a specific column; a get total number of records method for returning the total number of records in said database file; a get column data method for retrieving the data object of a specific record column; an is record modified method for checking modified flags of column data objects for those which have been changed; a set column data method for updating a data member in said column data object; a delete file method selectively for deleting said database file or a member in said database file; an add record method for creating an empty record data object and its associated column data object; a read record method for reading a record; a delete record method for marking a record as deleted; and a delete all records method for marking all records in said databasefile as deleted.
  • 7. The extensible framework system of claim 6, said database manager having as protected data members a record cache, a string library, a string file, a string member name, string system name, total number of records, total number of columns, data source handle, and delete all.
  • 8. The extensible framework system of claim 4, said record data class further comprising:a record data constructor for creating a record data object and creating a collection of column data objects keyed by column name; a get column data method for retrieving a specific column data object; a get record number method for obtaining a record number representing a record data object; an is record modified method for determining if one or more columns of a record object have been modified; a get pending operation method for determining a pending operation on a record object; and a set pending operation method for marking records as new or deleted.
  • 9. The extensible framework system of claim 8, said record data class having as protected data members a collection of column data objects keyed by column name and number, record number, pending operation, and a reference to said database manager object.
  • 10. The extensible framework system of claim 4, said column data class further comprising:a column data constructor for building a column data object; a get column name method for obtaining the name of a column; a get column number method for obtaining the number of a column; a get column data type method for obtaining the data type of a column; an is modified method for determining if data has been modified; a get column data method for returning the data of a column; and a set column data method for setting the data of a column.
  • 11. The extensible framework system of claim 10, said column data class having as protected data members column name, column data type, modified flag and column number.
  • 12. The extensible framework system of claim 10, said specialized file class having as protected data members a database manager object pointer, a command stack object pointer, one or more object pointers, a library, a file, a member name, a path and a system name.
  • 13. The extensible framework system of claim 4, said specialized file class providing base class functionality for and further comprising:a specialized file constructor for building a file object representing a file to be manipulated and for constructing said database manager object; a new method for creating a member within an empty data file; a first open method for calling a second open method of said data manager to open a file; a first close method for calling a second close method of said data manager to close a file; a get total number of columns method for determining the number of columns in a file; a get column name method for obtaining the name of a column; a first commit method for calling a second commit method of said data manager committing changes to a file; a first read record method for calling a second read record method of said data manager to read a specific record; a first set column data method for calling a second set column data method to set the data of a specific column; a first add record method for calling a second add record method of said data manager for adding an empty record for later setting by way of specialized set methods; a first delete record method for calling a second delete record method of said data manager to mark a specific record as deleted; and a first delete all records method for calling a second delete all records method of said data manager to mark all records in a file as deleted.
  • 14. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by a machine to perform method steps for manipulating data, said method steps comprising:structuring in an extensible framework a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework including an interface, a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database and a specialized file class that defines an object based method of managing said data; operating said specialized file class to compose said database manager class and provide a unified interface for use by accessors to relational data; and operating said specialized file class to manage vectored access to information stored as objects.
  • 15. An article of manufacture comprising:a computer useable medium having computer readable program code means embodied therein for manipulating data, the computer readable program means in said article of manufacture comprising: computer readable program code means for causing a computer to effect structuring in an extensible framework a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework including an interface, a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database and a specialized file class that defines an object based method of managing said data; computer readable program code means for causing a computer to effect operating said specialized file class to compose said database manager class and provide a unified interface for use by accessors to relational data; and computer readable program code means for causing a computer to effect operating said specialized file class to manage vectored access to information stored as objects.
  • 16. An extensible framework system structuring a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework comprising:a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database; a specialized file class for composing said database manager class and providing a unified interface for use by accessors; a column data class for managing changes made to information stored as objects; a record array class for managing vectored access to said objects in said column data class; said database manager class further comprising: a database manager constructor for establishing a connection to a data source; a new method for creating a database file and a member within it; an open method for allocating and binding a record data object; a close method for closing said database file and ending said connection to said data source; a commit method for selectively updating or rolling back changes to said record data object; a get total number of columns method for returning the total number of columns in said database file; a get column name method for returning the name of a specific column; a get total number of records method for returning the total number of records in said database file; a get column data method for retrieving the data object of a specific record column; an is record modified method for checking modified flags of column data objects for those which have been changed; a set column data method for updating a data member in said column data object; a delete file method selectively for deleting said database file or a member in said database file; an add record method for creating an empty record data object and its associated column data object; a read record method for reading a record; a delete record method for marking a record as deleted; and a delete all records method for marking all records in said databasefile as deleted.
  • 17. The extensible framework system of claim 16, said database manager having as protected data members a record cache, a string library, a string file, a string member name, string system name, total number of records, total number of columns, data source handle, and delete all.
  • 18. An extensible framework system structuring a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework comprising:a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database; a specialized file class for composing said database manager class and providing a unified interface for use by accessors; a column data class for managing changes made to information stored as objects; and a record array class for managing vectored access to said objects in said column data class. said record data class further comprising: a record data constructor for creating a record data object and creating a collection of column data objects keyed by column name; a get column data method for retrieving a specific column data object; a get record number method for obtaining a record number representing a record data object; an is record modified method for determining if one or more columns of a record object have been modified; a get pending operation method for determining a pending operation on a record object; and a set pending operation method for marking records as new or deleted.
  • 19. The extensible framework system of claim 18, said record data class having as protected data members a collection of column data objects keyed by column name and number, record number, pending operation, and a reference to said database manager object.
  • 20. An extensible framework system structuring a unified interface for data manipulation in a dynamic object-based format, said framework comprising:a database manager class for providing access to data stored in a database; a specialized file class for composing said database manager class and providing a unified interface for use by accessors; a column data class for managing changes made to information stored as objects; and a record array class for managing vectored access to said objects in said column data class. said column data class further comprising: a column data constructor for building a column data object; a get column name method for obtaining the name of a column; a get column number method for obtaining the number of a column; a get column data type method for obtaining the data type of a column; an is modified method for determining if data has been modified; a get column data method for returning the data of a column; and a set column data method for setting the data of a column.
  • 21. The extensible framework system of claim 19, said column data class having as protected data members column name, column data type, modified flag and column number.
  • 22. The extensible framework system of claim 19, said specialized file class having as protected data members a database manager object pointer, a command stack object pointer, one or more object pointers, a library, a file, a member name, a path and a system name.
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